I'll change it so he was taken to become part of the academy because he had some level of power, and when his family resisted thy were killed. Sound better? And I'll put him straight into the academy.
The Sixth lord bit was purely just me not knowing the Sith very well, I guess a knight would be fine but equally I'm guessing it would be unrealistic to be at my current level unless I was tutored by a lord? I might be wrong, if not do you have any suggestions as to why I would be taken by a lord? Maybe he was the one who originally took me from my family and so he had some connection to me already?
And lastly I tried to make it sound as if he had been put through rigourous testing, almost torture to find out the fate of his master but I only told the truth which was the my hands quote. Is that unrealistic? Would they just kill him even though he was telling the truth?