We press on. Ever onward, ever toward the future.
10 yrs ago
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10 yrs ago
We press on. Ever onward, ever toward the future.
10 yrs ago
Still in a funk, sadly. I'm pounding out words as best as I can, though!
10 yrs ago
I think I've hit a funk. =( Words don't come like they used to.
10 yrs ago
Apologies, all, but my posting will be slow over the next few days. I'll get to ya as soon as I can, though!
A bit about me:
I've been roleplaying for 12 years now, though mostly via MMOs. My favorite genre is fantasy, and I usually do MxF or FxF RPs here. I prefer 1x1s, because those are much easier to keep up with. I'm a major anime and manga fan, my favorites being Sword Art Online, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Fruits Basket, in that order. Otherwise, I'm your typical RPer.
I have two sides to me, and they change rather quickly: one's a cute, bubbly fun-lover, while the other is a quiet, serious, say-what-needs-saying type. Both are me, and it makes life very interesting sometimes. ^-^ Maybe I should give them names... More as that develops!
A bit about me:
I've been roleplaying for 12 years now, though mostly via MMOs. My favorite genre is fantasy, and I usually do MxF or FxF RPs here. I prefer 1x1s, because those are much easier to keep up with. I'm a major anime and manga fan, my favorites being Sword Art Online, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Fruits Basket, in that order. Otherwise, I'm your typical RPer.
I have two sides to me, and they change rather quickly: one's a cute, bubbly fun-lover, while the other is a quiet, serious, say-what-needs-saying type. Both are me, and it makes life [i]very[/i] interesting sometimes. ^-^ Maybe I should give them names... More as that develops!
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">A bit about me:<br><br>I've been roleplaying for 12 years now, though mostly via MMOs. My favorite genre is fantasy, and I usually do MxF or FxF RPs here. I prefer 1x1s, because those are much easier to keep up with. I'm a major anime and manga fan, my favorites being Sword Art Online, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Fruits Basket, in that order. Otherwise, I'm your typical RPer.<br><br>I have two sides to me, and they change rather quickly: one's a cute, bubbly fun-lover, while the other is a quiet, serious, say-what-needs-saying type. Both are me, and it makes life <span class="bb-i">very</span> interesting sometimes. ^-^ Maybe I should give them names... More as that develops!</div>