"Fuck, you're right" Who exactly was right, Alexander didn't say "We're sitting ducks here. And if the old Penrose Luck still holds, then this clusterfuck is going to get much worse really soon. We've got to get out of here and regroup, maybe call in some reinforcements." Alexander then made a large triangle barrier. One of the edges was near him and facing the exit, while the side opposite that edge was missing "Stay close behind me and grab whoever you can, we're going to try and bust out of here!" He said a few seconds before he charged at the exit, his barrier pushing people out of the way. As he did, he noticed Vchan was missing, yet the music was still playing 'Fuck, of course it wouldn't be that easy. Is it some kind of recording, or is she still singing from somewhere else?'
@AtomicNut @Vocab