Avatar of BlackPanther
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6851 (2.18 / day)
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    1. BlackPanther 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current mid term on the 19 so slight delay in all my everything
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7 yrs ago
I have learned I'm allergic to deer. Still had a fun time though
7 yrs ago
Today I have aged another year. Yay aging lol
7 yrs ago
I passed biochemistry. Hell yes no more chemistry to deal with woo! Now to go calm my nerves before i vibrate through the floor
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7 yrs ago
I have my biochem final on Monday and am still not feeling well. My apologies for the delays.



On hiatus from here until further notice

Most Recent Posts

Xayah & Rakan

After the interesting events at the bar the two unique individuals had left...headed toward the empty apartment they had hoped to start renting. Since they had had no information they decided to check it out for themselves as their animal selves. After all if they couldn't be comfortable as their true selves what would the point even be?

The next day the two were headed toward the police station in fairly similar clothes to the previous day. They walked close to each other with Xayah having a more open inviting walk and Rakan feeling more like he really didn't want to be out. Both soon made their way inside and Xayah walked up to someone to talk to first.

"Hello? we are here about the incident yesterday...i guess we are supposed to be questioned about it" She looked around and saw Darnies resulting in a rather warm smile from her while Rakan remained silent and had the usual feeling of dread were still present. "Hello i recognize you two" The bright smile continued to be bright "Since we didn't really get to talk yesterday...we should really get to know each other more." Her thing with knowing people could borderline creepy, but her intentions seemed innocent enough.

location: Stark tower

Damon kept quiet once again as everyone spoke. He thought over the plan mary came up with and nodded "Sounds good to me. I dont mind staying behind and helping out here" He crosses his arms and then rubbed his face. That plan could go well or poorly that was for sure, but he would listen and stay behind. If he was needed he could fly to them with his built in back ups. As he thought that the dragon on his arm seemed to move and push up against his skin straining to get out.

Damon ignored the dragon and focused in on everyone else. Though when twinkies were brought up he raised a brow and looked at the speedster "I could really go for some junk food...if you don't mind tossing me one" He gave a smile with it actually trying to be more social and well...a twinkie did actually sound good right about now. Having parasites all over the body made him hungry faster then normal.

Before he could get tossed a sugar filled treat he got his attention pulled by Ayita. "huh? oh yeah of course. If you need me just ask" His brow raising a concern forming for allison. She wasn't quite acting like herself, but he did not really feel like he knew her enough to go ask if she needed anything. Hell normally he avoided almost everyone because he was so bad at being social...but damn if he wouldn't start trying to change that. He pulled his attention back to the speedster ready to catch that twinkie, at least try to catch it.
Xayah & Rakan

Xayah looked at Rakan as things went from wrong to odd yet still wrong. A spell put on all of them and somehow no one in the room seemed particularly concerned...which must have irked Rakan. Or not given how he didn’t seem to care. Just as she opened her mouth to say something there was a commotion....they had to duck.

As Rakan heard the...suggestion to duck he moved down to the floor pulling Xayah with him as a shot rang out and killed one of the people that were here. He straightened and looked at the body green eyes holding who knew exactly what. Then he paused and seemed to nod toward...something. Something only he could see before he straightened and helped Xayah up.

Xayah and Rakan then both watched as two women fought then took off. ”...we have found an interesting place for sure” Rakan nods and looks over as police entered both putting up their hands somewhat and Xayah putting on the wide eyed innocent face.

location: stark tower

Damon nodded at Mary then everyone lost their damn minds. one voice after another all getting louder and more upset and even one girl stepping on Allison's foot. He rubbed his face and mentally calmed himself before he let all his thoughts become a jumbled mess. Each individual had a point, some were on the side of hunting the guy down and making him pay as soon as possible others for gathering up more people and then the ones who wanted to wait. Interesting points all of them...how can they be put together to stop the fighting and work through this. Ayita seemed to be trying...something. He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.

"We need to plan we cant do anything without thinking it through" He slowly looked up "and Ayita has a point there....if we attack it proves him possibly right and we want as many on our side as possible." another pause "But we do not want to wait too long." He kept himself calm "so why don't we try to come up with something together instead of arguing and yelling....and generally being angry at each other?" Damon...always trying to do his best...but this probably did not help as much as he would have liked it to.


location: Stark tower

Damon followed the others down but paused at the sound from ayita, giving her a nod. He had been distant from her as well and while not intended he was okay with staying away from her brother. The guy was attractive...a weird thing for him to realize, but he was not about to linger on that. He didnt listen in to the brother and the sister but instead made his way fully into the tower and paused as soon as the screen of the television came into view. He listened and listened to Sara's remarks.

