Avatar of Megatron


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Current I AM MEGATRON!!!!!!
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Deceptions! Seek and Destroy!
2 mos ago
"Deceptions! Begin our assault!"
2 mos ago
"The age of Primes has ended! NO MORE FALSE PROPHETS! Follow me, and you will never again be deceived! RISE UP! I will lead us all into the future! I... AM... MEGATRON!!!"



Danyel from Southeast Asia, pleased to meet those that're curiously unboxing this profile for eternal blessings awaits you.

You are hereby given heavenly rights to commune with me about your Roleplay plans and mine in an opportune time. Heavenly so godsent, just so you know all my Roleplays follow break schedules for I'm a firm believer of Work-Life-Hobby balance and mental health for I have a dream. My ambition is to promote this ideology in where everyone is in control of their own destiny, prospering in every aspect of your life regardless of hardships for we're Overcomers in the eyes of God.

Worry not about my Christian, Hebrewphile & Japanophile aesthetics, we all have quirksy tastes. I am in principle nondenominational as a Reborn Christian as one may humor to so label me, that is fine and as far as my dogma goes, I will never shove my beliefs downright to anyone's throats. I see myself as a Benevolent Gamemaster, content creator of RPs and one who fans the flames of progress, be subjective on what you share & I will do you right in the Lord.


If you're here and reached this far, that's good, the next one is about my dislikes, so I am telling you to backout if it's offensive to your principles, if not, keep reading.

My petpeeves are simple: I'm not fanatical about "Grammar Experts" because my rebuttal to them is simple; go find a job, get paid for being what you pose yourself as, don't waste time correcting people. In the same vein, I don't tolerate Elitist RPers, if you're an Elitist & reading this, do yourself a favor; find a job that gets you paid to be an Elitist, you have no business on forums, put me on your blacklists, don't bother me and I won't bother you, go forth and find a job that pays you to be an Elitist. Identity-disaccountability is another one that I don't accept, if you've messed up your reputation so bad, I don't have a big problem with shedding your skin to a new identity, however if your attitude comes to light, then all of this are for nothing!

Learn to take the Ls of your RP-times regardless of where you're from, I don't care where you're from. I'm willing to give you chances to change but if your old nature don't repent, then you're fooling yourself. These no-nos of mine is warranted to those who see oneself as some form of RPer-Police, and overall a total jerk, don't waste my time, go out there and touch some grass, get paid for your self-righteous etiquettes, woe to you.

For those who read up to this point, you're a gold fresh from the hearth, rejoice. I rather indulge in the harsh truths than beautiful lies. I see RP as a Business, a friend is earned but until then I'm civil enough to treat you right. I see RP as a Church, it's when different people learn to be diverse under a singular goal and I am your Pastor.

My likes are simple; I'm a Fantasy and Crime Fiction goer.

Indulgent Beloved
This section is for RPers who helped shape my life IRL, physically friends IRL, we met IRL, no homo.
· @Cu Chulainn · @Grey

Indulgent Nakama
If you're not on this list. Don't worry, we're amicable and friends, these friends of mine are the ones I typecast and trust when it comes to making rightfully overpowered characters, they're also frequent joiners, but not every time:
· @Gerlando · @Sho Minazuki · @BlackMaiden · @JrVader · @Polaris North · @Landaus Five-One
· @Digmata · @Iamme · @Rune_Alchemist · @The Jest · @Petulant · @The Man Emperor · @paingodsson · @Alfhedil · @Aku the Samurai · @Deide · @King Kindred

Indulging Fandoms
· Naruto
· Fairy Tail
· Jujutsu Kaisen

Indulging Worrks
I don't usually create my OG RPs but when I do, I will.
· Fenix Tear
· Just Another Hero

Most Recent Posts

firebender fodder finished

Naked and ready 😂
@KillamriX88 Approved.
@Lewascan2 Xiao Yu is approved.
@Aku the Samurai Li Yang is approved.

You may tab him up.

The, Auspicious, Incident, Heart, Excited, Nervous

@Sho Minazuki

Ones arrival as a coming of age rite, marked her first chapter, the debut of Rei Enishi.

Deployed upon enemy lines by oldman Hilmar for the first time & forever. Rei felt like a dog, chasing the destination of a truck, excited on the chase but enthusiasm waned upon reaching the Destiny. Her thoughts are her own but when with the oldman, a sense of trust, keeps Rei reassured, confiding sincerely.

Rei frost with an overwhelming mixture of emotions, though she won't say it, her body language, facial expressions and intensive breathing mantra, makes it obvious.

This is something that she usually keeps quiet of while finding it difficult to stomach.

Like a school girl amidst the presence of her crush, who couldn't see eye to eye, Rei couldn't look at Hilmar straight in the eye, as if the world just got bigger. "Oldman Mar~ so this is... the day!"

She frowned out of cutesy embarrassment, tucking herself down the pavement, sulking, getting fear the best of her or was it?

@Thayr@Digmata@Aku the Samurai@Remram@ERode@Dragon Arts@El Gato Naranja@King Kindred@The Jest@CronicCrystalis@Randomguy@JrVader@BlackMaiden@paingodsson

The third and second to the last match of the joint training exercise is set at the heart of the simulated city. In this scenario, all of the participants are to outlast each other until a base is made, this is an endurance test for the Heroes. A Hero must make sure that they do take a stronghold of a territory.

Our Heroes & Villains, in this scenario, will be playing a major role. Just as the match in 1-A between Mei & Alya, both teams are in for a tug of war, because Rin and Matsuru or the three boys will be the deciding factor of how the exercise ends. The winning team is going to hurt or heal in the Battle against the strongest Furious Five, Izanagi. Both Teams are in a fight on who shall not pass, because in real Hero Work, setting up strongholds & reinforcements are game changers.

The winner makes base for the anticipated winning team from the previous fights to either perish or win as well.

Izanagi • Last Fight
° Condition: Defeat Izanagi at all costs.

Matsuru & Rin • Crossroads
° Condition: Take control of the terrain so that there would be a resting place for said Team.

Reiji • Crossroads
° Condition: If Kanako or Amaya is taken out, it's a loss, they must keep each other safe.

Fūko • Crossroads
° Condition: Both opposing Teams have info on the whereabouts of other members loc, the winner isn't going to be participating in the fight but only relay the information to the next Team.

Kyoya shared his insights that they must be alert at all times. “Time is of essence here, it is painful if Kanako & Amaya lose to Reiji, well, I'm expecting an ambush and we must be wise to preserve our energies. If anything, I'm the King here, Akira.” Kyoya may come off as a jerk at times but he has a point.

“About your plan earlier, it's good but it's not good to suck at it. You seriously think Matsuru & Rin are gonna fall for that kind of work? Here's the thing Akira, your plan sucks as a Plan A but is best to work with as a Plan B.” Kyoya shared his blunt opinion regarding Akira’s strategy.

Kyoya has arguably got the most battle experience in his class, because aside from intentionally picking up fights with others, he interned with multiple Hero Agencies, not just at Hawks, Best Jeanist & Endeavor, he learns from even the lower ranking ones to know about fights, after all he is battle hungry or in this case, fightsexual, even without a Quirk.

He knew well enough that once Matsuru knows their Quirks, it's game over, so it is better to overwhelm him physically and not be pushed to an all out, Quirk Combat.

He thought to himself, entertained of having to fight Jun again later and maybe both the Todoroki Siblings, because of their surname but wouldn't that apply to both Rin & her boyfriend? Not at all.

Kyoya knew when to stop aiming higher, he knew not to mess with the bigger fishes, who are just as special as him yet he entertains the scenario of having to weaken them.

To Kyoya, fighting someone regardless of condition is the real deal, he doesn't care if the person is at their peak or handicapped, it's a blessing if they are weakened, that saves him trouble but he also won't mind fighting someone stronger than him.

