Avatar of CaptainBritton


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6 yrs ago
Current "Out of every hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are targets, nine are the real fighters, for they make the battle. But one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back." -Heraclitus
8 yrs ago
"I have resolved never to start an unjust war, but never to end a legitimate one except by defeating my enemies." -King Charles XII 'Carolus Rex' of Sweden, 1700
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8 yrs ago
“Civilians are like beans; you buy 'em as needed for any job which merely requires skill and savvy. But you can't buy fighting spirit.” -Robert A. Heinlein
8 yrs ago
"The soldier is also a citizen. In fact, the highest obligation and privilege of citizenship is that of bearing arms for one’s country” -General George S. Patton Jr.
8 yrs ago
"Wine has drowned more than the sea." -Roman proverb


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Apologies. I've run into some complications with my Crohn's disease and it's been a revolving door of virtual doctors appointments and going in for tests the past two weeks. That combined with online classes is proving very taxing. I'll try to get something up as soon as I can. Apologies again.
On the topic of CAS, the enemy columns more often than not disintegrated before I could designate targets for my two A-10 strikes. Otherwise, I didn't even consider loosing the CAS about three quarters into the game I believe but by that point almost everything was over with.

As for FATE, I'm unfamiliar with it, but that's most dice or tabletop systems for me, at least the non-Warhammer ones. As for alternative ideas no matter the system, Napoleonic line warfare definitely appeals, albeit I'd be willing to do practically any wargame so long as you were running it @Gunther.
Duly noted. I really enjoyed this. It was quite fun to have something that made me challenge myself and think about unit positioning, maximum effective ranges, etc. Particularly I loved the touches added on the personality traits of the subordinate commanders. It really made the units come to life for me, as if every man under my command was a real person which would act in different ways and respond in different fashions. I had a lot more IC posts in mind for my side, but ultimately I didn't end up writing out most of the scenes I imagined.

As for the questions.

1. I feel the fog of war somewhat made it difficult to write IC posts without revealing too much. However, it also was a challenge that I was happy to tackle, and overall I think for the betterment of the system, the strict maintaining of fog of war should be kept.

2. At first, the maps were a bit difficult to decipher, but with the improvement of camera quality, so too did my awareness of the battlefield improve. Though, in the real field I imagine you have to work with what you have, and if your map sheet isn't perfect, you make do.

3. I was aware where all of my units were for the majority if not the entire battle. Granted it was much easier as the defending player. I had a bit of a hard time discerning where some enemy units were at times. However, it didn't matter very much as my Abrams and TOWs acted as a literal delete button for everything that showed itself anyways.

4. The Private Messages were integral to maintaining OPSEC and the fog of war, and thus I feel enhanced the experience, as I was able to observe the actual happenings of the battlefield in a report-styled structure.

5. I feel as if the game goes to great length to model realistic encounters, albeit I'm a little bit skeptical of its scoring system for victory points. From the range values done for each individual weapon to the recreation of actual unit structures, it was quite pleasing to work with, if a little bit daunting at first.

As for the East German victory: While the First Battalion, 33rd Armored Regiment is now cut down to size, we effectively neutered the East German advance. Any breakthrough beyond that point would probably be hard pressed to push on to Frankfurt-am-Main any time soon. This battle's exact definition was a Pyrrhic victory. The quote attributed to Pyrrhus himself comes to mind: "Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone."
I'll throw in interest.
I'm definitely still interested.

Nation: The Royal Dominion of Canada

History: The Great White North was one of the major players of the British Empire during the Great War. Dutifully they served throughout all thirteen years of warfare, and without question died for colonial masters who ruled from across an ocean. Their participation did not come without a price, however, as the Westminster Statute of 1924 forced the hands of the Crown, and Canada became in the terms of British Parliament, “separate and coequal”.

Canada came through the Great War as one of the most well-off Dominions. It had rapidly industrialized, and its standard of living became comparable to those in Britain itself pre-war. Squalor shrunk massively as factories opened their doors to produce war materiel. Being an ocean away from the fighting, no pillaging took place, and besides U-Boats sailing the North Atlantic, the homeland was spared.

All was not well as 1927 rolled around. Canada was now legally independent as a civilized nation, true. But it had come at great cost. 120,000 Canadians were casualties in some form throughout the war, dealing an extreme blow to the young male population. Maimed and shell-shocked soldiers returned home to a society which was increasingly moving away from agrarian pursuits in favor of industry. Farmers cursed the factories which their sons and daughters went to work for. Canada in 1929 was a perfect storm for disaster.

As the United States’ stock market took its dive, it sent the precarious Canadian economy into free-fall. The Dust Bowl moved north through the US plains and forced what few Canadian farmers remained in the prairies to flee or starve. While never in outright famine, for as long as the United States struggled, so too did its largest overland trade partner to the north.

In the midst of the crisis, Mackenzie King refused to resign his Liberal government as the Conservatives took the Parliamentary majority. Upon calling for a dissolving of the Parliament and a new general election by King (a precedent set in 1925, only granted due to the emergency war-time government), the affair spiraled into a crisis which only resolved when the British Crown threatened to exercise its power to change the Canadian Constitution itself. King stepped down without incident, and the Conservative government took power.

