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Calal looked up and saw something he definitely had not expected. His heart leapt in his chest, racing for a moment. The Blades were here—what could they possibly want? A short sigh of relief escaped him as he realized they weren’t here for them. But then, his eyes nearly popped out of his skull when he saw THE EMPEROR OF ALL PEOPLE arrive and pardon them.

"Well, then." Calal said with a grin, quickly stepping forward as the cage was opened. He slipped out with ease, flashing another grin as he squeezed past Captain Renault.

"You'll have to PARDON me."

He didn’t rush ahead like some of the others. Instead, he stood to the side, letting others take the lead down the tunnel. While some hesitated over which way to go, he waited. The choice was obvious—there was only one real way out. His eyes darted around as the sounds from outside grew closer and closer. The blades were there but their main goal was to protect the Emporer, of which Calal was very much not!

He definitely didn’t want to show up at home empty-handed. Who knew if that person was coming back with the lockbox—or if they’d even survive this chaos? His wife had been expecting that money. But was it really worth waiting around and risking an arrow to the chest? Or worse? He didn’t want to make that decision, but if he wanted to survive, he knew he had to.

Calal watched Caddach head into the tunnel and sighed. He knew it was the best choice, the blades that went to go get their gear surely were going to run into trouble on the way there or back. This was inevitable. But Calal knew at the end of this tunnel was most likely trouble as well.

"Well, from one dark hole to another… here we go!" he muttered before following.

Moving through the tunnel wasn’t difficult—in fact, his stature made it easier. He wasn’t the tallest man, but in this case, being smaller had its advantages. He could hear the others shuffling and running above him. His mind drifted to his family, to his kids waiting for him.

"Gotta get home." he murmured, running his hands along the damp, bumpy rock walls as he pressed forward. Calal's footsteps echoing in the cave as he moved swiftly and trying to be quiet. Whoever they were heading to he didn't want them to hear him on the way.
- Basic Information
Name: Calal Tergis (Ter-j-iss)
Age: 34
Race: Half-Elf
Appearance: (picture is not mine) Heigh:5ft 7in. Weight: 200lbs
Personality: Calal is a humble and kind-hearted hunter whose greatest concern is the well-being of his wife and children back home. His life revolves around his family, and every decision he makes is guided by his deep love and sense of responsibility for them. He is well-tempered, rarely letting his emotions get the best of him, and approaches life with patience and quiet determination. Though he may not be the most intelligent or quick-witted, he makes up for it with unwavering dedication and a strong work ethic, always doing his best with the skills and knowledge he has. His genuine and caring nature makes him a dependable and trustworthy companion.

- Abilities

- Equipment

Background: Calal was born in a small, quiet town in Cyrodiil, where his parents worked hard to provide him with a decent life. His father, a skilled hunter and trapper, taught him the ways of the wild—tracking, skinning, and moving unseen through the forests. His mother, an Altmer, kept their modest log home in order and taught him patience and discipline. Though life was harsh, it was honest, and Calal grew up believing that hard work and dedication were the path to a good future.

As a young man, he fell deeply in love with a woman named Amber. Their love blossomed quickly, and with determination, he built a home for them just north of the Orange Road. Here, Calal honed his hunting skills, often traveling to the Imperial City to sell furs, meat, and other goods. He gained a reputation as a reliable and skilled woodsman, a man who could navigate the wilderness with ease. To most, he seemed like a devoted husband and a simple, hardworking man.

Ambition: Calal’s ambition is to take care of his family. He wishes to make them have as comfortable a life as possible. While they still live in a log cabin, they have a decent life where Amber does not need to work. His world is his 3 kids, Selene (10 year old daughter), Elenna (7 year old daughter), and Tobias (2 years old). These are his ambitions, his dream to see them grow up and fulfill whatever it is that makes them happy. Calal will do whatever it takes to ensure that happens.
Calal Tergis

Calal had been slumped against the wall, lying still, before finally stirring. "Oh man... my head" he'd say as he sat up looking at the.... very crammed cell. He wondered if the guy that clocked him would be in here but as he looked around he didn't see him. He sighed as he stood up slowly looking at everyone as he walked forward eye each person before looking around and seeing just how crammed it was he at first looked shocked to see so many people in here.

The cell was a little cold to Calal's liking and seemed like the amount of bodies didn't really help all that much when you have been slumped against the wall for who knows how long. The damp air carried the stench of unwashed bodies and stale ale. "Well, this is quite the cell-ebration... but I was hoping for a more private suite... are you all in here for the same reason?" he would say nonchalantly and with a grin. "I wouldn't suppose any of you were the guy that clocked me, are you? I promise I didn't mean to bump into you!"