“It sucks not having support items and a lot may think it's unfair, but let me tell you this, has any battle ever been fair? In these trying times, a Hero must learn to adapt with the unfavorable cards they're given, remember our fight against Keyaru and his High End Nomu, do you think that's fair? Certainly not. I hate to be that guy but by just seeing the new blood, especially that Shirakawa and Solaris, they'd likely bitch about it. So how about it, since support items are not allowed, who's to say improvised items aren't, make use of your environment. If you don't like my plan, you can kiss it goodbye, there's a reason why I'm snarky towards you, you're the class rep and I’m not and I totally want to fight you someday, I don't go easy on men or women, especially women who sucks at fighting, they belong in the kitchen, even your mom.”

Oh dear Kyoya, would this spark an argument between him and Akira or will Akira be the bigger person and not take offense at his provocations?

Akira let out a sigh, he wants to pretend that he is surprised but his experience managing this mess of a class already gave him an idea on how they will react, most of the time at the very least.

And it’s not like he’s wrong, he could use a kinder language but he made his point.

“You’re right.” the white man spoke as he rummaged through the nearby trash can, he could use the lid as a shield yes… “The plan predicates on everything going according to plan which as we all know doesn’t survive the first contact.” Akira then took a rusted pipe that he will use as an improvised mace. Truthfully he can just make one with his quirk but considering the test, every advantage counts.

He would appreciate it if they allowed them to use the hero costumes though, he had a weird feeling of staring at him in a very weird way but he’d rather not talk about it.

“It is more of a guideline to be honest, one we will throw away in favor of an on the spot gambit. The lack of a plan being the plan itself kind of thing?” He continued to make a few practice swings before stopping when Kyoya decided to add his mother to the conversation.

He needs to rectify something, not that it was worth blowing over.

“Three things, first is that you should take a Public Relations Course next year. Your mouth will definitely give some problems if you keep this up.” he started raising a finger to Kyoya before raising another finger.

“Second is how about you start spilling your plan unless yours is called hit it til it dies. Truly an innovation in strategy.” he spoke in sarcasm as a last finger was raised.

“Lastly, my mom can kick your ass and leave you in a body bag. Seriously, even a furious Himekishi’s pointers are kinder than what she dishes out when she thinks I can take it." A bead of sweat appeared on Akira as he relived the day when he decided to continue his studies at this college. His mom really pushed him to his limits that day.

“There is a reason my first Super Move is an armor.”

It didn’t help him, the training simply lasted longer when he made it, well at least it made him pretty confident at the durability of a well placed barrier he made.

“And one last thing, whatever we do there. Fight to win, don’t let your rivalry with Matsuru blind you with the bigger picture.”

Kyoya chuckled, which turned into quite an insane laughter for a few seconds.

“Oi, oi, oi, what's the matter with you two?” Haru practically appeared between his two teammates. He wasn't too pleased how they were already at each other's throats before the fight had even begun, though 90% of this whole quarrel thing was Kyoya’s fault. “Kyoya-kun, let's not try to quarrel with our own teammate right now,” Haru put his hands on Kyoya's shoulders and pulled him just a little away from Akira in case any one of them had any… bright ideas. “If All Might were watching you at this moment, may he rest in peace, he would probably be shaking his head in disappointment!” His delivery was, rather admittedly, similar to that of a disappointed parent. In some ways, he does consider himself as one sometimes.

“Anyway,” Haru continued, “You did have a point there, though your delivery was uh… terrible. We do need to have contingency plans in case the one Akira proposed doesn't work out. It's very much possible they'd quickly realize Akira is the bait. We should consider what to do if they can't be separated from each other…”

“Tch…right. I don't usually talk smack in class, call this pent up aggression, Akira, ok Aki-boy, I didn't know you can bite back, I'm starting to like you. It appears that you got a strong mom and not one of those weak women, very well, I acknowledge you.” He's impressed on this side of Akira that he never saw before.

“For the record, Public Relations was one of the reasons why I wasn't around the Sports Fest, I exceeded the scores too.” He jested.

“From a certain point of view, I'd fight Matsuru, but realistically, I can put my biases aside.” Kyoya looked around the area and found some rocks around the floor.

“When I was in Shiketsu, we were taught Archery and Shurikenjutsu, I'll go with that Distance Snap strategy.”

“Well there is a reason I am the class representative and why you haven't tried a hostile takeover yet. “ Fortunately for everyone Akira is not the type to have those kinds of ‘bright ideas’, in fact he is responsible for stopping most of those ideas mostly.

“In either case we should position Haru-san at the back. He is a walking artillery so he could support both of us if we go for separate 1v1’s.” he suggested as he turned his eye to a nearby building.

“We could go there as the battlefield, force them into a siege while we defend Haru,” he suggested. “Us hiding in there might convince them to split up and allow us to pick our battles.”

The initial part is the most crucial phase of this battle, if the three of them fail to break whatever plan they have. They'll have a more uphill battle.

Rin at the moment is just Rin, her mind is at equilibrium with her sisters. The Exercise is something she's not really fond of but it is of essentialized value to teach the younger ones about Hero Work ethics. Unlike most of 1B, abiding by the no support items rule, they're not applicable to said rules because they are the villains, hence support items are allowed!

“So what about it Darling? We're going to Otheon later. I think this is the perfect time for our families to meet, a blessing is sacred after all. I disagree with the norms today of normalizing not having parental approval, but who am I kidding, I have no parents, my niece, Amaya, who is the clan leader of the Himura clan is the closest authority figure to approve our engagement and marriage, your mother likes me, I miss Emiru-san’s black curry.”

“Of course. We’re about to fight our peers. And instead of strategy, you’re thinking about the future.” Matsuru chuckled to himself. He finally got used to the practice gear, no matter how stifling and obscene some might consider it. Ever since he and Rin entered the city center, his mind was abuzz with possible strategies. Namely, trying to predict what Haru, Kyoya, and Akira will do. Knowledge is power, and knowing your enemy’s moves is your key to victory… Did Sun Tzu say that? Who knows.

“Honestly, I’ve been too concerned about my father to think about the rest of our family's meeting. Who would come to represent Himura's, your niece?” The idea of a young Amaya sitting across from Matsuru’s mother made him giggle a little. He leans in and plants a kiss on the top of her head, “Let’s focus on the fight for now. After, I’ll make you some of that black curry and we can talk more about Otheon.”

Matsu knows that this fight will be different from any other training he’s done before. Honestly, he can’t help but feel cocky. Two of the Furious Five fighting three students from 1B? That alone already sounds like a one-sided fight. But he’s fighting alongside, arguably, the best person for him. Their movements are fluid, their actions and attacks in sync. It’s like they know what the other is going to do, without saying it.

But pride and confidence certainty are Matsu’s greatest Hubrises. He knows this. He knows he must temper himself if he wishes to succeed in this upcoming bout…

He thinks for a moment. Kyoya, Haru, and Akira are smart. They will try to split Rin and himself, divide and conquer. It’ll be imperative that the two of them stick together. They are both individually strong. But as a team, their victory is all but assured. And there was that thing Kyoya told him before they departed to the battleground. Was Kyoya trying to tell Matsuru to only use those quirks they saw in that fight? He chuckles to himself. His copy quirk isn’t like Kyoya’s. Kyoya can copy quirks almost instantaneously, as if through pure improvisation. For Matsuru, it takes time and observation for him to copy a quirk. Kind of like a science experiment. The difference is that Matsuru can keep using his copied quirks indefinitely. Kyoya can only use them for a limited time.

“Kyoya’s probably going to try to gun after me, while Akira and Haru might try to pin you away. I’d think it’s best if we do everything we can to stick together.” Matsuru mentions Rin. “We have experience fighting side-by-side. That’s not something the other three can say. If we exploit this advantage, and keep our ground, we have a great shot at success. What do you think?”

