Credit to @fallenreaper for the lovely banner
Credit to @Ryver et Rhine for layout design
"In a world of madness, is sanity for the foolish?"
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Since the dawn of Mankind's innocence and subsequent fall, he has always sought dominion over that which lies beyond the perimeters of understanding. Always desiring more yet never satisfied, the endless cycle of gluttony in an eternal loop of irony. This unquenchable thirst for the taboo led Man to discovering a force of change, one that could transcend mortals from the restraints cast by the laws of Nature, Reality and Sanity. This malevolent force came to be known by many names, but we call it Alchemy..
Though the origins of Alchemy were still shrouded in ambiguity, the certainty of its miracles were irrefutable and so it quickly lured all those whose hearts had been tainted by ambition and lust. Many considered Alchemy to be some form of sorcery, a naive assumption. Alchemy is simply a harbinger of change by transmuting one's will and breathing it into existence, severing the chains of weakness but at a price. A basic principle dictates when something is acquired a compensation would be in order. Thus anyone who wielded Alchemy as the double edged blade it was, were doomed to sacrifice their very identity, their humanity. This self-destructive force later came to be known as the Insannadiction Effect; where a process of digression would occur, leading to a "monstrous" state where Man's purest of carnal desires of violence and destruction are all the remain. This realization slowly began to arouse a sense of caution and that gave birth to fear. Alchemy came to be known as what it truly was, an opium so addictive that it poisons those who are seduced by its allure and without restrain slowly engulfs them in madness, an unnatural insanity. Due to this Alchemy was soon considered a forbidden art, immediately replaced by Chemistry which respected the laws dictated by Nature.
The practice of Alchemy however did not stop; some stains can only fade but never wash away. Humanity's greatest folly is perhaps their stubborn inability to learn and such was the case with Alchemy. It did not stop; the forbidden art could not dissipate. While the knowledge of Alchemy remained scarce, those that possessed it wielded an uncanny advantage. There soon existed two kinds of normal people, those that remained unaware of this alien power and sought shelter in their own ignorance and those that were aware of the circumstances but lacked the power to make a decisive stand. After all what is a mere human in comparison to an Alchemist, for they are monsters are they not? However the world could not allow itself to descend into madness and thus near the fifteenth century a change occurred that marked a momentous era. An organization surfaced from the shadows, unbeknownst to the ignorant and a looming eye over the Alchemists. This organization was created to counter and monitor Alchemy in hopes to lift the curse it had woven upon the world. How one may ask? The answer was quite simple, the only way to beat a monster is with another much stronger monster. And so the Alchemy Management and Restraint Organization (A.M.R.O) was born as a deterrent to turmoil.
To fend of rogue Alchemists A.M.R.O gathered itself an army of trained and disciplined Alchemists, for humans had proven to be ineffective and incompetent, monsters were needed. Every Alchemist that joined the ranks of A.M.R.O was tasked to work in pairs, becoming taboo for the two to separate from each other. The reasons for the pairing was crucial, due to the dreaded insanaddiction affect, both alchemists were ordered to share a link between their sanity to halt and curb the curse. There was also another unit of Asylums that operated independent of partners and while they bore a greater risk due to not being linked, they possessed greater freedom of movement.
Over the centuries A.M.R.O's influence grew rapidly, so much so that it could indirectly affect the very economy of a state and its decisions. Over the course of time A.M.R.O even managed to excel in technology, creating weapons and machinery that far surpassed those in the current era. However all else pales in comparison to their greatest and recent invention, anti-Alchemic ammunition, which allowed an alternate approach to dealing with alchemists and allowed regular humans to join the fray.
-And then came the Fall-
A.M.R.O’s dominance went unchallenged for centuries, numerous rebellions surfaced and were buried just as fast. The very order that A.M.R.O sought to protect came at the price of countless alchemists, the blood spilt enough to tint the very ocean crimson. It came to be the presence that would instill dread into the very soul of an alchemist. For too long had A.M.R.O operated without repercussions, those that were hunted, persecuted, abducted, slaughtered, their hatred could only fester in a pool of darkness. It is this darkness and A.M.R.O’s own actions that brought forth a plot that served to expose the organization’s vulnerability, threatening its very control and power. It was called the ’Fall’: an event, that in hindsight, set the cogs of insanity into motion. It was the Prelude to Madness.
