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    1. BespeckledCeph 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I squat with fellow Gopniks. I slurp vodka. I eat semechki. I dance to hardbass. Life. Is. Good.
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Rider glanced, and smirked slightly. He hit. As she started to dash away, he used the slash he had charged, and immediately closed the gap that was there. Face to face now, he slashes at the female a few times, lands, and shoots once at her. Now on the ground, he is charging a dash, waiting for any devastating attacks to come. He was still a little dazed from the lighting, but nothing he couldn't handle. He was doing as he planned, slowly chipping away at the girl.
Thanks for the info @TheUnknowable

Yeah, that's been a problem throughout all my writing, a bad habit that i'd been trying to stop, I just forget about it sometimes ;-;
With this immediate aggression seen before, he dodged out of the way, and saw her flying in the air. He fired of 5 bullets in rapid succession, each one having a slight deviation, and one aimed right on target. He started to charge a charged swipe, and analyzed the caster

Most of her quick attacks wouldn't be so powerful, but the ones that took a while, he definitely wanted to stop. His parrying wouldn't be to useful as a ranged caster wouldn't be up close much, but he could close the gap and put pressure on her, crack her defenses slowly and get her.
Rider grunted agreeable, and stepped back. He clenched the handle of the sheathed sword tighter, now that no one is getting hurt, he could go full force. He waited for an attack, to learn a pattern, anything that could help him. He stayed back, waiting and prepared, who was going to take the first move, the first step?
Rider's question of what to do now was to be answered quite quickly, as he was transported to this arena. He scanned the crowd, and his opponent. He let out a sigh of sorrow and readied his Pistol. He didn't want another helpless person to die, but he was going to have to. He walked towards the middle of the arena, blank faced as ever, staring directly at this female, waiting for her to make the first move. His hand was on his sword, pistol put back into it's holster.
The Stranger

Name: Rider or just The Stranger
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 213 lbs.
Race: Unknown
Class: Swordsman/Sharpshooter Synergy
Morale: Emotionless on most occasions, shows no remorse

Weapons and Apparel- Graphine Composite Saber and Automatic Laser Handgun. Sword is usually in it's sheath, even when in battle, and only pulled out when using it, putting it back in every swipe or parry. Gun has it's own holster as well, put is usually in the hands of the Rider ready to be shot at any moment. When up close, not having range combat, will replace normal manner of gun only style with sword only style. He can charge a shot with the handgun to do even more damage, and will stun the enemy, takes about 4 seconds to charge fully. Sword is very light and maneuverable, yet stable and sharp, glows with power, and increasing it's damage further. Laser Handgun shoots laser balls, charged shot shoots big ball. Can charge a swipe of his sword to "teleport" 15 ft. and do much more damage than usual. (Teleport is different to dash, he can be hit by projectiles/melee attacks if his path intercepts them.) His torso and legs are made of an unknown material, very strong, and won't break, but doesn't do much to protect. Hands, Feet, Head are all made of normal human bits. Red cloak that covers mouth area and shoulders, drapes down to Stranger's feet.

(Auto Laser Handgun)

(Graphene Composite Saber)

Appearance- His chest has cracks of power that flow through it. Long, white hair flows in the wind, just like his read cape that conceals his expressionless face. Wears short "cargo" shorts with his scabbard and holster. Power lines outline areas that would be different muscles in a normal human body.

Physical Abilities/Skills- The Stranger's total strength is yet unknown, but seen from his feats, it would seem to be up there. His top running speed is 73mph. He can parry melee attacks if they are slow enough, probably couldn't parry a dagger, but definitely could parry an axe or a hammer, these attacks restore a small amount of The Stranger's health. If the attack is predicted, and Rider parries it perfectly, he can combo slash you in the air and do insane damage. The Stranger can also dash about 10 ft. and when he does, he can dodge all attacks, and can charge a dodge to go even further. He is extremely adept with firing his sword and his gun, and can aim and slash very skillfully. Legends say that when he fought The Edge, the sounds of swords whizzing and clashing could be heard for miles. His corruption rots and withers at the ground around him, destroying all life.