“Results will speak for itself.” Rin said.

Suddenly, in the area around the three boys, the temperatures rapidly dropped without warning, it was a tundra-like landscape of ice and snow. The three boys weren't frozen but their mind was under the telepathic grip of Rin’s cryo-telepathic Quirk, Rin sneaked and attacked them, decisively.

The trio can hear Rin speaking inside their minds.

“Playtime is over.”

Kyoya retorted.

“I was about to say the same thing!” He then helped himself, including Haru and Akira, break free from her Telepathic grip, for a moment he thought it was over.

Kyoya reverse engineered Rin’s attack by copying her Quirk and released a huge wave of ice glaciers, similar to that of Shoto, against Rin.

Rin redirected the ice to another direction, freezing an entire building nearby but the snow and ice with her around, still is blooming, temperatures dropping gradually.

Haru shook his head for a bit as the telepathy wore off. “That was rude, poking into my head like that!” He had, of course, some… experiences with telepathic quirks, most notably the incident with Keyaru’s… who was it, his assistant? Whatever the case, Haru simply disliked telepathic things more than the average person.

Ehem, anyway.

Seeing how cold it had gotten, Haru summoned nearby photons to himself, creating a sphere of light that may as well be a miniature sun, giving off warmth. More photons were then devoured, creating a dark spot where Haru once stood. He then ran out of the dark spot he created for himself, a little miffed at how there weren’t any support items for the quirks. Seriously, how was he supposed to see anything without those night vision goggles whenever he used a super move?

“Starlight Assault!”

As Haru reappeared beside the rapidly shrinking dark spot, he fired a beam of searing hot light straight toward Rin.

Matsuru was never the one to open the engagement. He chooses to sit back and, well, observe. The fact of the matter is, his strength lies in his acute mind and his innate quirk, Judgement Gaze. By first observing the opening moments of a fight, he can more accurately come up with a strategy. It’s all rather complex, and a bit much. But for the Observant Hero, Sherlock, this is his secret recipe for success.

Choosing a vantage point a small distance away from the initial engagement, the plan was simple. Rin would begin the assault by probing at the three students. After a weakness was noticed, or a moment arose, Matsuru would step in and strike. Taken from the old warfare strategies of infantry and cavalry, a “hammer and anvil” strategy.

His Judgement Gaze was in full bloom, his eyes illuminating the surrounding area in an indigo hue. Matsuru was watching carefully. First at Kyoya dispelling Rin’s telepathy, then Haru’s outburst at the nature of the attack. He didn’t know whether attacking Haru with a telepathic attack was intended or not, but he still mentally applauded Rin for that.

‘Velocity… Distance divided by time… Simply approach your ending point rapidly… And you have yourself superspeed.’ Matsuru was going through his mental notes. In his observations of class 1A’s fight, a quirk caught his attention. Himekishi Erza, superspeed. The way it was applied during their match left much to be desired in Matsuru’s eyes. But he thought this could be a useful “trump card” during his own match.

In truth, he never practiced this quirk before now, but fuck it. He’s done stupider things.

The moment he was waiting for arrived. The spotlight awaiting his grand entrance to the stage. Haru’s photon-infused beam attack. In a blink of an eye, the silhouetted figure disappeared from the elevated position. Like a bat in the night. Within that split second between point A and point B, Matsu had to act.

Using creation, he pulled a metal disk from his forearm. He saw another person of interest during that initial bout between 1A and Spidey. What was her name… Alya or whatnot? She seemed to have a metalkinetic affinity, some way to manipulate metals around her. In a hail mary move, Matsuru threw the disk out in front of him. Mentally commanding it to fly in front of the beam, disrupting its course.

Whether by sheer, dumb luck or a stroke of genius, the disk did as Matsuru commanded. Accelerating at his velocity, changing course to deflect the photon beam, then embedding itself onto the concrete floor. Matsuru landed behind the disk, the force of his rapid deceleration causing a gust of wind to kick up some dust.

Matsuru is in the fight now. He’s eyeing down Kyoya and Haru, his Judgement Gaze piercing through them. “Hope you don’t mind if I join in now.”

Akira clutched his head as Rin’s telepathic power messed with it. It wasn't really that bad but the fact it was a surprise attack tripped him up. He could still feel the damn brain freeze.

Despite that he watched, scanned the fight and realized Matsuru is not around. Good that means his plan is still applicable as long he could find him.

Unfortunately for him, Haru blundered and used his quirk despite the warnings. Not really the end of the world but still inconvenient.

If nothing else though it forced him to act, revealing himself and joining the fray, glaring down at Kyoya and Haru like a wolf stalking his prey.


Did Matsuru seriously straight up forget about him? Is it because he is focused on the current action, something that he wasn't part of?

Oh god this is perfect!

With the time and lack of attention on his side Akira hatched his gambit by silently putting a platform in his feet. Then launching himself to Matsuru with his improvised shield as the lead through its sudden expansion.

If nobody notices, the two will collide and Akira just has enough momentum to force Matsuru into the building through the wall or the window.

The representative of Class 1B slid gracefully in front of Matsuru, shield and improvised mace ready.

“Got you.” he spoke with a smile on his face.

He hopes Kyoya and Haru finish their battle quickly because he is about to get himself kicked 6 ways to Sunday.

Rin smirked at the scene, she hoped for Akira to actually come after her instead but come to think of it, this is also fine, bearing in mind their conversation a week ago, she hoped to mess with him but perhaps it's for the best.

At the moment, the real Rin is still nowhere to be found, whatever's shown right now is merely a Telepathic Illusion.

“THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!” ‘Kyoya’ strangled Haru.

“STOP BEING A JERK.” ‘Haru’ punched Kyoya.

Rin was fabricating mental images in the area.

Kyoya felt the sensation of a lifetime, he can feel his mind lose grip of reality but luckily he got his Quirk to reverse the effect, it's Haru that he's worried about.

He used Rin’s Quirk and countered it, this time he chose to go inside Haru.

“Bro, snap out of it. I'm not gonna fume on such a simple mistake and strangle yo-.” Kyoya said to Haru, in their personal mental landscape. Before he knew it, Kyoya felt like he got shot in the back by Antiquirk Bullets, a callback to when Rin shot him in the first arc, instead of the front, he's shot in the back, helping Haru.

“My telepathy has reached its limit, I am getting some brain freeze. Kyou, you really are one of a kind, you act like a jerk yet you actually care for your friends.” She attacked Kyoya and somersaulted him to the ground, patting his head.

“Be a good boy and stay down.” Sadistically, freezing his wounded back.

“AAAAHHHHHHH” Kyoya screamed in pain from the coldburn and the shrapnels from the bullets that spread like barbs, helpless and unable to use his Quirk.
(This is a a layered illusion)

Whether Haru realizes this, he's in for a world of mental pain.

Haru silently fumed at how he fumbled at the start. Right, he really, really hated telepathy and illusions. Put those two together, and it was all just so… memory inducing. He had no idea if that was intentional on Rin’s part, as whether or not she knew about how Keyaru’s assistant forced her way into his mind was unknown to him. Still, while it was a dirty tactic, taking advantage of someone's else's… traumatic experience, it worked, if nothing else.

Besides, villains won't care, and the second years are currently pretending to be just that.

Annoyingly enough, Rin’s illusions were fed directly into the mind. It wasn't like Keyaru's illusions, which manipulated how the surroundings looked, rather than changing how someone looked at the surroundings. As a result, he couldn't possibly dispel this the same way he did back then. His head hurts from the telepathic brain freeze… but at the very least, it looked like the buildings hadn't changed. Rin was probably standing somewhere nearby, chuckling at how things were proceeding!


