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Today I learned Canada has homeowners associations. Not as common as in the US but just as evil


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<Snipped quote by Zweit>


that twitter guy is a troll with some relatively funny bait

anyway my opinion is that ai art isn't bad but of course an expensive artist is probably better. the ethics are the exact same as for piracy. in both cases its technically theft of labour and intellectual property but a lot of people believe things like expense and indirectness of effect make it justifiable. I do both but only on occassion when I can't really make use of the real deal, not particularly gratuitously
Ouch. Even with his ears missing, the sound was god damn painful. Elias unwound the chord wearily, setting aside and deciding to try an alternate note to prepare. So far he had managed to make a little more than an octave on his improvised fortepiano. It was so far an affair that didn't even have keys, he'd make those later. Somewhat of a private and personal project, he had still kept it under wraps for now hiding it under tarps and the likes. Briefly he thought of writing "DO NOT TOUCH" somewhere, but he felt that would only make some of the grubby pawed members of the crew only more interested in rummaging through what he knew he'd be somewhat embarrassed by.

Leaning back against the wall, the man stared at the ceiling. His situation was improved, much improved since he had first become a crewmate of the China Doll. Truth be told, he was also somewhat glad to be off of Pelorum. Oh sure sun and pretty people was nice but sunburn, and all the salt and all the other things he had lamented about were all items he was glad to be rid of. The news that they'd be going to some new world was welcome and something that interested him. Perhaps some place freezing. Some place that would make everything numb and not feel. Thinking over the thoughts that just came over him Elias gave his own cheek a sleep for thinking something an angsty teen would. No, he just wanted something different. Perhaps somebody already said where they were going, and he hadn't paid attention. He had found himself zoning out more and more, thinking about what he'd do once he fixed himself up and got himself money and got the chance to screw over those bastards who— what was that?

A summons. He stood up, looking up at a toe poking out from his sandals, the digit newly blue from the wrench that he forgot about on his lap falling down. Oh well.

The Mechanic sprayed himself with a few deoderants, knowing full well he smelled like a sweaty pig that took a plunge into motor oil. Ah! Now he smelled a chlorine gas attack with a hint of spearmint. Throwing off his apron and putting on a dusty shirt he made his way over to the galley. Stopping in a hallway, he looked at a fire-alarm. The handle was slack, sticking out the tiniest bit from its resting position. He flicked it a few times, and when no klaxons sounded he grunted. A liability. The sated mood soured, but it didn't matter for now. He simply made his face wraps a little bit less tight to not accent his expression.

Arriving, he looked at the drink set out for him. Cupping a hand over it to hide a bit of himself as he sniffed, it was quickly confirmed what it was. He appreciated the gesture and research into the results of his physiognomy. It was sugary crap full of artificial flavouring he wouldn't have ever consumed before he was mutilated by the reavers. Now though, it was a rare ambrosia in the midst of his new life. But also a reminder of the greater things he ought strive for, like getting a new tongue.

He nodded to the people already there, preferring to stand for now rather than trying to cram himself into a chair.

Heya! With the snows starting and less grass-touching in my immediate purview I thought I'd look into finding some RP to spend time with and hopefully blossom into a good long term writing partnership

I'll start with a brief preface about myself. I am early 20s, English as a second language what with being French Canadian, but secondarily Anglophone I consider myself quite literate with big fancy schmancy words with enough syllables to make the head hurt and spin. If you want a writing sample of mine, I am happy to oblige. I might snoop your profile for a feel of how you write, and might ask for one. Don't get offended, I'm sure you're great! But, I just want to make sure we'll vibe stylistically :> Its also very important to me that we get along as people rather than merely meshing writing styles because discussing plot and the likes is critical!

I am happy to find smut in an RP, but it should be if present a natural progression of a story. Moreover, with me being a fan of slow burn / long term plots, it will usually be some time before we get into it. suffice to say I am looking at a plot|smut ratio of 75|25 at absolute most if you approach me though I will tend to go for less of it (after all, what movie or book is a quarter sex? well, not counting THOSE ones...). I have in general very few limits about any content from stuff in smut to gore, as long as you bring it up beforehand (by default I'm incredibly vanilla but flexible). However if its the only thing you bring up I won't be interested at all. Also, I will only RP cisgendered heterosexual relationships as the male if you have any interests in romance and/or smut. Any amount of diverse side characters is fine and encouraged of course. I'm not really actively looking for nsfw rp though, I welcome ideas with or without it all the same. To be honest, I don't even really need romance in my RPs either, something entirely platonic is really awesome too. Just make explicit if you want or don't want it, or if you want to leave it to "we'll see what happens" (realistically this means probably not or not for a very very long time).