His eyes scanned the prison as he thought about the different reasons that they'd have this many people in here. Surely it was just for peacekeeping purposes. He'd slowly push his way to the bars that held them there. "Alright, I'd like to go home to see my family now. I promise I won't make any fuss, I just need to get my stuff and then I'll be on the way back to the Heartlands. I don't even want to be in the Imperial City. I was just here to sell my furs." he'd say knowing full well it was a moot attempt but he wasn't going to just sit there and not try it.

He sat there waiting for any response, when there wasn't he would turn to the large group in the prison and shrug at them. "Well that was my best attempt. Anyone got any other ideas? Or I assume you all are already working on that... or have been told what is happening next?" he said wit a grin as he leaned against the bars of the cell. " Sorry, where are my manners? It's good to meet you chaps. My name is Calal Tergis. It's a pleasure to meet you all!" He would untie the deer pelt from is waist and use it to wrap around his arms as it was rather cold in the cell. Thankfully the deer hide worked perfectly and he was very grateful that it hadn't been confiscated from... He paused and looked down and raised his head to the sky. "Really, they had to take my pouch of herbs? It's not like I had skooma in it, just a few flowers I had picked up outside!" He would shake his head before facing the group again.
- Basic Information
Name: Calal Tergis (Ter-j-iss)
Age: 34
Race: Half-Elf
Appearance: (picture is not mine) Heigh:5ft 7in. Weight: 200lbs
Personality: Calal is a humble and kind-hearted hunter whose greatest concern is the well-being of his wife and children back home. His life revolves around his family, and every decision he makes is guided by his deep love and sense of responsibility for them. He is well-tempered, rarely letting his emotions get the best of him, and approaches life with patience and quiet determination. Though he may not be the most intelligent or quick-witted, he makes up for it with unwavering dedication and a strong work ethic, always doing his best with the skills and knowledge he has. His genuine and caring nature makes him a dependable and trustworthy companion.

- Abilities

- Equipment

Background: Calal was born in a small, quiet town in Cyrodiil, where his parents worked hard to provide him with a decent life. His father, a skilled hunter and trapper, taught him the ways of the wild—tracking, skinning, and moving unseen through the forests. His mother, an Altmer, kept their modest log home in order and taught him patience and discipline. Though life was harsh, it was honest, and Calal grew up believing that hard work and dedication were the path to a good future.

As a young man, he fell deeply in love with a woman named Amber. Their love blossomed quickly, and with determination, he built a home for them just north of the Orange Road. Here, Calal honed his hunting skills, often traveling to the Imperial City to sell furs, meat, and other goods. He gained a reputation as a reliable and skilled woodsman, a man who could navigate the wilderness with ease. To most, he seemed like a devoted husband and a simple, hardworking man.

Ambition: Calal’s ambition is to take care of his family. He wishes to make them have as comfortable a life as possible. While they still live in a log cabin, they have a decent life where Amber does not need to work. His world is his 3 kids, Selene (10 year old daughter), Elenna (7 year old daughter), and Tobias (2 years old). These are his ambitions, his dream to see them grow up and fulfill whatever it is that makes them happy. Calal will do whatever it takes to ensure that happens.
Chinmoku Akatsuki

The week before was quite the introduction to this new school. He would look around at the yard looking at everyone and Chin couldn't help to go back to what could have been. Everything could have gone wrong, we got lucky.... no.. we got stupid lucky. I need to get better faster. I know some people are already watching me. And Dad has been telling distributors to expect a lot. I can't let him down again.

Chin would continue to walk around as he was in his thoughts, not even realizing he bumped into someone. "Oh, so sorry!" he said as he scratched the back of his head. That's when he finally looked at his watch and realized.... that he's late. Chin began to ran across campus trying to find the classroom 2b. He wasn't sure why he was going there, but he was. He ran across the campus as fast as he could, dodging adults and fellow classmates alike.

As he ran he couldn't help but think about all the people he has met. He wasn't sure if anyone even remembered him at this point because he was a newer student. Not just newer, he literally showed up at the last second. For a moment he stopped as he stared up at the huge building he was about to enter. Wait a minute, like I literally showed up at the 11th hour... what a coincidence.. Chin ran into the building as he realized he had no time to wait. He was already late and he didn't want to get in trouble.

