As promised, I came up with a few more questions, I hope you don't mind. They are all questions concerning the various mentions of Gods in the Glossary,
1. Am I correct in my understanding that the Old Gods, the Dead Gods, and the Dark Gods of the North are three separate groups of mystical beings, and that all three walked the earth in the Age of Myths, at least according to lore and legends available at the time of the start?
2. Am I also correct in my understanding that the Dead Gods were the worst of the lot, the Dark Gods slightly less malicious, and the Old Gods were the good guys, or at least not the evil guys(yes there is technically a difference between being good and just being "not evil", being not evil doesn't stop them from being neutral, indifferent towards mankind, or something of the kind)?
3. In the glossary, it says that the individual identities of the Old Gods has been forgotten, and that the worship of these has be replaced in all parts of the known world. Is it the same way with the identities of the Dead and Dark Gods? There is mention of worshiper for both of these two groups, but it doesn't say if they worship the whole collective group of the gods, or if each sect/cult/order worships a specific being among their ranks.
4. Regarding the identities and worship of the Old Gods, is the loss of all information and worship an absolute fact, or is it that all knowledge and open worship among the general public has disappeared? I guess what I'm asking is: Could there exist a secret/hidden quasi-religious order that worships either the Old Gods as a collective, or one god in particular?
5. When you say that the individual identities of the gods has been forgotten, does it mean that we as players don't know but you as the GM knows, or is it intended as an opening for us to come up with entities that fit with the backstories of our characters if the need arises, with your approval of course. After all, the plot/lore is yours.
So I might have come up with a few more questions than I started with, but I figure it is better to ask questions first instead of having to change stuff later because some things might not work with the lore.