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    1. Bliss Nouveau 4 yrs ago
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In Neopets? 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
This might be a long shot, but does anyone here play Neopets? I'm working on building out my pet pages and have created some fun characters that I'd love to be able to write stories for! I've also made art for them - they'll all eventually have completely custom designs.

My preference is Human but I'd be willing to give Anthro a shot if a potential partner happens to prefer it. I, myself, am a seasoned writer and can offer multiple, detailed paragraphs (and undying affection if you will please humor me c: ).

DM me and we can discuss it!

EDIT: My username is 'merithyl' there, by the way. My account is brand new so don't expect much, but we're getting there ~
Hello there! I'll make this super quick because I'm not sure how much interest this will get..

Seeking 25+ (and preferably female) partners for a D&D-inspired adventure of our own making! Do you have a character you didn't get to play much, or a million ideas for new characters you may never get to use? Well, look no further - I'm an "advanced lit" roleplayer with nearly two decades worth of writing experience and a very recently developed obsession with tabletop RPG!

I have a few existing characters that might be fun to play with, but am of course open to creating more! My plot ideas are pretty vague at the moment and I'd love to discuss any that you might have!

- I prefer MxF romance but am willing to play either gender.
- I will also provide writing samples if anyone would like to see them.
Hello! I'm seeking one or two (preferably female) partners in the 25-35 age range to keep as both friends and long-term writing companions! Ideally, we would chat a bit here on RPG to figure out whether we have similar interests, compatible writing styles, and like expectations. I have several friends with whom I've remained in contact for years at this point, and I'd love for you to become one of them!

I generally stick to historical fiction and really enjoy researching various periods to maintain a certain level of accuracy. I'm also open to fantasy, if you like, but rarely modern or fandom (unless I REALLY like you).

Preferred Mediums:
- Google Docs
- Forums

Genres of Interest:
- Medieval Europe (various centuries)
- Regency Era
- Victorian Era (various decades)
- 1920s-1940s
- Medieval Fantasy
- Fairy Tale retellings

If interested, please DM me and we can get the ball rolling!
Hello. 30F, Advanced/Novella/Whatever.

So I recently found this really kickass medieval fantasy type of jcink forum, but am having a lot of trouble getting partners for plots with my characters (the community's fairly small and I'm pretty new). I'm looking for a couple of friendly people (preferably similar in age to me) who might be interested in joining the forum and writing with me. biggrin.gif

More info about me:

- writes Male and Female characters
- generally prefers MxF romance
- can write adult content (we can discuss limits privately)
- can offer writing samples upon request

I already have a handful of characters completed if you would like to peruse them and will happily discuss potential plots to see if we might get along!

The forum itself has really fascinating, well-thought-out lore and the community is very friendly (though obviously I don't expect you to get super involved with it if you don't want to).

Message me on discord if you are interested! I look forward to hearing from you! Bliss#9105
- Seeking +25 (preferably Female) partner. I, myself, am 30F.
- Will keep to the PM's for now, though I may request Discord for OOC.

If you are interested, please write an introduction for your character outlining your ideas for who they are and how they might know Gio. Are they part of his organization? A former lover? A sworn enemy? I'm curious to see what you come up with! We can discuss particulars afterward~


Laurel Heights had been named with a very specific vision in mind - maybe two hundred years ago it was a small town nestled in the Appalachian foothills, framed by ancient, sedate rivers and held in the dense and verdant embrace of an old growth forest miles deep. It had humble beginnings and an honest dream which gradually corroded with its enormous success as the years fell away to decades and the decades, to centuries. In the year 1949, nothing more remained of its youthful vigor - all was metal and glass and lights and sound, fueled by a relentless hunger for things beyond reach.

The now sprawling city, with its glittering theaters and restaurants and clubs, was as beguiling as it was dangerous - and made still more so under the watchful eye of one man.

There were (relatively) safe havens, of course - the Northside, with its museums, libraries, and glamorous malls, and the Eastside, where wealthy men ensured the maintenance and protection of their fortunes and exclusive neighborhoods by hiding them behind high walls and armed guards. But everyone who had spent any time in the Heights knew to pack heat in the Westside, with its aging housing and ghettos, and to avoid the Southside altogether.