Also plz nothing adult (violent or otherwise) involving kids. I thought this goes without saying but unfortunately not :<

ALSO, I'm not an e-boy and not looking for an e-girl. I have an SO and we're probably going to get married after we both finish our current step in education. Not looking for actual relationships here. Again I thought this goes without saying but.....

In terms of quantity and quality of posts, generally 3+ paragraphs minimum 1-2 times a week is what I bring to the table. I'm willing to wait months for quality, but it's really got to good stuff and please let me know if you do delay. I consider myself an advanced writer for these reasons, but I try not to be a snobby bastard about it. If we both have nothing to do some day, then I'll also be happy for some rapid fire replies. In general, though, I will be forgiving and understanding if you have any issues just tell me! Which is a nice segue to the next point.

I generally don't do character sheets and that kinda thing but I will oblige if you insist.

Talk. Let's talk a lot in OOC. Share musics we think are relevant, arts, etc. If we can get along and are constantly talking in OOC (as long as this doesn't distract us from actually posting xD) that would be awesome. If we are discordant in the OOC, then its unlikely our actual RP will work out.

For here I will primarily RP through either DMs or some service like google docs. If you use instant messengers like discord or google chats I would be fine communicating with those but please only after we have worked something out in on-site messages first. To be honest I have only come to use a few of these recently (most of my life I have used slack professionally, but that's not quite the same :>) and for a lot of RPs I find they distract from actually writing hence my hesitation.

Now, let's have fun

Please, if you DM me, tell me a bit about yourself and what of the below you enjoyed :D


Never thought I'd see you again. Not sure I wanted to. - New!

This has been an idea rolling around in my head for a while. In summary, our characters once knew each other a long time ago, very well. Platonically could have been best bros or siblings, or if you want a little romance they could have been lovers or even outright married, perhaps even with poor kids left suffering by their separation. Regardless, the point is there was something that forced a whole abyss between them. Only some coincidence of circumstance forced them together again. Maybe on meeting each other they rekindle their friendship or love exactly as it was, missing each other too much despite their differences. Maybe something only forces them into the same situation as they remain resentful, thus having to "start anew".

I kind of had two fandoms with more specific ideas in mind for this.


This would most likely be in a medieval fantasy setting but could be adapted for others. In this RP, you will play a character (or rather two!) who is a demon, a fairy, an astrally projecting sorceror, some supernatural force who has possessed somebody that is near and dear to mine. A best friend, a wife, a family member, perhaps a feudal liege or master of my apprentice. Regardless, this possession was not meant to be, and even the possessor acknowledges this as something terrible has gone wrong. There will be lots of despair as the original person of your character's body every so often reclaims their mind and flesh but every time for a shorter period, slowly losing bits of themselves. This plot can go many different ways, with the possession being resolved eventually and our characters having to deal with their new lives following the dark path they were in. An even darker path could be the possession finalizing, and my character now having to live with this new life where a dear person is now someone else entirely. This could potentially go on to have romance/smut elements if interested though it would certainly be an enemies to lovers deal.

I would be open to somewhat of a reversal of roles although I might make huge revisions to details if so.

We'll Fix this.

Somewhat similar to the first mentioned plot, one or both of our characters got struck with some affliction that will transform them. Vampirism, lycanthropy, something else. Our efforts focus on the two goals of first curing this, and second getting revenge on whoever caused it. This can have added drama like one or both of the characters being "hunters" of this condition, and having to struggle with the revulsion they see in this person they stay by. Alternate drama bonus could be in going so far as one of the characters being one of vampires or werewolves or whatever who sympathizes with the plight, perhaps so far as being the one who caused this affliction (though, in this case it would probably have to have been on somebody else's orders. Then again great drama can be brewed if it is later found out it was done entirely willingly :D although some thinking in explaining this will have to happen).

I would be open to somewhat of a reversal of roles although I might make huge revisions to details if so.

