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In The Zodiacs 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
KatherinWinter said
Looks good. Let me know when your done. Can you explain the gravity power I'm not sure I understand what it does.

Basically I'm thinking she can temporarily transfer some of the weight of one object to another. For example she could give all of the weight of a large rock to a person to essentially immobilize them, and at the same time the rock would become light enough she could lift and throw.
In The Zodiacs 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Name: Emily
Age: 12
Skills/Power: Capricorn, Ability to harden outer skin to essentially become impervious to blunt force trauma, ability to temporarily transfer gravitational force from one object she is touching to another. (Hoping this could develop into other ways to control gravity later on.)
Location of tattoo: across her whole back.
Bio: Emily grew up in a wealthy household where she was kept mostly locked inside, and only interacted with people outside of her mother, father, and the occasional nurse once or twice in her life. The reason she was told was because she had a special medical condition, but in reality it was because they were trying to study her powers. She was always stubborn, and always had to get her way, yet she was oddly patient for her age. As soon as she learned that she had been being lied to, she planned her escape, which came to fruition a year later. She escaped to the woods surrounding her family's estate, and lived there, while her family was searching for her assuming she could not survive in the woods alone eventually declairing her dead.
In The Zodiacs 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Would they each have some way of identifying what zodiac sign they are? Like a tattoo or something? Also do we just make up a power based of the sign?
Yeah I think it's kind of dead unfortunately :(
So basically we get to play Neverwinter Nights 2 the rp? Sounds interesting enough to me!
Any specifics on what sort of powers are allowed?
I usually don't find having a light-hearted character in a dark rp or vise versa to be too big of a problem most of the time, but often times I think tone is compromised in other ways, like technology level or power level of the characters.
Yog Sothoth said
I just have yet to see any anime that interests me and I've know a lot of them. I know that superheroes are generic at first glance but the history and the meanings behind each hero is what makes them so beloved, and they don't get enough respect in my opinion, anime has tons of respect sometimes to the point where you get idiots who are Weeabos who just ruin it. Also I'm a comic book fan and there are plenty of non superhero comics. As for animation, the west has movies. I know a lot of people like anime on this, but the Guild is not specifically an anime role-playing website and it makes it less inviting to people who aren't interested in anime

I disagree that anime gets more respect than superheroes. The marvel movies and the Nolan batman movies have made superheroes legitimate now. I can walk into a room of people and say I'm a fan of superhero comics there is a good chance I can find someone who at least gets what I'm talking about. If I walk into a room of people and say I watch anime I get weird looks, and people assume you are a "weeaboo". Yes there is a lot of shitty anime, just as there are a lot of shitty comics or movies. I agree there is a bit of over-saturation of a certain type of anime here, specifically magical school and shounen style anime, but that is by no means representative of anime as a whole as you seem to imply it is.
Alright how do they look? Anything you want me to add or change?
Also apologies for for posting in the wrong place! I'm not usually doing stupid things I swear!
Sorry accidentally posted something in the wrong place! Could someone please delete it? Thanks!

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