Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

NTL: Filipino | FAC: Mafia | AGE: 19y.o

Noble Arms





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Hidden 29 days ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 4 days ago


Height & Weight: 6'0", 168 lbs

Name: Kaden "Kay" Ashford

Age: 18

Nationality: American

Noble Arm Name & Appearance:
Duality Blades, two Katanas that shift in color depending on their form: a soft blue for light and a deep crimson red for dark. They are connected by a spectral purple chain.

Noble Arm Ranking: B

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee, Light & Dark, close-to-mid range

Noble Arm Abilities:
The Duality Blades can change between three forms: Light, Dark, and Neutral/Equilibrium.
Kaden's speed and power are enhanced, allowing him to attack quickly. The purple chain shatters and changes color to vibrant blue. The chain passes through Kaden but is solid to anyone else. He also can send minor beams of light out of the swords. They are weak and go about a 25m, but he can rapid fire them. They knock the target back a bit.
Kaden's power and range increase, as a darker aura can extend the swords to an unnatural length. When he enters this, the chain shatters and is replaced by a light red chain. This chain acts like the blue chain. He can slam the swords onto the ground to make a shockwave that does moderate damage and goes in around a 75m radius. This needs to recharge for a bit, and makes his arms tired. He picks the targets of the blast. (This means he can only pick people he is aware exist/are fighting. THIS IS IMPORTANT!)
Kaden has both active, one on each sword. his stats stay the same, but he gains the light beams and a weaker version of the shockwave. The chain stays purple and acts like the other chains. One neutral attack, or ten seconds in neutral, is required when switching between light and dark. The chain stays purple in this form, passing through Kaden. He also gains a new attack, but I'm going to make a dropdown for it.

Misc Abilities: Ambidextrous, pretty good strategist, knows MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), and is a great dancer (trained his footwork by dancing).
He speaks 3 different dialects of Arabic. (Levantine, Egyptian, and Modern Standard Arabic/MSA)

Personality: Kaden is kind, funny, and protective of people he cares about and works with often (or hopes to work with often). He can also be very over confident. He doesn't always seem all there, and is often caught daydreaming in his free time. His true desire is to upkeep his reputation, and this drives him to do otherwise stupid things.

*Likes: Comedy movies, video games, fighting, and competition.

*Dislikes: Being underestimated, losing, spiders (he's not scared, he just doesn't like 'em.)

Fears: Failing to protect his family, friends, and most of all, his ego.

Bio: Kaden was born in Arizona and stayed there most of his life. He came from a family of war refugees from syria and immersed himself in their culture. He loves his family, which consists of his parents, an older sister and a ten year old brother. His family and friends call him Kay or Kane.

Kaden can't remember a time when he did not have a sword of any type with him. He carried a wooden around for practice whenever he could, kept a different wooden one in his backpack, and practiced with a real katana at home. he devoted his life to swordsmanship, and hoped that he could become a master swordsman. When he got the Duality Blades, or Zole as he likes to call them, it hit home for him.

One incident changed the way he viewed the Duality Blades. His friend challenged him to run across an "empty" 8-lane highway in the desert. Almost to the end, he hears a horn. he stops and looks where it's coming from. by the time he turns, it was too late. He held out his hands, instinctively holding the blades like he always does when in danger. When the blades made contact with the truck, they bumped into each other, and this unleashed a blast of purple energy. Kaden was hospitalized in critical condition, and managed to survive without any scars. his friend and the trucker were not so lucky. The trucker died instantaneously, and his friend lost his left leg. He never seemed all there after that point.

*Current Goal: Survive, find somebody to love, and prove he isn't weak.

Military or Civilian Rank: Second Lieutenant

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Hidden 17 days ago 17 days ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


5'2 | Secret~~

Name: María Guadalupe ("Lupe/Lupita") Chang

Age:18 (Real Age unknown, see below)


Noble Arm Name & Appearance: The Black Lotus. It resembles a Sacred Lotus flower, except Black in Colour with an organometallic sheen.

Noble Arm Rank: B

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Support| Healing (Rebirth) | Melee to Mid-Range

Noble Arm Abilities:
Rejuvenate(Heal) - Lupe can apply the dew-like substance the Lotus device creates to regenerate any kind of injury no matter how grave or dire, in mere seconds, as long as the target has either a heartbeat or brain activity. Acting quickly, it can even reverse decapitations and limb amputations (although in the former one has to secure the head and attach it to the body. Limbs Take up to a few minutes to completely grow the entire flesh if not reattached). Rejuvenate has also a hidden, second feature. Used on a target of choice if healthy, it can revert age up to their physical prime, thus making Lupe's real age difficult to assess.