Haru tossed the sphere of light he had summoned earlier upwards. It was supposed to be for melting ice… but with Akira keeping Matsuru busy, using his quirk was safe once again.

The miniature sun then exploded midair, bathing the entire area in bright, blinding light. Haru bet that, if Rin has to avert her gaze or remove her concentration, the illusions would stop. Or not. They had no idea.

Rin changed tactics and proceeded with her defense, she conjured her freezing armor and made a thick layer of kinetic disruption by robbing off the light of its efficacy to pass her defenses.

Deja vu.

Just as the illusion earlier, this is now the real deal. Rin somersaulted Kyoya with her sheer physical speed, and got him under leg lock & on gunpoint to the head. Kyoya teleported, using Harima Nekomi’s Quirk, Matsuru copied superspeed, Kyoya got teleportation.

Even so, Rin wasn't having any of it. The next time Kyoya did teleportation, it was jammed by the mere cold. Kyoya cannot teleport away this time, in fact he really can't, he suddenly feels his movements jammed & cannot use his Quirks at all.

“Do you know that the cold weakens the efficacy of momentum? In cold temperatures, magnetic fields will generally be stronger due to reduced kinetic energy, allowing consistent alignment. “ She educated Kyoya and Haru.

“I've seen your light, Haru. So let me ask you this, the thicker the ice, what happens to light?” She asked Haru while Kyoya is locked after her quick somersault.

“I'll wait for your answer but the fact that I can do these things, and this is just an exam…C'mon show some gratitude, we all have to hold back our punches, otherwise, you won't be using your Quirks anytime soon.” Rin gives them some fighting chance, realizing she's going a bit overboard.

Haru refused to answer Rin’s question as he once gathered photons together, forming several arrows of light around him. The Sunclap and Flash earlier hadn’t worked as well as he had hoped, but that move was never meant to take someone down. It’s for blinding nearby enemies, or at the very least, forcing them to stop whatever they’re doing and close their eyes. He wondered for a second why Kyoya wasn’t doing more to get Rin off the headlock; clearly, biting her leg was an option. But then, that might not be seen as favorable. Or heroic.

After a brief delay, the arrows of light, which would be searing hot to the touch akin to a fire quirk, launched toward Rin. Half of them went straight towards her, while the other half started flying and swirling wildly in random directions before homing toward her like missiles. At the same time, Haru began gathering more light into a pair of spheres, aiming to put enough photokinetic energy into them to be able to pierce through a substantial barrier of ice.

Rin moved with catlike agility as she intercepted the light spheres, letting go of Kyoya may as well be imminent. To her it isn't, as she let go of her lock, she karate chopped him like what Haru did to him in the class earlier. She grabbed Kyoya, who seemed to be knocked out & intercepted the omnidirectional light attacks with thicker ice, light didn't offensively pass through, as it's efficacy is reduced into mere flashlights.

“The answer is, the thicker the ice, the less light passes through due to its impurities. Is this really all you can do? I expected better from the second strongest of 1B and now I am left with someone who is inferior. Let me educate you with proper feedback, you both suck, the both of you are too reliant on your Quirks. Notice how Kyoya's first taken down? Aside from him having a Quirk like Matsuru, he's too reliant on it, he clearly lacked physical response. And you, Haru, you seemed tense, that's natural, but I can sense something in you, even more, you stay silent to hold your fears back. What is it? I will not let you move forward until you tell me and the more you resist, I will continue to penetrate your mind.” As of right now, there is visible frost in Rin’s body, similar to how Shoto and any other Himura, having used their Quirk too much.

She sighed with an icy breath while seated in Kyoya's back, opened her thermal lollipops to stay warm, and the frost in her body receded.

“So tell me what's holding you back? Going inside your mind is intrusive unless you want me to disable your Quirk with these Antiquirk Rounds and beat you into a pulp.” Having her gun pointed at Haru.

“You… really want to know?” Haru passively absorbed the light around him, not so much that it began to darken, but enough that he's gathering energy for another attack. Besides… if Rin wanted to talk, then he might as well go along with it. Stall for time, as well as… speak of whatever it is she wants to do.

“During the previous battle, I was shown a dream that felt like a life,” Haru muttered. “Normally, I shouldn't tell anyone besides the guidance counselor, but I suppose this is as good a time as any.” He glanced at Kyoya, who was still being used as a chair. He'll survive, probably.

He went on, still quietly gathering photons into himself. “It's a rather traumatic experience, don't you think? I see it every other night now. It lives rent free in my head. So, nowadays, I really, really hate having mentalist quirks used on me.”

With that, a beam of light streamed out of his eyes, aiming for Rin’s anti-quirk pistol. He's always had excellent aim, being someone who primarily conducted long ranged combat. Not to mention that with all the energy he gathered over the course of talking with Rin, the beam would be hot enough to melt through steel… which the gun would (probably) be made out of.

With the pistol’s barrel molten, Haru prepared to fire another, much larger beam. just need to concentrate it all in one spot, Haru thought.

You're no different from us Rin smiled at Haru’s determination.

All that energy probably took a lot in him. Rin wasted no time and increased her defenses, where movements would cease, freezing Haru's erected and larger beam.

Rin walked close to Haru with a villainous glare and smiled.

“You pass. Take your luggage with you and help Akira.” Rin asserted control in the situation while showing dominance and never a chance that they'd never beat her.

“For now you rest for 15 minutes, we'll be off-camera.”

‘There’s one, and there’s two… here comes three.’

Matsuru couldn’t tell if Akira thought he was being sneaky or not, but nonetheless he was happy his opponent was fighting with strategy. ‘Should I dodge?’ Matsuru thought to himself. He considered simply moving out of the way, laying a counter, and taking Akira out of the fight…

‘Nah, that isn’t fair. He got me fair and square, just let hi-’

Matsuru saw the strike coming. What he didn’t expect was the force behind it. Matsuru was sent into the adjoining building, separating himself from the battle going on between Rin, Kyoya, and Haru. ‘She’s probably got this,’ Matsu thought to himself. ‘Alright, time to shine.’

He landed on his feet, sliding back a little from the excess kinetic force. His indigo eyes illuminating the dust around his face. For a moment, Matsuru admired the hole he made in the wall. Partly because he survived the impact, and also because it showed Akira’s strength. He noticed something in his younger peer. Ever since the fight with Keyaru, he’s been… different. Not in an overt or obvious way, but… Matsuru couldn’t put a finger on it. When he observed Akira training, he seemed to be attacking with more purpose. His schoolwork seemed to be done with greater fervor. The Observant Hero grinned a little, noticing the improvement in his peers.

He couldn’t help but chuckle watching Akira’s graceful slide into the building. Reminded him of a younger Itoshi Yura (in only good ways). “I’ll give you credit for your plan. You managed to draw me into the fight, and separated me from Rin… Are you sure that was the best plan, though? No good story ends in a martyr’s death.” His Judgement Gaze was fixated on Akira. Whether the young hero liked it or not, he wouldn’t escape Matsuru’s gaze…

“So… want to take the first move?”

Akira's eyes faced Matsuru's gaze, there was no point trying to hide himself against it as he looked around the room. It seemed they landed in some sort of office and behind Matsuru is a narrow hallway.

Something he could consider.

“The best I could come up with at least.” Akira admitted to Matsuru as his carefully picked words buy more time for Kyoya and Haru. “We would outright lose if the two of you worked together so the path left is a divide and conquer.” he spoke.

“And don't worry, I have no plans of being a martyr.”

With those Akira took the first move closing the gap between him and Matsuru and attempting to hit his head.

He is more of a spearman but aside from a Himekishi wielding her preferred sword, his proficiency with weapons is unmatched in Eirei.

He definitely has a long way to go though.

Matsuru knew he didn’t have much time to lose. Whether he liked it or not, he was in a time crunch. He had to blitz down Akira to get back to Rin. Either to help her finish her fight or to continue where she left off. Knowing her… Well, she’s unpredictable.

