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Asagumo Kaiga

Kaiga gave a sigh of relief as he touched down thankfully he wasn't late. Getting disqualified by tardiness would be embarrassing, patting himself off Kaiga gulped as he walked over to Yatagarasu. This was going to be hard to explain...actually no it would be easy, he had came late because he had just heard a super rare Endeavor figurine was going for sale and he couldn't miss it, but for some reason he felt that wouldn't be a particularly good excuse. "Y-yatagarsu." Kaiga greeted unchracterlisticly calm before he did a deep bow.

"MY APOLOGIES FOR BEING LATE." Yatagarsu had been blowing up Kaiga's phone but he had ignored it for more important activities (getting Endeavor merch) but now it was time to face the music. "I lost track of time and before I knew it I waslate...but um." Kaiga coughed and pointed at himself, "I'm here now." Hopefully that should satiate Yatgarasu, out of the corner of Kaiga's eye however he spotted Mei-Senpai. Kaiga gave a smile and gave her a wave, Mei was one of the only non-arrogant Class-A, and he quite looked up to her; however, he was sad that he didn't manage to help her during the Le'Nombril incident. However he couldn't wait to watch her fight (clueless)

Invest in kaiga stocks

Kaiga Agniyastra

Kaiga watched as Brandon skulked away and was freed from the darkness; there was only one thing he could say he felt: happiness. This was something not even the voice could take away from him, he had finally managed to accomplish something of note other than being a punching bag for bad guys. That happiness was short-lived as the woman got off her chair.

Kaiga quickly moved to grab his dropped sword as the woman got off her throne, he was quick to check on the kid and was surprised to see him holding his sword. Perhaps he was more capable than he thought, but before he could instruct the kid to run away he was the one told to run. That struck a blow to Kaiga that left him momentarily stunned. He should run away?

Either that kid was suicidal or confident in his abilities but Kaiga couldn't let a kid deal with his fight. "No way," Kaiga responded firmly "I can't just leave you to deal with her." After saying that Kaiga took a look at the lady and took his time to take her appearance in resulting in him biting his lip. "Great of course, it had to be a yuki-onna."

Even more reason to not run away, Kaiga quickly moved to the cells holding the kids and cut them down with his swords. "ALL OF YOU LEAVE, WE'LL COVER YOU." He couldn't just leave these kids here while he fought the yuki-onna. but what they did or what they didn't do shocked him even more. They didn't even react to him they just stayed sit.

mind controlling

He knew these guys were horrible but to think they'd go to this length was even worse. He grinded his teeth in fury before forcing himself to calm down. He needed to keep a cool head to deal with this monster. Kaiga switched out his sword for his gauntlets and walked up to the sword-holding kid. Giving one last glare to the yuki before clasping his hands together Kaiga would shoot a javelin right at the Yuki before rushing her.

He never intended for the sword kid to fight with him, but he knew he would never accept to being told to go away. Kaiga turned to the kid and smiled. "Sorry but you're going to help those kids get out of here." As soon as Kaiga said that he put more energy into his feet to appear to go faster and crashed the yuki-onna through the castle walls.

Forcing her outside as they both fell, with the voice scolding him all the while.

Kaiga Agniyastra

"Devil slayer?" Kaiga said puzzled before pulling his sword out the puppet. "I think you've got the wrong idea my flames are just stronger than normal." All thanks to Azuria of course, he wouldn't be half as strong if she hadn't taught him. That wasn't important right now however, he still had to save the kids from these bad guys. Kaiga was prepared to attack again but a dragon(?) appeared out of nowhere. Kaiga was surprised but gritted his teeth and prepared to face Yaorin again.

Only to be quickly beaten back by Yaorin's angel force and as she left Kaiga could only grit his teeth harder in anger at his failure. "Always like this," Kaiga sadly muttered to no one but himself. "Never able to accomplish anything.", Kaiga gripped his sword before he prepared to face his next opponent; only for his thoughts to be interjected by the voice.

"Hey Kaiga...do you think the sister spirit she was talking about was me?", Kaiga furrowed his face up in confusion as the voice kept speaking. "I'm the only spirit inside you unless...I CAN'T BELIEVE IT YOU HAVE SOMEONE ELSE." Kaiga could only meekly mutter out a what before blocking the voice from speaking again. Perhaps it was their attempt at cheering him up...yeah no he lived only to see Kaiga suffer.

However, Kaiga's distraction would prove to be a horrible mistake as he failed to notice his shifting surroundings in time. Kaiga quickly looked around before noticing the kid by his side again. "Unforgivable," Kaiga said simmering with rage. "Bringing a kid into this do you have not shame. Kid stay behind me I'll protect you."

Kaiga decided that instead of just screaming into space about the injustice of this he would make up for his failures by taking down this jester. Tossing his sword aside Kaiga breathe in before clasping his hand together, "do it as Azuria taught you." As Kaiga took his hands apart a flaming arrow appeared and he quickly hurled it at the clown before hurriedly shaping a fir arrow into a spear and rushing at the clown and swinging down his spear.
Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Eirie dorms, lounge

Kaiga sighed in relief after they had managed to get the police off their backs, he would have to thank Himura-Senpai for that later. Kaiga wasn't to badly damaged in the grand scheme of things, well if you count having a lot of exhaustion and your body hurting from pushing it to the limits; then yeah it wasn't all bad. However as Raven started talking to them he couldn't help but feel a little nervous being greeted by there homeroom teacher who was in fact not who he thought she was would be a little surprising to anyone.

"um well you saved us from whoever that villain was so you're not all bad." Kaiga said trying to find the good within the situation. "Well if you're saying your real name why don't we introduce ourselves again?" Kaiga thought that would sound weird introducing themselves all over again but he felt the situation called for it like a bonding exercise. "I'm Asagumo Kaiga nice to meet you again."

Kaiga waited for everyone to go before twirling his hair like how a teenage girl would do in a cheesy romance film. "Well...um do you know about the locations of one of my...friends?" Kaiga said uncharasicically, stuttering over his words. "Her name's Himura Ria, and since she's not here she might be with the nurses but I was knocked out before I could check, and I don't know if I should meet her, as that might disturb her." Kaiga at this point was fully blushing, "so if you know where she is that would be a big help."
Kaiga Asagumo

Location: ??? Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Kaiga grit his teeth as he watched the meteor easily swallow up his fire-arrow not only had his attack completly failed he had also worsened the situation...of course he had what did he think he could do? He was always like this wasn't he rushing in and worsening things he was the reason his family was dead if only if only...

Kaiga quickly shook his head before staring at the meteor he couldn't afford to self-loath he had to help. Kaiga started forming fire in his hand once more he wouldn't be a burden this time he would do something...but the moment he took one step forward he fell on his face. "Damnit, I used up everything with that fire arrow." Kaiga mentally cursed himself as he looked at the others. "They're giving it everything now here I am on my face, how pathethic." It hadn't been a day and he already wanted to lose his smile.
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