I'd be happy to take either role in this

What Duty Demands

This would most likely be an "Enemies to {X}" trope fulfilling plot. A classic HunterXHunted affair. In this, I want to be some sort of hunter (again it doesnt matter here of what: vampires, demons, whatever), or keeper of the law like an Inquisitor and you should be a subject of interest to my character. Perhaps you weren't the one originally the target, and instead only found by coincidence after we were both at the sight of a greater foe. Regardless, your character would be "captured", however circumstance forces them to slowly gain each other's trust as far more dangerous common enemies bring them together. Could wind up with your character "corrupting" mine, my character "redeeming" yours, or them finding a middle ground and reconciliation between their different worlds. Perhaps from these two can be built a bridge between their cultures (the Montagues and Capulets reconciling but Romeo and Juliet aren't dead :D), or in the inverse entirely the discovery of their growing accord could suddenly enflame great new conflicts between their two worlds (Romeo and Juliet aren't dead, Montagues and Capulets still stabbing each other :< ). Many layers of angst and drama can be added if say issues of species from your character being a tiefling or other "undesirable" come up and there's that prejudice to overcome after the initial mercy

I'd probably be open to a reversal of these roles too if you bring a really cool idea.

a bit of the last two....

A sort of combination of the above, my character would be somebody who was a hunter or an Inquisitor or something else of the sort, but was forcibly turned into some sort of creature like a vampire or werewolf. Yours would be somebody who knows how to turn mine back into a human (a sorceror, a witch, some mad scientist, etc.) forcing mine to reluctantly spare YC and get to work. Very heavily based in VtM/World of Darkness

The Souls that Wander

Loosely inspired by BG3, Dragon Age, DivinityOS, and more broadly DnD and general "party" dynamics this would involve both of us probably playing a good deal of characters in a large camp/party travelling to accomplish some epic goal. I had a loose plot about some plague of suicides based on medieval things like sudden groups of people laughing or dancing to death and finding the origins of this but any plot will do.

More necessarily romance/nsfw oriented plots....

Prima Nocta

In this let us consider the trope of prima nocta, droit du seigneur, the right of the master, and many such names for it. While somewhat ahistoric, it is certainly a fun and pervasive fantasy trope of a noble having hypothetical freedom to bed any of a lower title than he if they lack protection.

Quite simply put I'd play a feudal lord of some sort, one of your character's social betters. Perhaps my character is smitten with yours in a less fantastical take. Maybe he exercises this privilege as a way to sire a bastard with his existing wife not providing heirs. It could be he sees some magic blood within the woman of choice he desires for his progeny and damn the fact the marriage would be called morganatic. Perhaps he takes advantage of this to freely enter your character's home suspecting her to be a rebel or hiding some wanted folk (or any other sort of crime) and somewhat hides this under this pretext. This could have a whole bunch of themes going along with it be it enemies to lovers or maybe related with some intrigue.

Vae Victis

Based loosely on the conquests of Alexander (but not only him) where a conquered people, particularly the nobility would have marriages organized with the conqueror to create a sort of mixing of cultures to solidify the victory.

A princess (if not literally) being married off to my warlord or Emperor or more more lowly officer or even simple soldier getting a hand in marriage (could go as far as a conscript soldier getting a Queen's hand in marriage for as a reward for some act he did to solidify humiliation of the conquered people) as spoils of war.

This could go in many ways. Perhaps there could be intrigue as the victorious general now having control of a new land decides to usurp his own master for yet greater glory with a new wife in hand and great courtly intrigues abound. It could even be that your character manipulates mine to have ambition and try to usurp the greater conqueror to thus indirectly take revenge on the one that conquered her folk. Perhaps this could more simply focus on the two of them and the clash of cultures and overcoming resentment and initial conflicts.

This could be done in a fantasy setting anywhere from a classical period to a medieval or even early modern, or industrial/steampunk one. I also had an idea for a setting I thought this would be fun to do in that is somewhat based on a near future (2100s?) where nukes, global warming, etc. all dropped as calamity, but it didn't cause a total apocalypse. Rather, simply the ruination combined with great technologies of the world has returned to a sort of neo-classicism where warlords with great technologies, perhaps armies of clones or barbarian cyborgs create a time that even if advanced is still ever reminiscent of ages passed. Similar scifi ideas could be done where Roman galeas are worn on top of space helmets.

I surrender.

This would be a reversal of sorts of the above ideas power dynamics to some degree

based loosely off of this tumblr post, I don't have that much more to say. Maybe my character was a young Knight defeated by a person he thought a savage easily defeated foe and has a sudden realization things have NOT in fact, gone his way. Perhaps your Robin-Hood type character robs the manor of my character, thinking it empty only to find my lad therein. Maybe my character was kidnapped or captured in battle for ransom his family don't seem to care to pay, and thus being useless to "hold" further he joins yours in whatever they do. Perhaps just a simple peasant lad captured on a raid. Could be expanded in any amount of ways, but in the image is the summary of the vibes to go off of. Would work best with well muscled ladies that can bench 225 but details details :D

Writing Projects:

These are things I sort of wish to eventually bloom into group roleplays, perhaps using our one-on-one time to create a prologue of sorts before the introduction of new players. You would of course be a co-GM of sorts as this expands to include new people. In fact, you would arguably play a "main character" of sorts within (I would prefer to have "secondary" leadership like a first mate or a narrative driver like a "quest giver"). These are the two things I have the most "ready" plot for, both of these being things I have mulled over for quite some time though admittedly have not yet committed all that much to writing yet.


