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Kotaro Kuzunoha

...Well, this was Emotional and Mental whiplash if Kotaro ever saw it.

Of course he didn't expect fire-guy to stand down as he requested. He himself was a kid and clearly out of his league, and by god did he know it. If truth be told, deep down, he was indeed hoping he'd help out and they might tag-team. Not that he was expecting to beat her, but maybe keeping her distracted would somehow weaken the mind control spell on the other kids? To be frank, he was grasping at straws, utterly terrified of what he was about to do, what he was about to fight; what he should have been doing at that point was not backing down on the original plan of being a distraction. After all, those kids weren't going anywhere as long as that mind control spell was in place, and as a kid himself, he had neither the strength nor the time to drag those kids out of the castle himself. The fire-guy at least looked strong enough to carry a couple between his arms and go out of there much faster.

Of course, before he had the chance to say anything - whether gratitude for teaming up or insisting he grabs the kids and run - he made his move.

"What the-HEY WAIT!" Was all Kotaro could get out of his mouth before the fire-cracker threw himself at the Yuki-onna crashing both of them through the wall and now falling down outside...

Or at least, that's what he thought happened.

In a way, Yuki-Onna truly are the rival race of the Kitsune; they are equal opposites in their origins, their existence...

...and most importantly in this case, their ability to deceive and trick the mind through a thickly-veiled mirage.

Setsuka was, in truth, still in front of the throne, having still just stood up, and the Firestarter, well now he was trapped in some illusional loop, falling without the impact. With him now incapacitated, it was just Kotaro that could stand in the way between her and these kids behind him.

Although trained by Tai in the art of illusions, even he couldn't see through Setsuka's. Like Kaiga, he also thought he saw them both crashing through the wall behind the throne, before he blinked and Setsuka was right back where she started. Which made him start to wonder: how much power of illusion did this woman have? Or rather, how much of what Kotaro seeing right now - from the castle, to the kids behind them, to Setsuka herself - real, and how much of it is an illusion this Yuki-Onna crafted to deceive his eyes?

None of that mattered at the moment though, for now that Kaiga was out of the picture, Setsuka's focus was now on Kotaro, and as soon as her eyes' cold gaze met him, he tensed up with sword in hand, readying for what might be his final fight.

But then, to say things took a turn was an understatement; things more took a screeching swerve.

"Kitsune. That magic power essence, I never thought I'd taste it once more, it's been 400 years since I fought Tai. How pathetic, yet another mere human is his successor? How disappointing, oh well, as Queen of Iceberg, all enmity against you is severed, you may take your leave, this instance. Had I known sooner, that Hizuru arranged an appointment, then, by all means have an intelligent discussion."

Wha- ...Wait, what?

Her sensing and recognizing his Kitsune magic wasn't a surprise. Given how powerful she is, her knowing and outright dropping his Master's name also wasn't too much of a surprise. Tai told him about how dangerous a Yuki-Onna is; that was probably due to fighting against one before - fighting against this one before - and clearly it must have ended in some kind of draw.

No, what really surprised him, to the point where he lowered his guard in confusion, was that firstly, she was apparently the queen of this land of ice? Well, they are in a castle, and she was on a throne, but how does a foreigner - a Yokai at that - become queen of mainland country so far from Hizuru? Secondly, and most importantly, She essentially ends the battle on good terms, as condescending about it as she seems to be.

"Nope, I have no further business here, Have a good day!" That's what Kotaro wants to say right now, immediately leaving the castle and never coming back.

But no, he couldn't bring himself to leave the kids here like this, and he couldn't leave the fire guy just falling endlessly like that after he's been trying to help in his own...brutish way.

"So let mask you lad, you're free to go or do you have business with Iceberg because we haven't been accepting foreigners since then, though I made it as gesture of goodwill against my rival to not touch what is his."

Well, that confirms her relationship with Tai; Kotaro would think that the view must be great from the glass house she put herself in when mentioning foreigners, but hell, this might as well be a castle of glass considering how frozen over it is.

As much as he wants to take her offer though... He took a deep breath before slowly breathing out. Composing himself, he sheathed his sword and looked at her.

