Avatar of Blackstripe
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    1. Blackstripe 7 yrs ago
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Current If you haven't figured it out by now, your choices don't matter.
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Watching all the pieces...watching all the pieces fall~
7 yrs ago
Yeeeeeeah...so you know how to Beep Beep like a Sheep, I see!
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@Mr Nim Oh, my bad! I thought I accepted him! Yes, accepted!
@Dead Cruiser Well, if yours has so much going on comparatively, then I'm sure it would do them no disservice to have a unique base premise!

It is, after all, a rule not to use concepts other people have already taken.
@Dead Cruiser But this isn't that game from five years ago. ^_-
or a magic pharaoh disguised as a rap star.

Oh, wow! A famous song artist who is secretly a mage? That's brilliant! I can't believe I didn't think of that first!
@RedVII Yes, you're approved!
January 1st, 8:33 P.M.
Chipotle Mexican Grill, West 34th Street, New York City

After giving their account to the police upon their arrival at Madison Square Garden, they had quickly departed for the restaurant--all that dancing and dodging of superpowered stalkers had worked up a bit of an appetite within Karen.

The drive was in itself rather...interesting. She wasn't used to having others ride with her besides Jones, her parents, and sometimes her manager. These people felt distinctly different than the gushing groupies that often tried to worm their way into her life. It was almost like having friends, in a way, even though they barely knew each other.

Karen had driven her Hybrid Porsche Panamera to the restaurant, with Jones in the passenger seat, and her three heroes all in the back. It had been a short ride, despite the usual New York traffic, during which they had at last properly exchanged names with one another. Chipotle was fairly crowded for this time of night, and so Karen had worn her thick sunglasses and beanie in the hopes of not being recognized by the throng of people surrounding them.

"Get me the Barbacoa, please," said Karen quietly to her bodyguard, hoping to further reduce the possibility of her being recognized by having him order for her while she went to claim a table for their group.

Clio was the next to claim her seat at the table, carrying a tray of three soft tacos. She smiled to Karen, but looked away just as quickly, pretending to focus on her meal. She didn't really eat out with people like this often. Working from home meant that she didn't benefit from making friends at the office, not that she would've had the confidence to do so. Makaya, perhaps, but not her.

"Your Barbacoa looks good, maybe I should have ordered that instead."

Everything was going to be fine. She could do this. She had already talked quite a bit with Karen when they were changing clothes; she knew Starfire. She could deal with Jones' scathing comments. The only one she still wasn't terribly familiar with was 'V', and he seemed pretty chill.

Glancing about the crowded restaurant, Clio sat up a little straighter in her seat and did her best to look confident and outgoing as the others approached.
@RedVIII would suggest playing whichever one you think will give you the chance to RP with more people!
January 1st, 7:43 PM
Madison Square Garden, New York

Karen turned when the costumed woman asked to borrow some clothes from her. It certainly wasn't a request she was used to hearing, particularly from somebody that appeared to be a superhero. The woman's costume wasn't familiar to her, unfortunately, and she didn't wish to insult her by revealing that she didn't know of her exploits. Hopefully, she would reveal her name on the way to the restaurant.

"Certainly! Of course, it's no trouble at all!" said Karen, offering her a warm smile. "We seem to be about the same height, so I should have something you can wear."

Her eyes immediately fell upon Jones, whom she could already hear lodging a protest with her. She held her palm up towards him. ”I know what you’re about to say! But she’s one of the people that protected me back there; if she was going to hurt me, she could have done so a lot easier then.”

Jones who had been lounging till now set aside his plate and stood up, a look of plain skepticism maring his face. ”And I appreciate her and everyone’s handling of the situation. That aside though, I got one job and that’s to protect you.” he said, gesturing back and forth between them. ”Now It would go against my better judgment to leave you alone with an unscreened anybody. Ion give a fuck bout her actions out here right now. Not happening”

Karen’s brows knitted sharply, a hand falling to her hip. She frowned, not at all enjoying being bossed around by her own bodyguard. Still, she understood that he was simply concerned for her well-being. ”If you’re worried that much, then follow behind us and wait outside the dressing room. A simple dressing room door is basically nothing to you, right? You could smash through it in a heartbeat!”