Personality- The Stranger lacks any semblance of personality. This is most likely caused by his heart beating at 8bpm. Throughout his journey, he is completely silent, with the occasional grunts of exertion. At the start of his journey, he is highly aggressive, but he learned to be more passive, and wait to see the enemy was hostile before attack.

Background- The first time the player sees The Stranger, he is being tortured and held captive by The Chain. As The Chain leaves, the mysterious bunny masked prisoner The Voice frees him and tells him to kill his jailor for his freedom. As The Stranger proceeds down the prison, killing all Guardians in his way, he begins to learn things about his past. In particular, the Stranger learns that he's being held with such high security because he's done "some bad things" in the Free World, becoming very apparent when The Scale refers to him as his "creator".

The Stranger shows hesitation before dealing the killing blow to The Song, causing The Voice to say that it gave him "hope".

Upon finally killing every Guardian who stood in his way, The Stranger and The Voice were free to leave. On reaching the Free World, The Stranger realized that his very presence corrupted the ground around him, withering plants and blackening dirt. Realizing that he is a being that never did belong in the Free World, The Stranger locates a metal suit in a tower, and flies it skyward, aboard a large Mothership who addresses him as "Rider". The Mothership asks him if the planet is fit for assimilation.

The Stranger answers no, he turns his guns on the Mothership, eventually destroying it and saving the Free World from assimilation. As it dies, the Mothership tells The Stranger that he can't prevent this forever. He wanders now, looking for the next chapter in life.

Cue Theme
I'll just put my character in the character tab, and get writing
I think I went a little hard on her...
Downton, Capital City

There is was, that sound he dreamed about so, ever so often. Some would say it's petty, but looking back on these memories is like porn to him, oh so satisfying. Now that he had killed one, his blood lust could not be stopped. He looked around, observing his surroundings looking for anything out of the ordinary. There. 3 Angels all in one area. It'd be tough, but he's going hunting. He walked as menacingly towards that location as he could, a few Elite Demons came to his aid.

"Well now we can have an even battle for once!" He looked back at where Balthazar was barking orders at demons below, "Thanks for the help bud, it'll be well worth your time."

As he got closer, he analyzed some of them. One was an Archangel, fully suited and ready for battle, holy sword in hand, and disgusting form. Everything was terrible about him. They all were bad, but he was putrid. The smell of god even made it to John's nostrils, and he retched back. He could tell that he was a good ways up on the priority list, but there was another. Something was off about her. She moved differently to the others, stiffer, like she wasn't being controlled by her own self. The last looked small and puny compared to the others, in there bulky armor. She was going to be easy pickings, all of them were.

John charged the stiff one, and sent the elites for the other 2. They will be preoccupied, and I'll be able to make the most of this one. He flipped his sword around his hand, threw it in the air, and grabs it. He charges as fast as he can with all his bulking equipment, and screams as loud as he can, letting the voice of Death through his own.

He mumbles under his voice, "I got some gifts for you Death, I think you'll like them." and chuckled.

The Strange female charges him as well, and they meet in the middle. She tries to poke and John, but he puts up his shield, and blocks the hit. John moved his finger back and forth, in a no, that's not good motion. He tried to slam her back on the shield, and pin her on the ground, but she goes up and starts to fly. Just as he was going to put his shield up to block a slamming attack, she started to glow blindingly bright. John put his gauntlets over his eyes, shielding him from what was happening.

"Angels, pussy's the lot of them." John was furious now.

He flicked his sword toward the ground, and darkness crawled up towards the hilt. This female swooped down, lance trying to pierce John's shield, but John was different, and unpredictable now. John side-stepped out of the way, and slammed her down on the spike on the edge of the sword. Over and over and over, she was now unable to move. He continued to beat her with the end of his sword, and as a parting gift, he jumped up, and fell on his shield. Where she once was is now a pile of flesh barely resembling an angel. Armour was broken, wings torn, lance snapped in half. He had won. He lifted her by the throat, and the same portal of dark sludge he entered with, he shoved her in.

"One less angel, one for demon for Death. She's going to be transformed, and become my mindless slave." He yelled into the closing dark mass, "Have fun death!"
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