"I didn't exactly come here of my own free will, your majesty. Your creepy clown jumped and grabbed me on my way through the mainland, and brought me here, no doubt to end up like them..."

"End up like them." The moment those words reached his mouth, an epiphany came to mind as if struck by a thought he never had before. No... More like, struck by a thought he subconsciously tried to hide from himself.

Come to think of it, if this was something of advanced mind control magic, why was he the only kid unaffected? They tied him up and took his sword, but that's all they did, and he knows they weren't brainwashed like that when he was with them in the cell. If it was just activated later on, why wasn't he brainwashed as well?

He looked at the kids behind him again, staring at their blanked out expressions from the mind control, and all the pieces were starting to come together in his mind.

And the picture they made, was something truly nauseous. The reason he was in this castle to begin with, the reason all these kids were in the castle, those creepy people grouping around Setsuka, and Setsuka's showing of her clearly powerful illusions. Everything pointed to one, tragic conclusion.

"...The other kids...they're "gone", aren't they? ...If you thought we had a chance of rescuing and escaping with them, you'd have killed us by now. You distracted us with fake kids so that you can use the real ones for your ritual uninterrupted. If it's a ritual that requires using kids as some kind of offering, ...it must be to summon a Devil, right?"

Kotaro may be young, and he doesn't seem himself as any prodigy, but he is also very studious; Tai practically forced the little kid to be and compressed as much knowledge into his little head as could. In particular, he studied Devils while on his journey, hoping he might be able to find a way to take down the one that framed his Master and put him on this path in the first place. Offering sacrifices in a dark ritual to an entity of evil is an unfortunately common story to hear and read about.

He wanted to remain calm, if only to keep her from killing him next, but something inside him began to stir, a sudden subtle ache in his chest that was difficult for him to explain, perhaps a physical symptom of how anxious and disgusted he was, as it dawns on him that these kids who were kidnapped just like him are now probably dead.

"...Why? Why would you do all this? You're queen of a land of snow, far larger than any of the mountains of Hizuru, and you're clearly strong enough that you don't have to worry about gaining food here. What's there to gain by summoning Zagre-" That was when Kotaro felt the quaking as the Castle shifted. The illusion kept him from seeing the castle's transformation into the R-System tower of crystallized Ether.

But he didn't need to see to realize at this point that something was very, very wrong.
My sincerest apologies for how long it took, but here's my other two PCs in addition to Eva/Crystalis.

@Megatron @El Gato Naranja @Digmata

Although I'm technically new, I joined and was working on CSes during Act One. Therefore, @Danyel gave me permission to use the "Vet" CS for these CSes.

This is the first one completed. A few more is on the way. ^^

Kotaro Kuzunoha

In hindsight, this may not have been the best idea.

This was a castle manned by some crazy child-napping, devil-worshipping cult. Of course it was going to be laden with insane traps alongside a bunch of strong guards! While the Mist he made from his flames and his gourd of water may have helped with the latter, it wasn't going to be that effective with the former.

Plenty of times, the boy evaded traps that nearly grabbed him by the tail in quick succession. Just when he thought he got through the worst of it and had a moment to catch his breath... The ground beneath his feet liquified like quicksand, dragging him in.

"Oh, Come o-" Before he could finish his yell of annoyance, he was gone without a trace.

Falling into darkness for a second before he could see light beneath himself, the ceiling spat him out and dropped him right onto the floor.

...Of the throne room he left.

Though not quite as he left it. Apparently a lot happened while he was away; he noticed what was happening outside... A giant white monster that looked like an angel, taking on a dark starry dragon of some kind. While both of these were pretty terrifying, something in his gut was telling him the angelic one was the enemy here. Yet for as scary as it looked, there was something about it that gave him...comfort? ...Confidence? As if he felt like he could win when it seems and feels impossible. He never seen an angel before, but heard about them from Tai: the mentors of Devil Slayers and envoys of the most high. Maybe this was some kind of effect they have on people?

Wait, that's besides the point! He shook his head and focused what really matters right now: He was right back where he started. He got to his feet and looked around, wondering how the bloody hell that happened. He was pretty sure he didn't make it to the second floor; if anything he thought he was descending down to the basement when he sank. It seems this entire castle's layout was completely under someone's control, and as he immediately noticed that damn jester looking at them all smug, an Anti-Magic barrier now around the two and the kids still just standing there!

