Avatar of AngelofOctober
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1305 (0.35 / day)
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    1. AngelofOctober 10 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current Ah yes an advertisement of an RP from three years ago perfect status quality right there. Back from the dead
6 yrs ago
Containment Field is still looking for members; roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
Resident Evil Fans: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
Mahz been on vacation for half a year, I wonder if he'll come back from his Mahzquest - youtube.com/watch?v=ygI-2F8… - where could be Mahz be now? Find out next time on Mahzquest.
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6 yrs ago
All I ask is that people communicate these things.


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-Character Tab-
It had been two years since he had been here. The smell of the woods, and the sight of the trees brought him back to the time where he was running through them. Trees snapping. Twigs swinging in his face. The shouting of his blood relatives chasing him through the thicket;

“Keep the twins separated,” his Father’s echoed with command.

His chest burned from running so long. He was tired and fed up with it all. His hands didn’t feel like his own hands when they had been rubbed raw from the soap they used.

Tears poured down his face.

He had to leave him behind.

He had to leave him behind.

It was hard to stay focused in the car, not even Kakyo could really cheer him up. The speech from Gojo-sensei went unheard as well. It was threatening to rain that day too. Truth was that he was starting to feel nervous, like what if Akito no longer wanted his help. Or what if Akito thought he had betrayed him or left him behind on purpose. What if he hates him now?

Then again of course Akito would hate him. Why wouldn’t he? He hadn’t ever done enough. Maybe if he had fought off his blood relatives more? Fought more for Akito’s freedom.

Maybe this whole rescue mission was a fantasy. Something he fantasized about, but Akito had moved on. A pit of nausea was beginning to sink in.

Everyone else seemed excited. He’s starting to get cold feet now. He usually plays off the cold and is confident very well, but right now. He’s wondering if this is a good idea at all. Time seems very disconnected right now. As if he’s not currently existing in this reality. And he only snapped back to it when asked a question by Fuyuhito-kun.

“The family are mostly fanatical,” Agito responds quietly, “They have few curse users, the family’s main focus has always been to deny curse users so they have techniques to limit curse energy. Something about these woods they say has the magic to sap the strength of a curse user. Though that could be rumors or myth.”


Wow. So many people. He knows that guy. And that guy too.

Op. They are dead now.

Silly guards.

“Hey kid,”

Staring at a man in a uniform just like him. Simone points to himself, “Me?”

“I didn’t know there were any more kids here,” he barks at him.

“I didn’t know either,”


“What, what?” Simone asks.

“Listen ki-

-Bang. He’s dead now. He didn’t feel like talking with him anyway. Oh. He was an inmate, wasn’t he? Was he supposed to rescue him? Staring at the man who has gone limp, oh wow he shot him in the head! Good shot. Very accurate. Thank you gun for telling me how to do that.

“Sorry,” he whispers, “I'm supposed to rescue you. I forgot. But now you won’t die later. So I saved you in a different way.”

Who else can he rescue?

Skipping. Humming to himself;



And he rescued that guard.


And he rescued that person in the same clothes as him.


And he rescued that guard too.

Tik. Tik. Oh. No more bullets. Well that’s no fun. He just needs more from a guard. There are plenty of those lying around everywhere. Fumbling with the utility belt of the guard, he finds a magazine. Will they be able to escape he wonders. He doesn’t know who started the riot. But hopefully they are big and strong too. Jumping up. Now that he has magazines. Moving along.

To leave there is the elevator. But he hasn’t finished rescuing people on this floor. He’s a hero now.



Then skipping ahead. Not knowing where he was going. But he was going to go through the elevator when he knew the floor was clear.


Teehee. Silly guard.

Stopping. Woah. What’s this? He’s never explored this side of the wing. What’s down here? Maybe there’s someone he needs to help!

Giggling. Heading down the hallway.

It’s quieter here. There’s no one around. Is this like the Wizard of Oz?

There is no yellow brick road. In fact there are no cheery songs either. Till he stops at a big door. It looks different than his cell door. This one is super big. Super spooky.

“Knock knock,” Simone says while knocking on the door, “I am here to rescue you. Unless I don’t like you.”

When no one answers. Mmm. This door looks heavy. It is super big too. Maybe there is a trick to open it.

Have to make sure no one is inside.

How does he open it?

