Avatar of Camey
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    1. Camey 7 yrs ago


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I'll post after Mariana has posted
@MikkishtheLeprechaun @Mariana Collie @Gentlemanvaultboy
'Since when is community service picking up trash?' She asked briefly, remembering her own memories of it. She had done community service a few times when getting caught for dealing and or smuggling, but it was never picking up trash. Mostly getting rid of pests, but not in the way Mikkish spoke. Killing was involved sometimes, but mostly it was getting rid of the bodies and the smell of them. It wasn't great.

'And then?' She asked when Mikkish began talking about his ex and himself being held at gunpoint, not realising why he was stopping until he spoke further. 'speaking of..?' she slowly said while following his gaze and seeing the people from the helicopter. She quickly copied Mikkish's actions and took out her own gun, running after Mikkish after a slight hesitation. Was she really going to risk her life for a few random people she met on the helicopter? Apparently, she was.

She suddenly ducked after a bullet nearly hit her and Mikkish, her heartrate rapidly increasing. 'Damn!' she exclaimed, panic overtaking her tone. She ducked behind a large sign. It probably wouldn't be enough to stop a bullet, but it was better than the opponent having a clear shot at her head. While behind the sign, she could only hear the bullets ricochet, which made her feel quite uneasy. She quickly looked at the scene, holding her gun to shoot at any moment if necessary, still mostly behind the sign to prevent her from being seen.

I'll respond somewhere in the next 24 hours if my schedule allows it. Sorry about the wait, so much to do, so little time.
MADDOX DELANEY | @MikkishtheLeprechaun

She had to agree with Mikkish when he spoke about the tracking. Where where they going to go? Swim away? That would’ve been impossible. Besides, even if they were to go somewhere, they would still have trackers. Maddox simply nodded. She was slightly worried, but there was nothing they would be able to do either way, so worrying about it seemed pointless. It probably was. Still, everything seemed off. Not just the silence, but there was this unexplainable ‘feeling’ which didn’t make her feel at ease. She didn’t know what it was - it could even be some left-over motion sickness from the aircraft, although that was very unlikely -, but it felt off. She looked at Mikkish, wondering if he felt the same, but didn’t speak about it. No need to make herself look paranoid. She should just remain calm and try to find out what this place actually was, since the ‘magic’ explanation still didn’t seem like the complete truth. There seemed more to it than just that, and she wanted to find out.
Suddenly Mikkish spoke again after a few moments of silence, and Maddox looked up at him. “Lots of things.” She said a bit distant. She didn’t really feel like talking about her past, and diverting the question by joking they came here on an aircraft wasn’t an option either. Maddox always hated those kinds of answers. They weren’t funny and were useless. Still, she felt like she had to answer him. Not because she liked him or they were friends, but because it seemed important. If she answered, he would too and she would know about the others on the helicopters. Know of their agenda here and what they thought they would accomplish here. 
“Smuggling.” She eventually said. “Dealing actually. Both. Doesn’t matter. I was ratted out, so that sucked. Soon afterwards I was offered this job. Well, ‘offered’… It was this or go to prison. Rather be here than in a rotting hellhole…” She said, muttering the last part. “You?” She asked, wondering what brought him here.


Location: Pizza joint Conversing with: Mikkish, Naoko Special Skills: Smuggling, Dealing

She was quite surprised when the Asian boy snapped at her and Mikkish. In her mind she’d came up with a lot of retorts to his yelling, but decided not to. She didn’t care about the people staring at them, but one scene was enough for now. Besides, she wasn’t going to embarrass herself in front of the café like the Asian did. Maddox simply stared at the looks and waved them off.

“Must be a sore loser.” she simply said to Mikkish when he spoke about their ‘evil plan’. She didn’t really care for the boy. If he was going to be annoyed by some simple questions - granted, it was to get him caught of guard, which worked a little, just not in the way she wanted -, she didn’t want anything to do with him. Or Mikkish for that matter, but when he’d asked her to tag along she nodded, taking another bite of her quiche before standing up and leaving what was left on her plate. When she went to grab some money, Mikkish already walked away. With a quick move she threw down some money - not tipping her obnoxious waitress -, and quickly caught up with Mikkish.

“From what I’ve seen, this city has yet to offer something different. It just seems like a normal city but without pests, and guns apparently…” She said, remembering how alarmed the people looked when Mikkish and his friend held out their guns. There may or may not be pests here, but did no one have a gun? Surely there was at least some level of criminal activity? All these questions made her almost forget what they were doing here in the first place. Attending a ‘magic’ school. It was weird, the way the company handled things. Letting everyone roam free, not keeping tabs on them. Or maybe they did.

“Hey,” She began. “Do you think we have trackers on us?” It wouldn’t surprise her, but they should have notified them if they did. She hadn’t really checked for them - before now the thought hadn’t even occurred to her -. Even without the conformation of her speculation, she still thought she should have know better. Questioned things earlier. She knew it was hardly any use. Mikkish wouldn’t have any answers and Richard was no where to be seen. Besides, there was no reason to trust him. No reason to be wary of him either, but that wasn’t enough for her to simply ask him any question she had.