...In fact that, in itself, was strange. Taking a moment to look closer, he could tell they didn't seem to be reacting to any of this...in fact they weren't reacting at all.

...So that's it. This castle, these kids, they're under that clown's control! Kotaro had no idea what kind of magic was being used, but it seems that clown had everything under control from the beginning. Honestly, thinking back on it, he should have saw it coming. He figured the presence of Brandon, his comrades, and his mistress was what kept them in line, and that ring of fire was what kept the kids from escaping. But in that case they should have at least noticed him breaking out and hopping through the fire, and should have at least tried to follow suit, or yell at him to come back, or something. It also made sense why no one bothered to stop him from escaping: he didn't have any hope of going anywhere Brandon didn't want him to go.

But it seems the clown had one oversight. Even though they were surrounded by Anti-magic particles, he was still in Kitsune form, and could still feel that inner fire without hinderance. By the looks of it, it seems like it didn't hinder the other flame guy one bit either. Since running off clearly isn't an option, their only option was to fight!

That said, however, it seems Kaiga was quicker to handle things than him. First by having Kotaro get behind him to protect him, which honestly felt somewhat insulting. But before he could protest, Kaiga got grabbed by the jester's darkness sucking him in. Only for him to flare up in fires the likes of which Kotaro hasn't truly ever seen before, and firing at Brandon with an arrow, the heat from this move being enough to nearly overwhelm him as well.

As soon as Brandon tried to escape into his shadow portal to retreat, from out of the same portal popped out a blade Kotaro immediately recognized. It seems the sword was never in the armory like Kotaro deduced, but was kept by Brandon himself this whole time! As if on instinct, Kotaro quickly jumped into the air and grabbed his katana, putting it back into the no-longer-empty sheathe by his side.

Now that his trusty partner was at his side, and the Jester was gone in a way he admittingly almost felt sorry for him going through - "almost" - things were starting to look up... Is what he would have said had he not felt a sudden frigid chill coming from the throne. Kotaro looked and saw Setsuka finally standing up, and the area around her succumbing to sudden frost, the sound of the room being frozen over like the cracking of glass. Almost immediately, Kotaro himself froze up, the fiery tail standing on end and the fires dimming.

"...Oh crud..." He whispered in fear.

From the start, Kotaro knew there was something about this woman that was bothering him, something about her was bad, bad news, especially when considering the others were taking orders from her. But at the time, he figured it was just because she was a very powerful wizard, or maybe even some sort of demon.

It was only after she unveiled herself by freezing the throne room that he realized she was something far, far worse.

"Here's a rule of thumb for ya, Kota: Eyes of Ice? ...Be like Mice. Hair of Snow? Don't be slow. Dressed in white? Run for your life."

"What's a Yuki-Onna doing here!?" he thought, his whole body shivering either from the cold... or was it from the fear?

In Hizuru, Tai taught him about this special kind of monster known as the Snow Lady. Supposedly a kind of yokai like Kitsunes, though Tai never called them anything more than monsters. Either way, they were viewed as incredibly powerful beings of cold and ice, and for Kitsunes like Tai, were something of a rival or perhaps even nemesis race to them. Most - save the most powerful among the kitsune - would avoid or run from one, and this was especially so for someone like Kotaro, who wasn't even truly a Kitsune himself.

Now, what is considered a bogeywoman among yokai stands before him: powerful, cold-hearted, and pissed off! Even as a Snow-lady, she seems especially powerful, given how she had all those guys serving under her.

This is a land of ice, so it's not entirely unthinkable that a yuki-onna would show up here, but he assumed they only existed in Hizuru.

Every single fiber of his being was making him want to take his mentor's advice and run like hell away from this woman. Brandon's gone now, so the spell keeping this castle under control should be as well; there shouldn't be anything preventing him from escaping out the door or one of the windows that she hasn't frozen over yet... If only it was so easy. Brandon's spell probably broke on the kids by now. Even if it didn't, he can't just leave them here with this ice witch, and he can't just leave the fire guy after what he just did; Tai wouldn't do that. But at the same time, he's not Tai; he's not strong enough to take down a Yuki-Onna even with his sword.