The Southside was Mr Giovanni Russo’s territory, and what a hellscape it was - lavish and sparkling like a gilded cage and always, always shrouded in an air of menace that its inhabitants could never fully shake.

But who was this Mr Russo and what made him so influential, so unquestionably powerful, so extraordinarily dangerous?

Giovanni had been born and raised in the Southside, had attended its schools, played in its parks, and had watched its gradual and steady ruin at the hands of the numerous gangs that had sprung up like hateful weeds from the sun-worn cracks of the concrete sidewalks. The steady descent into violence had begun with his father’s own declining health.

Giuseppe Russo had, at one time, been the most powerful man in the city and his reach had extended far beyond that of any elected official - his organization had been like a great Kraken with its tentacles coiled around nearly every aspect of illicit industry which the Heights had to offer. No one could touch him - except that most hateful of diseases, cancer. It sapped the last of his strength within a matter of years and with it, his power and influence. For a time, the Heights had descended well and truly into chaos as powerful men fought to fill the vacuum Giuseppe - once known as Il Tigre to allies and enemies alike - had left in his wake.

Giovanni had not been destined to assume his father’s place - he was but the second born son of the Russo family. It had been his father’s dying wish that Arturo, Giovanni’s elder brother, should take command and bring back order. Arturo had been weak, however - he had allowed himself to fall in love with a woman and it had ultimately cost him everything, including his life. There had been no open casket as his funeral for there had been nothing left. And so, the task of rebuilding his father’s dynasty was left to Giovanni.

Never was a man more suited to such a Sisyphean labor than him.

Brutality ran like blood through his veins and it was not long before he became well and truly feared. Lesser men flocked around him like vultures to carrion, hopeful that they might gain whatever it was which made him so ruthless, cold, and cunning. Though many pledged their allegiance to him with barely an inducement beyond the hope of being spared his wrath, Giovanni’s loyalty was bought at a monumental cost - nearly always through personal sacrifice. Beneath his iron hand, his father’s organization was gradually rebuilt and even expanded until his reach encompassed nearly every aspect of life in the Heights and had snuffed out most or all of his would-be competition.

Few in the city (or anywhere else) could claim to know Giovanni well, but everyone knew him on sight - dark hair, olive skin, and a perpetually hard expression which made his angular features even rougher and less handsome than they already were. He was a man built for strength and power, not beauty - tall and broad, with muscles akin to steel coils and a tapestry of tattoos all across his arms and torso.

To his subordinates, he was Mr Russo; to his friends, he was Gio; to everyone else he was Il Giaguaro - the Jaguar - and this was his jungle.
Hello - I'm 30F and seeking a similarly +25 (preferably female) partner.

I have this idea in my head set in a fictional 1920s American city (Prohibition anyone?) involving a dangerous mafia don. Think cold, calculating, difficult to predict - all tattoos and tailored suits and venom. He fought his way to the top and intends to stay there.

I'd like a compelling romance for this man. PM me with your ideas for some sort of interesting female OC he could interact with and then we can work out a fun plot for them together. I look forward to hearing from you!

(Writing samples available upon request.)
Hello! Call me Bliss. c: I’m a 29F seeking 25+ partners for a variety of roleplay genres/settings.

Do you like history? Fantasy? Romance? Are you open to writing in Google Docs (or potentially a private forum)? Do you tend toward advanced/novella on the post length spectrum? We may very well be compatible~

My goal in posting this ad is more than merely finding a writing buddy to satisfy a single craving - my true aim is to find a friend (or friends) whose interests are broad, whose writing style and skill are flexible, and who is open to developing a true (platonic) partnership. If we vibe, I’d like to keep you around and write all sorts of things!

I know a lot of writers here prefer to portray female characters in MxF pairings - I am happy to fulfill this need if you prove to be compatible with me. In fact if I like you, I’ll bend over backward to make sure that you are completely satisfied with our story.

Some suggested genres:
- Regency England
- Jazz Age
- Historical Fantasy (various)
- Southern Gothic

Please PM me with writing samples and ideas!
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