Roleplay Mechanics
Alchemists who are recruited under A.M.R.O are not mere Alchemists, they are called by a name that screams their mission and purpose, a name whose main objective is to be the shield against insanity and place a straitjacket over those who threaten the stability of society. These Alchemists that are the soldiers of A.M.R.O are simply known as “Asylums” with each possessing a codename that is engraved in their skin, a roman numeral and their identity as a member of the organization. Out of all the Roman numerals only the top twelve agents of A.M.R.O are given the distinctive title of Chrono Numbers (or Chrono Asylums), their roman numeral being from I to XII. They are considered to be the most loyal and strongest of all, those who won’t hesitate a second to kill if ordered. Their influence in the organization is such that a Chrono number can lead their own private armies and are given domain over a specific region. A trait of Asylums is the fact they are mentally linked with their partners, hence all Asylums are deployed in teams of two. The purpose of this link is to stall the effects of insannadiction. However all Alchemists are not able to go through the linking process, it is due to this another type of soldier exists within A.M.R.O, the unlinked. As the name suggests these are the Alchemists within A.M.R.O who are unable to be linked to another and as such are deployed as a solo unit and are thought of as a risk and looked on to with great apprehension.
SILENCERS: Those that excel at not just defeating their opponents but killing them, lacking in the area of self-control they are beasts who take no prisoners with but one motto, move in fast and kill faster. They are known to possess a short temper and often a callous attitude as a result of their training which dictates all that lives is but a target to be shot down.
HUNTERS: They are experts in the art of hounding their target, for all eternity, if be it. Unrelenting and unforgiving they are well versed in all fields related to the chase, namely tracking and trapping, possessing the blood lust and stubbornness of a wolf. They tend to possess a more laid back attitude due to their training which has taught them that all that lives must move and all that moves can be stopped.
SNIFFERS: The Sherlocks of the lot. They are those that possess a keen insight with a keener sense of deduction and analytical perception. For them there are no queries only answers, no problems only solutions. However finding clues in not all that they can accomplish, for an opponent that often joins a fight with a Sniffer will often find himself defeated before he can think, for the Sniffer would have already thought of it. They tend to possess a calm and unnerving demeanor due to their training which dictates all that lives questions and for every question there is an answer.
HYBRIDS: Last but not least, there is the jack of all trades. While they may not be well versed in one specific specialization, they more than make up for it by combining all of them and utilizing them together hence making them the most versatile of the lot. They often possess a more active personality due to their training which states, all that lives must change and adapt and so must you.
HUNTERS: They are experts in the art of hounding their target, for all eternity, if be it. Unrelenting and unforgiving they are well versed in all fields related to the chase, namely tracking and trapping, possessing the blood lust and stubbornness of a wolf. They tend to possess a more laid back attitude due to their training which has taught them that all that lives must move and all that moves can be stopped.
SNIFFERS: The Sherlocks of the lot. They are those that possess a keen insight with a keener sense of deduction and analytical perception. For them there are no queries only answers, no problems only solutions. However finding clues in not all that they can accomplish, for an opponent that often joins a fight with a Sniffer will often find himself defeated before he can think, for the Sniffer would have already thought of it. They tend to possess a calm and unnerving demeanor due to their training which dictates all that lives questions and for every question there is an answer.
HYBRIDS: Last but not least, there is the jack of all trades. While they may not be well versed in one specific specialization, they more than make up for it by combining all of them and utilizing them together hence making them the most versatile of the lot. They often possess a more active personality due to their training which states, all that lives must change and adapt and so must you.
The use of Alchemy to affect external matters is known as ‘cast’ or ‘casting.’ Alchemy casting is divided into three divisions so as to maintain one of the aims of A.M.R.O, which is restriction of Alchemy.