His heart raced in his ears; as if he was already frozen by her powers, he couldn't move his legs as he gasped for air.

...What should he do?



...No, deep down he knew what he had to do, but he was too scared to commit to it.

Even so...

Kotaro took a couple of deep breaths to calm his beating heart and return to his senses. His kitsune features dispersed like an extinguished flame as he unsheathes his katana once more, the blade suddenly whirling with rings of wind magic.

"Taigetsu" was a quality form of Spirit art that Tai taught him, but it was ever going to be a back up plan until he was old enough to adapt to it properly. His true calling, a majority of his strength, lies in the wind spirit arts he harnessed through his blade.

"In this situation, even if he was outmatched, Master Tai would never abandon these kids. So I won't back down and abandon them either! There's only ever one reason to fight a losing battle..." He thought. He then turned to the fire guy.

"Grab the other kids and run for it, I'll cover you!" He said to Kaiga, gripping his sword with both hands as he took position to fight Setsuka, the winds around his blade roaring and pushing against the cold air she emitted.

Was he still terrified? Of course he was! The cold eyes of Death were staring him in the face, and simply feeling the air she emits was making him shiver even still. He doesn't stand a chance against this woman and he knows it! But...

"There's only one reason to ever fight a losing battle: When you can win even while you lose. A favorable outcome at the cost of a defeat is no longer a loss, but a sacrifice."

"Even so, ...Oh, This is gonna suck!"

@Danyel @Iamme
Kotaro Kuzunoha

@Gerlando @Iamme @Danyel

Well, it didn't turn out quite like the boy expected. The clown, though unamused, just took the insults and disappeared. He'd be lying if he said that the ineffective trolling didn't disappoint him a bit. Still, the main point of the insult - to get the kicking of the frozen fire-magic guy to stop - was accomplished at least, so it wasn't a total loss. Now he had to just wait for the guy to break out of his frozen bindings and get the rest of them out of there...

Or at least, that was the plan, but confusingly enough, a priest that seemed to be working with this group came over and sped up the process by defrosting the man personally, and the boy too to boot. But as if to show he's not actually on their side he also erected a giant ring of white fire around all of the kids and the fire-user, then just up and vanished without any further elaboration. Kotaro was familiar with priests as being similar to his master's own occupation. Tai told him that they were essentially exorcists and holy men who often do good for people around them....what was someone like that doing with these people in the first place?

"Umm... Thanks?" Kotaro confusingly said to no one, meant for the priest who disappeared before he could say it. Then there was the other chick who had a face that portrayed the kind of imagination a 10-year old like him shouldn't ever step into yet; a very creepy lust plastered over it that made the boy cringe and a shiver run down his spine. She snapped herself back to reality and summoned up candles, which in turn seemed to summon a giant humanoid monster of some kind - a "puppet" as she called it - before she too left the area.

Either these people are really confident they can't get out of this situation, or they're really stupid for leaving them alone like this. As much as Kotaro would like to, he can't take a chance on the latter. This marionette, Nemesis, was unlike anything the boy has ever seen before, and his legs were shaking in fear at the sight of it. Not to mention, the woman on the throne was still present, and there's no doubt in his mind that she's the strongest of the group. Even if they managed to beat this thing, she wasn't going to let them go easily herself.

Even so, he can't help the fire-user like he is. Not with the anti-magic cuffs still on his wrists keeping him from using Taigetsu, and without his sword he can't use his Raigetsu either. As it stands, he's just as much a sitting duck as the other kids by him.

As he kept instinctively stepping back more and more - as if his body was wanting to get away from this throne room on its own - he noticed that his heel was right in the white flames, and just as instinctively, he jumped away from it. ...But the strange thing is, there was no indication of that other than him seeing that. There was a little heat but that's it. Curiously, he then touched the flames with his finger as if to confirm he wasn't imagining it, and sure enough, his finger wasn't getting burned.

Why did the priest make a wall of flames that doesn't burn? Was he bluffing when he made it, or is there some kind of trap on the other side?

He couldn't think about that right now, as his cuff was having some effect from getting close to the flame. This was a magic flame on anti-magic cuffs after all...Maybe...