Calloused hand entered empty pockets. ”She got powers. I’m fast but I’m unaware of her capabilities. Not an L I’m willing to even consider. Either I’m inside or you give her clothes and she wears it in the bathroom, ya dig?”

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Karen sighed. ”Fine, you can come inside, but you stay well behind the changing screen! ‘Karen Hernandez’ bodyguard accused of sexual harassment by fan’ doesn’t read too well in the morning papers, ‘ya dig’?”

”Pfft, chill ma, I’m good wit that. I ain’t exactly have the desire to see witch doctor nude anyway. Weird ass.” he sighed. ”And after tonight, I doubt that would make headlines anyway.”

Karen nodded slowly before glancing over her shoulder back towards the others, the heroine in particular.. ”Sorry, about that. If you could follow me, miss?”

Clio felt her face flush, the back of her neck and the tips of her ears turning a bright red. Karen was a sweetheart, truly, but she couldn’t help but feel wrong for asking so much. Especially after her bodyguard chewed her out. Still, going out to Chipotle in her costume wasn’t the classiest move. Shooting a look at Starfire, Clio shrugged and allowed herself to be guided past the stage.

”My change room’s right this way!” she said, gesturing for the woman to follow her down the hallway.

”Thanks a ton,” Clio managed, her words coming out far less prideful than Karen’s. Everybody was so..bubbly. Trying to keep her eyes off Karen, Clio’s gaze wandered over everything but the singer. ”So, uh…” She began, trying to think of something to say. ”How’s your tour been? I’m a big fan, actually.”

Stepping past the doors to the arena, Karen immediately turned when she heard Clio’s question, continuing to walk backwards down the hall as she spoke. ”It’s been...eventful, as you saw! This isn’t the first time somebody has rushed the stage, but it was never quite this bad.”

”I don’t want to give you the wrong impression, though,” said Karen quickly, brushing a dark strand of hair behind her ear. ”it’s been wonderful to be out there on the road, bringing people together! That’s the whole point of Fighting the Hate, after all! To show people we’re more alike than we are different.”

”Of course, but it must get stressful after a while, right? Have you thought about taking a break once the tour is over?” Clio cringed, she didn’t know why she was pressing it. It was likely because she didn’t know how someone could be so positive after facing so many challenges. ”Your fans wouldn’t mind. At least, I know I wouldn’t. We all deserve some time off.” She forced a chuckle, fiddling with the sleeve of her coat.

Karen’s smile faltered ever so slightly as she arrived at the door of her dressing room, slowly turning away from the other woman. Placing her hand on the handle without turning it, she chuckled. ”I can get stressful. Really stressful, I won’t lie.”

”Have you considered upping security?”

Jones snorted in the back.

Turning the handle, Karen pushed open the door and stepped aside for the heroine to enter. ”Extra security could be helpful. I’m starting to worry about what’s going to happen to the tour, truthfully.”

Clio walked inside, taking in the room. It was incredibly spacious for someone who was always on the go, with blue patterned wallpaper and enough seating for three people. She supposed the star’s crew wouldn’t be sitting much, anyways, if they were busy getting Karen ready. One wall was almost completely covered in glimmering records, and Clio found herself getting a bit overwhelmed. She’d never even dreamt of getting to see one of her favorite celebrity’s dressing rooms!

Karen closed the door behind Jones who found himself a seat and had already lit up his roach. ”I’m worried that I’m going to end up doing more harm than good, truthfully. What if somebody is killed? What if the media uses it as an excuse to slander any terran that isn’t human?”

She sighed, shaking her head. Why was she going on like this with a superhero whose name she didn’t even know? She didn’t deserve to be saddled with her problems. ”Sorry, forget it. Let’s get you change!”