It only took a few more minutes and a few wrong classrooms that he misread in haste before he finally barged in. "So sorry, I am here! he said aloud before he stopped. He stared at the group of older and younger people... "Oh.... am I in the right class? I can leave... I... I don't think I was told we'd be with the younger group." he'd say nervously as he looked around seeming to try and find his way out the best that he could. But these were no doubt his classmates, with a younger group.

Chin seemed to have completely missed the memo of what they were even doing. He has been so preoccupied that he had totally forgot that this is where he was supposed to be, to help the 2b class. Then as the realization hit he turned around and slowly sat down at a nearby desk. As everything came back to him. "So sorry." he mumbled silently.

Chinmoku Akatsuki

The Sound Hero

03-17-2108 · Age 19

Chinmoku Akatsuki, known as Chin to his friends, is a bit of an oddball. He is outgoing and loves to be around people, and while he is a naturally loud person; he tends to observe first before engaging in group conversations. Chin carefully watches how people act and respond before joining the conversation himself. He usually prefers to listen and think before speaking rather than acting impulsively. While he prides himself on being honest, he can sometimes be overly blunt, speaking his mind without considering other people's feelings.

Born to a successful businessman who was often not home, Chin grew up in a strict household. His mom was consistently the driving force behind trying to get him to think before he acted at a young age. However, he was bullheaded and would often act without thinking. One day, he and a friend decided to mess with someone they thought was a strange man in an alleyway. This led to a dangerous situation where they both ended up hospitalized. With his mother's words echoing in his head, he made his first thoughtful decision and resolved to become a hero. He decided that it would be him who protected others like that Hero protected him and his friend. He wanted to protect his friend that day but failed and that failure will forever be in his memory.

Academically Chin does well for himself having always found the academics of school easy. If only he could remember to turn things in on time he would probably have a great grade. But often getting carried away doing other more interesting things makes him forget about the things he is supposed to be doing.

Despite academically not being as disciplined as he could be, he has spent most of his life training to protect himself using Martial Arts. This was a request by his father who figured that one day he would need it to defend the family and the familial name.

His Father is happy the path that Chin chose, however is wary as he feels that Chin may emberass the family if he ever makes a large mistake like other heroes have which have brought them down as a fall from Grace. But with the development of his quirk his father looks to profit off of his success and use it to catapult Chin into stardom.


Martial Arts
Speaking (Though an observer first in group settings he has great charisma and knows how to put together a great speech)
Computer Systems


A sound-insulated gun that directs different levels of noise in one direction.

On his feet, he has a device that pushes the sound of drums beneath his feet that he can use to hover using his quirk.

Sound Manipulation – Emulation [Awakened]
Can use sound (within range) and turn it into a physical Shockwave. This is often paired with his Martial arts causing his hand to hand combat to be extremely dangerous, but his ranged combat to be rather unpredictable.[Current Range-1 meter]

Can Silence an area of all sound [Current range - 20 feet]

Can manipulate and increase the volume of sound within Range. [Current Range- 1 Meter]

The shockwave: Think of a shockwave from a bomb, at the point of impact it's direct and small. The further it goes out the more widespread it gets and while it still can be dangerous it's not concentrated enough to do frightening amounts of damage, without just letting loose and destroying everything around him. This requires him to use Supportems for any ranged combat. He has no control of the shockwave once it's emitted.

Banshee Screech [in case of emergency only]
This move is his most devastating move. He increases the volume of his voice to high decibels and a massive shockwave comes out of his mouth unleashing itself on anything that is in front of him. This, however, has the issue of causing a lot of 'friendly fire' from the decibels of his screech to if someone is in front of him he doesn't want to get hurt.

Six King Fist: A devastating attack where he punches the person in the and chest unleashing a loud shockwave at the same time to try and knock them out.

(its good to be back)
Chin would cough loudly as thing seemed to calm slightly, his entire throat was aching in pain and he looked up at Keyaru and his eyes narrowed. "You got it." he'd say hoarsely as he stood up again and took another few deep breaths trying to get himself to calm down. He took a deep breath as he could tell that he was a little too worked up at the moment.

He looked around watching as others were doing their own thing trying to take Keyaru out. Meanwhile, Gauss seemed to have a plan on top of going all out. "Are you sure?" Chin would ask as he walked up to Gauss. he would take a deep breath before he would start to elbow Gauss in the chest, then the face, then he would roatate his hands to windmill punch Gauss' chest each smash would echo and each blow had a shockwave along side it. After just a moment he took a step back, then back in.