“Then you shall be the herald of your team’s defeat.” He mutters out. He jerks his head to the left, letting the spear whizz past his head. He knew that, even though this was training, he had a responsibility to teach his younger peers a lesson. Even when they are his opponents. He hopes they can learn through defeat.

Activating both Rin’s Ice Manipulation Quirk and his superspeed, he suckerpunches Akiraright in the gullet. Not enough force to break any ribs, but just enough to cause intense bruising and slight freezeburn. Following up from this, as Akira is launched slightly into the air, He creates an iron chain from his forearm. He lashes the chain out to Akira, attempting to bind him and slam him into the ground.

A miniature rimefrost is circulating around Matsuru now. Over the months, he’s practiced using this quirk. Now, whenever he activates it, this rimefrost permeates around him. Dropping temperatures close to freezing. With the final slam into the ground, Matsuru is going to step on Akira’s arm. Not in a derogatory way, but in an effort to keep him pinned down. To try to convince him to back out of the fight.

“You fought well, Shining Spear. Be proud of your progress. But do not continue this fight.” He leans in close to Akira’s face, his rimefrost chilling him to the bone. “Though this is a friendly fight, my love is out there fighting two of your friends. Do not keep me from her any longer… Or I won’t hold back.” This is 100% a lie. Matsuru would never hurt Akira this way. He’s just trying to bluff his way into convincing Akira to surrender. He’s internally cringing at his line delivery.

Akira was forced to block the chain with his arm and have his eyes widened when it wrapped around him. What is going to happen next is going to suck…

Akira had no time to fight back when Matsuru used the chain to slam him to the ground.

And another.


When Akira finally found the time to breathe, Matsuru had already started freezing his right arm; he didn't know where his improvised weapons were.

He really looked so hopeless right now for him to be asked to yield.

“I-” Akira spoke to Matsuru, letting his words drag so that he would need to wait for the continuation of the surrender. He was right that these impossible odds stacked before him after all.

But aren't they supposed to fight the impossible odds to the bitter end?

It started at Akira's right arm where a gauntlet of light suddenly appeared, then his body soon covered with it. Suddenly Matsuru holding back turned out to be a horrible idea.

“-AM ACHILLES!” he yelled as a halberd made of light appeared in his left arm. He made a swing to hit Matsuru in the head and hopefully make him fall to the ground.

“Get it right.” he spoke as he tried to stand up and continue his assault in his ‘armor form’. He tried to move his right arm but realized that he could not feel it.

His dominant hand is useless, he had no choice but to use basic strikes with the left.

‘Ok… So this is how it’ll be.’
This wasn’t going to be pretty.

The outburst was to be expected. If Matsuru had to describe indomitability, it would be his opponent. Though he was banking on the bluff to work. Further proof that even he still makes miscalculations. The light spear caused Matsuru to move out of the way, letting go of Akira’s arm. He did what he needed to do, incapacitate the dominant hand and the opponent’s practically neutered. Though, another miscalculation by Matsuru, because Akira began to fight like a cornered animal.

Buffed by Akira’s Shining Armor, his attacks, durability, and endurance were brought to new heights. All Matsuru could do was dodge and parry with his chain. This… Outburst. It was something of legend. Herculean, or rather, Achillean. He grinned to himself as Akira displayed the last vestiges of a fiery spirit. “Though injured, outclassed, and faced with certain defeat, you still fight like a hero.” Matsuru says as the two of them continue to desolate the office space around them. “You surely are worthy of the name Achilles!”

The normally reserved and quiet Matsuru is grinning widely. His heart was beating. His mind was racing. He was proud of what was in front of him. But, like all good stories, it must come to an end. And Matsuru had his arrow prepared. Akira’s light spear was brought down with such ferocity it shook the foundations of the building. But when the dust settled, Matsuru was nowhere to be seen.

“I’m sorry it had to end this way, but I did warn you.” Matsuru’s voice was distorted. As if the bitrate was crunched. The rimefrost kicked up tenfold, a practical whirlwind of ice and frost billowing from the center of the office space. Through his Ice Resplendence Quirk, Matsuru began a mental assault on Akira. All too similar to what Rin did to Kyoya, Haru, and Akira earlier in the bout. It was meant to disorient, all so Matsu could buy time for his final move.

‘His quirk is similar to creation, but using photosynthetic abilities instead of constructing materials… I can do this.’

A different light came from Matsuru. This wasn’t the purple hue of his eyes, or the biting winds of his ice. No, it was a luminescence similar to Akira. Similar to his quirk. Modulating together like a brick house, Matsuru willed a large baseball bat made of pure light into his hands. It burned to touch… A side effect of such a rapid copy of an unknown quirk. He bit through the pain, as the regeneration healed as rapidly as the light burned.

“Stand proud, Akira. You, out of everyone in your class, deserved this fight with me. You are strong.” Matsuru pummeled Akira with this faux Shining Arms. He hit him with enough force to send Akira out of the building, back the same way he originally sent Matsuru. Matsu wants to take this fight outside. To see what happened between Rin and Kyoya and Haru.

And, he wanted his own fight to end.

Kyoya used Distance Snap to break the fall of Akira, catching him like a bridal princess & teleported into a higher ground.

“Bet your mom wants to be carried like this, I'll tell her that her son rolls both ways!” He teased Akira.

Cheshire Snap is the combination of Jun and Cat’s Quirks, allowing him to have better trajectory and range. Kyoya can read emotions with his Quirk & match skill level as a one time free trial depending on the impression that the owner left him. He cannot keep Quirks at his disposal and can only copy if the person in question is near, Kyoya loses any one time free trial benefit for Quirks he copied before & has to get used to said weaker level & cultivate it as long as the person left him a strong impression.

“IT WAS ME MATSURU, I ACTED FRAIL TO PROLONG THE FIGHT, LEAVING ME IN BETWEEN RIN’S LEGS, ALLOWING ME TO KNOW WHAT A WOMAN'S TOUCH IS, A PLEASURE TO RESONATE, YOU HAVE BEEN NTR’D, YOU BETA CUCK!” Kyoya felt lewd and didn't like it. He thought to himself, ‘I'm not into Ice Girls, it's either Jun, Kanako or that new girl, Mischa, tch… who am I kidding, I'm just trolling, it's only Jun'.

Kyoya taunted Matsuru and used Rin’s telepathy, feeding him false info of what happened, an implied undertone of something sultry, to Kyoya, he was indeed choked by Rin’s thick thighs.

“YOUR GIRL IS UNFAITHFUL, SHE RESONATED WITH HARU & ME!” Kyoya did that generic heart sign of every K-pop boy band and refused to elaborate and ran away.

“Haru and I beat Rin, Akira, so I gotta get you into quick shape while Haru distracts Matsuru.”

“I wouldn't say beat, but whatever,” Haru muttered as Kyoya ran past him with Akira in a bridal carry. No, he definitely wasn't thinking about how he would see it if he was being carried like that. Or how it would look if he carried someone in the same manner.

“Matsuru's quirk needs him to see something, huh…” Haru paced back and forth as he absorbed more and more photons, coalescing them into six miniature suns that floated around him like burning little minions. “What if it's too bright to see?”

With that, he sent up the light spheres he created, hovering them over the building. He kept on absorbing photons, creating three more spheres. As soon as Matsuru entered his sight, Haru opened fire with three of the floating spheres, sending down golden beams of fiery light that would converge upon the upperclassman. With the first three flying spheres expended, he readied to take aim with the other three. Another three were rapidly forming as well, even if it was beginning to be physically painful to form and control this many spheres at once…

Akira was forced to his knees as he was forced to take the mental attack. He really needs to find a way to get used to this, maybe he should ask Kanako after this. Despite that he still tried to keep track of Matsuru but he was too late.

