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And coffee.

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March 12th, 2014
Outside the Barracks, Shattered Steel HQ
Malta, The Mediterranean

Lázaro kept walking towards the base, as he savoured the minutes go by. The mediterranean was no foreign theater to him, he had seen some known faces. He just had dinner with one of said faces, as she was clutching his arm as they both walked into the base after a small getaway for food and talk.

Liutenant Giovanna Bellini, a shapely dark-haired italian beauty with a barbed tonge and an even meaner disposition in combat had been a small pleasure to find and share some past experiences with the Spaniard pilot. "I told you the Vongole here were nice." She said as both kept walking. "I had fun today."

"Not so nice for the wallet. My poor sweat and tears." Lázaro replied with a mock sadness tone.

"Shush, *Spagnolo*. You are private sector now. You're not paid in patriotism anymore but cold hard fat pay checks." She quipped. "And most people split these days, it's you lot who kept wanting to be a gentleman and pay it all."

"Does not mean I'm Midas." Lázaro replied.

"No, it does not. If it was true, we would be calling you Goldmember... and you would have problems when doing number one." The italian woman replied, flashing a cheeky smile.

"Small blessing in disguise. We could you know, continue this..." Lázaro said.

"If you had a house here, I would be glad to. But you need to go to the barracks now. Good boys go to bed early." The woman said, squeezing his arm one last time.

"We could try the female barracks."

"Dear, that's even worse. See you on the skies, *Rosso*." She said as she saluted, leaving Lázaro looking at her shapely behind trailing off in the cold.

Lázaro let a small chuckle as he looked at the skies of Malta. The calm before the storm. He remembered the last time across the Azores. It had started like this. A run of the mill mission. And then it all had turned into screams and explosions. And that flying ghost... remained at large. It was ominous.

He looked at the reflection of him on a polished surface, as he frowned. "Better not let Scott see this". He said, noticing a red bump on his neck, caused by the early...*friendlier* fire that he had with the italian woman. He didn't want to answer questions. Tomorrow would be mission day, not *grinding Circus for juicy details* day.

Besides he had heard some rowdy sounds from the female barracks and he'd do his damn best to ignore the box of Pandora, so like a fox, he tiptoed back to his assigned Bunker. Hopefully he didn't wake up anyone.

6'0 | 150lbs
An Androgynous intersex that people are not sure what they are. Identifies as he.

Name: Damien Lightbringer AKA "Artificer"


Nationality: Stateless, rumoured to have been born and and raised in an anglosphere country.

Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Tears of the Rephaim. A pretty generic, nondescript knife-sort of weapon. Artificer can seemingly conjure them in great numbers (defying normal Noble Arm conventions) and launch them with reckless abandon. The Tears of the Rephaim represent the Noble Arms equivalent of an embryonic stage, which somehow Artificer is able to weaponize and materialize prematurely.

Noble Arm Rank: C(?)

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: None| None | Melee to Mid-Range

Noble Arm Abilities:
Detonate - The Noble Arm instance explodes, causing massive damage, like a Noble-Arm powered grenade.

Reforge- The Particular Tear of Rephaim becomes a replica of an observed Noble Arm. An on site hot observation only begets a flimsy copy, one rank below that of the original that breaks apart after a few blows. If enough time is allowed off-combat to study the weapon or repeated engagements persist, the rank and durability might match the original Noble Arm (as well as its affinity for users). Artificer can also twist and create opposite-themed replicas of a certain weapon, or switch the elements in them (ice for fire, and so on). A perfect replica or new weapon take usually weeks to craft.

Soulforge- Artificer can embed one of the Tears of the Rephaim into an individual, acting as catalyst for a Noble Arm manifestation. The end result depends on the individual.

Misc Abilities: Damien possesses an aberrant configuration of their own spirit dubbed as the Soul of Chaos. This exceedingly anomalous soul has both impacted his mind(stripping him of morals, libido, compunction and empathy) and his body (making him be physically neither male nor female). This is not without advantadges.The soul itself seems to be able to bond with any kind of Noble Arm whatsoever as some kind of "second best" option for a Noble Arm. The bonding is not perfect, making the weapon drop a rank in all categories, but in theory this allows the ability to have more than one and even more than two weapons at once. In practice, not many Noble Arms lay quiescent for long, so the window of opportunity which they can be seized is narrow, and Damien risks of losing the weapon anyway if a proper host is in the vicinity.