A level three cast is the norm, it is simply what can be achieved through the Alchemic styles and affecting the external factors around him. The drain via this level of a cast is not exceptionally high and the damage dealt can be quite deadly depending on how much effort one places. However such a cast still has its limitations in terms of scale.
A level two cast creates an entirely new threshold in terms of power. What is thought as impossible with a level three cast becomes entirely possible, its effectiveness and power output increasing nearly fifty fold, such is the destructive capabilities of a level two and thus the insannadiction drain is also just as high. This is why this cast can only be used by Asylums upon request and must be authorized by a Chrono Asylum or the administration. Also among a pair of Asylums only one Asylum can use a level two cast, this is because the other Asylum allows his sanity to compensate for the loss of his partner's. This cast is activated upon a recitation of the code word "Exceed" which upon authorization breaks a subconscious barrier that A.M.R.O has placed on all its agents and thus allowing access.
A level one cast is shrouded in myth, most believe it does not exist and those that do possess knowledge of it fear it and thus keep it sealed. Its capabilities are so great that even Chrono Asylum's are denied access of it.
A level three cast is the norm, it is simply what can be achieved through the Alchemic styles and affecting the external factors around him. The drain via this level of a cast is not exceptionally high and the damage dealt can be quite deadly depending on how much effort one places. However such a cast still has its limitations in terms of scale.
A level two cast creates an entirely new threshold in terms of power. What is thought as impossible with a level three cast becomes entirely possible, its effectiveness and power output increasing nearly fifty fold, such is the destructive capabilities of a level two and thus the insannadiction drain is also just as high. This is why this cast can only be used by Asylums upon request and must be authorized by a Chrono Asylum or the administration. Also among a pair of Asylums only one Asylum can use a level two cast, this is because the other Asylum allows his sanity to compensate for the loss of his partner's. This cast is activated upon a recitation of the code word "Exceed" which upon authorization breaks a subconscious barrier that A.M.R.O has placed on all its agents and thus allowing access.
A level one cast is shrouded in myth, most believe it does not exist and those that do possess knowledge of it fear it and thus keep it sealed. Its capabilities are so great that even Chrono Asylum's are denied access of it.
Aside from their area of expertise each Asylum must also select an Alchemic style that suits their personality hence producing effective results. Throughout Alchemy's creation there have been various ways in how it is used; it is believed that a universal form never truly existed. From what is known Alchemy has three styles.
Vocem: Where one must will his words into existence and thus transmute what he desires. This Alchemic style utilizes Alchemy through chanting out words that possess meaning for the chanter and thus channeling the power into reality. This style is known for its versatility, for the Alchemic power output often depends on the length of the words and the passion placed in them, hence making it controllable and accurate. Its downside is if a powerful cast is necessary then it can be quite time consuming.
Motem: In essence this style is known to all for it is movement and often works in tandem with other styles. However those that choose to further develop this form will find it to be a powerful means to an end. As mentioned it utilizes movement to channel Alchemy and those that make this a primary style gain a powerful form of channeling Alchemy. This style allows a combination of power, accuracy and speed. While not as accurate as Vocem, this style makes up for it with greater power and less time consumption. However it is not as flexible as Vocem, where you can increase the lengths of your words for a stronger cast however in Motem, there is only so much movement you can make before channeling your Alchemy.
Sigillum: The third and final Alchemic style and often described as the strongest one. In situations where a strong cast is necessary but with minimal time consumption this form is ideal. In Sigillum one channels his/her Alchemy through drawing a sigil or a mark and then igniting it through imbuing it with your alchemic energy. Its main flaw is the lack of accuracy, it cannot manage pinpoint attacks and only up to three Sigils can be drawn by an Asylum due to the tedious amount of power it takes to activate.
There needs to be a combination of two styles. One primary (main style of casting) and one secondary.
Vocem: Where one must will his words into existence and thus transmute what he desires. This Alchemic style utilizes Alchemy through chanting out words that possess meaning for the chanter and thus channeling the power into reality. This style is known for its versatility, for the Alchemic power output often depends on the length of the words and the passion placed in them, hence making it controllable and accurate. Its downside is if a powerful cast is necessary then it can be quite time consuming.
