Name: Alice "Scarlet" Pandra
Alias/Nickname: The Scarlet Queen
Age: 28/Over 3,000 years old
Race: Demon
Social Status: Warden Class
Relations: None
General Activity: Founder and Owner of "Scarlet's Desires", a beauty line that has revenues in the millions.
Abilities:Sanguine Fire: The ability to raise the temperature of blood to a boiling point in which will then ignite into flames. She can do this with blood coursing through the body; but only when making contact with her victim, or ignite blood that has left the body through simply wishing it so.
Scarlet's Blades: Alice can force 8 bone like limbs to erect from her back like spider legs that will appear black with four being one the left side of her back and four on the other side in a vertical pattern, at the end of these limbs are sharp points in which she can stab and slash at her prey.
Irresistable Trap: A sticky saliva can be secreted from Alice's mouth onto her tongue, the tongue itself can expand to reach at about 8 feet. The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body which allows her to hurl objects, people, demons, and angels with just the use of that one tongue...oh can also glue prey to the environment around.
The Truth Lies: Alice has a toxic venom that if bitten by her, you will begin to experience a "change in scenery". Think of a bad acid trip that never seems to end...yes...that toxic.
Viral: Alice has the ability to infect others with her bite if she desires them worthy enough to be apart of her Coven. She drains a potential person from their own blood and then secretes it back into their blood stream once it has mixed with her own. This transforms the victim into her very own vampire, sharing many connections and even being able to telepathically hear her wishes.
Telepathy: She can communicate via mind to only those who share a strong connection to her blood, these vampires are typically overseers that resided in her manors and are the managers of the Coven members.
Equipment: She has a Rare Red Gem that houses the essence of her brother, it said that she killed him in order to achieve great power but ultimately could not absorb his essence over guilt. It is a reminder to her that a clouded judgement can have a permanent impact.
Personality: Alice is feared by her peers and respected by her kind and for good reason. She is generous and caring to those who deserve it in her eyes and you will know whether you are worthy or not, because if you are not, only red will be seen in your future. She is cruel when it comes to those unworthy and she shall show no mercy.
Biography: Not much of her actual history is known but what is known is who she is today and the accomplishments she has been able to place on her belt. She is the owner and founder of one of the most successful beauty companies in the world. Lingerie, Perfume, Make-Up, Nail Polish, etc, she has mastered the women's accessory line and dominated the charts when it comes to revenue. In the media she is generous with her money, charming to her clientele, and delightful to look at for the world. What people do not know or at least the general public is that she also runs the largest vampire organization in Kenan called the 'Coven'.
The CovenThe Coven is a large organization built by Alice Pandra that is made up of only vampires. These vampires all share the same blood as Alice. Alice has made sure not to allow any other vampires inside her company who do not share her current growing bloodline. The coven is employed by Scarlet's Desires ensuring the coven is well paid, well fed, well trained, and well watched, this is to keep her kin out of trouble and out of the spotlight from authorities being human or angel.
Coven HierarchyElders - The oldest and strongest in the Coven, they were Alice's first humans turned vampire and have remained loyal to her for thousands of years. They are the head of the manors but do not live under the same roof as the manor they are in charge of. They also act as Alice's business advisors and each own a share of the company. (6 exist in Alice's coven)
Prelates - Courage, loyalty, and reliability, they will one day rise to an elder as they are the protégés of a specific elder. They stand as role models to all members, especially for lower ranks. They are not quite Coven management, but leaders of the lower ranks, and are expected to act like it. (6 exist in Alice's Coven, each serving a elder)
Overseers - Strong leadership potential and qualities are seen here. Rank is near to that of Elders, and should expect to start experiencing the pressures and responsibilities of a leadership role. They run the manors daily operations and make sure that the residence maintain discipline throughout their stay. They are in direct communication with the Elders. (12 exist, 2 in each manor, 6 female, and 6 male.)
Adjutant - Members of the coven who have shown they can be trusted and given more responsibility, they aid the Overseers in managing the residence and making sure that they are doing their duties. Adjutants are trusted to punish if necessary but must report all incidences and punishments to the Overseer for review. (Vary in number but typically anywhere between 20-30 hold this rank.)
Enforcers - Team leaders of the Coven, they are assigned missions or projects by the Adjutant and given a team to carry out the mission with. Enforcers come in all different shapes and sizes and each one typically has a specific skill they are good at.
Vyres - They have shown they can be trusted, they have a bit of training under their belt and are beginning to prove themselves more and more every day. They can be tasked with solo missions or are at times placed on team with an Enforcer to get a job or project done.
Novice - They have just joined the coven and are tasked with simple duties such as delivery services within the Coven, and customer service when working at Scarlet's Desires. They must learn the ins and outs of the Coven, all the rules, and truly be there whenever called upon. Novices reside in the manors and go through a 6 month training period, they will then move out of the manor and into a community where neighbors belong to the same Coven. They must still continue their studies and training at the Manor for another 6 months, with a new batch of Novices. After the first year, they are tested and then put through graduation where they will become a Vyre in the Coven.
Sentry: These vampires have exceeded in combat and have mastered their art quite well. They do not fall under the normalcy of the hierarchy for they are their own entity within the Coven. Tasked with protecting and escorting V.I.P.'s of the Coven, to leave their dignitaries side is only by death or reassignment. They are always equipped with the most up to date weaponry and gadgets.
Liaison: Individuals who serve the Coven but are there for teaching and recruiting purposes only and do not fall under the normalcy of the hierarchy. They can be vampires, humans, or angels, but they are there to transform a Novice into something more note worthy. They teach the way of the Coven, fighting techniques, and even help new Novices dive into their abilities manipulating essence.
Coven ManorsAlice has built 6 manors which are similar to a church or university , it houses important vampires that have large responsibilities within the government of the Coven. It is the gathering place for Alice's vampires that are inside the manors territory. It is where rituals are held for vampires who believe they are ready to evolve with the essence they have consumed, and it is seen as the ultimate safe haven.
The manors all have very expensive and elaborate fencing around their perimeters, landscaping is designed in such a way to improve security measures. Advanced security systems are installed to make sure even the smallest of rodents can be seen trespassing.
Manor RoomsGround Floor - Lobby, Kitchen, Dining Hall, Gym, Training Room, Social Room, Extensive Library
Second Floor - Male Dorm Rooms on right side, Female Dorm Rooms on left side.
Third Floor - Male Overseer room and office on right side, Female Overseer room and office on left side.
Basement - Armory and Garage
Rooftop - Helicopter Pad