His mind also apparently has more free space for learning and analytical thoughts, as he can appraise and get a rough idea of a Noble Arm at a mere glance, and after a minute, enough information to produce a replica. This superspeed analysis applies to Occult Programming Language too, so he is able to learn spells by just watching and in fact, he's quite the virtuoso at employing them.

He also appears more durable than his frail body might suggest. While his condition would be so severe to spend a long time bedridden, he can force his own body through sheer force of will to be in the frontlines. (Of course, if enough hits happen, he'll crumple faster than many).

Finally, he is a cultured man, knowing a vast series of classical subjects, and philosophy. He isn't half bad at scientific matters either. He is also a great tinkerer, jeweller and a decent blacksmith.

Personality: Extremely magnetic, and extremely heretic. Damien tiptoes the line between menace to society and High Functioning. He makes no effort to hide that he, in fact, will not shed a tear for fellow humans or their trifles, or have the slightlest hint of remorse. But his manner of speaking leaves you wanting for more, like a sweet canteen of water in the desert. Damien loves to defy convention and theatrics, and he's close to the goals of Anarchism. He finds his old...associates, the Downward Descent, stupid and cartoonish, and not interesting enough to follow. Helping yet another tale of siding with the underdog, however...

*Likes: Unraveling. Raveling. Theatrics. Chaos. SCIENCE. Corrupting people.

*Dislikes: Sticklers for rules. Peace. Tyrannical regimes and rules in general.


Bio: Not much is known about Damien. It is unknown if his condition was from birth, natural causes, or from acquired tampering later on life. Even the Downward Descent doesn't know where such a person came from. It wasn't important. With his set of unique talents, he served the organization well, until one day... he didn't.

He just quit. Claiming boredom. And when he was next found out, he was applying to help ASEAN.

*Current Goal: The LULZ. Oh, and maybe help the underdogs. Woof.

Military or Civilian Rank: Former Senior Researcher at the Downward Descent.
Hey, just dropping by to say hi. Thanks for having me when I was having a real life conundrum two years ago. I'd reach out to each and any of you peeps who helped my mind be entertained that time, but maybe this is faster. Peace.
Regrettably, due to medical problems sapping a lot of my energy and time, I'll have to bow out of the RP.

I'm fine with my characters coming under control of the DMs, to either exist as NPCs or to quietly leave the setting as well.

Sorry all.

Hope the situation turns around. All the best and thank you.
Phnom Penh International Airport - 11/11/2022 8:15 UTC+8

Blood, tinnitus. Screams. Scrambling people. Lupe gasped, and cursed under her breath as the evacuation transport exploded before her eyes. She winced ever so . The rest of the team was in no position to move fast and bold. She grit her lip and eyeing the skies, she clutched her Noble Arm to deliver first aid.

And then some asshole had decided to crack the intercom with some inane messages. "Hey, leave the channel free for people who need it! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth of yours? This is Lupe. Plane's scrap. Multiple shrapnel wounded. Gonna try to clean this mess up a little. Heading to give medical care." She said, as she looked at some of the nearby soldiers who nodded at her energy, and even started the engine of a vehicle as she hopped on the back, while she spun her hand indicating to speed up as fast as possible. Critical care was needed.

"Situation's no good on the skies, silence those AA defenses so we can evac!" She said. " Moving to the wreck to give first aid. We need to avoid casualties on our Arm Masters." Lupe gritted her teeth as she steadied her body from all the rough driving her impromptu comrades did. "A little help will be appreciated!" She finished her radio communication as she gritted her teeth.

But a kingdom that has been destroyed can never be again, nor can the dead ever be brought back to life. A certain saying muddled her expression for a moment, before she narrowed her eyes and avoided biting her tongue or bumping into the vehicle's frame.

March 12th, 2014
Eurofighter Typhoon
Somewhere over the Atlantic

Where was he? Oh right, he was flying in formation. Lázaro had been rather angry at the existence known as TDC he had barely registered what he was doing, simply plowing through as if he had switched an autopilot on his brain. Before he knew he was already on the air. He had done this so many times, with so different steel skins he already felt half bird. Although each and everyone of the flying chariots he rode had their own personality, from the sputtering stalwartness of the Flying Pig, slow but reliable and easy on the hand, to the skittiness of his Jabalina.