The Conservative government would receive a vote of no confidence in 1931 due to disastrous economic policy, including minimizing worker's rights in an emulation of the American system.. King attempted to claim his seat once again but was ousted by his party due to the crisis he’d caused only a year before. A young Liberal MP from British Columbia by the name of Lawrence Morriss had climbed through the ranks in the recent blunders, and achieved the station of party leader, being sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada in 1932.

His first experience in office was a coup in the United States. Morriss’s test of leadership had come in his first two months. People had not forgotten the Liberal party of Mackenzie, nor the Crisis of 1930. As American refugees flooded the border, he had to pick and choose his battles. As the people in his own borders suffered, he had to turn back at least half of all those seeking asylum due to protest by a growing Conservative minority. Canada would eventually recover, but as a changed nation.

With its new national identity and its economic integrity restored by 1940, Prime Minister Morriss saw his ninth year in office, until suddenly dying from a heart attack at the age of 45. His most trusted advisor, Lennox Dwight, was earmarked to take his post until a spat over the newest development in the American Great Cleansing saw the radically leftist Dwight removed in favor of a more moderate candidate, leaving neither Conservative nor the average Liberal worker in good standing with the sitting party.

It is now 1955. The Liberal party’s control wanes under ineffective leadership which neglects issues at home and abroad. The British-aligned Conservatives grow steadily under new leadership, and a coming general election threatens to oust the Liberal party from its twenty-year government. Quebec and the rest of French Canada prepare their referendums for a Conservative victory, and Canada itself is poised to return to the hole it had dug itself in 1917 during the conscription crisis as war looms.

Hell yes, you have my interest.

Nation: The Royal Dominion of Canada

History: The Great White North was one of the major players of the British Empire during the Great War. Dutifully they served throughout all thirteen years of warfare, and without question died for colonial masters who ruled from across an ocean. Their participation did not come without a price, however, as the Westminster Statute of 1924 forced the hands of the Crown, and Canada became in the terms of British Parliament, “separate and coequal”.

Canada came through the Great War as one of the most well-off Dominions. It had rapidly industrialized, and its standard of living became comparable to those in Britain itself pre-war. Squalor shrunk massively as factories opened their doors to produce war materiel. Being an ocean away from the fighting, no pillaging took place, and besides U-Boats sailing the North Atlantic, the homeland was spared.

All was not well as 1927 rolled around. Canada was now legally independent as a civilized nation, true. But it had come at great cost. 120,000 Canadians were casualties in some form throughout the war, dealing an extreme blow to the young male population. Maimed and shell-shocked soldiers returned home to a society which was increasingly moving away from agrarian pursuits in favor of industry. Farmers cursed the factories which their sons and daughters went to work for. Canada in 1929 was a perfect storm for disaster.

As the United States’ stock market took its dive, it sent the precarious Canadian economy into free-fall. The Dust Bowl moved north through the US plains and forced what few Canadian farmers remained in the prairies to flee or starve. While never in outright famine, for as long as the United States struggled, so too did its largest overland trade partner to the north.

In the midst of the crisis, Mackenzie King refused to resign his Liberal government as the Conservatives took the Parliamentary majority. Upon calling for a dissolving of the Parliament and a new general election by King (a precedent set in 1925, only granted due to the emergency war-time government), the affair spiraled into a crisis which only resolved when the British Crown threatened to exercise its power to change the Canadian Constitution itself. King stepped down without incident, and the Conservative government took power.

The Conservative government would receive a vote of no confidence in 1931 due to disastrous economic policy, including minimizing worker's rights in an emulation of the American system.. King attempted to claim his seat once again but was ousted by his party due to the crisis he’d caused only a year before. A young Liberal MP from British Columbia by the name of Lawrence Morriss had climbed through the ranks in the recent blunders, and achieved the station of party leader, being sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada in 1932.

His first experience in office was a coup in the United States. Morriss’s test of leadership had come in his first two months. People had not forgotten the Liberal party of Mackenzie, nor the Crisis of 1930. As American refugees flooded the border, he had to pick and choose his battles. As the people in his own borders suffered, he had to turn back at least half of all those seeking asylum due to protest by a growing Conservative minority. Canada would eventually recover, but as a changed nation.

With its new national identity and its economic integrity restored by 1940, Prime Minister Morriss saw his ninth year in office, until suddenly dying from a heart attack at the age of 45. His most trusted advisor, Lennox Dwight, was earmarked to take his post until a spat over the newest development in the American Great Cleansing saw the radically leftist Dwight removed in favor of a more moderate candidate, leaving neither Conservative nor the average Liberal worker in good standing with the sitting party.

It is now 1955. The Liberal party’s control wanes under ineffective leadership which neglects issues at home and abroad. The British-aligned Conservatives grow steadily under new leadership, and a coming general election threatens to oust the Liberal party from its twenty-year government. Quebec and the rest of French Canada prepare their referendums for a Conservative victory, and Canada itself is poised to return to the hole it had dug itself in 1917 during the conscription crisis as war looms.
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