Resurrect(Incarnate)- Lupe can bring someone dead back to life as long as 75% of their corpse is recovered in time within 24 hours. Using the Lotus this way completely drains it up of power temporalily and it may take as 7 days to recover. Bathing in sunlight can speed this cooldown to half. Lupe can also choose to Reincarnate, as in give a target a different body from scratch, but they would start as helpless babies. This ability activates in case of Lupe's death if it hasn't been used already. (So it's a difficult choice whether to keep an extra life or resurrect a teammate).

Field of Nirvana- Lupe can launch her Noble Arm high in the sky, which then proceeds to bathe a 50 m radius sphere with purifying light and create a sort of alternate reality. Within this sphere, which manifests as a tranquil pond full of blooming lotus flowers the rules of reality are rewritten in such a way that all Noble Arms with offensive or harmful effects are rendered ineffective. All wounds begin to radpidly close, and a feeling of peace and fulfilment begins to forcefully encroach all the minds who are trapped inside the field, making them impossible to feel anger or fight back unless they somehow have extreme mental fortitude (PC's get a free waive for the sake of play). Even if they can still cause aggression within the field, the field would prevent their NA to activate for such purposes. The field is also a straining magic that can only last for as long as 10 minutes, and it completely drains the Black Lotus like the Resurrection ability, requiring a 7 day cooldown. Lupe herself isn't immune from the effects, but she has strong mental fortitude and will fight back if attacked.

Misc Abilities: Lupe is surprisingly deft at martial arts, having been trained by a Bajiquan master in China, and further refining her craft with Muay Thai and Eskrima. She's surprisingly fast and a hard-hitter that can exploit a single moment, a single opening to wreck havok with her limbs or improvised weapons on an enemy's defenses. This kind of martial arts training is also to compliment her lack of Noble Arm offensive capabilities. Lupe is also a competent athlete, runner and climber, and her scouting capabilities and survival skills are not to scoff at.

Coming from an impoverished, pariah-like background, Lupe has street skills, and can swipe valuables and break locks with decent sleight of hand and deftness. She's also a good actress, able to swindle and convince people with smiles that might seem genuine.

Due to her background and journeys, Lupe is fluent in Spanish, Tagalog, English, Mandarin Chinese and Thai, which makes her a decent interpreter.

Personality: Lupe has a go-getter, shiny outward personality. She can strike quick conversation and friendships with many, and overall is quite heavy on warm gestures, perhaps a bit too touchy feely. She bats for both teams, and likes to meet new faces and people and talk about mundane lives. She also likes outdoor activities and parties. She has distrust towards authorities and hates bigotry and racism.

*Likes: Party Hardy. Outdoor excursions. Singing at Karaoke. Weird Foods.

*Dislikes: Party Poopers. Bigots (*Specially* Chinese and Japanese).Classism.

Fears:Returning to be just the daughter of a prostitute. Death by starvation.

Bio: Lupe was born in less than ideal circumstances, the daughter of an undisclosed Filipino Chinese and a pleasure worker. For that, she faced discrimination and bullying to no end in an impoverished situation. She did as best as she could, as she clung to life in the slums, not knowing if her next meal would be her last ever. When her mother disappeared and was found drowned after a particular heavy storm, she barely had anyone or anything to give her as she gave her funerary rites. Becoming an orphan, she braved the impossible odds and by hook and crook started a wild goose chase into China to find the other person whose existance she owed, her father, who had fled the country several years ago.

She wasn't very keen on finding help in China either, but somehow, it was worse. Being an immigrant on the run, she nearly despaired as she was going to die a nobody in a foreign land. However, she had luck. An old man, weathered by age, took her in as he took pity on her and taught her to...be less a street tramp and more a proper, upstanding individual. Martials arts redefined her ego and outlook in her life, and made her stand tall and proud.

But her journey had just started, and the old Master kindly told her to seek her own path, which she did. She eventually gave up on finding her father, and during the process, she managed to grab an odd-looking but extremely useful for healing Noble Arm: The black lotus. Fixing the scars and blemishes to make herself presentable and a face worth of being shown in media she quickly surfaced as some sort of "fighting idol celebrity".

It was then when people caught wind of her potential and drafted her into the war effort. Lupe was surprisingly compliant. Helping others to fight nonsense and oppression and fix the worlds' problems little by little was something she could get along with. Plus the salary was a nice steady income.

*Current Goal: Help the world become a brighter and better place so girls like her won't have a hard time.

Military or Civilian Rank:Private, freshly recruited.
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