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    1. BespeckledCeph 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I squat with fellow Gopniks. I slurp vodka. I eat semechki. I dance to hardbass. Life. Is. Good.
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Gael Pardus

Gael Pardus or just Gael




Knight, and Eternal Protector. Gael protected and prayed for his sanctuary, and protected it from any who dare defile or mean harm to it. He did not need money. The inhabitants fed him, and gave him a bed, and a roof. He only had his duty to care for.


He was rather thin compared to his comrades, even if he accomplished his duty best, and he was made fun of because of it. His cloak was also unique to him, a gift to him from his niece. It covered his face, extremely rarely seen, and his long white beard contrasted with it. It flowed down to his feet, but with it's constant movement, it was never seen fully down. His sword was always with him. he didn't have a sheathe, it was at his side, or in his hands. He is short compared to most, but tall for his race at 5'3" and 90 lbs. His sword was old, and was given to him by his mentor as a small child, kept in good condition even if it doesn't look like it.

Revenant Ability

Corruption: Gael infuses himself with the power of the people he had protected, his comrades. The disciples, and turns into a hulking beast. He can easily wield his sword now, and flings it around, slicing through the air with grace. His hood helps with this, as it goes with the sword, and is used as a blunt weapon, and corrupting the people it touches. The power of this ability is stored in the hood, and he can release the souls of the people, to seek and destroy his enemies. Rarely uses the prayers of the disciples that he learned to cast a force that pushes away everything around him.

Gael is an extremely nice person, and will go out of the way to do things for his friends and family. He is very serious, and doesn't joke very much. He shows a great deal of love and care for his niece who is his only family left. He doesn't talk much. His voice is crackly and deep, rarely used, and he puts a great deal of thoughts into his words. He usually talks with nonverbal ques if possible. Very protective of his family, and if anyone tries to mess with them, he would go to the end of the world to try and regret doing so.

Gael was born into a family of protectors. He was trained by a monk in a local monastery, who taught him that you need to care for others, and they will you. He taught him to use leverage and advantage to use things most people couldn't, and to make people underestimate them. He then went on and off on fasts, and was briefly schooled on history and English.

He then trained every day of his life to use the large sword as fluid as he could. He didn't use it as a hulking mass, more as a straight sword. He went on and off of this and protecting the monastery. He got very good at predicting attacks, and stringing together his own in a very unpredictable pattern, throwing the enemy even more than they were beforehand.

Soon he learned of the God-King and his soldiers, and prepared himself. He prayed with the monks. He learned how to live with barely anything, and still fight. He learned and trained, but no training could stop what had happened. They came in with force like no other, slaughtering his entire family, they lived in the same place. Only one remained, one who lived in a very far away place, seen by few, visited by even fewer. Even he was killed in the slaughter, ganged by 20 men, all of the other protectors went without a fight.

The whole place was razed, he cried. He cried for the first time in his life when he came back. His family was killed. Everyone he knew and loved was dead. The God-King was going to pay for this. He was going to die, and he had the powers to do so.
(Sorry I was dead for a little bit)

His opponent was catching up on him from the corner, he didn't need to check the mirror to see that. He mumbled, "Let's see how you'll react to this, Debil"

He drifted towards the right side of the road, and went down a branching road, hoping his opponent would follow. These streets were known better than the back of his hand, living and growing up here is something you never forget. He pumped to the hardbass, and took a sip of the kvass in his cupholder, and licked his lips, as he went left and right down the narrow streets. This would be a slight waste if he never followed, but it was something that wouldn't set him too far back.

The best part of the hardbass came on, and he was ready.
Tri-polosky Tripo Tripolosky
The energy of the 3 stripes flowed through him.
Lo sighed at her response. She had no idea of why she was here either.

He lied down fully on the sand and said calmly, "I think we might be stuck here. I'm just enjoying what we have before it becomes something that we see on a daily basis." He started to get up, "Let's go look for more people."

Those words riddled down his spine as he realized this wasn't a day to the beach, this was real, and this was survival.
There just isn't much to be said for me :/

The girl came out from behind the tree, her name was Lena, he had just discovered. She was lost just like Lo.

"Yeah, do you know how we got here? I'm drawing blanks, I don't remember how I got here at all."

He started to stroll down to the beach, looking for other Islands or something in the distance. The sand soothed his feet, and he took off his uncomfortable shoes, and dug his feet into the sand. He hadn't gone to a beach in so long it was soothing. The warmth covered him, but he still knew that once everything set in, he would have to survive and keep himself alive.
@Drakey Ok, that's understandable
This is pretty neat, I'm excited for the entire thing now. Could Azrael be the cybernetics/sniper specialist?
(Couldn't think of any word except sniper)
@Irredeemable (Front wheel drive can't drift btw, only rwd and awd. Fwd can only power slide)

Pumping to hardbass, I flew through the Russian traffic as, rolling my window up. The first turn was coming up fast, my rwd VW was lacking behind. The opponents had superior top speed, but I had the acceleration on my side. His opponent had a fwd surprisingly, as it turned, and skidded into the middle of the street, gaining traction a small amount later. That was a big mess up, and he was going to pay. I turned to the beat of the music, lifting the handbrake and turning towards, than against the turn. My rear wheels got traction much faster, and I was turning in the drift. Most of my speed was kept, and I was facing the right direction. I looked at my opponent who was lacking behind a surprising amount and laughed as I took a shot of vodka.

Debil capitalist, it was a mistake even challenging the master of the Red Square.

As he was about to think his search was over, he heard a voice. He thought all that was for naught, but his work had payed off. The "Hello" reverberated inside him as he darted his head to see where the sound had come from. He peered around the tree she was hiding behind to reveal a small girl. How did she get here as well? Maybe this wasn't linked to Zilla, but thinking had to wait, they needed to survive.

"Hello there, what's your name? I'm Lo" he said it as calmly as possible, as he looked very threatening with his arsenal on his sides and back and a full suit of armor on.

Lo now had time to observe his surroundings. The air was very moist, and it seemed like it had recently rained, as it was dripping water from the thick jungle above. The ground was grass up to his knees and the occasional flower. What had he done to get on this island? He would try to figure out asap, but there were bigger worries to think about.
You got me quite peaked in the interested factor, count me in if this goes anywhere (I hope it does)
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