"Six king gun!" Chin shouted out as he shot his fists, forward. One fist landing on the foreehead another landing on Gauss' chest. As two huge shockwaves released from it alone before chin slowly backed up and took another breath calming himself once more. "If you need me to do more, please just tell me."
Chinmoku would look to Nemesis, a grin on his face as he could tell, that the Nomu was not expecting someone to trade blows with him. "You know, not that you have much of your own thought, but-" He would find himself completely in another area... something... somewhere had teleported him. It took him only a moment to realize what was happening as he suddenly went to his knees at the.. pressure. This pressure as if Gravity had been turned up in the room. He looked up as he saw an images of death flashing before his eyes. The panic began to set in as he seemed to hear muffled sounds of others saying things around him.

"No... NO." Chin said as he shook his head as best he could to flush the images. "That's not reality...." But that giant meteor he just realized was coming down.. was real... was very real as he noticed the people around him. Trying to stop it. Chinmoku took only a moment to close his eyes and take a breath. His senses now calmed, he opened his eyes a determined look trying to ignore the painful pressing of the gravity that continued to push down on him. "Cover your ears! Don't ask just do! He shouted to those around him. He was only supposed to use this in case of an emergency and this.... this giant meteor that seemed ready to destroy everyone and everything , was definitely that. An emergency. He was so focused he didn't even see the villains who were doing all this. One problem at a time.

He needed to take a breath. He needed a moment he wasn't sure he had. Until a boy with long hair seemed to be able to slow the meteor. I will have to remember to say thank you. thought Chin. He took a few baited breaths before taking a big breath. He had to try even harder as the gravity made it difficult the even breathe... Chinmoku realized he was going to have to give this his absolute all.... No... there was no choice, in this, it was either his all, or everyone died... or he died.... Chin's eyes widened, if he died his father would be disappointed, that on his first day.... he failed. A look of disdain covered his face as he looked up finally finished with that breath.

A screech, a yell, a scream. Whatever you wanted to call it, came from Chinmoku as he used his Banshee Screech.
youtube.com/watch?v=6rtI86rgZ9I&ab_ch… (This is essentially what I'm going for his screech.)
Louder, harder, EVERYTHING...I .... HAVE! he thought as the scream got even louder, you could see the shockwaves coming from his mouth slamming into the meteor with ferocity, but it wasn't just one. It was a shockwave, after shockwave, after shockwave slamming harder the louder his scream got. Glass would start shattering around them if there was any from the decibels that he was raising his screech to. But he couldn't stop until this meteor was destroyed.
As Chin landed onto the battlefield he looked across from them at the troubled Nomu, "Sure. It's a pleasure to meet you all, you can call me Heartbeat." He eyed up and down who he assumed was Nemesis as he began to walk forward assessing the situation. His eyes darting every way around him before he took a deep breath and locked eyes on this being that seemed already struggling. "You've chosen the wrong day to be on the other side of fate, my friend." Chin said as he began to move quickly almost seeming to glide across the ground as each footstep got louder and louder and louder.

Chin unleashed a sudden shockwave from his right foot as he slammed it into the ground. This shockwave propelled him at a much faster speed and the sound of shoes slapping against cement could be heard echoing in the area. His eyes furrowed as he closed in on the nomu who swung wildly at him. Chin went for a casual block only to find himself overpowered as he punched at the arm that was swinging at him. The punch would land but it wasn't enough to stop the incoming attack. Chin would slide across the ground before slapping the ground with his hands sending another shockwave from his hands to propel himself forward. The next attack was a wild left. Hit the joint, there's no finesse in his moves Chin thought to himself as he pushed both his fists towards the cubital fossa. Both of Chin's fists collided as a loud sound of skin on skin contact echoed as he sent shockwaves into the arm, it was just enough to keep it from overpowering Chin.

Chin quickly ducked another wild attack before releasing a flurry of blows, each one echoing and sending a shockwave into Nemesis' body. Left jab, to the gut, right elbow to the sternum, right chop to the chest, left palm to the sternum, and straight punch to the chest once more. Chin ducked another attack before slamming a fist into the side of the Nomu's knee. Chin felt like he had everything under control, until he found himself being lifted up by his shirt, the Nomu had managed to grab his shirt without him realizing, and before he knew it he was being slammed into the ground. Dust would come up and Chin felt the pain surging through his body but he could feel the nomu lean over his body. Chin released a whistle, amplifying the sound and sending a shockwave from it as it would slam into the Nomu's head while the sound of a high pitched whistle would be able to carry for quite some distance. Chin followed it up with slapping his hands on the side of the Nomu's head sending more shockwaves and noise to carry. Chin would roll away as he repositioned himself and got into his fighting stance, ready to see what this thing would do next, or what his allies were going to do next.
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