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Vilageidiotx said
Time to do something that the Precipicers will be familar with. A wordcount!For references, . There was also a sporum thread, it is older... but i'm not messing with that.So, I actually went ahead and tallied the specific wordcounts of a sample set of pages, which gave me this(page): (wordcount)5: 244525: 813450:1001375: 7407100:22,756137: 33,036An interesting note: Page 137, the last completed page in the MCF, has a long enough word count to count as a novelette. Averaging that gave me an average word count pet page of ~13965, which in turn gave me an average post count (since there is 20 posts per page) of 698. This is below my 750 guess I used during the last post counts, so our semi-scientific end result is now only ~1.91 million words. So what is 1.91 million words?http://www.cesspit.net/drupal/node/1869The Lord of the Rings trilogy is 473k words, making Precipice MCF four times as long. Precipice also just slightly passes ASOIAF, the Game of Thrones books, beating their 1.77m wordcount by roughly 140k words. We also beat the Dark Tower series's 1.25k length by 660k words. To give a visual, this... Is somewhere between 530k and 560k (depending on the translation and how much fluff they cut, and I don't know what version this picture is). That would be roughly a little more than a quarter the size of Precipice.Now, the big difference of course is that MCF precipice is a mess. A lot of it is shit posts, a lot of it is shit writing, and there are plenty of dead end stories and unnecessary fluff. None the same, this should help explain to newcomers why we are coming to this with so much in terms of oddly specific rules and baggage. We are cutting a lot of the canon, so don't worry about having to know much about the old thread. We will tell you what is important....and if you are wondering, no, we don't expect anybody to read all that. It would be insane if you tried.

Dinh AaronMk said
> Read old threads.Get yourself a month off a lot of TV dinners. You'll be there a while.Some hard beer too for when we inevitably do dumb-shit in the early threads; much of which is non-canon or changed and 90% of which India did was goofy as shit.

I actually have a shitton of TV dinners and microwavable stuff in my deep freeze. I could try and search "India" through the old threads, but that now seems like far too much work. I'll go by the Rule of Cool until someone says "Hey, India didn't do that" or something, to an extent I suppose.
Dinh AaronMk said
Meanwhile, Chinese Democracy.Don't jump too far ahead since there's some things India done did you should not up-front before you do anything canon based.

Right. I'm trying to figure it out based on the information provided, but I'm entirely sure that I will need to back-check and read older threads on the different sites as needed.
Country Name: United Tribes of Heima
Government type: Representative Chiefdom
Ruler: High King Yu'laktor Olafurson
Location: Hills of Region 2 and Northern Coast of Region 1;
Capital City: Kaltborg
Language: Middle Gothic
Species: Human
Army: 25%. Owing to a nomadic lifestyle, most the citizens aged 16 to 45 are fit and able to be called upon in times of extreme national stress, including women. Their fighting style is composed of mounted combat, including spears and archery. However, they should be thought of as mounted infantry though, because of their light gear and ability to fight on horseback and on two feet. Women who are proven warriors are treated equally as men, which is a contrast not only in much of the known world, but to the other tribes of the North. This has given the Heiman tribes an impressive ability to field more soldiers than one would think.
History: The frozen wasteland of the north is dominated by a series of tribes and chiefdom's of Northmen, as well as other, just as sinister, creatures of ill-intent. Of these various peoples, the hill region of the central North is called "Heima", home, by those who inhabit it. How they came to inhabit the area is recorded through a series of oral traditions, and only recently have they entered written accounts. However, these should not be taken at face value, as true events become blurred with each generation. Heimans (High-Mens), those who inhabit Heima, are most likely descended from early inhabitants of the tundra and an influx of migrants, most likely outcasts and criminals, from the south, as exemplified in the presence of boats and seas in some epics when the people are far from the shores.

The people of Heima live like most tribal peoples of the north, which is by following herds of caribou, moose, musk ox, horse, and bison, some of which are "domesticated", in a sense that ownership and control of a herd is handled by a single tribe. These tribes were once, like many in the North, warring and fighting nearly constantly over control of the herds, which are a sign of wealth and power in the north, especially the horse and caribou herds. Because of this, the Heiman tribes are among the fiercest in the frozen wastes and control a disproportionate amount of the tundra's limited resources. Unity, however, has eluded the tribes for generations over petty differences among ancestors that explode into inter-clan conflict centuries later. A large stigma of unity comes first from the Sage of Man, which will be explained later on, as well as the North's incredible sense of rugged individuality. Unification came by means of necessity under an elected High-King, Olafur Erikson, as the Heiman tribes came against an invasion from the West. These barbarians, though similar to the Heiman's themselves, were ruthless and unforgiving. Through highly mobile and destructive warfare, the United Tribes were able to annihilate the invading Western Barbarians by striking deep into their territory and laying waste to their herds by dragging many back to Heima and slaughtering the ones they couldn't.