His face entered a collision course with a slugger's bat. Is that his quirk? Didn't he already have Creation in his arsenal?

Also he felt heat on that hit, his quirk can do that?

As if to make things worse, his armor shattered like glass and it made a new hole in the building to put him out. Forcing him to rely on his barriers to at least break the momentum. Luckily Kyoya saved him, in a manner that would be befitting of him.

Akira once again just stared at Kyoya unimpressed. “Unfortunately I only swing one way,” he said, probably allowing some members of the audience to catch their breaths.

Notably he didn't refute the first statement about his mother.

What Kyoya said next is worse though, he knew he was taunting him but should a hero act proud of infidelity.

“It is clear you never learned a lesson in that Public Relations class.“ he spoke as stood up watching the battle, comically facepalming.

His dominant arm is indeed useless and his options to help are limited.

But he still has something left in the tank.

“If you can patch me up, make it quick. Haru can only stall for long.” he ordered to Kyoya as he tapped on his quirk. Not enough for armor but enough for that.

Before he fell, he had one thing he wanted to show Matsuru. Consider it a thanks for giving him an idea to work on in his future training.

Super Move: Speed Share

Super Move: Resonation

Super Move: Cheshire Surge

Kyoya combined three super moves, the first one had Erza’s speed share, allowing Akira to heal wounds then followed by Cheshire Surge, which speeds up the speed healing of Erza’s Quirk, Kyoya resonated with Akira to feel his emotional sensations and healed his arm back to health.

“Good as new, but don't overdo it, I'm lucky that these Quirks are still under the one time free trial, if not, we're screwed. Oi Haru, double the party!” Kyoya combined the Quirks.

Erza's superspeed, Blackcat’s Cheshire, Jun’s Distance Snap, all at once. This allowed him to spam the same flashbangs that Haru was doing, spamming because the speed and space type Quirks, allowed Kyoya to lessen the recoil and speed up the process of casting moves, he did it all in one hand.

“If Ritsuku is watching this fight, tell him that he's nothing to the Prince of all Quirks! I AM THE PRINCE OF ALL HEROES, HE'S NOTHING BUT A DELUDED FREAK! NO WONDER HE LACKS GIRLS!” Kyoya had time to insert insults in front of the camera.



Rin trolled along, “Yeah, I enjoyed our little fight, you didn't last very long though, you fightsexual sicko.” Rin inside the boys head, without brain freezing them, she's inside Matsuru, Akira, Haru and Kyoya.

Matsuru took a moment to admire his handiwork. A new hole in the wall, almost perfectly parallel to the one he came in. Taking a deep breath and dispelling his Ice Resplendence and the rimefrost around him, he looked down to the hardlight construct still burning in his hands. “Really Matsu, a baseball bat? You couldn’t think of anything else?” He scolded himself. Good thing his father wasn’t around to see the outcome.

He heard a stifled yell come from the porous wall. He couldn’t make out what was being said. Piquing his interest, he peered his head out to see Kyoya cradling Akira like a baby. He was yelling some obscenities, Matsuru only catching the latter half of his statement.

“What… What’s an NT-”

Matsuru was cut short by the blinding barrage that came from all around him. Incessant, relentless, and ruthless. A bombardment from three different area’s came crashing down on the young hero. If it weren’t for his heightened state, Matsuru would have surely been obliterated by such a display of power.

Fractions of fractions of a second. That’s what was afforded to Sherlock. He felt possessed, as if the spirit of his father’s ire possessed him. Compelling him to be superhuman. He dodged the attacks the best he could. Retreating back into the office building. Parrying bolts of energy with a metal shield. Deftly bounding away from attacks. It was overwhelming, and he couldn’t dodge them all.

Some struck at his leg, another at his chest, and one more at his shoulder. ‘Fuck fuck fuck. I can’t stay here.’ Matsuru thought to himself. Off in the distance, now more clearly, Matsuru could make out Kyoya’s voice. He was yelling insults, obscenities, and vulgar comments. Matsuru knew clearly what this meant.


A new wave of photonic bombardment all but leveled the building, done by both Kyoya’s and Haru’s combined assault. On the opposite side of the rubble, on another rooftop, Matsuru lay on his back.Before the building was fully destroyed in that awesome display of power, Matsuru managed to get out. He broke the opposing wall with an explosion due to his Heat Combustion, and sent his body flying onto the conjoined building thanks to his superspeed. His skin was singed and burnt. He grunted and muttered insults as he gritted through the pain. “Damnit… I underestimated them.” His regeneration was quickly healing the injuries, but the pain still remained.

“You just… had to let them… off the hook.” He chuckled audibly, speaking to Rin. That icy chill down the nape of his neck meant she was with him telepathically. “Couldn’t you have at least given them a harder time?”

Matsuru’s position was less than ideal. He was stuck facing three powerful opponents. Opponents he did not expect to be as strong as they were. Was this the effect Lenombril has on the class of 1B? When Matsuru first attacked Keyaru a few months before Shibuya, he also remembered training like hell afterwards. But he never made this kind of progress. His perfectionist side scoffed in frustration, but he still held a proud smile.

“Well… They’re giving it their all. Only fair I give them mine in return.” But what can he do? Matsuru racked his brain for a moment. Dozens of strategies and countermeasures flooding through his mind. And as quickly as they appeared, they were dismissed. Matsuru was, for once, at a loss on what to do. There was one idea that passed through his mind. Something so un-Matsuru, he could have sworn it was shunted into his mind’s eye by Rin.

No planning. No countermeasures. Just a hail mary. “Fuck it. Here goes nothing.”

A part of his brain went back to his first fight against a Nomu. Back then, he cornered Keyaru. But because of his own blunder, an innocent bystander was forcibly mutated into a Nomu. Matsuru was able to deal a mortal blow to the creature, but it ultimately regenerated. It was through the combined efforts of Rin, Matsuru, Endeavor, and Spidey that this Nomu was finally dealt with.

That move that Matsuru did. It was like a falling star. Channeling a combined frost and flame into his hand and forcibly shunting it into a sword, he was able to deal an attack that damaged an entire city block. He still shutters remembering how far the sonic boom traveled… Fuck it, if we was going to do it again, now is the time.

He sat up and stood on the edge of the roof. He turned off his Judgement Gaze to slow his mind. He needed to focus, concentrate, and calm his mind. He allowed his subconscious to retreat back to his mindscape. The lull of the idealistic island helped him concentrate.

He created an adamantium sword out of his forearm. A process which took a lot of energy from him. He knew this fight would be decided soon, no need to withhold any power now. Holding the blade in his right hand, he channeled as much energy as he could into it. He reinforced the sword with Akira’s Shining Arsenal. A shivering chill came from his hand, and his blood was pumping with flame. A perfect symbiosis of quirks, working in tandem to create something greater than their sum parts. This was Matsuru’s specialty. This was his trump card.


His sword arm was practically glowing. A gleam could be seen off in the distance, radiating and powerful. Satisfied with his outcome, Matsuru emerged from his mindscape fully, now wielding a devastating weapon. He grinned, happy to know it succeeded. “Alright, time to end this.” He stepped right to the edge of the ceiling. Not looking down directly at Haru, Akira, and Kyoya. His eyes and sword both glowing with potential and power.

“COME, STUDENTS! SHOW ME YOUR MOTIVATION!!” He bellowed out in challenge. With a sonic boom that dented the railing he was standing on, Matsuru launched himself into the sky. After a few seconds of elevation, he began to fall. Descending directly atop his three opponents. With the distance and the gleam of his sword, he appeared like a falling star. He gritted and prepared himself to crash down onto the ground.

Unfortunately for Matsuru, his great descent won't end in the ground if Akira is having it. As to how, let's talk about Akira's quirk, Shining Arms and how such a name is intentionally misleading.

