Avatar of ineffably
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  • Posts: 26 (0.01 / day)
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    1. ineffably 7 yrs ago


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Heyo, Emily here! Glad you stopped by. I'm an long-time roleplayer returning to this site because:

1. I am in dire need of writing and character building and
2. I am a waitress living in Canada in January so I have no hours, no money and time to spare.

This being said, I am a student. I major in English so that means lots of reading and writing - just not the super fun kind... more the existential crisis-giving kind. DX So that does take precedence in my life. Reading and writing are my passions, it brings me great joy. I am also a dancer, and while I may not take many classes myself anymore I teach at a wonderful little studio.

I live with my awesome, creative and funny boyfriend. Our favourite things to do are watch cartoons, play Dungeons and Dragons, explore the unique city we live in and snuggle on the couch with our little puppy. Speaking of, my puppy is my life and I will 100% go out of my way to bring her up always. She is just too cute not to. We also have two cats and a fish tank!

Well, that is me! I don't want to get too bogged down with Role Plays at the moment because I need to focus on school. But if you present me with something really good I won't turn you down. I am into character driven stories with lots of dynamics. Horror, Fantasy, Sci-fi, and Adventure are the categories I am most interested in. Otherwise, please pop me a quick chat! I love to chat and meet new people, so feel free ~

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@shamrocknroll@ineffably@Obscene Symphony@knifeman@Akayaofthemoon

You guys still interested? I know the Guild has been down, but there has been radio silence before then.


I hope so.

I am still interested! I got behind with school and needed to take a short break. I was sort of glad that the guild was down so I didn't have to ghost anyone *too* much. I am gonna get my character sketch up this weekend.

“... My own experience, my own emotions, and my own thoughts."

The idea was so utterly fascinating to Effie who jotted down the android’s words efficiently. She immediately had the desire to speak with Ardella’s creators however she kept that want to herself. Emotions, wants, desires. Effie wondered what really drove these feelings in human beings. If it was so easily replicated in cybernetic life, how special was human kind anyways? It was a humbly thought. And what of animals? She had the split second urge to ask the creature sitting across from them that nibbled away on its stew. However it seemed a little too rude, she made a note to try and slip it in later a little more subtly.

”How very interesting.” Effie stopped writing and looked up at Ardella. The robot even seemed more conscious then others Effie had come across, although that had mostly been lower tier androids whose functions were much more specific. Ardella offered the floor to Nez and eagerly Effie turned her attention to her other interviewee. The two beings were so different, yet in many ways the same. Effie felt quite lucky that she was able to chat with them both at once to contrast their different abilities. She stopped writing for a moment to listen to what Nez had to say, which was essentially she was more computerized then Ardella. Her system didn’t allow for the morality that Ardella’s seemed to. ”There is no need to apologize, you have helped quite significantly. Both of you have!” She finished writing a few closing remarks in her notebook, her tongue stuck out the side of her mouth as she scribbled a potential title for her essay and underlined it three times.


”This was amazing, I want to thank you both so much! I’d like to make a few more notes, draw up some potential hypotheses and maybe have another interview in a few weeks time?” She couldn’t keep the excitement out of her voice as she closed her notebook and carefully slid it into her bag. Her brain was buzzing with that intoxicating and exciting feeling of having information and goals. The conversation this evening had gotten the cogs in her mind, the figurative ones that is, rolling and she was happy to finally feel like herself again. Even if she was miles away from home, alone and pretty much naive of the entire world. Looking around the table she felt more comfortable than she had since the last time she had talked with Professor Oblos.

Grabbing for her drink she took a long drink and grinned at the table, perhaps it wasn’t just knowledge that her mind was fuzzy with. ”And perhaps next time you would like to chat, Kaite? If you feel comfortable enough sharing your story with me?”
In The Void 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
ahaha TRUE

Also I am going to post this weekend. Just trying to get back into the groove of things.
In The Void 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
I know!! I mean I had a shit ton of homework (still do LOL) so it was sort of nice... I guess now back to being a shit student amirite. XD
In The Void 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Fear gripped Shan as she watches the shadowy figure of Ailbe fall to the ground in the dark cave. Her senses were on high alert, the sound of the blade hitting the ground was like lightening and the hissing groan of the creature was paralyzing.

"Use... your powers."

Shan looked towards the sound of the voice shook Shan from her stricken stance and she plunged into darkness. Everything went deathly quiet, the darkness grew deeper and the world seemed to slip away from under her feet. The familiar feeling of drifting in completely nothingness filled her limbs, she went limp and numb. There was nothing and she was no one. And then the world exploded in colour, centring on Shan herself. She saw everything in the little cave, the creature a beast that looked like a snake with long fangs and piercing red eyes, come into stark view for her. It was slowly slithering towards Ailbe, it's tongue flicking sadistically as it approached.

