Point me in the direction of what needs to die, then get the hell out of the way.
Name: Maeve.
Team Title: Bean Sidhes(Banshees.). Sometimes called Sirens, though Maeve hates that title. Called, in hushed circles, the Death's Favoured.
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Position: Asylum
Specialty: Silencer
Alchemic Style: Combination of Vocem and Motem. Primarily uses Motem.
Asylum Code: LII(52), located on the bottom of her right forearm.
The Morrigan: A trio of knives coated in anti-alchemic substance. They have names carved on either side of their blades. Macha and Fury. Nemain and Frenzy. Badb Catha and Battle Crow. Macha is hidden in Maeve's boot. The other two are hidden against her back, in easily accessed sheathes. The handles have hand scanners, and if anyone but Maeve, or someone she's given permission to, tries to pick them up the handles shoot out two inch spikes to stab the unsuspecting. To prevent this from happening, one would have to know what to say to the knives beforehand, deactivating the spikes through a verbally delivered code.
Arwan: A hand gun that Maeve keeps holstered on her side, or hidden beneath her jacket as needed. Maeve keeps two typse of 12 round clips on her person, for any situation she might encounter. These are: Rounds coated in anti-alchemic poison, and explosive rounds.
Ceannlann Armor: This exo-skeleton frame is almost unnoticeable on Maeve's body, a thin wire edged with bone. Unactivated, it's merely just a thin wire along her body. When it's activated a thick layer of bone covers her entire body, toughened by her alchemy. Alchemical energy pulses through her new armor, tripling her speed, strength, and reflexes. Her face is covered by a skull mask that seems to glow with an ominous green light from the eyes.
B.S.C(Bean Sidhe Collar): This lovely little device goes around her neck, and too the casual observer it's just a choker necklace with an emerald jewel. Hidden by the jewel, is a small device that amplifies the voice of the user, in this case her screams. Vocally activated, it can be set to three levels. Level one being simply stunning those caught in it's blast, level two causing damage to eardrums and sever disorientation, level three hitting them as an actual physical force. To protect her own ears, she has another device that activates along with the B.S.C and filters out the screams. In case they have to work with partners, Kiara and Maeve both carry a small bag of the same filtering devices, only they can be easily removed and put in.
Alchemy specialization: Osteokinesis (the ability to manipulate and generate bones of your body, and bones that are belong to something dead)
Appearance: Standing at 5'8 Maeve is taller than her partner by a good 4 inches, with shoulder length red hair, cut carefully to keep from falling in front of her emerald eyes. Her skin is tan from years out in the sun. Her body is mostly muscle, with almost no curves and traits commonly considered feminine. Her face is usually set in an impatient gaze, excitement glimmering in her eyes. She usuall wears a zipped up leather jacket over a green short sleeve shirt, dark blue jeans jeans, and work boots that easily hide Macha. She tries to keep her clothing in relatively good condition, despite her abilities, and as such all the tears in her clothing has been sewn up. Her clothing is covered in sewn up tears. The only part of her clothing that isn't is her jacket that is constantly new due to her either ripping it entirely or tossing it aside and forgetting it.
Easily the most notable part about her, and what gets her identified most often, are the tattoos on her body and arms. They appear to be Celtic in nature.
Personality: Loud, boisterous, flirtatious, vengeful, Maeve lives up to her chosen name.
The world will not bend at her request. She must make it. Thus, that leaves little room for 'compassion' or 'mercy', or any other similar emotions. They invited weakness, allowed others to slip through your armor and then shove a knife between your ribs. Best to have a lively shell to keep others at bay than to let them in, let them hurt her again. Besides, life was meant to be lived quickly, forever on the fast lane! As such, she's twitchy. Fidgety. She can't sit still for any period of time, and always has to be moving. To her, there is no down time. There's only the next objective to be reached, be it one of her own making, or one given to her from A.M.R.O. She also sees the world in a very black and white fashion. You're either an enemy, or you're a friend. There is no middle ground. As such, she'll jump to conclusions, and possibly outright attack someone(no matter what she knows about them) if they anger her enough.
-Her tattoos were not present until after being paired with Kiara.
-She arrived at an older age than most to Innocence, and was put on the fast track.
-She and Kiara hold the dubious honor of surviving the most missions with the Ante Mortem. Both total missions and consecutively. Whether it be through skill, luck, or sheer stubborn refusal to die, the Bean Sidhes have survived every disaster the Ante Mortem could throw at them. As such, there are whispered rumors among the rest of AMRO that they have garnered the favor of Reri and Angel, and are commonly associated with them.