Based on what Shining Arms sound like, you would think that it is a weapon generation quirk, right?

It wasn't.

Shining Arms is a barrier-generation quirk, it only turned the way it is due to Akira's years of training both quirk and non-quirk. And that training allows him to circumvent a barrier, creating quirks common weaknesses. The difficulty of moving the barriers.

Akira outstretched his arms and suddenly a wall of solid light appeared before him, then with a mental command of ‘throw’, the wall made its way to Matsuru.

Would it stop him? No.

Will it kill his momentum? Definitely.

“That's everything for me.” Akira answered as he felt a pang of headache. “Take him down while he's off-balanced.” he commanded Kyoya and Haru.

“Fuck you, I bet your mom can take on that because I'm taking on him.” Kyoya recalled every Quirk he's copied in his lifetime, he gets to remember how everyone made him feel.

“Ultra Move: Empathic Resonation!”

Distance Snap - Jun
Redline - Yui
Photokinesis - Haru
Swirly Blaze - Kaiga
Cryogenesis - Amaya
Combustion - Keyaru
Superspeed - Erza
Cheshire - Blackcat
Ignition - Mei
Fabrice - Rin
Judgment Gaze - Matsuru

Distance Snap + Cheshire
= Cheshire Snap
° Allows Kyoya to cover distances faster.

Redline + Superspeed + Cryogenesis
= Redspeed Genesis Revelation
° Allows Kyoya to spam Quirks with little drawback, storing energy & speeding up its build up as an amplified multiplier, as the ice cools him down, and performs a loophole feedback with symbiosis of said Quirks, another Ice Quirk, being Rin’s Cryo Armor, helps him lessen the damage.

Swirly Blaze + Ignition + Combustion + Photokinesis
° Kyoya controls heat and boosts it with Combustion for wider attacks & Swirly Blaze for tanks, Haru’s Quirk is merely an amplifier.

Kyoya appears to be an Exploding Man. “You two make a run for it. I am gonna end him, when he's out of juice, shoot him with the Antiquirk Bullets.”

Judgment Gaze + Resonance
° Using Matsuru's Quirk, Kyoya in the first place by using this combo, allows him to combine everything at a rapid rate, he can feel and analyze the potential drawbacks of his copied Quirks and get the right combo.

Kyoya teleported like a blur, in the blink of an eye, appearing point blank where Matsuru is at, he then locked Matsuru with a hug as he used Cheshire Snap and Kaiga’s Jet Propulsion to fly upwards and make sure no one gets hurt.

“I’M TAKING YOU WITH ME IN PURGATORY, WE ARE GOING FOR THE WIN….” Kyoya launched with Matsuru upwards into the sky.

“BURN IN THE BLAZE OF GLORY, PROMINENCE BURN!” Kyoya intentionally jabbed Mei for her inability to use a Prominence Burn against Alya.

Light so bright, the flames that Kyoya generated were white in color.

Haru and Akira could only see an explosion in the sky, resembling a dying star.

The rest of the participants can also see the sudden explosion in the sky.

Falling from the sky, Matsuru could see clearly what they were planning. He was a little sad, seeing that their countermeasures were decently placed. “Damn.. I can’t do anything fun around here.” He mused to himself.

Akira’s shield enveloped the sky surrounding the simulated battlefield, then launched itself at the descending hero. To be fair, he did tell them to show him their motivation. He takes a moment to wonder if, truly, Matsuru’s greatest weakness is his own mouth. His Ma’at sword was still gleaming, practically singing with the stored energy.

In the blink of an eye, faster than Matsuru could even process, Kyoya was right in front of him. Matsu was dumbfounded, seeing as he was still a good distance above the ground. Then reality dawned on him. He copied a teleportation quirk. Not only that, Matsuru was staring at his own eyes. At least, his own quirk. Kyoya’s pupils emanated a purple hue, he had the Judgement Gaze.

After the split second of dumbfoundedness finally washed away, Matsuru felt the heat scorching his chest. It wasn’t a heat he was creating, but instead an inferno coming from Kyoya! Does the fool plan to blow them both up?! “Wait now, Kyoya, don’t be ha-”

Matsuru couldn’t finish his sentence. In a blink of an eye, Matsuru and Kyoya found themselves at ground zero of a titanic explosion. Kyoya, the little prick he is, decided to put on his best Saibamen impression and blow the two of them up to smithereens!

At least, that was the plan.

An instinctual response is all it was. An action without thought. In other words, a very un-Matsuru thing. He enveloped his body in a golden light, using Akira’s quirk to dampen the blow. It didn’t work perfectly. His entire left body was in tatters. Either singed or burnt. But for the time, Matsuru was ok. But he was not happy.

This turned into something different than a lesson. His mind flipped into combat mode. Kyoya would be ok for the same reason Matsuru would be, the regeneration quirk they both got off of the Nomu’s. Whether Kyoya was still conscious after that Prominence Burn, Matsuru did not care. He saw in front of him a perfect plan.

Grabbing Kyoya off of his body, Matsuru held him by the collar, staring directly at him. A fury billowed beneath his eyes. A Judgment Gaze staring at another. But only one shone bright. “Hope this knocks you down a peg, you inbred.”

Using what little energy he had in his broken and battered left hand, Matsuru threw Kyoya straight to mother earth. Kyoya’s body connected with Akira’s rapidly rising dome, shattering it completely. Now on the precipice of stored energy, Matsu hucked his gleaming sword down to the battlefield. Like a meteor it descended, and like a meteor it impacted.

A soundwave reverberated off of the explosion. An entire simulated city block left in varied degrees of destruction, as if a kiloton bomb was activated. After a minute or two, the smoke cleared.

Matsuru stood in the precipice of the crater. He was panting and grunting in pain, as his regeneration molded his scorched left half back together. And in his hand was the antiquirk gun he stole off of Haru. In the calamity following his Ma’at, he activated his superspeed. Quickly blitzing both Haru and Akira. Shooting them with Antiquirk bullets while they were still dazed and confused. The explosion from Matsuru’s attack wasn’t enough to give any major injuries to the two of them. But it did cause exactly what he wanted, confusion and escalation.

After a moment, he fell onto one knee. The fight was over. He won. Theoretically, after this point, he’s supposed to hurry to Izanagi and aid him in this fight, but he was in no condition to move. At least, he needed to wait for his regeneration to compete, which could take a couple of minutes. He winces as he sets himself on the ground, leaning his back on a piece of debris.

He rescinds to his mindscape, calling out to Rin. “Fucking hell Rin… You owe me one.”

Rin will still decide on which of the boys gets to move, this will be an evaluation within their 15 minute break, 15 minutes has passed and Rin will deliver the evaluation.

“Teamwork, you have none of that until the end, you may have lost for now, you lost the Battle but not the War. Your performance will still be graded by Yatagarasu.” She went ahead and gave the boys feedback and started with Akira, who she's frustrated with the way he acted because she expected better.

“I hope you remembered our talk in Le Nombril. So where did that go? That Hero spirit you're so proud to brag about? If you cannot control your actions when rattled by those with strong personalities, then you are unfit to be a leader, I've seen how you lead your class, almost none of them respects you, they'd only listen when there's a higher authority that compels them to, I am by no means perfect as you have seen, first impressions do not always be the end all, people can change and prove you wrong, you act like you're keeping your class together, but in reality, it's nothing more than a toxic relationship, they're ok with boy scouts like you because you cannot reign them in, hence your classmates can go wild whenever they want because they know you'd take all the blame, they only listen for the sake of listening without undivided attention, when are you ever gonna give consequences to your class? If you think I'm wrong then you better prove it with your actions, in the days to come, because you three will be together with us in the Endeavor Agency, until you learn how to work together, you will be forced to work together, I hate to put up with confidential info but this is Yatagarasu’s research over the past 5 months and that goes to show even now.”

