Tsukiakari Yoite
"I find it always amusing, that the smallest of creatures believe they go unnoticed. That's why spiders exist. Did you know that? They know, they are observers, they bide their time. People see webs as symbols of deceptions, but I see webs designed to expose the truth,"
[Personal Info]

My Mother says I was born from a hair spun koto. I don't know if I fully believe her story. She says that she was unable to conceive and spun a koto of her own hair as strings. Every night she played and weep. And one day her wish was received. Others say that my Mother, was haunted after the passing of my Father. Sad and unable to bear the burden of carrying me. They say there are always two sides of the same story and somewhere down the middle is the truth. Maybe in her state of depression, maybe in her state of despair, her mind went and forgot all the reality around her. As she spun romance songs on the koto reminding her of her love, till she gave birth and too past.
Born into the Tsukiakari family, there were expectations that Yoite would someday fill. Some of those expectations were probably not placed on him by his grandparents, Natsume, and Shinjaro. Some of those were expectations of his relatives, aunts, and uncles, and their children. And those who knew his parents, his Mother and Father. His Father being a member of the Gotei 13, killed in action in the 7th division as their Lieutenant.
Natsume and Shinjaro tried not to burden Yoite's early life with responsibility he certainly wasn't necessarily ready for at his early age. Which obviously caught some criticism among their family. Who said they were sheltering Yoite and that he wouldn't be ready for the darkness to come. Though neither Natsume or Shinjaro ever done such a thing. They explained things as needed to Yoite and made it clear the darkness of the world.
After all the Tsukiakari family existed in moonlight. They weren't meant to shine in sunlight, but in the shadows. The people who would see their glory, were those who admired the moonlight and felt comfortable in the dark. They never hid his parents death to him, only filling in details as necessary as they were needed. This didn't necessarily quell the family of their worries and concerns. And it also lead to Yoite being out casted from some of his cousins who fed off their families disdain for Yoite and his apparent freedoms.
This may have sparked Yoite's habit into eavesdropping on conversations. Which got him in trouble with his family members often. Not only was he a sneak, but he was keeping tabs on the things they say. Which further ostracized him from his family, but knowing what was being said was perfect way of being protected from it. This kind of isolation from his family, meant that Yoite didn't spend a lot of time with kids his age. And not ever kid in Soul Society wanted to associate with someone from a Noble House for fear of retaliation. Which likely sparked his deep animism.
Eventually when he was of age, an individual who claimed to have been a friend of his Father in the Gotei 13. He requested that Yoite join the Shinigami Academy and more importantly to join the Gotei 13, he claimed that if his Father could control Reaitsu then it was likely that Yoite too could do the same. The translation was clear, he believed that Yoite had skill. Maybe it was one way of proving his family wrong, that he wasn't sheltered, and that he was capable of handling himself he decided to take the nameless Gotei 13 stranger's advice and join the Shinigami Academy.
Shinigami Academy was difficult for Yoite to make friends, he was a little off putting for some who - albeit his beauty- found him odd and creepy. Granted Yoite is a little odd and creepy, he has also been very sociable individual. His isolation as a kid had little to do with anything under his control. Yoite attempted to make friends as best as he could, which he did in time, with two students who admired his eccentric personality. Shinobu and Haru were Yoite's first friends in the Shinigami Academy, the trio were known to be exceptionally loyal to each other. Yoite surpassed them in many ways due to his capabilities. He caught on quick. And absorbed information like a sponge. There were always compliments about how not too dissimilar it was to his Father.
The fast friends eventually signed up for the Gotei 13 as well. Haru for the outskirts wanted to make a name for herself. Shinobu just didn't want to end up a failure and hoped that his perseverance would be enough to grant him a position. And Yoite to honor his Father. Unbeknownst to Yoite he had already been granted a position into the Gotei 13, by the same strange nameless man who had told him to enter the Shinigami Academy in the first place. It felt underhanded to Yoite at the time, him and his friends put on their applications to please be granted into the same divisions together. So they wouldn't lose their friends. Only to hear someone had pulled strings upon hearing his entry was a success. What a joke.
Ripped from his friends. Assigned 9th division felt like he had been given something without putting the work in it. Simply because someone had deemed his talent foolproof. It completely questioned his legitimacy as his Father's son. It's then that Yoite dedicated himself to go beyond ordinary expectations and supersede all their expectations. He would become more than they expected. Be more than just what they expected to prove that he was worth the position. That he earned the position. That he was there because he had skill, not because people expected skill from him or people just expected him to do good. Fuck the expectations others placed on him.
Starting from ground zero suits Yoite fine. It means that he gets an opportunity prove himself outside of society standards. While everything may seem stripped away. He is reminded the Tsukiakari family shines brightest in times of darkness. Those who admire the moon. Those who recognize the moon the way they recognize the sun, means at least the Tsukiakari family will live on. It will be quietly rebuilt. His grandfather had always said, that the moon is quiet, while the sun is loud. The loudest will fall, but those who embrace the stillness will always be reborn.


"When you rely on brute strength or a single source of power, you run the risk of being limited in your options. It wise then to not spread yourself too thin, or cast your net too wide."
At first the moon doesn't seem as impressive as the sun. Till it cast its light on you.

Water Haze

*Potential Flash Warning on the Song
“Bring me the wagging tongues of those who speak of lies.”
[Leave Obedience]

*Inner World

"Haven't you noticed, her endless web all around us, Junko it's time to spring our trap,"
Command Phrase:
"Unveil the snare of your Endless Web."

[Additional Info]

"People are often afraid of the dark. Never realizing that the moonlight can be a great teacher and guide as well. Moonlight reveals what the dark obscures, just as much as the sunlight. In the shadows we serve."

Everyone can see the benefit of the sun. It makes their harvest grow. It melts the snow. It is the coming of life, joy, a symbol of glory for some. The moon has always been a symbol of magic, mysterious it has been tied with ghost stories, and most associate it with the fear of the unknown. They rarely see it push the tides or control waves. They feel its effects, but they do not see the results so readily. It may be the same then for the Tsukiakari family. At first people’s interpretation might be that the Tsukiakari family may not in fact be a Great Noble House. Few see their work and those who do see them at work, often see them at the call of the other Great Noble Houses. Some may even question or not believe the reach the Tsukiakari family have because of this.
The Tsukiakari family have been known for doing the work the other Noble Houses wouldn’t even associate themselves with. Whether they feel it is beneath them, too embarrassing to attach their name to, or do not want to be caught doing something that might upset a few people, they send the Tsukiakari family in to do said work. Often the credit of that work is attributed to the Tsukiakari family. Because of this the Tsukiakari family have been seen as lower in status or that they have no honor, values or principle from those who do not understand their work.