Other: Her name isn't her birth name. Rather, she chose it.
Maeve has an obsession with Celtic mythology, even going so far as to learn one of the languages.
Similar to her namesake, Maeve has a high tolerance for alcohol.
Maeve has an extremely high pain tolerance, given that her chosen alchemy typically has her own bones bursting out of her body.
Theme songs: Fight by All Good Things
Bad to the Bone by George Thoroughgood
Name: Maeve.
Team Title: Bean Sidhes(Banshees.). Sometimes called Sirens, though Maeve hates that title. Called, in hushed circles, the Death's Favoured.
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Position: Asylum
Specialty: Silencer
Alchemic Style: Combination of Vocem and Motem. Primarily uses Motem.
Asylum Code: LII(52), located on the bottom of her right forearm.
The Morrigan: A trio of knives coated in anti-alchemic substance. They have names carved on either side of their blades. Macha and Fury. Nemain and Frenzy. Badb Catha and Battle Crow. Macha is hidden in Maeve's boot. The other two are hidden against her back, in easily accessed sheathes. The handles have hand scanners, and if anyone but Maeve, or someone she's given permission to, tries to pick them up the handles shoot out two inch spikes to stab the unsuspecting. To prevent this from happening, one would have to know what to say to the knives beforehand, deactivating the spikes through a verbally delivered code.
Arwan: A hand gun that Maeve keeps holstered on her side, or hidden beneath her jacket as needed. Maeve keeps two typse of 12 round clips on her person, for any situation she might encounter. These are: Rounds coated in anti-alchemic poison, and explosive rounds.
Ceannlann Armor: This exo-skeleton frame is almost unnoticeable on Maeve's body, a thin wire edged with bone. Unactivated, it's merely just a thin wire along her body. When it's activated a thick layer of bone covers her entire body, toughened by her alchemy. Alchemical energy pulses through her new armor, tripling her speed, strength, and reflexes. Her face is covered by a skull mask that seems to glow with an ominous green light from the eyes.
B.S.C(Bean Sidhe Collar): This lovely little device goes around her neck, and too the casual observer it's just a choker necklace with an emerald jewel. Hidden by the jewel, is a small device that amplifies the voice of the user, in this case her screams. Vocally activated, it can be set to three levels. Level one being simply stunning those caught in it's blast, level two causing damage to eardrums and sever disorientation, level three hitting them as an actual physical force. To protect her own ears, she has another device that activates along with the B.S.C and filters out the screams. In case they have to work with partners, Kiara and Maeve both carry a small bag of the same filtering devices, only they can be easily removed and put in.
Alchemy specialization: Osteokinesis (the ability to manipulate and generate bones of your body, and bones that are belong to something dead)
Appearance: Standing at 5'8 Maeve is taller than her partner by a good 4 inches, with shoulder length red hair, cut carefully to keep from falling in front of her emerald eyes. Her skin is tan from years out in the sun. Her body is mostly muscle, with almost no curves and traits commonly considered feminine. Her face is usually set in an impatient gaze, excitement glimmering in her eyes. She usuall wears a zipped up leather jacket over a green short sleeve shirt, dark blue jeans jeans, and work boots that easily hide Macha. She tries to keep her clothing in relatively good condition, despite her abilities, and as such all the tears in her clothing has been sewn up. Her clothing is covered in sewn up tears. The only part of her clothing that isn't is her jacket that is constantly new due to her either ripping it entirely or tossing it aside and forgetting it.
Easily the most notable part about her, and what gets her identified most often, are the tattoos on her body and arms. They appear to be Celtic in nature.
Personality: Loud, boisterous, flirtatious, vengeful, Maeve lives up to her chosen name.
The world will not bend at her request. She must make it. Thus, that leaves little room for 'compassion' or 'mercy', or any other similar emotions. They invited weakness, allowed others to slip through your armor and then shove a knife between your ribs. Best to have a lively shell to keep others at bay than to let them in, let them hurt her again. Besides, life was meant to be lived quickly, forever on the fast lane! As such, she's twitchy. Fidgety. She can't sit still for any period of time, and always has to be moving. To her, there is no down time. There's only the next objective to be reached, be it one of her own making, or one given to her from A.M.R.O. She also sees the world in a very black and white fashion. You're either an enemy, or you're a friend. There is no middle ground. As such, she'll jump to conclusions, and possibly outright attack someone(no matter what she knows about them) if they anger her enough.
