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    1. CallMeMisterSmith 10 yrs ago


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Ooc and my char sheet are up in the rp section

Guardians Roster

Game NPCs and other Important Characters

Name: Merlin Frederik

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Class: Hunter

Age: 28

Bio: Merlin was raised by his grandfather who, until the boy of age 8 was brought to him, had been a hermit in the middle of the woods. Growing up having to kill for what you eat, and giving thanks to the earth and mother for your kill, tends to mild a rough and strong man. Merlin was no different, a man of few words he would often let his skill with a bow or blade do the talking. may the gods help anyone who dares poach or trespass on this mans land, for his traps don't allow you to live and tell of them. Now a well seasoned young man of 28, he has left the land where he buried his grandfather, in search of his own fortune to the north.


Along the way Merlin encountered a strange gentleman. One whose dress and manor he was not much accustomed to. Though that wasn't saying much, this man was rather odd indeed. He simply handed Merlin a paper that said;

Without a second thought Merlin's pride got the better of him and he immediately made his way to Alo'Quin, capital city and home of the Cup and Barrel, a tavern of sorts.

Special Skills:An excellent Trapper and Tracker. Merlin is skilled with both a bow and blade. He can speak quite well, although he chooses not to. His closest friend is his Hawk Archimedes, whom he trained since he was old enough to fly.

Weapons: Always carries his hand-made bow and a quiver of arrows, as well as a small sheathed dagger on his hip.

The Guardians of Sa’Renak

The moon cast an almost purple hue across the midnight sky; this eclipse would truly mark a turning point in the coming age of the kingdom. The air was cold and crisp, the autumnal breeze bit at the trees and what leaves had remained. Smoke billowed from the chimneys as villagers vigorously attempted to stay warm and cozy. This was the coming season they had expected here in Alo-Quin; a bitter winter approached as was foretold by the shamans, and their faith was rewarded with a bountiful harvest to prepare for the frost. You see, this is a time when magik and gods held power over man and beast. Many a race came together in these lands, forming cities, villages and settlements. Large and imposing temples were flocked to daily to make tribute, markets bustling with consumers, vying for the finest wares from Dwarven metals forged in the hottest fire to Elvish wood carved and cut from the strongest and finest timber. These times were quite prosperous for the kingdom of Sa’Renak and all its small towns and large cities flourished because of it.


However, dark days are on the horizon. It has been foretold that an army of undead and unwanted are growing not only in numbers, but in great power. Led by an Evil Necromancer, the Vile Cult is one that must be stopped, at all costs.

That is where you come in.

Your character has found out (that is to be determined in you “origin story”) that they have been called on by the ruler of the kingdom of Sa’Renak to travel to the northern capital city, Alo-Quin and provide aid to the kingdom in repelling this menacing force. Once you arrive you will be assigned to a group of fighters, mages, rouges, rangers and other such folk to stop the Vile Cult and their evil leader before they descend upon the kingdom and all is lost.

@TheWindel A Ghost or wandering spirit will work for the start of this RP, i would advise on a plan for this spirit or ghost to either re-unite with its former vessel (either by magic or some other means) or become bonded to a new vessel in the form of a semi-permanent possession or soul bonding ritual. I apologize in advance for the lack of consistency in posting.... been moving my family into a new place and things are kind of in flux right now. will attempt to post at LEAST twice a week...and i would hope you all can do the same. The IC posts will be up today, please submit your character sheet into the OOC and once accepted I will add you to the roster.
rest in piece. damn thread
If anyone is still interested I'll have the ic post ready shortly
So sorry guys. Posted the vs here and never got a thread going. I was here thinking you bailed.
seems so. damn what a bummer. these threads always die..wtf!?!?!
Zero walked casually down the sidewalk, street clothes donned trying to be "normal". Although he wasn't even sure he knew what normal felt like. The city was, as always a bustling metropolis with all colors and characters prancing about. The street-side hot dog vendor was filling the air with a delicious aroma. Although he had the day off Zero always enjoyed walking the streets and people watching, and in all honesty someone with his unique "gifts" never really had a day off. Unaware of the awkward glances and penetrating stares by passers by Zero kept his head down and feet moving forward. The whispers started subtle enough, however soon the chatter rose to an audible level and the staring became almost a non-verbal assault by the strangers on the street. One large and somewhat poorly put together man approached Zero as he turned a corner onto a side street.
"Yous' one of dem freaks aint ya?" the hulking figure pondered aloud. "I know cause I was you what on the internets...." This man was clearly not one of high level intelligence however his sheer bulk seemed to slightly diminish Zeros' size. "We don't want none of your kind 'round here, you muties should be ended, all of yous'"
Zero shot the man an awkward, almost offended glance. He was still getting used to living in his own skin after recent events left him with powers he himself didn't fully understand. This was precisely the problem Zero was trying to avoid, just stay out of the spotlight and try not to get involved with any stupid, scared "normals".

"Listen fella, I don't want any trouble.... I'm just a regular guy like you, trying to make his way..."
This thought only seemed to enrage the lumbering oaf in front of him, turning the furrowed brow from one of confusion, to one of anger.
"I ain't no freak yeah?, I should pop your scrawny neck for that"
With that said a bowling ball sized fist came hurling toward Zero in the form of a right hook.
Zero quickly ducked as the large man followed through with his strike decimating a stack of wooden pallets next to him.
As wood chips flew into the air Zero took off back down the street, fleeing from this rather aggressive man who was now charging after him.

He skillfully took a corner and headed toward the large park in the center of the city, narrowly avoiding a large crate that came screaming over his shoulder, the bumbling mass of rage and human still in tow. The large man was screaming obscenities and calling Zero a freak as he pushed over on-lookers in pursuit. Zero pulled his hood over his head and quickly dove into a set of thick, overgrown bushes that bordered the park. Rolling through the brush he was sure he slipped his pursuer, and now catching his breath he sat in awe at the massive plant structures that seemed to dominate the landscape in the center of the city. He never noticed how beautiful and wild this place looked, then again in Veridian City it helped to never notice much of anything, ever...Things were simply safer that way.

Zero stopped as roughly 40 yards away he saw what looked like a large red throne made of plant life, and seated upon it was a strikingly beautiful creature that Zero couldn't be sure was even human. Standing in front of it was the cocky cheese-ball Streak. They seemed to be conversing although he couldn't hear what they had been discussing. There was a third figure though he couldn't make out who...or what it was. Zero wanted no part of this, however, he seemed to have gotten himself turned around and now could not find his bearings on how to exit the park.

As he shifted his weight *SNAP!* a branch broke underneath his feet. SHIT!,
he thought....
maybe they didn't hear that?
He stood frozen hoping he could remain unnoticed.

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