"Acknowledged." He said on the radio channel. The skies were clear, and it seemed a good start for this kind of mission. He felt elated, as he knew some of the places he was going to flyby already."This is Cobalt 6. Cobalt 7 seems to have taken quite some friendly damage. The gentlemen of Cobalt will not leave this affront unavenged. I challenge you all to a dancing duel once we land our birds." The red-clad Eurofighter Typhoon then began to veer, doing a lazy barrel roll, still in formation. "With that being said, since we're near my homeland let me give a small cheer to my buddies of Patrulla Águila."

Circus gripped the stick as the spinning accelerated quickly dipping in altitude, before changing course and then going upwards, back into his spot in the formation, with a flawlessly executed maneuver."Wee." He let on the intercom, before resuming operation.

5'2 | Secret~~

Name: María Guadalupe ("Lupe/Lupita") Chang

Age:18 (Real Age unknown, see below)


Noble Arm Name & Appearance: The Black Lotus. It resembles a Sacred Lotus flower, except Black in Colour with an organometallic sheen.

Noble Arm Rank: B

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Support| Healing (Rebirth) | Melee to Mid-Range

Noble Arm Abilities:
Rejuvenate(Heal) - Lupe can apply the dew-like substance the Lotus device creates to regenerate any kind of injury no matter how grave or dire, in mere seconds, as long as the target has either a heartbeat or brain activity. Acting quickly, it can even reverse decapitations and limb amputations (although in the former one has to secure the head and attach it to the body. Limbs Take up to a few minutes to completely grow the entire flesh if not reattached). Rejuvenate has also a hidden, second feature. Used on a target of choice if healthy, it can revert age up to their physical prime, thus making Lupe's real age difficult to assess.

Resurrect(Incarnate)- Lupe can bring someone dead back to life as long as 75% of their corpse is recovered in time within 24 hours. Using the Lotus this way completely drains it up of power temporalily and it may take as 7 days to recover. Bathing in sunlight can speed this cooldown to half. Lupe can also choose to Reincarnate, as in give a target a different body from scratch, but they would start as helpless babies. This ability activates in case of Lupe's death if it hasn't been used already. (So it's a difficult choice whether to keep an extra life or resurrect a teammate).

Field of Nirvana- Lupe can launch her Noble Arm high in the sky, which then proceeds to bathe a 50 m radius sphere with purifying light and create a sort of alternate reality. Within this sphere, which manifests as a tranquil pond full of blooming lotus flowers the rules of reality are rewritten in such a way that all Noble Arms with offensive or harmful effects are rendered ineffective. All wounds begin to radpidly close, and a feeling of peace and fulfilment begins to forcefully encroach all the minds who are trapped inside the field, making them impossible to feel anger or fight back unless they somehow have extreme mental fortitude (PC's get a free waive for the sake of play). Even if they can still cause aggression within the field, the field would prevent their NA to activate for such purposes. The field is also a straining magic that can only last for as long as 10 minutes, and it completely drains the Black Lotus like the Resurrection ability, requiring a 7 day cooldown. Lupe herself isn't immune from the effects, but she has strong mental fortitude and will fight back if attacked.

Misc Abilities: Lupe is surprisingly deft at martial arts, having been trained by a Bajiquan master in China, and further refining her craft with Muay Thai and Eskrima. She's surprisingly fast and a hard-hitter that can exploit a single moment, a single opening to wreck havok with her limbs or improvised weapons on an enemy's defenses. This kind of martial arts training is also to compliment her lack of Noble Arm offensive capabilities. Lupe is also a competent athlete, runner and climber, and her scouting capabilities and survival skills are not to scoff at.

Coming from an impoverished, pariah-like background, Lupe has street skills, and can swipe valuables and break locks with decent sleight of hand and deftness. She's also a good actress, able to swindle and convince people with smiles that might seem genuine.

Due to her background and journeys, Lupe is fluent in Spanish, Tagalog, English, Mandarin Chinese and Thai, which makes her a decent interpreter.

