"I'm sorry."
Takara Fūma
Character Fields
Academy Student
Fūma Clan
Taraka stands 4,9 accompanied by a slender build. He is painted with shaded tanned skin, including a few freckles spread between his cheeks.
He obtained coffee brown coloured eyes, shaped like thin almonds thanks to his mother. Takara sports thick black locs that make it past his shoulders, resulting him to push back his hair or even pin it back
to give him a better view of what's in front of him.
Almost anything he wears on his torso mostly consists of a hood, he commonly wears his navy blue coloured hoody with the Fuma clan mon printed on his right shoulder, now his bottoms. The boy wears black knee-length trousers with two utility packs securely strapped on both sides of his thighs, lastly, underneath all this, the boy wears the traditional black, long-sleeved shinobi jumpsuit.
To add, Taraka also carries two utility packs strapped to his waist, one facing the back and one facing forwards.
Characterization & Prestige
Takara his a quiet and distant person, he speaks when spoken to and likes his own space due to his experience attending Seigirama Academy, and though he comes from a clan he his far from arrogant, but humble, due to his father’s lack in wealth and meek nature, unlike the sell outs. Absent in self-esteem Takara is not a natural leader, but, a follower, never wanting to take the lead because of the weight of responsibility, believing he would collapse under the pressure leading to the feelings of embarrassment lowering his self-esteem, even more, increasing the distance between him and his peers. On the other hand, he is able to work in a team, yet due to the little volume, he puts in his voice which causes him to mumble or even be worse be misheard and misunderstood makes it difficult for him to communicate effectively with his peers.
Finally, he is naturally patient along with observant.
Origin Story
Takara Fuma, born October 7th in Konohagakure, raised by a single father who was known in the Fuma clan as one of the few veteran Shinobi. Takara's mother had died giving life to him, her final wish was for her son to be named Takara after her father who was one of kind, often described by her as "a treasured jewel. "
Being surrounded by former Shinobi because of his father's past profession as well as growing up in a Shinobi style household, of course, this just being him and his father, this resulted in the etiquette being sewn into him rather early. Takara was an active youth alongside his father who was and still, is his idol. Takara had always admired him, more than that he wanted to be like him additionally leading him to the Shinobi profession, his father supported and encouraged him on the outside, though on the inside, the man was planted with worry as he did not want to lose another family member to the world, especially his son. He watched his son's interest in the Shinobi arts grow day by day, he'd often have to repeat his stories of war to his Takara when they took the occasional night shop, something the boy loved deeply.
Knowing how hard it would be to divert Takara's attention from the Shinobi arts to another profession, the man would finally lend a helping hand to the youngster. He made his way to clan heads soaked in humbleness, he would ask them to enrol Takara into the Seigara academy, because of the man's reputation in the clan moreover believing they would make another great Shinobi they cooperated with Takara's father, putting his son into a group of 6 aspiring Shinobi. The man was grateful, although he knew of the price of this action he would be expecting the clan leaders to ask for his son's services later on in life or even worse, his own.
Seigirama Academy
Entering the academy at the age of 6 Takara was very grateful to his father and fortunate to experience the grounds under the Fuma clan's expenses, they even supplied him with a support tutor to monitor his progression and give further assistance to subjects he struggled with. During his time in the academy, he was bullied due to his small frame and lack of physical strength, affecting his interests in Taijutsu as well as people, keeping himself very distant. His growth was slowly becoming more stunted as he shied away from more hand to hand combat exercises as he could, however when distant he would adopt range combat and excel at it, he enjoyed it, he had his own space and felt comfortable, the boy would take further tuition in this together with stealth.
Character Development & Conceptualization
For me personally, I just want to be a great writer, bouncing ideas with people will help me a lot and expand my vocabulary and knowledge in punctuation and grammar. I choose to remain humble and learn from the people around me.
Finally I would like Takara to bond with a lot of characters, to help him become a better person as well as a Shinobi, to become competent and free with himself, abandoning his thoughts of what unnecessary people think about him, becoming more confident with people such as being able to trust them, who knows one day leading a team. I would like him to experience a lot of different styles of fighting not just range but close combat, medical, sealing, and sensory.
Hoping he will become an Anbu black ops by the end of all this.
Triple T's
Takara likes to observe from a distance, what's better than to observe and not be seen right? he is light on his feet and is not afraid to use the natural green as his ally, e.g. hiding in bushes, trees, additionally, he's not much of a talker, meaning he will have no urge to break his silence.
Ranged Combat
The boy excels at it, this is what his known for, able to concentrate and hit his target while keeping his distance constantly. This is his bread and butter. due to his lack of strength, he keeps his set light, giving him more speed and more time barrage his enemy with ninja tools.
Mimicker of voices
Once he hears someone speak enough he'll attempt to copy their voice.
He is only young so he can't do everybody's voice, so far he can do animals and some of his peers his age, but he wouldn't be able to do for example a deep husky voice like Sasori.
Paralysis Poison
A very small capsule of poison that can be purchased from any Shinobi poison store, quite expensive which is why it is brought in really small quantities, Takaru was only able to afford one capsule of it, the poison is very watery and quite weak due to it being so diluted. it causes 5 seconds of paralysis. Takaru uses this poison on his Senbons in his Launcher. This aids Taraka in his paralysis technique
Lightweight ranged weapons
Kunai, shuriken, Senbons.
Small Smoke Bombs x10
Able to fit between the gaps of fingers, it doesn't cover a mass area due to the size, but the smoke is rather thick, making Takara hard to see through the smoke.
Fūma Shuriken
Rarely used due it's weight, he would only use this in the last resort. When folded in they appear as handleless machetes, once unfolded you see all 4 usually carried by Takara in a sealed scroll.
Wrist Mounted Senbon Launcher
It was given to him as a birthday gift, securely strapped around the wrist and hidden.
Wire String
Transparent, so he can manipulate the directions of his attacks, it accompanies his manipulating shuriken technique.
Academy techniques
*All E rank*
D Rank
Shadow Shuriken Technique
Manipulated Shuriken Technique
Temporary Paralysis Technique
C Rank
Crow Clone
Prepared Needle Shot
His diet consists of seafood and vegetables, no meat.
Birds are his favourite creature, he aspires to have a summoning contract with them.
he is apologetic.
He enjoys the night.