Realizing their ability to act together is a gift, the tribes decided to remain united, with the Althing, a representative congress composed of the elders of the different tribes voted into power by land owners and warriors, becoming a legislative body to settle disputes and enact laws as well as keep order, as directed by the High-King, which had then become a hereditary position. city of Kaltborg was built to support the Althing, and has become the largest "city" in the North, nearing three thousand permanent residents and supporting a large iron-mining capacity due to it's situation in the Heiman Mountains. The United Tribes have refrained from warring the lesser tribes of the north, but there seems to be a desire to expand the frontiers towards the south and the west, as the "Golden Shore", which is what they call the North Sea, awaits their conquest. There is prevailing sentiment that the Northmen civilization, not just Heiman, is destined to expand around the Golden Shore, or has in the past and was wrongfully expelled, depending on the tribe. Towards the west, the tales of lucrative food supply and overall abundance is sought by the hard-working, humble, and ever-conserving people of the north as a means of securing wealth. The west remains the site of "Heiman colonies" that originated during the Western Counter-Invasion, where many Freemen settled with their warrior-bands, yet they owe no allegiance to the High-King and reign as warlords and barbarians that they once fought against.

The over-arching thought in most of the nation, from the serfs to the nobles, is expansion, and the militaristic society built by generations of hard-living is ready and willing to provide for that. Warrior-Peasants seek to find their fortune, home, and family in foreign lands through conquest, and there is little holding them back at this point.

Pic: Coming Soon
Religion : Heiman Paganism, defined mostly by ancestor worship and the re-telling of Sagas and Epics, whose heroes and heroines many tribes claim to be descended from, which includes mythical and almost magical ancestors. The people of Heiman have strange customs and beliefs, one of which is the absence of Gods due to a convergence of sagas known as the Saga of Man, in which the mythical Warrior-King Lief Ysgarson, who united the World-Tribe, "slayed" the Gods of proto-Heiman ancestors in a titanic battle that cursed the World-Tribe to live under the yoke of a global frozen tundra. This is a reference to the prior Ice Age, which is a passed down oral tradition rather than an actual historical account, as Heiman civilization does not exist past the previous Ice Age. Because of this, many think of the Heiman as Godless, which is debatable as their ancestors are depicted as fairly powerful beings nonetheless.
Population: 100,000
I need to write canon for India, and get involved in the conversation if I want to keep updated ._.

My character will talk entirely in Imperium-praising speech, even while undercover.

And so on. I am very interested!
Dinh AaronMk said
They got Bangladesh, but I think Pakistan went more to Persia than anything else.

Ah, that's alright. I prefer a united Bengal to Punjab anyways.

Vilageidiotx said
India definitively has potential and I suspect you would be getting a pretty bare cannon to sculpt since the previous India's were either weird or short-lived.

Sounds good to me as well. I suspect I will have to do handshaking with Persia and China for a long while while India re-coups. From reading the wikia, it seems India has lost a sizable amount of it's military, which to me is good. That means India will be able to re-outfit itself with more "modern" technology once some shreds of stability are achieved. I also enjoy vanguards and peoples' movements, and India would have a lot of those, so that's an even bigger plus!

What nations will you guys be playing as?
Dinh AaronMk said
Britain went through a political revolution that pretty much killed all their colonies and the commonwealth states in the 1950's. To make long-story short: Anarchists happened, then despotism, then they got the Prince Charles on the throne through convoluted something.France is still a Great Power, Germany is too and back under a Kaiser, and Italy is Spain's bitch.Per India, they had a sort of semi-successful Republic that crashed and Russia'd for five years. China went in to pick up the pieces, and then Persia tried to do the same with Brazilian assistance. Ultimately in the end creating the Federation of India at a peace conference. The north is pretty much Communist where the South is less-so, but both are supposed to work as one unit and not get involved in Chinese or Persian affairs.

Very cool, I have always liked toying with the idea of a Communist India in alt. history, as they historically were socialist yet never fully committed to the Soviet sphere. Does it include all of the former Dominion of India, e.g., Pakistan and Bangladesh? I would enjoy walking the line between the Communist North and Socialist South and slowly trying to repair the Federation, perhaps under the direction of China.

However, if there is a nation that needs to be filled, I could go with whatever that one is. I'm very adaptable.
Vilageidiotx said
There are a couple of differences.

I could see Ethiopia emerging as a leader on the African continent considering Mussolini didn't try to invade and conquer it as a result of the second World War never occurring, or so I assume. It could in theory modernize, but I doubt it would be any better than what South Africa is today.
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