"Oh they are definitely going to pin it on us." he rolled his shoulders and shook his head. "But we cannot just retaliate at them now. Anything we do that can be viewed as even slightly bad will make it worse." His arms crossed. "I have no idea how to go about this or even how to deal with any of it, but once it has been pinned on us if we look any worse that turns everyone on us" That was a lot of speaking from him, but he hopped he was making a point. That and he found he couldn't really stop himself from speaking....it was...rambling.

Another pause as he then ran a hand through his hair. "I really do not want to just sit here though. get people to safety sure but let them get away with that...." he trailed off. Damon was frustrated at best and this whole thing really made him want to throw rules out the window in favor of instinct and revenge. But his brain wouldn't let him right now. His eyes flickered downward not really wanting to see the reaction.
It has it really has

Xayah dressed in jeans, a blue vest and black high heeled ankle boots made her way down the side walk with the rather tall rakan next to her. He always looked over dressed with his button up white shirt...at least she got him to wear jeans this time. They were going to check out a new place. A place that held apartments and if rumor held true...beings. Rakan seemed neutral at best about the prospect but at least he came.

Rakan kept his pace slow as he always did with Xayah. He was tall and thus had a wider pace, but she seemed able to keep up just fine today. He blamed the excitement factor. At least he thought that is what it was. As they neared the bar called paradise, which was where they decided to go first to check out the locals he froze. "I smell trouble"

Trouble? how? "A lot of beings in one place and death...though the last time i thought it was death it was a being and i dont think they appreciated that comment." There was a small giggle from Xayah They did not...but let us go see what it is. after all it could be fun. The response she got from Rakan was an eye roll.

Together the pair walked in and they both paused. Oh my what did we walk into. We were coming to ask about the apartments, but if this is a stand up or something... "Then please tell us because we really need to know about a room" Xayah looked around the room Or we could always see who feels rather unlucky today right Rakan "Or fears fire" There was that musical giggle from xayah Not that we are threatening to burn the place down...we would never do that...we just wish to provide assistance. there was an odd emphasis on assistance and that feeling of dread that followed rakan was present as always his green eyes going from individual to individual until they landed on the lich. Realization crossed those eyes and he nodded as if he answered a question he had had. There was a gun involved so questioning a stand up was not too odd...or was it?


location: Stark tower roof top

Damon inhaled and rubbed his face somewhat. Lately he had been out of touch...avoiding people more then usual and really seeming almost like he hadnt even been there lately.Which was not technically wrong...he had been lost in thoughts more then usual and now he had come back to himself...he was pretty sure that if anyone had noticed they probably didnt think much of it anyway...he hoped. He had been doing weird things to try and see his limits. For example..what would happen if he covered up the tattoos with makeup. The result...they get upset and when they appear a skin colored tattoo animal is a lot more freaky then the tribal furred version. The other side was how often he had been seen with a sketch book and headphones, making him even more unreachable then before. Whatever he was sketching in there was a mystery at best.

And now Damon seemed a lot more into his mind because well excitement at the mansion. New people he could avoid...new people that were from the future he couldnt exactly ignore. It was an odd situation at best and he found himself listening but not imputing as usual. Of course the exciting events on the blackbird left him pretty much useless and not able to come up with any solutions for that. Instead remaining silent through that and if his input had been asked for he would have added. Instead he found himself absent mindedly scratching at his arm...specifically where the dragon tattoo was. A recent odd habit that he had no idea the reason for its development. Dammit he hated being useless. His arrows would do nothing against a robot and all of his tattoos were animals that would be easily killed by them. Except maybe the dragon but given the difficulty to control it that was a 50-50. Harder scratch and a huff from him as he had ended up watching.

Slowly, he fully left his thoughts and looked at stark tower. He really needed off of this plane and well onto the roof he went rolling his shoulders as he did. At least he had his bow arrows and bag with supplies...and sketch book. Another shoulder roll as he looked from person to person at the team that was here. He felt like an outsider...which had never hit before until now. Did the new people even know who he was? he doubted it especially since he didnt really know them. Perhaps he needed to change just a bit. Get to know people be more in the team...more present. Now if only he wasnt so damn socially awkward and hed be able to start doing that. His hands slid into his pockets and well...he seemed quite the awkward tattooed guy with his hair more disheveled then usual and a 5 o clock shadow upon his face. Everyone was already talking he didn't want to interrupt...
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