Hunter’s Name: Mikhail Lannyster
Age: 22

Weapon of choice:
mikhail could be considered to have three different main weapons. The first, and possibly greatest is his wolf, Brynhild. She is three feet tall at the shoulder, five feet long from snout to tail. Her claws are razor sharp, as are her teeth. Brynhild has her own set of armor that Mikhail made himself.

The second weapon was one he had to purchase. It is one of the older versions of the pistols. It has next to no accuracy, as such, Mikhail uses it for short range only.

His last weapon would be his sword. Nothing much, it is merely a hand and a half sword. Though, like his armor and Brynhild's armor, Mikhail made it himself.

Armor of choice:
Mikhail's armor, much like his sword, was made by himself. While it might not be of the best quality, it gets the job done. The armor has a steel, segmented chest plate that covers the entire abdomen. Over which is a thick jacket. Once completely red, it has faded over the years. Now mud cakes the bottom ridge and dark spots can be seen, typically with repairs to the fabric in those areas.

Mikhail is an extremely talented blacksmith, however, he is also really good with animals. While not especially gifted at the sword, Mikhail can use it well enough to keep himself alive. But his true gifts come out with his ability to learn quickly and train animals.
Mikhail has little to no knowledge of the true nature of monsters. He also has no idea of how magic works. While it fascinates him, it also terrifies him. Secondly, despite his swiftness and agility, Mikhail lacks in raw strength and technique.
Mikhail is usually happy-go-lucky, but that's just a front he puts up. Honestly, he prefers the company of animals to the company of people. He also has the underlying belief that if a monster can be obtained as an egg, or very young, then they can be trained like any other beast of war.
Mikhail was the third son of a Blacksmith. While he learned his father's trade, he grew up knowing that none of it would go to him. Out of the three brothers, Mikhail was the best, but as tradition goes, the first born would receive his inheritance. The second brother, Darren, went into the priesthood. As such, there was nothing left for him. As soon as he came of age, Mikhail left the home that held nothing for him. Heading through the forest, the young man came across a young wolf pup. Alone and weak, he took Brynhild with him. Continuing on his way, the young wolf began to eat more food than Mikhail could provide. As such, Brynhild's training began. Several years have past since then. Mikhail had settled, for a short while, in a small village. Gaining trust with their resident blacksmith, Mikhail was able to produce his weaponry and armor. He paid for it by selling the meat he hunted, and the leatherworks he created. However, soon after, the time for him to leave came again. He had seen the flyers, heard the rumours. Monsters were appearing, and someone needed to fight them.