"Hey, Fire man, mind keeping that thing distracted for a bit?" Kotaro asked Kaiga. Not waiting for an answer, he sank both his wrists into the white flames to let the anti-magic cuffs get constantly hit by it. Sure enough, even though the white flames weren't burning him the cuffs couldn't say the same. They were becoming quite hot - perhaps due to an overload of magic - and eventually broke, opening up on their own and dropping off the boy's wrists.

That was one problem taken care of, but he's not at his best yet. If he couldn't be hurt by the flame, then he could probably pass through it. He'd hate to leave the guy and these kids here with the monster and that woman, but he couldn't afford to play escort right now to the kids, and Kaiga... Tai looked over and noticed that the guy was content on fighting this monster-puppet on his own, even seeming to have delivered a rather clean blow to it with a sword he summoned out of nowhere...so he's re-quip swordsman as well, huh? Kotaro was convinced; he could probably handle this thing for now.

So while the lady - he hopes - was distracted by Kaiga fighting Nemesis, Kotaro snuck off out of the ring of fire.

But he wasn't going to escape just yet, he needed to get his sword back.

This was quite a castle; there's probably some kind of armory they casually dropped his sword into as a trophy. If he can just find it, he'll be able to help fight off that monstrous puppet alongside the fire-wizard, maybe even be able to get the other kids out of there as well. One problem though: He had no idea where the Armory is, and this place is likely loaded with enemy guards all over the place. Still, he couldn't turn back now.

"At least they let me keep my water." He muttered to himself as he then clapped his hands together in a hand symbol and closed his eyes.

"Taigetsu..." he quietly said as he became enveloped in blue flames. his hands and feet shifted and became more fox-like paws as his arms and legs gained golden-yellow fur, his ears perked up and became points upwards as a fox, and three tails of the same golden fur appeared from his backside. Opening his now red eyes, he moved towards a Wall to keep from sight, then looked around to see if there was any guards anywhere.

Since he has no map for where the Armory was, he'll have to just guess and comb the castle for it. It's more likely it's on the lower levels than the upper levels, so he'll have to start there.
Kotaro Kuzunoha


Ever got into a situation so bizarre or dangerous or just plain different from the norm, that you have to sit down and ask "How the hell did I get here?"

Well, for the little 10-year old samurai vagabond Kotaro, this was one of those situations. His journey from the island nation of Hizuru to Avalon was evidently not off to a good start; bonded to anti-magic cuffs, his sword far away from him, and currently in a room surrounded by weird-but-powerful wizards who apparently are indecisive what to do with him, and the guy who came to rescue him only to get his insides turned to iron-flavored popsicles.

Looking back, the boy was naive in thinking he could travel from Hizuru all the way to Avalon by his lonesome without any trouble. He suspected common thieves or kidnappers on the road, maybe even a rogue wizard or two wanting to grab him for profit of any kind. But he figured he could handle whatever came his way. He was after all the Fox Sage's pupil, and learned how to be decent with his wind raigetsu and swordplay; anybody who'd stand in the boy's way would have a lot more than they bargained for. In a way, the fact that he's a wandering kid on the younger side of the spectrum is something he could use to his advantage; people of a child-harming profession tend to underestimate their prey and master Tai always taught him not to waste an opponent's underestimation in battle. How did he put it again? "Hunters who chase a little black fox into a corner, will find themselves led there and becoming the prey." ...Something like that anyways.

But never did he expect the opponent blocking his path be some clown freak apparently made of crows. Something about this..."thing" freaked the boy out more than any thief or hooligan ever could. That gaudy ridiculous attire, the crows that seemed to be around him, those big black eyes that were as if the boy would be sucked into the Void just for looking at him, and this feeling, this darkness he could sense... Screw "butterflies", there were outright moths in his stomach as this guy chatted about him being perfect for... well, Kotaro wasn't really paying much attention to whatever he was saying. This guy was a particular brand of bad news he wasn't prepared for, instinctively going into his Kitsune form, The boy and Brandon the Jester fought off the trail...well, it's more accurate it turned into a fight as Kotaro tried to run off the path to get away and the clown followed suit.

