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    1. Blackstripe 7 yrs ago
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Current If you haven't figured it out by now, your choices don't matter.
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Watching all the pieces...watching all the pieces fall~
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Yeeeeeeah...so you know how to Beep Beep like a Sheep, I see!
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@CaptainSullySure, sounds interesting.
@CaptainSullyWell, I wouldn't reject your character if that's the route you really wanted to go, just so long as he stopped at threats.

Honestly, though, we're kind of drowning in edge at the moment. Lots of anti-heroes. We already have a Batman who kind of fills the whole "through fear" angle too. So while (if your heart's set on a darker Superman) I won't say no, I'd honestly love a more clean cut one.

My own character, Lady Arcana (basically Captain Marvel/Shazam) is in a bad place in her life right now, and could really use some inspiration, so he wouldn't be unappreciated. :3
@BluetommyLooks fine to me, approved.
@CaptainSully Alright, we've discussed it in Discord.

A few things. In the old thread, we had a previous Superman who went inactive. In-Universe, we had his character die during the One Week War, and his DNA has been used since, so he's still considered part of our RP's "Canon". Please, if you would, read over it: roleplayerguild.com/posts/4414078

As you can see, he was a bit of jerk himself.

He was killed by a Titan during the war, as I said. Now he came to Earth during Krypton's civil war, whereas your character didn't leave until the planet's destruction, so your character could have just arrived at a later date than his. I don't think there'll be too much conflict in the lore between you two.

Where the problems begin, however, is the killing antihero thing.

See, antiheroes are fine at the lower tiers, where they can't potentially do too much damage or ruin too many people's days. They can also hide their activities much more easily, since they're operating on such a smaller scale. In the case of your character, however, he would be viewed as a major threat and probably find himself under attack by the likes of Lady Arcana, Captain Quantum, Raymond, Velocity, and many other powerful heroes who wouldn't tolerate his actions.

Against all of that, he would be taken down pretty quickly.

So all I really want from you is to basically tone the antihero stuff way down. After all, the last Kryptonian was kind of an asshole too, and he died rather unceremoniously. Wouldn't that maybe make Leo want to give everyone a better impression of his people?
New Year's Day, 2026
Rock of Eternity

”Ah...you’re right. My bad, dude,” said Lady Arcana, offering him an apologetic wave of her hand. The picture on the screen then changed to Lady Arcana, Harris, and six others standing tall over what looked like one of the massive Titans. ”But you will be happy to know we won, and put an end to Eris’ invasion, after a long and hard week of fighting...apparently.”

She smiled. ”In fact, it’s the anniversary of our victory, and of the Justice League’s formation! Happy New Year.”

The screen once again shifted, but this time it appeared to be displaying a television program of some sort. The words “The Morning Power Hour with Cassandra McKenzie” flashed across the screen, before they were greeted to the sight of a pretty blonde and a older gentleman sitting across from one another on what appeared to be the set of some kind of talk show.

”I love this show. They’re interviewing my mentor!”

Josh, from his position sitting on the floor with his head in his hands, just groaned weakly. ”That’s.. That’s nice Miss Arcana. Happy New Year.”
New Year's Day, 2026

”Err, you don’t need to bow or anything,” she said, waving her hand. She seemed rather taken aback by his barrage of questions, and didn’t quite seem to know where to start in answering them. ”I guess it’s not surprising that you’d be really confused after everything that happened.”

Raising her hand, Josh’s eye would be drawn to a bright flash behind him. A screen now displayed him as he was just before his confrontation with the Titan, standing amidst the ruins of downtown Los Angeles. A shadowed loomed over him, and in a blinding flash of motion, his torso was ripped from the lower part of his body, which slumped over pathetically.

”...Yeah, you had an accident,” explained Arcana, gesturing at the screen. ”Harris found you laying there after the war ended, and--shockingly--you weren’t completely dead! Just mostly. He asked me to take you back to the Rock, where I’ve been watching over you for the past five years.”
New Year's Day, 2026

”...Man, you’re even bigger than I remember,” said Lady Arcana, lounging back on what looked to be a throne made from the same obsidian material as everything else. It, too, bore an elaborate collection of hieroglyphs.

As for Arcana herself, she had changed a bit in appearance from the heroine Josh once knew--her uniform was now a deep shade of red whereas it had once been purple, with flame patterns at the ends of her sleeves.

”Did you have to smash through the door, though?”
@Compulsive86Alright, since he was staying off the radar it should be fine. Metahumans could appear before 2019, they were just very, incredibly rare and rather weak. Since your character fits both of those, I think it should be fine to accept him. :P
@chicleratWell, firstly, welcome to the Guild!

Secondly, I suppose the most important thing to do before creating a character for this RP is to make sure you read up on the history section and understand our setting.
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