-Her tattoos were not present until after being paired with Kiara.
-She arrived at an older age than most to Innocence, and was put on the fast track.
-She and Kiara hold the dubious honor of surviving the most missions with the Ante Mortem. Both total missions and consecutively. Whether it be through skill, luck, or sheer stubborn refusal to die, the Bean Sidhes have survived every disaster the Ante Mortem could throw at them. As such, there are whispered rumors among the rest of AMRO that they have garnered the favor of Reri and Angel, and are commonly associated with them.
She's hidden behind her name for so long she's, intentionally, almost forgotten who she used to be.
Other: Her name isn't her birth name. Rather, she chose it.
Maeve has an obsession with Celtic mythology, even going so far as to learn one of the languages.
Similar to her namesake, Maeve has a high tolerance for alcohol.
Maeve has an extremely high pain tolerance, given that her chosen alchemy typically has her own bones bursting out of her body.
Theme songs: Fight by All Good Things
Bad to the Bone by George Thoroughgood
Call me an idealist, but shouldn't we be better than those we hunt?

Name: Kiara.
Nickname/Title: The Shadow Queen.
Team Title: Bean Sidhes(Banshees.) Sometimes called Sirens, though Maeve hates that title. Called, in hushed circles, the Death's Favoured.
Gender: Female
Age: Appears 26
Position: Asylum
Specialty: Hunter
Alchemic Style: Combination of Vocem and Sigillum. Primarily uses Sigillum.
Asylum Code: XXI(21), located on the bottom of her left forearm.
E. L. G: A sniper rifle that can shrink itself down (think Mass Effect) to a subtle and manageable box on her back, and swtiches between normal, and explosive rounds. ELG is carved into the side.
Her only other weapon is a simple pistol nameless, has incendiary ammo, and used when ELG would take to long to use.
B.S.C(Bean Sidhe Collar): This lovely little device goes around her neck, and too the casual observer it's just a choker necklace with a sapphire jewel. But, in reality, it's much, much more. Hidden by the jewel, is a small device that amplifies the voice of the user, in this case her screams. Vocally activated, it can be set to three levels. Level one being simply stunning those caught in it's blast, level two causing damage to eardrums and sever disorientation, level three hitting them as an actual physical force. To protect her own ears, she has another device that activates along with the B.S.C and filters out the screams. In case they have to work with partners, Kiara and Maeve both carry a small bag of the same filtering devices, only they can be easily removed and put in.
Shadow Tail: Kiara's cloak doubles as a weapon. Made from nano-machines, it responds to Kiara's whims and desires. It can stretch out to twenty feet, harden to deflect attacks (including small caliber bullets), sharpen to make itself a stabbing or slashing weapon, and mold itself into crude shapes to better suit Kiara's needs.
Alchemy specialization: Kiara's specialization is Shadow Manipulation(Note: Shadows, not darkness. Therefore, to use her ability, she needs light.) She can manipulate shadows in sight to either make herself and allies invisible, give the shadows mass to grab and strike things, or use the shadows to move instantaneously between two shadows she can see, sinking into one and appearing out the other.
Appearance: Having Pale Skin, sharp, angular features(which are usually set in a smile), sapphire eyes, brown hair and given her choice of clothing, Kiara has been known to scare small children. Or at least, that's what she likes to tell people.
Regardless, it's rare to find her without her trademark black clothing and hooded cape. Black jeans, black long-sleeved shirt, black sneakers, perhaps it's a personal preference, or perhaps she's playing up the fact she primarily uses her alchemy to manipulate shadows, whatever the reason, she is almost never found without black everything. Generally, she is most often recognized by her black hooded cape that stops only a few inches above the ground, and can be tied to cover her entire body. The cape is usually tied in a loose knot so it can be easily shed and removed in battle.
When she isn't in battle, the cape is generally settled on her back.
Personality: While not quite as flamboyant as her partner, Kiara is certainly a unique personality.
Cheerful, in an almost unsettling manner, she sees everyone as a friend. Or at least, a friend to be made. Unless they're targets. She is much more cautious and calm than her partner, often stopping Maeve from rushing in or letting her anger get them into situations they couldn't get out of. She also has a much more compassionate and merciful streak than her partner. While it hasn't stopped her from killing targets, she still feels pity for them and does her best to make the kills quick and clean. Kiara bickers with Eric quite a bit, albeit quietly when the time comes.
-Like Maeve, she arrived at Innocence at an older age.