The creature stopped the moment Shan concentrated the energy illuminating from her into the beast. It seemed to move in be frozen in mid-slither and suspended in a time-frame unknown to the two humans standing and watching the new being in awe. Before suddenly the thing exploded in a flurry of sparks and matter in the air, disappearing from within their vicinity to a reappear somewhere far away.

Shan dropped to the floor of the cave, breathing heavil. Tears formed in her eyes and her nose dribbled slightly. Fatigue made her limbs feel numb. "What the hell was that thing! She exclaimed, bursting into tears.
In The Void 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
True ^.^

I LOVE how open ended all these posts are. I feel like I am not so much writing a story as reading it and watching it happen, which is sort of thrilling in a way. I enjoy the ambiguity of it all!

Ardella spoke first, and Effie's eyes widened when she mentioned that she had the ability to retain and learn in a sense that Effie noted as "natural". The concept was interesting to Effie, even her own network required regular maintenance to ensure that the information was up to date. A million other questions came to her mind, however Effie took a deep breath. Her quill flew over her notepad as she copied word for word Ardella's response. "How absolutely fascinating!" She stopped writing and looked down at the almost incoherent pages, to anyone else it may appear that she had just drawn scribbling lines across the page. Effie looked to Nez who began her own responses.

With furrowed brows Effie continued writing, contrasting the seemingly human intelligence that Ardella seemed to possess with the more technological systems under which Nez worked. Although it was quite systematic some elements of the androids computerization mimicked that of the human sub-conscience I wouldn’t even know what’s going on there, hidden away filed which I may never reach… Effie scribbled intensely then. What benefit would there be in including such humanistic behaviour's in robotic technology? What level of sentience did this synthetic creatures possess? It was an interesting question. Medicinal, psychological and physical benefits could be afford, Effie presumed. Replicating human emotions, diseases and conditions to enable scientists to study cures and treatments.

However Effie had a hard time imagining these creatures before her as un-human. She scribbled that down, next to the question "What is Human?". She would need to come up with a working definition during her reflection.

You forget things. Effie chuckled, the way Nez said it reminded her of something Oblos had said to her when she had first started training under him. "Do not forget, Effie, you will forget everything. It is the responsibility of a good philosopher to catalogue everything they discover. All the things you learn you will immediately write down, later you can reflect and revise. Soon, writing will become as natural as breathing." She smiled fondly at the memory, never pausing as she jotted down the automaton's words.

"Wow! Thank you ladies. This is a great first start. Now, these points bring around a few more questions, perhaps a bit trickier so take your time processing them." Effie scanned her notes quickly, the whirring of her eye intensified. "Now, Ardella, you mention the almost limitless potential of your knowledge and memory banks. Akin to that of a human adult. What level of, uh, sentience, do you presume you possess? That is, assuming we are thinking of "Humans" as solely moral creatures with the ability to learn and grow, how human are you?" She paused. "And for both of you, at what level do you believe your synthesis can aid humanity? Do you feel an obligation towards your creators and human's as a whole? Or do you feel independent in your wants, needs and desires.".
I’ll have something ready probably tmrw or the next day!!
This is a super cool idea. I’d love to submit a character ~ imma start working on one now ^.^
In The Void 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
A quiet night...

Shan snuggled into her bedroll keeping those words inside her heart as her eyes fluttered closed and she fell into a restless sleep. Like most nights, she was plagued with nightmares of shadows and monsters. A dream where creates chased her, licked at her heels and wrapped smokey tendrils around her legs. In her dream she was never quite fast enough, unable to reach the destination that she knew she was running for. Unsure even what that destination was, but sure that it would be safe. Shan twitched, kicked and moaned in her sleep. Fear paralyzed her eyes shut, despite knowing she was asleep and wanting nothing more than to be awake.

Unbeknownst to her, Shan's nightmares were the least of her concern when a long, slithering creature decided to make the cave it's own hiding spot for the evening, to wait out the unending darkness. It moved slow and calculating, jerking and slithering, among the bags and belongings of the two humans. A loud, pained cry from one of the horses jerked Shan from her sleeping nightmare to her waking one, her own cry filling the cave as she felt the weight of some part of the long creature's body over her legs. "Ailbe! Ailbe wake up! There is something on me! It's a beast, a monster!" Frantically she crawled her way out of the bedroll and away from whatever fearful thing awaited them in the darkness.
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