Clio didn’t want Karen to stop discussing this with her. It was an interesting conversation, in her mind. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the gall to wave it off and continue. With a slight nod, she walked up to the closet doors. She knew she wasn’t the same size as Karen, but their matching height was a good start. All she really needed was a pair of sweats and a shirt. She wondered if Karen even had something so simple. ”Thanks again…”

”Don’t worry about it!” said Karen, grinning. Stepping over to her closet, she rested her hands on her hips and released a breathy exhale. ”Really, I had to change out of this thing they put me in anyway. There’s no way I’m wearing it to the restaurant.”

Reaching out to push one article of clothing after another down the overburdened closet rod, Karen eventually found what she had been looking for. Removing a black, skintight leather catsuit from the closet, she presented it to the heroine. ”How about this?”

Clio glanced between the catsuit and Karen, an uneasy smile on her lips. She wasn’t being serious, right? ”Uh, I feel like that would look a lot better on you.” She gestured at her body. While she had some semblance of curves, she was nowhere near as shapely.

Karen snorted, and then broke into a fit of laughter, nearly doubling over. Shaking her head, she replaced the catsuit in the closet. ”I was only kidding anyway! That ridiculous thing was what they had me wear in my concert in Augusta. Crazy, right?”

”Now let’s see, you want something comfy, you said? Hmm...how about this?” She withdrew a simple white t-shirt, and then a pair of grey sweatpants just like the ones she had been wearing earlier. Those were certainly comfortable, if really plain. ”If this is a little too bland for you, though, I have some distressed jeans you might like.”

Perfect! This was just her speed. She eagerly took the outfit from Karen, smiling vividly. ”This is it! I don’t wear much else.” Was that the right thing to say to such a fashion icon? Probably not, but it was the truth.

A quick look around, and she found the changing screen. Stepping behind it, she stripped out of her costume and shimmied into the clothing Karen had provided. The sweats were a bit baggy around the waist, just how she liked them. All-in-all, it was the perfect look for her. She popped off her mask, and shook out her braids. Stepping out from behind the curtain, she grinned at Karen. ”Much better, I feel like myself again.”

Karen had busied herself with picking out her own outfit while the heroine had changed. She had decided to go for something casual as well, opting for a grey t-shirt with a pair of howling monkeys on the front, blue distressed jeans, and white tennis shoes. Glancing over at the other woman when she stepped from around the changing screen, Karen flashed her a thumbs up.

”Looking good there! Need a pair of shoes, too?”

Clio glanced down at her shoes, a pair of torn up, off brand tennis shoes. She didn’t have a rune on her boots, so she hadn’t been able to summon them. Waving it off, she shrugged. ”I think I’m okay. Need to buy a new pair next time I go shopping.”

”If you cool wit wearin the ‘Dumpster Fire 5’s’ to Chipotle sure. Couldn’t be me.” Jones huffed from his seat quietly.

Not wanting to let the man see her falter, Clio chuckled at his rough jest. ”They really are pretty bad, huh?” Perhaps it would be best if she worked on her appearance. She had the money for it...but what was the point when she worked from home? Instances like this were few and far between, after all. ”I try not to think about it too much.”

”And you shouldn’t have to,” said Karen, slipping behind the changing screen herself. Rather enthusiastically kicking off the stilettos, she peeled down her jean shorts with a fair amount of effort, breathing a happy sigh of relief when she was at last free of them. Slipping into her much, much more comfortable everyday clothing, she stepped back out into view. ”Honestly, high-end fashion is a huge burden if you’re not really into it. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.”

”I would!” Jones called.

Clio gave Karen a thumb’s up, staring at the monkeys on her shirt. Interesting choice. She almost wasted time trying to string up a biting insult to throw at Jones, but it wasn’t worth it. People like him were impenetrable. Under her breath, she mumbled, ”Ou ap mande pou yo madichonnen.” Giving her full attention back to Karen, she pointed towards the door. ”Ready for Chipotle?”

