Avatar of BespeckledCeph
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  • Posts: 267 (0.11 / day)
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    1. BespeckledCeph 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I squat with fellow Gopniks. I slurp vodka. I eat semechki. I dance to hardbass. Life. Is. Good.
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And that would be all right?

Edit: Removed Flag
Lo smirked at Lena's remark.
Lo gradually got up and turned to look at Lena
"Yeah I guess s-"
A strange blue creature came out of the woods, yet was wearing shoes and gloves. He stared at it, dumbfounded, and at a loss for words. The only thing he could do is just point and murmur, "The hell is that"

Lo put his hand down, and got up, regaining his composure,

"You're seeing that right, the blue 'thing' over there? Please tell me i'm not going insane already."
Hello people, I am the new person, nice to meet you all..
Will be getting my CS up by tomorrow
@Dynamo Frokane
Now that i'm thinking about this, i'm slowly comprehending that this will just be another meal on my expanding plate of things to do, i'm sorry, but I will not be able to do this.

Goddamn shifting interests
Blyat! His opponent didn't fall for the bait. That would be a few seconds lost, but it was worth a try. He turned back into the main road, and tried to entice his opponent to come nearer. His opponent fishtailed in the road. Debil. They were getting close to the 1/4 mark, and not much progress was made, he'd have to try faster. He flew threw the gears, shifting as fast as possible, burning a small amount of nitro he had saved from the beginning. That was the last of that. He drew closer to the Capitalist Scum, and came to his side, rolling down his window, and flipping him off. The opponents speed overtook him, but it was worth it. He's going to get mad, and make a rookie mistake soon enough.

The plan
All just a game of chess

Whelp, that's done, and I had a blast while doing it
Man @Irredeemable Have we been stalking each other?
Hello peeps, I'm the new guy...

(hai @Irredeemable)
Ohhh, I guess having no life really does affect priorities...

Whelp, thank you for the response and informing me about this @Song Book
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