She looked at Haru and Kyoya.

“Haru, remember our fight earlier, if you're gonna live your life with the flow then you're not living at all! Yatagarasu has assigned me to personally take you in.”

Then finally to Kyoya.

“I understand that the way you act to provoke people is just so that you can bait them into showing their Quirks, you're an Empath but you're not acting like one, you're ok, you care about your class but you need to stop fighting battles that aren't yours and pick your battles wisely. People can easily misjudge you but you can back your shit talk because of your actions, this is a good trait for a Hero but you need to know when you're overboard because you never know until someone humbles you.”

Rin felt like taking care of them as her own children.

“Akira, Kyoya, Matsuru will be your personal coach, Haru I will be your personal coach, this will continue until Yatagarasu told us to stop.”

Matsuru is still leaning on the debris. His wounds are close to being fully healed. He sighs as he gives his evaluation.

“Haru… Your quirk is powerful. You use it effectively. But it’s becoming formulaic. Frankly, when you were fighting me, that was the best I’ve seen you use your quirk. RIn willl teach you how creative thinking and avant garde strategies can strengthen your fighting resolve. As for your teamwork, or lack of it rather, it needs work. I understand the Kyoya is not the easiest to deal with, trust me. But there will be times where you are paired with hero’s who believe that teamwork is a waste of their talents. What will happen when an occurrence like this comes about on the field? I’m curious to see where your future training leads.”

“Kyoya… Where do I even start? You’re impulsive, repugnant, and abrasive. I understand that these are due to your… Quirk. But it's starting to become a detriment in your fighting style. Your copied quirks are weak, your actions are ineffective, and your unwillingness to coincide emotions is hampering your team’s ability to succeed. Your greatest hurdle will be marrying your emotional quirk with a stoic nature. Once you find the perfect balance, I have no doubt you will be the greatest of us. But until then, you are just mediocre… Also, I apologize about that comment I made earlier.”

“Akira… Where do I even begin with you? In truth, I disagree with much of what Rin said to you. You, like your heroic namesake, are indomitability manifest. In the face of certain defeat, you soldiered on. But like I told you earlier, no one likes a martyr’s end. Your willingness to become a sacrifice was the lynchpin in your team’s defeat. Let me make that perfectly clear. They did not defeat Rin, she forfeited the match. If this were a real fight, they both would have been dead, leaving you with me. A worthless sacrifice, a forgotten face. Your strategic mind is there, your attacks are apropos, and your willpower is resolute. Now, if we can marry that mindset with the skillset of a true leader, then there will be no hero like you in this new age. Work on becoming like Achilles, a manifestation of heroism and leadership. A figure so powerful that the gods themselves had to conspire against him.”

“Overall, I am satisfied with the overall performance. I know what I must work on you all with, and I know how to make you all succeed… All that is needed is you three’s willingness to continue your growth. To be unshackled by your own selfset limitations. Once you three cross that threshold, the sky’s the limit… Now, if you excuse me, I think I have another fight to join.”

He goes to stand, his body back in decent condition. He is still exhausted from his bout with Haru, Kyoya, and Akira. But he still has a fighting spirit within him.

“Rin, you coming along?”

“You know what else is coming?” She teased.

Immediately, a bashful blush came across Matsu’s face. After his stunlocked moment, he turned away from the group in an effort to hide his face. “F-fuck you. I’ll see you later.” He walks away, towards the direction of Izanagi.

Kyoya blushed and fainted, he knew there was something between the two, his nose comically bled like every damn perverted thought.

“Ha!” Haru snorted at Rin’s flirtatious remark towards Matsuru; it was sort of an open secret that those two had… something going on. Though, he furiously made mental notes of everything that Matsuru, and by extension, Rin, said. True, Rin just forfeited the match on her end, and he and Kyoya would be dead if it was a real fight.

After being forced to live through an entire false life by one of Keyaru's telepathic assistants, he could say that his ability to respond became muted the moment Rin used a telepathic assault. It brought back bad memories… Perhaps he should see the school guidance counselor sometime. Either way…

“Let's get back,” Haru took both Kyoya and Akira by their shoulders. “I'll get us some good food, too…”

Akira's mind shatters when Kyoya breaks his shield leaving him with an opening to properly keep him from fighting back.

Where did the plan go wrong? Not like it matters to be honest.

Rin’s words didn't hurt him as much as she thought they would, he already heard that song before about how his leadership is nearly non-existent. He knows, it is the only way he could manage these personalities. He is not the representative because on his vision, Kyoya would win the election if that's what they wanted. They go fly as they wanted, he’ll make sure there is a nest to turn back.

And that's enough for the class especially when they learn the teachers die every month.

Matsuru's words however stung a bit more as they walked away from the fight.

He took Achilles because it is the first name he thought of. He did make some time to read his story and Matsuru’s description of him was different from how he sees him.

He is a petulant man child who refuses to get out and fight when he is needed most. A person he swore not to become.

He might be mediocre but that doesn't mean he will simply lay down and fall against Titans.

But when one of those Titans straight up said that, he could do more. Is there any difference between him and Achilles?

Ember Hero: Jackrabbit
Ember Hero: Jackrabbit

Akatani "Deku" Mikumo, 25
6 ★ P R O H E R O | Japan | Unranked (Former #1 Hero) - Independent - UA Alumni

MHA Roleplayverse's Just Another Hero uses some of the prototypes of Horikoshi Kohei, mixed with our own flavor.

Mikumo is currently the last wielder of One For All & the greatest Hero to ever exist in Japan, he's best known for defeating the Demon Lord, Shigaraki Tomura of the League of Villains during the P.L.F war, Deku's All Might's successor. Despite his controversial background of being a secret love child of the previous Demon Lord, Shigaraki Hisashi - AFO, Deku defied all odds by becoming a Hero and cleansing his legacy for his Odd Future.

The Day he stepped down from the ranks was his Peace Sign, Mikumo takes Heroics objectively & decided to be unranked, choosing the low-profile lifestyle, heroing 4-hours daily while balancing his profession as a Teacher in UA and husband of Takeyama Yu (Ochako Prototype)

Q U I R K — One For All • Gen 5 • Accumulation • Metaphysical

One For All originally belonged to Shigaraki Yoichi, long before the rise of Heroes in Japan.

One For All is an accumulating metaphysical Quirk, made to defy fate, relating to All For One's tyrannic reign.

1. Quirk Bestowal • Metaphysical
The ability to transfer & increase Quirk Potency through time, parties must be willing to agree since it's not just Quirks that get assimilated, memories too.

2. Gearshift • Transporter
The ability to move at superspeed and control the velocity of objects through speed enchantment, this is One For All's Full Cowling.

3. Fa Jin - Accumulation
The ability to absorb kinetic energy and release energy bursts through repetitive sequences of movement, this is the reason why One For All can use Shoot Style.

4. Danger Sense - Deterrent
The ability to sense danger and the root cause of All Might's timeless catchphrase, "I am here!", between All Might and Deku, it's clear as a day that All Might was the better sensor.

5. Power - Transformation
Blackwhip just doesn't make sense for Deku, let's just say that instead of the Hero, Lariat, OFA was passed to one with a superstrength quirk variant, this is the basis for why One For All users just loves punching and why All Might can have a muscular form, this transforms energy into strength.

6. Amplivolt - Emitter
Releases electricity in the body to augment movements, this is the reason why One For All got that electric aura.

7. Float - Transporter
Float is the reason why One For All got the Air Force Style.

This Deku unlocks the Quirks by percentages.

UA Entrance Exam arc: 14% (Quirk Bestowal)

Sports Festival arc: 28% (+ Gearshift)

You get the idea, so him getting Quirks out of nowhere and OFA being defined earlier, won't sound like an asspull to our lore.
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