Personality: Lupe has a go-getter, shiny outward personality. She can strike quick conversation and friendships with many, and overall is quite heavy on warm gestures, perhaps a bit too touchy feely. She bats for both teams, and likes to meet new faces and people and talk about mundane lives. She also likes outdoor activities and parties. She has distrust towards authorities and hates bigotry and racism.

*Likes: Party Hardy. Outdoor excursions. Singing at Karaoke. Weird Foods.

*Dislikes: Party Poopers. Bigots (*Specially* Chinese and Japanese).Classism.

Fears:Returning to be just the daughter of a prostitute. Death by starvation.

Bio: Lupe was born in less than ideal circumstances, the daughter of an undisclosed Filipino Chinese and a pleasure worker. For that, she faced discrimination and bullying to no end in an impoverished situation. She did as best as she could, as she clung to life in the slums, not knowing if her next meal would be her last ever. When her mother disappeared and was found drowned after a particular heavy storm, she barely had anyone or anything to give her as she gave her funerary rites. Becoming an orphan, she braved the impossible odds and by hook and crook started a wild goose chase into China to find the other person whose existance she owed, her father, who had fled the country several years ago.

She wasn't very keen on finding help in China either, but somehow, it was worse. Being an immigrant on the run, she nearly despaired as she was going to die a nobody in a foreign land. However, she had luck. An old man, weathered by age, took her in as he took pity on her and taught her to...be less a street tramp and more a proper, upstanding individual. Martials arts redefined her ego and outlook in her life, and made her stand tall and proud.

But her journey had just started, and the old Master kindly told her to seek her own path, which she did. She eventually gave up on finding her father, and during the process, she managed to grab an odd-looking but extremely useful for healing Noble Arm: The black lotus. Fixing the scars and blemishes to make herself presentable and a face worth of being shown in media she quickly surfaced as some sort of "fighting idol celebrity".

It was then when people caught wind of her potential and drafted her into the war effort. Lupe was surprisingly compliant. Helping others to fight nonsense and oppression and fix the worlds' problems little by little was something she could get along with. Plus the salary was a nice steady income.

*Current Goal: Help the world become a brighter and better place so girls like her won't have a hard time.

Military or Civilian Rank:Private, freshly recruited.

5'2 | Secret~~

Name: María Guadalupe ("Lupe/Lupita") Chang

Age:18 (Real Age unknown, see below)


Noble Arm Name & Appearance: The Black Lotus. It resembles a Sacred Lotus flower, except Black in Colour with an organometallic sheen.

Noble Arm Rank: B

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Support| Healing (Rebirth) | Melee to Mid-Range

Noble Arm Abilities:
Rejuvenate(Heal) - Lupe can apply the dew-like substance the Lotus device creates to regenerate any kind of injury no matter how grave or dire, in mere seconds, as long as the target has either a heartbeat or brain activity. Acting quickly, it can even reverse decapitations and limb amputations (although in the former one has to secure the head and attach it to the body. Limbs Take up to a few minutes to completely grow the entire flesh if not reattached). Rejuvenate has also a hidden, second feature. Used on a target of choice if healthy, it can revert age up to their physical prime, thus making Lupe's real age difficult to assess.

Resurrect(Incarnate)- Lupe can bring someone dead back to life as long as 75% of their corpse is recovered in time within 24 hours. Using the Lotus this way completely drains it up of power temporalily and it may take as 7 days to recover. Bathing in sunlight can speed this cooldown to half. Lupe can also choose to Reincarnate, as in give a target a different body from scratch, but they would start as helpless babies. This ability activates in case of Lupe's death if it hasn't been used already. (So it's a difficult choice whether to keep an extra life or resurrect a teammate).

Field of Nirvana- Lupe can launch her Noble Arm high in the sky, which then proceeds to bathe a 50 m radius sphere with purifying light and create a sort of alternate reality. Within this sphere, which manifests as a tranquil pond full of blooming lotus flowers the rules of reality are rewritten in such a way that all Noble Arms with offensive or harmful effects are rendered ineffective. All wounds begin to radpidly close, and a feeling of peace and fulfilment begins to forcefully encroach all the minds who are trapped inside the field, making them impossible to feel anger or fight back unless they somehow have extreme mental fortitude. The field is also a straining magic that can only last for as long as 10 minutes, and it completely drains the Black Lotus like the Resurrection ability, requiring a 7 day cooldown.

