Avatar of calmgale
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 61 (0.02 / day)
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    1. calmgale 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current 'ey, go mutilate yaself.
1 like
9 yrs ago
touch not, lest ye be touched.
9 yrs ago
thinking about playing path of exile...standard league. if anyone wouldn't mind playing with a newbie...let me know. probably gonna go ranger or marauder. that's all > . >
9 yrs ago
rescind, remove, rewind. . .
9 yrs ago


i just did it. no sweat!

Most Recent Posts

yeah, i don't mind using a drawing as reference or whatever. N B D~!


adding some information today. went ahead and added a bit about sundering, under the info hider.

more to come. i think!

despairedit; i wanna make a map...but i can't. oh well~! if anyone's got the skills for such a thing...you should totally do me a solid and shoot me a pm! pleeeeeeeeeease~?!

anyway~ (again? really?!)

i'm gonna think of some more stuff to work on. look forward to a cs involving something of a legend in kallore. mystery surrounds him, and enigmas congregate around him in obfuscating nimbi. he's hella weird. he's hella powerful. he...owns a FLYING FORTRESS OF TERROR. (yes, that's the actual name of the thing...so far as YOU [you being YOU or YOUR CHARACTER] know. [aren't these thoughts within what are supposed to be thoughts or side-notes becoming a bit much? {no, no they are not. YOU LOVE THEM~! or, at the least, i LOVE THEM!}])

though, really, who knows when i'll get THAT bit of business out of the way. there are other things to be dealt with. which i am GONNA deal with. posthaste. after food...and a break...and some other things. (why do things stand in the way of other things?)
@Mia17 hahaha~ it's cooooool, i didn't take offense or nothin'!

@Shade thanks! greetings to you, too! (and your kind words~)
{yawns at length}

well, i was gonna respond about the package thing @BeanieBaggie; but i'm glad ya'll figured that bit out. ^ . ^

i'll probably be doing some work on stuff (GUILDVENTURES stuff, in particular! what are the odds!?), today...soooooo, i'll be around~!

also, good morning! (or whatever it is wherever you are)

edit; @NightRaider i might have to check that out at some point > . > haven't done any table top stuff in a long while. (all my friends suck...and, like, can't get organized for sessions)

lazyedit; i didn't do anything today. sorry, guys. feel kinda like trash. tomorrow WILL BE B E T T E R.
@Zurnt ooooh, i'll be adding stuff~ just at my own lackadaisical (sometimes manic) pace. i'm waaaaaay more into posting (or writing for leisure) than writing up info segments. (though i try to give them SOME flavor when i do.)

@Nightraider O.M.G! i did NOT EVEN know that there was a 5e d&d until you said that. omg i am so out of the loop. last one i touched was 3.5 (T . T) also! liked~!

@zeemander no problem! i probably won't be getting around to ic stuff for a couple of days, tbh. so, you've got a little bit of breathing room for a 'deadline'. (^ . ^)

I'll answer here for convenience. That's perfect in regards to the Arcana, fits with my characters background. Thanks for the extra about the currency as well. If you want to, send me whatever you'd like to share in a PM to me and I'll have a look. Like I said, I don't wanna hijack your vision, but I'v been here, done this and gotten the T-shirt.

Also, will I post my CS here for approval or just straight into the CS thread with it?

alright, m'sure i'll get around to doing so at some point! and no worries, the vision is set and ready to rumble; i'm rather opposed to the idea of having it hijacked or derailed...but i suppose that's only on certain points. honestly, though, i've done this kind of thing a fair amount myself...just not around these parts. glad it fits with the background you have planned~

edit; just noticed that last bit. go ahead and post it in the character section. if i have qualms, i'll take it up with you privately. if not, you'll get a like~
it was a lamp. that's how it went!
@zeemander no worries! take your time! : )

@Nightraider i answered those in the interest check, so i dunno what to do about this! refer to that post, pleeeeeeease~

edit; edited for convenience.
@Bad Weather of COURSE i will have you! well, as for characters and what's NEEDED is whatever YOU want to make! ; )


1) finally! someone asked about it! to answer this one; both yes and no. while the arcana demense is an institution for mages of all sorts, it is NOT an official guild. it's mostly a place dedicated to the understanding of magic and the betterment of mages and their crafts.

2) there's no officially recognized age of adulthood, so anyone can BECOME an adventurer; though, admittedly, there would be eyebrows raised about someone younger than (let's say) 12 or so applying to become one. if there weren't already something in place to determine how we're all gonna end up in a guild, i'd say that most guilds would be picky about letting yunngins in.

3) yeah, they're all different ages. oldest to youngest; attenia, drasil, meita, volance. i haven't exactly decided on HOW old they all are, but i'll spit some quick estimations (again, in the order above) ~800, ~650, ~400, ~120.

if you'd prefer more detailed answers, i can provide those.

thanks for offering to help! (and the compliment of potential.) i don't mind if you wanna brainstorm together or something, but let's take it to a pm. easier that way for me! i've got a lot of stuff already figured out, but, honestly, i haven't written it down bc a lot of it lacks relevance to what we'll be doing. (that and i'm lazy, sometimes...and still have a lot to do for elise.)

quick edit; also, anyone curious about drasilian currency. it's wooden disks, each with the essian mare inscribed on them. they're tiered by value, obviously; copper, silver, gold. pretty standard system. 50 copper to a silver, 25 silver to a gold. i'll go add that in, somewhere, in the drasilian info entry. RIGHT. NOW.
@Zurnt i saw. i liked.

@BeanieBaggie i saw. i liked. enjoy the day and stuff~

...i might like every single character that's posted.
I posted a thing. A not finished thing but it's a thing.

I like Invari, for no particular reason.

i liked that thing. and...those are the best nonspecific reasons to like invari.
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