From the big round things maybe. Powers are back online. Sooo. Maybe. He doesn't have anything sharp. Well his teeth. Hehe.

Biting into his skin with his pointy teeth.

Gush! Licking his wrist. Mmmm. Oh where was he. Tee. Hee.

"Open Sesame!" manipulating his blood around the round deadbolts around the door, rusting them away.

There is someone inside the cell. A little boy.

“Another me” Simon giddily giggles running and hugging the little boy, then quickly licks his cheek “You’re so small.”

“Don’t worry big brother has you now, I’ve rescued everybody else,” he states to reassure his brother, “Just hold my hand, And we will get out of here together.” he pats his head, “Good boy.”

Well yeah but Bob is also a common name and I bet people seeing bob's burgers think the show is weird.

Okay. Well it makes me uncomfortable. Cause I have mental issues where that kind of fucks with my head a bit. So the answer was yes and you don't need the attitude man.
@vancexentanYo. You settled on the name Allen? Cause my real life birth name is Allen. And it's super weird seein' my name for a character.

Once the fleshy Humans began to talk a lot Viral began to unfocus his hearing. Humans like to talk a lot. It’s something he never understood about their species. When other forms of communication were simpler, and more direct.

Micheal: Punching people isn’t a resolution

Viral: It can be

Micheal: Not everybody needs to be punched

Viral: Hmm you bring up a very good point. Some people need to be kicked

Micheal: You’re losing the point Viral. You sound blood thirsty, we’ve talked about this before. You’re also missing everything Tony is saying

Viral: Bwah. It’s all human bravado anyway. When his little metal suit could be-
Micheal: Not that easily

Viral: I am sure I could

Micheal: Not a wholesome way to introduce ourselves

Viral: What is a wholesome way to introduce ourselves? Should I have brought flowers?

He means this sincerely. He knows that Humans like flowers. It pacifies them for some unknown reason. Micheal brings a lot of flowers to his Human Grands.

Micheal: I don’t think this is a flower type of situation

Viral: Cookies

Micheal: You’re missing everything everyone is saying, stay focused

That is true. He hadn't heard a lick of what three Humans before him had said. Missed entirely everything Stark said because none of it sounded important. They weren’t given an order or a directive. Micheal barely got any of it because of Viral’s insistent grumbling. Hey these are my thoughts, I am not grumbling. I merely saw no importance in

Micheal: They are introducing themselves. Melissa, Nathaniel, and Ashe. Pay attention big guy.
Viral: Ah we are introducing ourselves!

Micheal: Don’t embarrass-

-and you’re flexing. Great.

Viral must look very impressive to these Humans. With his four arms. He begins to imitate poses he has seen muscled Humans make. Flexing his biceps, and posing in heroic ways, “I am Viral! I am a Symbiote of the planet Klyntar. Now I know it must be terrifying to see an alien like I in this living room. But I assure I will not make you into jam, unless-

-yep ending this before-

-I wasn’t done-

-you’re done now-

-I thought it was-

-It’s you’re going to scare them Viral-

-Do they look horrified? No-

One of the girls has her mouth wide open agasp. The girl from earlier, sweating, looking like she showered in her own bodily fluid.

Reigning back control. Disorientated at first. But here. He thinks. Body intact? Yep.

“Sorry about that,” Micheal says, “Viral, the big guy, the alien. Can get a little over enthusiastic. We’re still working on socializing. Micheal. And Viral. We’re a pair. Um. Interesting facts-

Viral: -yours is going much better.

-okay now you know how to use sarcasm appropriately,” Micheal pauses, “Sorry. Internal conversation. Where was I? Interesting facts. I have an inheritance!” he gestures with open hands as if he ah ha moment, “I mean it’s not impressive. Like I am a prince or I have a castle. But it’s a bookstore. Books are cool. Uh Viral reads too.”
Viral: Tell them my favorite book

“He likes Arthurian Legend, Viral, that is,” this is going absolute flipside, “Oh I know Spider-Man!” idiot everyone knows Spider-Man, “I mean intimately.” now I sound like I am showboating, “he sends me text from time to time. Selfies.” shut up Micheal. Shut up, “Hahah.” Micheal pauses, swinging his hands around clapping pointing to the young lady in black, “And who are you? You ran up 93 stories, that’s impressive.”
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