Stuff I am interested in for a 1x1 though the details are to be ironed out
Mass Effect
Blizzard (Warcraft, Diablo, kind of SC and OW?)
Runeterra (Arcane, League of Legends, etc.)
Warhammer (much more 40k, but if you hand hold me I can do fantasy)
Cowboy Bebop
DnD (incl. Baldur's Gate)
Probably a bunch not mentioned
In general I don't actually like playing in fandoms for 1x1 RPs but they give great inspiration. (I know the irony of listing fandoms just before saying this but I am covering bases!) Still if you have an amazing idea in them I'd be happy to oblige!


Historical (in particular of my dearest North America and France) & pseudo historical (i.e. history with fantastic elements. Perhaps mythology and folklore is real or stuff along those lines).

Fantasy of any kind.


Not a big fan of post-apocalyptic stuff, sorry. Not that big of a fan of modern stuff either (not a gun nut, car nut, etc. XD) . Willing to consider either of these if you have an extremely good idea though.


Enemies to... (friends, lovers, you decide!)

Reluctant Teamup (yeah these two are like the same thing xD)

Hunter and Hunted

Intrigue (broad, but including things like noble courts, detective mysteries, etc etc)

Oathsworn (My or your character is somehow bound to the other by some promise, be it to defend them with life or other such things)

Not a particularly big fan of slice of life or other "mundane" stuff after working in academia, sorry. Not really a fan of horror and the likes either. Not to say there can't be dark scary themes per se but I've read Lovecraft and King extensively and couldn't get the appeal of either. Call me a basic bitch but the only part of horror media I have ever enjoyed are jump-scares :>

THANK YOU FOR READING! Very grateful for your time :>
Slynn, a male or unisex derivative of Sylynne - one of the heroes of Asclepius - was the name given to the strange star child. It was fitting, the child seemingly having a similar origin to the starborne woman that graced Asclepius many centuries ago. A fellow human supposedly from a fallen civilization she had brought great knowledge to the world. Oh the technologies she carried on her lone vessel weren’t particularly impressive, some constructs now long buried in archives of the world.

But it was the philosophies and ways of thinking that she developed that set her out so, instantly grasping the zeitgeist upon Asclepius in her era and improving upon it as any dedicated polymath should. It was in her memory a great many were named, and the gargantuan being that had now come to Asclepius was certainly fitting of the legacy. Slynn had learned to adapt its skin to look more human than it would merely displaying its natural form looking of liquid mercury ever running along its flesh. A pale young man with chin length black hair bound tightly in a pony tail, the strange being would be unthreatening if one saw it from afar. But once one examined it from the distance of a few paces this illusion would melt. Even forcibly hunching itself ever so slightly under its robes in a permanent effort to look non-threatening the primarch was much taller than any living person on Asclepius.

Yet it was decidedly human. Willingly submitting himself to a great many tests it was quickly discovered that the thing was human. Its heritage was clearly in that of a forge of flesh, but still there was something resembling mankind as it was known on Asclepius therein. Incomprehensible, but still distinctly of Terra’s seed.

Indeed the primarch cooperated fully with all examinations done of it, the questionings, and experiments. It was difficult to take the smallest of samples, such was the durability of its hide, its meat, its bone. Thankfully, Slynn was glad to oblige, drawing his own blood, beeling off his own skin. When asked how it could not feel the pain of this, Slynn looked at them with pure confusion. “I do feel the pain.” was the simple response, and after some discussion the super human elaborated that in fact hurting itself was incredibly painful. However, there was a greater good to be served in doing this.

Slynn did a lot more than study himself however. Invited directly by the Polymaths to study, it quickly ascended the ranks of students to surpass those who were studying for decades. Yet dutifully Slynn wished not to skip any steps, like a sponge absorbing every single bit of knowledge it came across. Without consulting a data-slate, it knew the name and much of the lives of every single person on that great performance of the fall on the fateful day that the child slammed into the soil of Asclepius. Elementary things like what someone ate for breakfast on some day or the science behind a plasma generator seemed to be no different in the mind of the starborn. A voracious maw, one that could only be fed by knowledge and yet would only hunger ever more.

