Avatar of casper
  • Last Seen: 7 days ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 51 ( / day)
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current You could give some people the whole breadth of human experience to write about and they'd still have an orgy after ten posts....
1 like
4 yrs ago
I have come to the conclusion that my writing ability has significantly atrophied. Looking at old rp's and thinking 'did I write that'?
4 yrs ago
Two months focused work has come to nothing, Feels like I have missed in a penalty shootout. Need to write those blues away I think...
4 yrs ago
I never do fandoms but the last few days have seen me fantasising over a Stardew Valley roleplay bordering on obsession!
4 yrs ago
Oh gosh I bought Stardew Valley for the kids at Christmas and I can't stay off it! Love it!
1 like


Today's bio has been brought to you by The Smiths

Shyness is nice, and shyness can stop you
From doing all the things in life you'd like to
Shyness is nice, and shyness can stop you
From doing all the things in life you'd like to
So if there's something you'd like to try
If there's something you'd like to try
Ask me, I won't say no, how could I?

Ask - The Smiths

Well hello there and thank you for peeking at my bio....

A little about me, I grew up playing solo gamebooks and then in my teens got fascinated with fantasy roleplaying - especially Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. After a long break I rediscovered my affection for roleplaying and discovered play by post forum's. I joined a site in 2013 and haven't looked back! I don't have the time to get in a group for a few hours a week at the same time and place so play by post has been wonderful for me.

In 2015 I started freeform roleplaying and fell in love and haven't really looked back!

I'm interested in quite a lot of things, I write in sci-fi settings, comedy, slice of life, fantasy, historical...you get the idea

I'm comfortable with a range of tones and have been known to get rather smutty on occasion (but never, ever essential). Smut for the sake of it bores me and I am just as likely to write a sexual incompetent as some kind of porn star. I will ALWAYS go for slow burn romance with a will they / won't they than leap into bed after ten posts. Personally I think sex scenes are often 'mechanical' rather than passionate. I have to feel something.

Perfect characters bore me. Indeed, I tend to make my characters struggle and hyper competent characters who look flawless and behave impeccably aren't really my thing.

There is very little I won't try but I am rarely interested in fandoms, preferring to build our own worlds and characters.

I enjoy chatting OOC and making friends but I'm comfortable if it's not your vibe. I enjoy a variety of tones and the most important thing for me is whoever I am sharing the roleplay are having fun and feel comfortable. If we are writing darker stories I will need to feel I trust my writing partner.

I tend to post between 8-10pm GMT

Itches to scratch -

Group / Run - Modern day slice of life games not set in the US - I'd like to pick a relatively well known city, have no real life players from there and explore living there.
Group / Run - Low level Supers in a real small town setting. System or otherwise, who needs Gotham when you've small town...
Group - Being a pirate in either a medieval or fantasy setting. Lots of swashbuckling, romance and general thievery and debauchery. System or freeform
Play - World of Darkness - old or new - I find it a bit over-facing with all the different version and splats. I'd like someone to guide me in gently.
Group - low level crime game. We're street level gangsters
Group / Run - 80's style slasher film game. Gratuitous nudity, stupid kids, bloody murder. Tongue in cheek rather than video nasty
Group / Run - Italian giallo influenced roleplay. Convoluted plot, artistic, lots of red, need all the tropes in here.
Run - my house party game. Freeform - people come in and out. You know those amazing house parties of youth. A drop in and out game of debauchery, excess, fun, comedy and drama
Run - my yet to be defined amazing Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st edition campaign travelling across the Old World.
1-1 M/F romance. Two colleagues don't like each other, stuck in a lift. Buddy road trip across the US, Europe, tons of ideas.
Group - Rifts gonzo madness. I've never played before
Play - Fiasco - any modern setting
Group / Run - being in a Rock band. Very 70's / 80's debauched decadence with sex and drugs and playing loud. Characters are in a band, following the band, roadies, 'doctors', obsessed fans. System or freeform, read any biography about a band on the road for inspiration
Group - a thief in a thieves guild in some fantasy setting somewhere
Group - some kind of post-apocalyptic game as viewed through a lens popular in the 80's. I'm thinking Mad Max, cars, mohawks, bare chested men wearing leather and spikes.
1 x 1 - Let's play with fairytales - Copy the classics? Retell and twist the classics? Change the setting or the outcomes? Tell the tales from another perspective? Whatever. Princes and Princesses, talking animals and moral lessons galore. Hardcore smut and horror and gore potential but just as much enjoy traditional romance or light hearted playful stories.
1 x 1 - The fairy at the bottom of the garden comes to life...
Group / 1 x 1 - Travel the world, get into trouble, hi-jinks and adventure
Group / Run / maybe 1 x 1 - This is the ALF. The characters are part of an animal liberation cell, they choose to rescue animals from exploitation. Part espionage, part action. Don't get caught by the police... Plus all the drama of being in a clandestine group. Potential romance or prison drama.
1 X 1 - An old married couple are coming to the end of their days. We write their lives, their marriage and their stories backwards. A life lived.
1 X 1 - The taxi driver and the prostitute. Every night a married taxi driver from a conservative patriarchal culture picks up a prostitute when she has finished work. This is not primarily a romance plot and definitely not a smut one. It is about a developing friendship and their stories.
1 x 1 - Two junkies live together in squalor. They may be friends, partners or family. This story is about their relationship, their attempts to escape their addiction.
Group / 1x1 Some pulpy Indiana Jones style adventure with treasure and villains and hi-jinks galore!
Group / 1x1 Fucked up cult leader madness
Group / Run / 1x1 Stardew Valley rp
A Steampunk comedy romance of some description...
All them witches - strong itch for stories about a coven, or competing covens. Always a bit of space for comedy and romance alongside darkness and light in occult witchcraft settings. Or maybe a little village full of witches not getting along, but facing an external threat of witch hunters.
A quaint investigative agency set in a little British town or city where the characters investigate ghosts, weirdness and strange phenomena . There may be 'under the hood' fairies, witches and folkloric creatures the world has forgotten about....

My current characters:

Offsite - Casper Rudgersson, the funniest, kindest Druid you will ever want to meet.
Offsite - woe aka Simon Banks, former singer of blackgaze DSBM band Dead Inside. Currently in rehab following a heroin overdose and obsessed with a Twitch streamer
Offsite - Running a solo game for a linguistics student in a folklore drenched historical city of York. The focus is on an occult bookshop nestled in the middle of town
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