Hmm, not sure of what I want to do this turn. I spent a lot of power creating Dragons and filling up the land. Might make a new order for the 'umies
Stopping me from what? I love my dear brothers and sisters.
Also, what is Amelia's HTML Color Name?
There's like one damn sliver of land left. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Oh yeah good point. I was thinking ship making/sailing next since they are at the coast.
But I am le tired... *waves noodly 5 Power arms*
<Snipped quote by Theodorable>
What do you expect I have no idea what to do, I might finish the things I am doing in the West BUT everyone is kind of forgetting that if the BLANK on the map doesn't disappear the fucking age doesn't finish and everybody won't receive power