Location: Queen of Hearts bar Conversing with: Effie @ineffably, Ardella @Lyla, Kaïte @Lumiere

Before she had rambled on with her long words, Kaïte answered her “I’m not exactly human” sentence with her own version of it, replacing the word ‘human’ with ‘rabbit’. Kaïte didn’t really elaborate on that and just began eating his stew. She couldn’t blame him for that, she herself hadn’t elaborated on her situation. Not yet at least.

Having answered Effie’s questions, she just realised how long she had spoken, and how many words she had just to explain something which was near impossible to explain in the first place. She felt a little embarrassed and at these times she didn’t have all those pesky human feelings. She was immensely grateful for it, but some of them got annoying, like embarrassment. Luckily no one seemed to notice. Effie was off writing down everything - which even Alya couldn’t figure out what they meant -, Katie was still busy eating his food and the waitress probably just listened to Effie’s continues enthusiastic questions. Looking at the pages Effie had before her, she quickly began scanning the words. Her eyes caught onto the question “What is human?”. Ironically that was the ultimate human question. Asking what they were. Due to Alya being part android part human, she too had these existential kind of questions from time to time, but she could perfectly answer what a human was. In her mind a ‘human’ could be classified as an organic creature with bones, a nervous system and a brain that controls the actions of a human. She knew that was not the meaning of the question, but in her defence, the question did not specify what answer it was looking for. It was funny, Alya thought, that Effie, with her cybernetic parts, was much like a philosopher. Someone who made sense of the world around them by coming up with theories about the human mind. Imagine that, an android philosopher. The hard part about philosophy was that there were no right or wrong answers. No equation you can simply solve by knowing what to do. In fact, knowledge had nothing to do with philosophy, at least not in Alya’s book.

Suddenly, some interesting words caught Alya’s attention and she immediately looked up towards Effie. When the woman mentioned Ardella - so that was her name -, she wasn’t paying much attention. She was still solely focussed on what Effie wrote down, but when she mentioned sentience, the only thing she could keep her eyes on was the waitress, Ardella. She had wondered if the waitress possessed sentience for a little while now, and the waiting was killing her. It wasn’t even that important, it was just that Alya wanted to know. She was curious. Curious to hear the answer and curious how she herself would react to whatever answer Ardella would say.

Before the woman could, however, Effie continued. She asked such difficult questions, Alya thought. Even with all of her computing power and knowledge. These questions were quite personal and Alya had quite a hard time with them. She felt herself getting a little bit tired due to it. Her mind was constantly grinding it’s gears - which were in fact not literal gears contrary to popular belief - to figure out the answer even though there really wasn’t one. Is this what philosophy felt like? Because if it was, Alya didn’t enjoy it. It felt trying. She still wanted to answer the question as a kindness to Effie, but struggled with finding the right words. Instead she opted to wait for Ardella’s answer, wanting to hear if she could add a little onto her words, or just to simply agree with Ardella to save herself the trouble of answering. 
She listened closely to the waitress her words. So she is sentient. thought Alya. It made her feel surprisingly comfortable, but at the same time made her feel conflicted. She felt comforted that Ardella was acting on her own experiences and emotions, rather than just being controlled. The conflicted part came from how others treated androids the likes of Ardella. They treated them like lifeless blobs who had no right and no saying. That their words dit not matter. Alya was no activist of any kind, but it angered her that no one really realised what sentience meant. Alya briefly glanced back to Effie and her notes. Maybe she could make people realise that there were things like augmented sentience, or actual sentience put inside an android shell. Alya still didn’t know in which category she would be classified, but it hardly mattered. She felt alive and in control of her own thoughts and body. She also knew that contemplating the question would be useless since she didn’t know the answer, so she simply settled on the assumption that she was truly sentient.

When she heard her name, Alya quickly looked up. This time it was Ardella who caught her attention. She briefly smiled and waved her off, saying something along the lines of ’No worries’. She herself spoke a lot too earlier, and even if she didn’t, she wouldn’t blame Ardella for ‘overshadowing’, as she put it. Looking back to Effie, she didn’t really know what to say, even with Ardella having answered the question first. “Logically I can sense changes in the atmosphere and calculate the weather. It’s not one hundred percent accurate, but nine out of ten times I’m right.” She began, not wanting to create an awkward silence. “As for your other questions, I wouldn’t know. I can answer any logical question you have. The ones with one, maybe two, definitive answers. Other ones I have trouble with. So I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can really help you with that.” She said honestly. In the end she decided to just tell the truth, admitting she couldn’t really answer them. She could try, but seeing as her previous attempt didn’t go so well, she decided not to answer the question.

I don't actually like random facts ironically
555 (if only it was 666)
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