Misc Abilities: Lupe is surprisingly deft at martial arts, having been trained by a Bajiquan master in China, and further refining her craft with Muay Thai and Eskrima. She's surprisingly fast and a hard-hitter that can exploit a single moment, a single opening to wreck havok with her limbs or improvised weapons on an enemy's defenses. This kind of martial arts training is also to compliment her lack of Noble Arm offensive capabilities. Lupe is also a competent athlete, runner and climber, and her scouting capabilities and survival skills are not to scoff at.

Coming from an impoverished, pariah-like background, Lupe has street skills, and can swipe valuables and break locks with decent sleight of hand and deftness. She's also a good actress, able to swindle and convince people with smiles that might seem genuine.

Due to her background and journeys, Lupe is fluent in Spanish, Tagalog, English, Mandarin Chinese and Thai, which makes her a decent interpreter.

Personality: Lupe has a go-getter, shiny outward personality. She can strike quick conversation and friendships with many, and overall is quite heavy on warm gestures, perhaps a bit too touchy feely. She bats for both teams, and likes to meet new faces and people and talk about mundane lives. She also likes outdoor activities and parties. She has distrust towards authorities and hates bigotry and racism.

*Likes: Party Hardy. Outdoor excursions. Singing at Karaoke. Weird Foods.

*Dislikes: Party Poopers. Bigots (*Specially* Chinese and Japanese).Classism.

Fears:Returning to be just the daughter of a prostitute. Death by starvation.

Bio: Lupe was born in less than ideal circumstances, the daughter of an undisclosed Chinese tourist and a pleasure worker. For that, she faced discrimination and bullying to no end in an impoverished situation. She did as best as she could, as she clung to life in the slums, not knowing if her next meal would be her last ever. When her mother disappeared and was found drowned after a particular heavy storm, she barely had anyone or anything to give her as she gave her funerary rites. Becoming an orphan, she braved the impossible odds and by hook and crook started a wild goose chase into China to find the other person whose existance she owed.

She wasn't very keen on finding help in China either, but somehow, it was worse. Being an immigrant on the run, she nearly despaired as she was going to die a nobody in a foreign land. However, she had luck. An old man, weathered by age, took her in as he took pity on her and taught her to...be less a street tramp and more a proper, upstanding individual. Martials arts redefined her ego and outlook in her life, and made her stand tall and proud.

But her journey had just started, and the old Master kindly told her to seek her own path, which she did. She eventually gave up on finding her father, and during the process, she managed to grab an odd-looking but extremely useful for healing Noble Arm: The black lotus. Fixing the scars and blemishes to make herself presentable and a face worth of being shown in media she quickly surfaced as some sort of "fighting idol celebrity".

It was then when people caught wind of her potential and drafted her into the war effort. Lupe was surprisingly compliant. Helping others to fight nonsense and oppression and fix the worlds' problems little by little was something she could get along with. Plus the salary was a nice steady income.

*Current Goal: Help the world become a brighter and better place so girls like her won't have a hard time.

Military or Civilian Rank: None, drifter freshly recruited.
Lázaro Ruiz

Lázaro hurried along the corridor, his body language angrier than usual. He was grumbling to himself as he kept doing his routine checks and preps before a flight. He breathed deep, and looked at his reflection on a metallic surface. Yep, he did look like an angry man right now.

"What's the matter, Circus. Is it because you paid me three hundred?" The same voice of the staff member whom he had swiped coffee answered back. "Oh, and thanks for the thermo coffee, by the way. So this was Jane's? Boston is indeed a lucky man." He chimed as he saw Lázaro grumbling about.

"I always pay my debts before a sortie, remember? No one knows what will really happen." The Spanish pilot grumbled back. "It's because I had to eat that ungodly slop of lunch at the mess hall."

"You? eating there? Did you hit your head with something?" The man replied.

"Try the damn cat stealing my smuggled super special iberico ham. Again. I'm really going to skin him and use him as rug." This prompted a laugh from his heckling companion.

