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    1. BloodyWhiteWolf 11 yrs ago


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If someone wants to start it that would be great. I apologize for not being on a lot, something came up. But I will try to join later. ^_^;
Hey everyone,
To put it simply, I just want to RP. I love collaborating with others to create stories. I'd enjoy just creating a character and tossing him/her in with others characters and see how things work out. We could work together to generate a plot (if we wanted one) and setting. I'm looking for kind and open-minded people for this. Things may be random and crazy, and that's okay.

All we would need to start is a character. People of all levels could join as long as they write a few sentences or more. We will keep the romance at PG-13. Cursing at a minimum. And yeah, let me know what you think!

I would be open to doing a Pokemon RP. I love pokemon, even though I'm not totally up-to-date on the newest Pokemon. lol I'm not new to RPing on forums but I haven't done it in a long time. Something long-term would be great. I'm sure we could just start writing without a plot, and one would come to us eventually. :) Let me know if you would like to do that together!
Hey guys,
I am wide awake at 2am and looking to start a roleplay with someone. I've had a plot in mind for a long time that I wanted to try with someone. I wanted the idea to become a story, but could never grasp a true character concept for the main character. So I would really appreciate someone bringing an original female character to the story. Anyway, the plot is a young female character who lives on her uncle's farm. Frankly, her uncle is a jerk, and when the guards (it's more of a medieval setting) come to collect their taxes from him, he tries to give them her instead! They don't accept her (of course), and take him to jail and take the farm. This leaves her homeless and one of the guards mentions she can work in the castle as a maid for money and a place to stay. As she works, she finds out that in one of the cellars, is a son of the king who has never been mentioned. They been keeping him there because he has werewolf blood. They fall in love, (hopefully xD) and soon his brother (the prince of the kingdom) finds out and tries to woo you to spite his brother. Hopefully you and the werewolf boy can make an escape and live happily. But, it will be hard, due to people not liking werewolves. You will have to try to keep it a secret all while teaching your love about the world he's never been apart of. Eventually you will have a werewolf child (or two) and that will be an adventure in itself!

....Will this work as an RP or is it too structured??? xDDD Please let me know your thoughts, and if you have any ideas for a plot similar to this but more open, please let me know! Thanks!
Luca wanted to ask about this "James" character, but didn't want to upset Shana more than Franklin already had. "Shana." he repeated, "That's a nice name. Well Shana, once you start working at the castle, your living quarters will be there. So if there is anything you need to grab from home, or people you wish to notify, please do so now. I will be accompanying you. If you have any questions for me about your new life, feel free to ask. I'm sure that once we get there things will be explained in more detail too." He stood with a military straightness and glided a hand along in the air. "I will follow you. Let us be on our way." His purple cape with the image of a red rose with a thorny stem that stretches into the head of a dragon, gently brushed against the light breeze that was beginning to pick up.
It's alright. I'm a very relaxed person when it comes to RPs. If you feel like doing a couple sentences, then that's fine too. :) Whatever you are comfortable with.
"I will catch up with you later." The taller guard said to the other. They both nodded to each other then the other guard pushed Franklin onward with one hand while keeping the other hand on the cuffs. Franklin shouted, "I hope James falls under the same fate as your mother!" With that, the guard pushed him harder almost making him fall, but he kept moving forward and turned his face straight ahead. They headed onto the road, making their way to the jail.

The guard that was left with Shana shook his head at Franklin's remarks. He turned back to the girl and gave a kind smile. "My name is Luca. What's your name, Little Miss?" He put his foot on a large rock and rested his arm on his leg. Luca looked to be in his mid 30's. His toned, tan skin showed sparkles of sweat. It was easy to tell he was pleased Shana had decided on joining him to the castle. Luca felt the king would be very pleased.
The guards looked at each other then at Franklin. "Take him away." the taller one said sternly. The short guard approached Franklin and took out a pair of chain handcuffs to be placed on the man. Franklin knew better than to run, but it was obvious he was panicking. "Her mother is dead! Her father doesn't even want her! I'm pretty much her guardian! I can sell her if I please!" he muttered.

"Silence!" the guard said as he chained him up.

The other guard put a hand on his sword in case things got a little out of control. He gave Shana a look over as he moved towards her. When he was about halfway between Franklin and her he said, "I'm sorry you had to be a part of this mess. I won't force you, but if you are looking for work, then you can come with me and work in the castle. They won't pay you much at first, but it is a steady and secure job. I will also make sure that you get compensation from your work here on the farm. We are in desperate need of help around there." He really hoped the girl would take his offer. In the Melrose Kingdom it was hard to find beautiful young women who were able to work. He knew the king had standards when it came to looks for his workers.

Franklin growled and shot Shana a very dirty look as if all this was her fault.
It's getting pretty late (11:38pm) so I'm going to head to bed. What time is it there?
I look forward to writing more with you. x)
The pigs and piglets snorted happily at Shana. They waddled to the new food and began to dig in.
Franklin raised his head from his work as he spotted two figures coming towards the farm. He stood up and straightened his back. After hearing a couple satisfying crunches from his spine, he went to investigate. As he got a little closer, panic filled his chest. "S**t...". It was two guards from the castle. He knew they were coming to harass him for money to pay for his land. He looked between his little garden and his house. He could try to make a run for it and hide in his house. Maybe the guards would go? No..of course that wouldn't work, they had already seen him. He kicked a rock at his bad luck.

The two guards approached the chunky man who stood with his arms crossed and a ticked off look on his face. "Franklin.", one of the guards started as he began pulling a long scroll from his side strap, "By the order of the King, you need to--"

"I know! I know! But look....It's been a slow growing season for me, and it's hard to--" Franklin attempted to argue but the smaller of the two guards raised a hand to quiet him.
"You keep giving us excuses, Franklin! Today we ARE going to receive payment or it will be the dungeon for you!"

Franklin lowered his head in defeat. There was no way he could pay. He looked out the corner of his eye and seen Shana looking at them. A smile crept across his dirty face. "I have an idea that might interest you boys! How about you take that girl over there as payment! She is a very pretty girl who works very very hard! She will do anything you guys want!"

The shorter armored guard looked defensive and began to speak, but the other guard shut him up, "The King was recently complaining how he needed more servants in the castle."

Franklin's smile grew larger.

"But! But--" the shorter guard protested. "We will take her." the other said. Everyone looked at Shana. The smaller guard had a great look of doubt in his eyes.
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