-She and Maeve hold the dubious honor of surviving the most missions with Ante Mortem. Both total missions and consecutively. Whether it be through skill, luck, or sheer stubborn refusal to die, the Bean Sidhes have survived every disaster the Ante Mortem could throw at them. As such, there are whispered rumors among the rest of AMRO that they have garnered the favor of Reri and Angel, and are commonly associated with them.
Other: Kiara's rather fond of chess.
She hates the color white.
Theme Songs: Rage, Rage against the dying of the light
Arise by Flyleaf
Name: Kiara.
Nickname/Title: The Shadow Queen.
Team Title: Bean Sidhes(Banshees.) Sometimes called Sirens, though Maeve hates that title. Called, in hushed circles, the Death's Favoured.
Gender: Female
Age: Appears 26
Position: Asylum
Specialty: Hunter
Alchemic Style: Combination of Vocem and Sigillum. Primarily uses Sigillum.
Asylum Code: XXI(21), located on the bottom of her left forearm.
E. L. G: A sniper rifle that can shrink itself down (think Mass Effect) to a subtle and manageable box on her back, and swtiches between normal, and explosive rounds. ELG is carved into the side.
Her only other weapon is a simple pistol nameless, has incendiary ammo, and used when ELG would take to long to use.
B.S.C(Bean Sidhe Collar): This lovely little device goes around her neck, and too the casual observer it's just a choker necklace with a sapphire jewel. But, in reality, it's much, much more. Hidden by the jewel, is a small device that amplifies the voice of the user, in this case her screams. Vocally activated, it can be set to three levels. Level one being simply stunning those caught in it's blast, level two causing damage to eardrums and sever disorientation, level three hitting them as an actual physical force. To protect her own ears, she has another device that activates along with the B.S.C and filters out the screams. In case they have to work with partners, Kiara and Maeve both carry a small bag of the same filtering devices, only they can be easily removed and put in.
Shadow Tail: Kiara's cloak doubles as a weapon. Made from nano-machines, it responds to Kiara's whims and desires. It can stretch out to twenty feet, harden to deflect attacks (including small caliber bullets), sharpen to make itself a stabbing or slashing weapon, and mold itself into crude shapes to better suit Kiara's needs.
Alchemy specialization: Kiara's specialization is Shadow Manipulation(Note: Shadows, not darkness. Therefore, to use her ability, she needs light.) She can manipulate shadows in sight to either make herself and allies invisible, give the shadows mass to grab and strike things, or use the shadows to move instantaneously between two shadows she can see, sinking into one and appearing out the other.
Appearance: Having Pale Skin, sharp, angular features(which are usually set in a smile), sapphire eyes, brown hair and given her choice of clothing, Kiara has been known to scare small children. Or at least, that's what she likes to tell people.
Regardless, it's rare to find her without her trademark black clothing and hooded cape. Black jeans, black long-sleeved shirt, black sneakers, perhaps it's a personal preference, or perhaps she's playing up the fact she primarily uses her alchemy to manipulate shadows, whatever the reason, she is almost never found without black everything. Generally, she is most often recognized by her black hooded cape that stops only a few inches above the ground, and can be tied to cover her entire body. The cape is usually tied in a loose knot so it can be easily shed and removed in battle.
When she isn't in battle, the cape is generally settled on her back.
Personality: While not quite as flamboyant as her partner, Kiara is certainly a unique personality.
Cheerful, in an almost unsettling manner, she sees everyone as a friend. Or at least, a friend to be made. Unless they're targets. She is much more cautious and calm than her partner, often stopping Maeve from rushing in or letting her anger get them into situations they couldn't get out of. She also has a much more compassionate and merciful streak than her partner. While it hasn't stopped her from killing targets, she still feels pity for them and does her best to make the kills quick and clean. Kiara bickers with Eric quite a bit, albeit quietly when the time comes.
Don't let the cheerfulness or naivite fool you. She's more dangerous than I am.
-Like Maeve, she arrived at Innocence at an older age.
-She and Maeve hold the dubious honor of surviving the most missions with Ante Mortem. Both total missions and consecutively. Whether it be through skill, luck, or sheer stubborn refusal to die, the Bean Sidhes have survived every disaster the Ante Mortem could throw at them. As such, there are whispered rumors among the rest of AMRO that they have garnered the favor of Reri and Angel, and are commonly associated with them.
Other: Kiara's rather fond of chess.
She hates the color white.
Theme Songs: Rage, Rage against the dying of the light
Arise by Flyleaf