Amber eyes stared blankly at a sheet of music as a piano’s
notes filled the air. A soft, but
crooked grin tugged at the pale and delicate features of the girl sitting on the piano’s bench. As the piano sang in the key in which the girl played, a familiar female voice filled her mind.
”Mistress? Do you have to train with the Western Lord today?” Stray brown locks fell into the
child’s face as she turned to look toward the door of the room, finding a rather large, and flaming dog laying just outside it. “I don’t think so. However, it would be nice to see Lord Szayeis.” The melodic voice of the young girl danced through the air as she responded aloud to the beast.
The various flaming extremities of the dog rose as she reached her natural height. Her fiery tail swished once as she ducked into the room, and sauntered toward the piano.
”As you wish, milady.” The dress the girl wore shifted slightly, though the piano had never once stopped since the entrance of the dog. When it finally did, the once small grin that had been on her face had widened as she beamed at her pet, levitating from the piano bench, to the hellhound’s back.
Ever the patient beast, Lisara waited for her mistress to acclimate herself before she began to leave the room.
Aeris sat side-saddle atop Lisara’s back, clinging tightly to the hellhound’s neck as they left the building, and headed toward the West’s barrier. Lucky for both of them, however, was that the building Aeris’ piano resided in was not a part of the Southern Lordess’ castle, and was simply a standalone construct of its own.
The pair passed through a rather large bio-luminescent forest, fast approaching the barrier with ease. The closer they got, the wider Aeris’ smile grew. To say she was excited to see the Western Lord was an understatement.
What would he teach her today?
- - - -It took them a matter of twenty minutes to reach the citadel once they had passed through the barrier, and once inside, the living building had almost immediately taken them to Szayeis. As Aeris floated down from Lisara’s back, Szayeis turned to look at her with a smile that made her knees weak. Lucky for her, she had a seven foot tall dog that nudged her to keep her up right.
When the lord addressed her, Aeris found herself messing with the ends of her now long hair, looking up at him sheepishly. “Hello Lord Szayeis.” She smiled thoughtfully up at him her head tilting to the side as she studied him.
The younger Kasio blinked. Did he just…? “I’m sorry my lord, did you just invite me to Earth with you?” Her eyes lit up, almost seeming gold instead of amber. “Really? I would love to go!” At her reaction, she heard Lisara snickering in her mind.
”Careful mistress, the Southern Lordess might think you’re trying to steal her ‘man’” Fighting back a laugh, Aeris awaited Szayeis’ instructions on what to do if she wanted to go. Sure, he was attractive (in a way she couldn't explain), but she doubted she would ever really want to, well, be
with a demon.
As she waited for Szayeis' response, she looked around him, having completely missed the "decor" of the room they were in. "Whoa... Lord Szayeis, what
is all this?" She questioned softly, a curious light dancing in her eyes as she looked at him. She seemed utterly unaffected by all the blood and decaying material around her... Except she wasn't. She was both bemused, and horrified. And even though the majority of her was amazed at the carnage, there was a small part of her that she had ignored for the last 8 months that was weeping in fear that that could be her.