It was only a few years before Slynn stood together with the Polymaths. The greatest men of Asclepius, they found their minds honed by centuries dwarfed by the alien that had been on their world less than two decades.

If they were lesser men, they would have been jealous. Instead they were honestly nothing more than perplexed. They knew of all sorts of genetic experiments to make the brain a more refined tool. After all, every person on the planet benefited from such. But Slynn was something that could only beggar belief.

The primarch was now a teenager if one assumed it followed ordinary human maturation. It had already joined the ranks of the Polymaths. Yet, for the moment, it had no apparent interest in trying to become the most equal of the first among equals, so to speak. No it came to the Council of High Studies seemingly eager to only fulfill that which its name implied it was intended for. It wanted only to learn, and to apply its knowledge for the betterment of its adopted people.

Seemingly, it only struggled with two things. One, was the forbidden arts. This was ultimately for the best, but it nonetheless interested the Polymaths and Proctors that Slynn couldn’t even comprehend the concept of the warp. The equations of the gellar fields were incomprehensible to the youth. The very idea that something could be so absent of logic bewildered Slynn, and to the shock of the Polymaths who had not previously encountered any negative emotion from the being seemed to anger and upset the primarch too.

For the first time ever the youth raised its hands in fists and smashed many statues of the Lyceum around it. Of course it then apologized profusely and ran off to hide in its quarters. Nobody dared knock what with the display of sudden if ultimately harmless violence, but some of the handmaids that brought food to the suddenly reclusive Slynn reported that they heard tears from its rooms.

It was thus unsurprising that once returned to its studies, Slynn could not particularly understand the ancient war that separated Brahms and Asclepius, and why it recoiled in seeming terror like a puppy yelled at when Proctor Balear raised his voice to not prod at the matter. Slynn was nearly twice as tall as the ancient, yet rebuke from his teacher seemed to hurt more than any of the surgical implements that had pierced its flesh years ago.

From this one point of unclarity spiralled a great struggle to understand history, and emotions of ordinary people. Sometimes Slynn would speak to people in a monotone voice, yet the primarch would bear an eerie smile wider than its cheekbones and yet not even showing any teeth! At others, Slynn would have his mouth agape with an otherwise absent expression as it was listening to glorious poems and speeches, many of which it was known for a fact the extraterrestrial had enjoyed on prior and later occasions.

Every single one of these eccentricities was recorded very, very thoroughly. Slynn gave great contributions to the philosophies of Asclepius and indeed was already making changes to the sciences of the world. It was thus clear that Slynn would be remembered as long as Asclepian civilization stood.

These events would make it quite simply to understand in hindsight, why Slynn quite abruptly was made privy to the most intimate secrets of Asclepius. One day the inhuman was summoned by the Council of High Studies, supposedly for a matter that they had never discussed before. Indeed Slynn was taken to a room in a complex he was not aware of, for it did not appear in any map available to him. Within something of a planetarium. It was beautiful, a display of the stars undiluted by the atmosphere even if unlike mortal man the primarch could see well past it.

A few Proctors nodded to the arriving primarch, looking upon a hologram of strange otherworldly scenes. Aliens, clear by the pointy ears and yet ever so strangely human. Other similarly anthropoid creatures now with green skin, and at last the sight of the first aliens in combat with amber skinned humans. It was only some images later showing foreign architecture did Slynn understand what was being displayed. Something was happening both on Brahms, but also here, because of it. Somebody was uniting the disparate peoples of the world, and they had fought off aliens. Aliens that the Polymaths never spoke of, who were now very mad with Asclepius.

Suddenly, Slynn felt hurt by all the knowledge withheld from the young superhuman. Suddenly, he knew his world was about to change and expand perhaps as much on the very day that as an infant he landed on the world he called home.

Curious to see the party comp. I have a basic idea that could work any one of three ways in terms of race/class. We seem Alliance heavy, so here's some KEK KEK KEK FOR THE HORDE!

1. Undead (Priest, Rogue)
2. Blood Elf (Warlock, Rogue)
3. Orc (Warlock, Shaman)

If you do a blood elf we could do that little family reunion with my high elf subplot I was hoping to get :>

For reference, here's a wip. Hoping the idea so far is ok @Kuro I know some GMs/DMs of warcraft RPs have problems with high elves.

Had a thought of maybe a high elf 'dex-paladin' that perhaps joined up in hopes of finding a few people he knew before that are now BE and reconnect with them. If anybody is interested in playing one of these counterparts to him let me know :D
Maybe. Idea is interesting but kind of busy and always feel weird about the neutral/inter-faction groups
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