"Shall I see if Fletcher can ride your red beauty? If he keeps besting you perhaps we'll have to employ him as pilot." The technician said, inbetween laugh.

"Dude, fuck you. Be glad this isn't the airforce." Lázaro sighed as he began to walk away.

"Hey, Circus." The techie said, a fist in his direction. "You know it gets dull without you around, right? Fly high."

Circus rolled his eyes, a smirk forming on the corner of his lips as he fistbumped the techie. "Fly free. I'll get you some killer pictures for postcards or something."

"Nah, make it another three hundred." The techie said.

"Hah. I'm not going to sell myself cheap next time." Circus waved him goodbye, when someone caught the attention. There was a new *bird* on the runway, he could hear the sound, having a slightly different thrumming to the machines that used to cruise at this hour.

"A new toy? Interesting." He thought to himself as he went to check on his own plane. "I wonder if they'll let me take it for a spin..."
Lázaro Ruiz
As the exchanges between fellow pilots went on, Lázaro couldn't but bother than the cheap coffee he had pilfered didn't seem as appealing as the Holy Lady Jane and her husband that dude of Boston had arrived with Thermos to sate the thirsty. Seriously, why was that woman into the fighting pilot business? Wouldn't she be better flying as an NGO to bring hope to the despaired via airdrops. Cheaters never prosper, I guess? He thought to find himself, a little pang of guilt as he took one of the thermos. There was also Wonder Blonde bringing some doughnuts. Odd, but adorable in the kind of way of an akward puppy way?

The less to say about Pukey Smokey the better. Who the hell had screened his candidacy? Well, a mystery unsolved. He shrugged his shoulders. The different personalities were showing. Some infuriatingly like the teacher's pet. Some raised concerns, he guessed. Fair. Some just... not caring about everything at all. Some lost. And Some eager to be proto-conspiracy nuts.

Eh, it beat being in a team of sadist murderers like the word mercenary carried usually. PMC was just whitewashing it.

"Gracias." He said to the couple, a wink of complicity. "You keep this up, I'm gonna steal your wife, Major Boston." He hushed a whisper as he took a stroll, as he sipped the fresh brain zapping black mana of the gods, eyeing the briefing with a somewhat bemused expression.

"Down, boy." He said to Mykhailo, sarcastically. "I appreciate your eagerness but... you know. Rome and the Cilicians. The Christian Kingdoms versus the Barbary pirates. History funnily, once again repeats. Whenever there's the wealth of Order and Civilization rising, somewhere else plunderers rise. Plunderers who are weaponized. Possibly by rivals. Eh, eventually we'll find out. No need to have such deep readings on so little info. We gotta be careful. Because for us it's stamping *rats* in the end, and we will be frowned upon failure. And for them, it might be the time of their lives." He pause. "Go go, fight the power." He added, raising a left fist on the air sarcastically.

He cleared his throat. "Shit, is this philosophy blend? Really nice brew." He looked at the thermo in a faux surprise look."But I'm wagging my tongue. It's been said we're not in the best situation. I do agree. These kind of folks do scurry around. We're going in an undermanned situation from the info, quite probably, and we don't really know what we're against. On first instance I'd suggest packing more cameras to catch who's stealing from the cookie jar. I would say intel is more valuable than kills right now."

He breathed."There's also some matter that I am a bit ...picky about. Well, I'm not sure about mon capitaine but we're flying on the tried and tested Mare Nostrum, at least on my regard. Hot sea, Like an ocean in miniature, with their miniature hurricane like storms. Those things appear and vanish all of a sudden, being smaller than the oceanic storms, and can probably...well, it is not fun usually getting in the middle of one of those. I'd also ask to double check the meteorological conditions. We're not outside storm season." Lázaro kept on, sneaking a small snip at the furious tiny frenchwoman on a note taking frenzy.

"Although, if one of these suckers manages to hit while our friends are trying to do their piratey plundering, it migh cause enough disruption for us to capitalize. Since we got like, half of the mediterrean info on Weather Radar's worth, we can probably navigate around the hypothetical storm and use it as camouflage. It sounds insane. It is insane. But hell, if it makes the situation better, I'm up for storm riding." Lázaron concluded.

"Oh and one last thing. Can we get beach time in Malta after this? It's really nice, you know." He grinned.
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