“¡Por supuesto, amiga!” said Karen, grinning broadly. ”By the way, since we’re both out of costume now, mind if I ask your name?”

Clio gave Jones a quick side-eye, unsure if she should respond. Then again, she wasn't too cautious about sharing her name. She could take care of herself. "Clio, Clio Delphine...Makaya when I'm in costume." She hadn't used her family name to introduce herself in quite some time. Usually, she didn't want to be associated with the rich family of mages. Of course she loved them, she just didn't want people to assume things about her. Karen probably didn't know anything about them, though.

”It’s nice to meet you, Clio!” said Karen warmly. Glancing between her and Jones, she lightly gestured to the door. ”I guess that’s it for playing dress up. Let’s get back to the others!”

Once again taking the lead, Karen returned to the arena and spread her arms to the rest of her heroes. ”We’re ready! Now, who’s still in the mood for Chipotle?”
January 1st, 7:40 PM
Madison Square Garden, New York

"The situation's clear, ma'am," reported the Guard Captain, his hands clasped firmly behind his back. "One security guard suffered severe burns and is headed to the E.R. for treatment, but there were no fatalities."

Karen's shoulders sank in relief, her entire body sinking into the sofa. She didn't know if she could have handled any of her fans or security being killed on her account. She knew that the guards were there to be protect her, but that didn't mean their lives were expendable. "Please find out where that guard's staying, once he's open to visitors. The very least I can do is check up on him."

Still, they had gotten very lucky tonight.

It was clear to her now that just securing herself wasn't enough, she needed people that could somehow keep the crowd itself under control before things could escalate to the point they had back on that stage.

Pushing off the sofa, she rolled her neck. "So, I'm guessing it's alright to head back out there now?"

"Yes ma'am. The assailant has been detained; we're waiting for the police to escort him into custody."

Nodding gratefully, Karen swept past him and out the door of her safe room. A quartet of guards followed along behind her as she made her way back down the hallway and into the main part of the arena. Unlike last time, it was eerily quiet--most of the crowd had evacuated by this point. Most, but not all.

Reclining some distance away from the stage, she saw Jones, who was the first one she approached. Raising her brows as his relaxed demeanor, she folded her arms. "Chillin' even now, huh?"

She shook her head and glanced to the others near the stage. Approaching them without any fanfare, she offered the group a casual wave and a beaming smile. There were four people of note, aside from the guards--her attacker, the mage woman, the orange-skinned girl, and...the Kilowatt Kid? Wasn't he supposed to be retired? "Seriously, you guys, I owe you all a huge debt of gratitude for everything you did back there! Not only for coming to my defense, but for protecting my fans as well!"

"Like, wow! I'm honestly in awe! Thank you so much!" she said, offering them each a shake of her hand. Her hand lingered slightly longer on KK's, whom was an honest-to-goodness superhero! He wasn't one she had a plushie of, mind you, but still! It was always great to meet a hero in the flesh!

Her eyes then shifted to the man who had now been cuffed by security and had several handguns trained on him. Approaching him in silence, his head immediately snapped up at her approach. His mouth opened, as if he was trying to speak, but only a hoarse croak emerged. She frowned. "Why? Why did you attack me? Did I do something to upset you?"

"K-Karen..." he managed to choke out, only to hunch forward and cough blood up onto the stage. "I...I...they...they told me...m-m-made me this way...I'm...I'm sorry...I l-l-love..."

Tears began to pour down his cheeks, and Karen's expression softened slightly. She reached out a hand to touch his shoulder, only to notice that he had slipped into unconsciousness. She glanced to the guards.

"Be careful with him. Please make sure he makes it to the hospital in one piece."

"What?" balked one guard indignantly. "After he nearly killed Paul?"

Karen shook her head. "He was thinking clearly, I'm pretty sure."

She turned back to her saviors, smiling in a slightly more subdued manner. "As for you three, I feel I owe you at least a free meal for all you've done. Would you care to join Jones and I for some Chipotle?"
@Simple Unicycle Looks good! Accepted.
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