Kotaro tried to fought him off, and to his credit, the boy seemed to be doing well at it, giving the clown a hard time. But, there was a moment of weakness, his mind starting to go dark, his body getting enervated and sleepy... was it the clown's magic, or was it something that hit his head during the battle and giving him a concussion? His mind was too scattered to focus on that or the fight for much longer until eventually...he just blacked out.

Next thing he knew, he was in a dungeon, his weapon taken from him, his hands cuffed to keep from using any magic, and surrounded by other kids roughly around the same age as him.

For a little while now, Kotaro was in his cell with the others, sat down near the middle, trying to keep himself calm and figure out how to get out of this situation - hopefully without any random blackouts this time - and free the rest of these children with him. The fact that they were kids and so not the least bit quiet about their situation did not help matters at all, some of them even tried to pick a fight with him as the weird new fresh meat. This was far from the kind of thing master Tai trained him for, and the cherry on top is that while he tried his damnedest to hide it, he was just as terrified of this situation as the rest of them.

Which brings us to the present. Kotaro and the other kids are lined up in what seemed to be a giant throne room, a giant heart-shaped Lacrima - the likes of which Kotaro has never seen before - chained up in the back behind the throne. That clown from before is there suggesting the many things they could do to him including - oh, how cute - feeding the "fox" to a bunch of hounds outside, said iron-popsicle guy the clown was kicking, and sitting on the throne was the one whom the clown was talking to, a woman that looked almost like royalty, her eyes as blue as the giant lacrima on behind, and a look in them that was just as cold and stone-like. He didn't know what the clown who was still chatting it up was talking about, but while he never heard of the name 'Rajabel' before, something about it irked him in a way he couldn't explain...A demon perhaps? Could it have been the same one that attacked the forest that day? ...No, it sounds like whoever this Rajabel is, he isn't materially present in the world yet...and these kids - himself included - are the ones that are going to be that material to bring him into the world.

Just looking at this "Setsuka-sama" on the throne, Kotaro doesn't know why but he can tell, ...this lady is gonna sacrifice him and the rest of these kids for this Rajabel demon if nothing was done. Moreover, by the sound of things, that's the "lucky" way out of this. One's gonna be a lot worse off as a vessel if nothing is done.

The guy coming to rescue the kids is incapacitated from the ice, but judging by what the clown was saying, this guy's a fire wizard. While it's true that ice magic might beat out fire magic, ice itself might be able to melt off from the fire magic; he won't be able to focus on that with that clown kicking him though. Considering that Setsuka lady over there, never mind the other mages in the room, he didn't like this guy's chances in a fight. But with his own hands tied and his weapon out of reach, he was the best chance they had at getting out of this.

And so, Kotaro took a deep breath...

"If you care so much for those hounds' stomachs, how about feeding them some of those birds of yours instead!? In the meantime, how about not threatening to kill off kids you need so badly for this ritual or whatever? Seems a bit stupid and short-sighted to think about how to kill us 'vessels' you spent a lot of time gathering for such an event. What if you end up killing the one kid that's perfect for hosting this Raja-whatever, and you end up with a failed ritual for it? Did it occur to you how her royal highness over there will react if that happens, or do you happen to have a crow's brain to go with that bird-magic of yours?" He yelled to Brandon, a smirk on his face. Chances are the other kids were trying to calm Kotaro down or shut him up for his own sake, but if the clown got pissed at his taunts, then his job was done.

He just needs to keep him and everyone else distracted while the fire-guy melts off his ice and fights back.
Star Guide
誘 導 星
Guiding Star
The venerated reijutsu of Hizuru no Senko-Tai that's bequeathed to Kotaro by the highest honor of discipleship as a coming of age rites upon the culmination of the Raigetsu Magics.

An ablazingly enchanted radiant blueflame-solacing starbeads illuminated mirage, Guiding Star glistens wayward with the unresting souls, emotionally entangled and pacifying to its mechanism. A wordysome series of prayerful sacraments divised to encroach yet quell the unresting souls from their earthly strongholds, flickering set ablazing them to resoluting rest by sevenfold. An Ancient Spell requiring sincerity

Thanks for this.

@Gerlando With that, I've made all the necessary edits to Kotaro's CS for now. ^^

I hope it's to your liking, everyone. ^^
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