Motem: In essence this style is known to all for it is movement and often works in tandem with other styles. However those that choose to further develop this form will find it to be a powerful means to an end. As mentioned it utilizes movement to channel Alchemy and those that make this a primary style gain a powerful form of channeling Alchemy. This style allows a combination of power, accuracy and speed. While not as accurate as Vocem, this style makes up for it with greater power and less time consumption. However it is not as flexible as Vocem, where you can increase the lengths of your words for a stronger cast however in Motem, there is only so much movement you can make before channeling your Alchemy.
Sigillum: The third and final Alchemic style and often described as the strongest one. In situations where a strong cast is necessary but with minimal time consumption this form is ideal. In Sigillum one channels his/her Alchemy through drawing a sigil or a mark and then igniting it through imbuing it with your alchemic energy. Its main flaw is the lack of accuracy, it cannot manage pinpoint attacks and only up to three Sigils can be drawn by an Asylum due to the tedious amount of power it takes to activate.
There needs to be a combination of two styles. One primary (main style of casting) and one secondary.
The universal rules of Alchemy that had been set by A.M.R.O are possibly known by every person who has the knowledge of Alchemy and these rules are considered to be absolute. Among the rules the strictest are:
If any of these rules are broken the penalty is instant death.
- Alchemy can’t be used to kill humans for nefarious purposes
- The sanity of other humans can’t be sacrificed to aid your own
- The use of level 2 casts is taboo and level 1 strictly forbidden.
- You can never reveal Alchemy to the ignorant public
If any of these rules are broken the penalty is instant death.
The Plot Thickens
Chap 1: Prelude to Madness (Status: Ongoing)
Character Sheets & General Rules
Rules for New Applicants – Character Creation
Rule 1: Make sure to refer to the list of codes and reserved alchemic specialties to know which Roman numerical and which alchemic abilities are taken so as to avoid duplication.
Rule 2: All applicants can choose to create a team consisting of two Linked Asylums or one Unlinked. However, the GMs recommend that players, who are new to Advance (level) roleplaying, ought to start with an Asylum Team instead of an Unlinked.
Rule 3: Only the GMs are allowed to create Chronos. Being an Asylum doesn’t mean your character is weak; it just means that you can’t use a level 1 cast and you must get permission to use a level 2 cast.
Rule 4: The history section is optional in your CS, but everyone will have to reveal their characters’ history sometime during the course of the RP (important information such as characters’ motives, allegiances and reasons for joining AMRO). However, these ideas will have to be approved by the GMs first.
Rule 5: All players will have to plan a character arc eventually, so please feel free PM the GMs with your ideas or questions.
Rule 6: Your character’s weapons must be concealed, because Asylums are covert agents.
Rule 7: None of your character’s weapons should have special alchemic properties.(Meaning the weapon itself can’t magical)
Rule 8: If you wish to reserve a spot for the next chapter pm us.
Rules for Accepted Players – IC
Rule 1: You have to restrict yourself to level 3 casts.
Rule 2: All asylums share a telepathic link and can communicate with other asylums telepathically.
Rule 3: Quality of post is preferred over quantity.
Rule 4: Players allowed to have 3 characters (1 team consisting of 2 Linked Asylums and 1 Unlinked).
Rule 5 (linked to Rule 4): As each player can only have 1 team, please kill or retire your team before creating a new one. Just remember their Asylum codes and alch-specs will be available for anyone wishing to create a character once your team gets their send off, so call them if you wish to reserve these powers again. It shall be on a first come first basis!
Rule 6: Players can create NPCs, but they must PM the GM and Co GM their outlines before using them in IC. These NPCs are not allowed to have specializations from the banned list, the GM/Co GM reserved list or the active players' specializations list.
Other Niceties – OOC & PM Convos
Rule 1: Always ask questions when you are unsure about anything (IC, OOC or CS). We don't bite.
Rule 2: The GM and Sub-GM have the right to deny your acceptance in this RP based on your sign up.
Rule 3: This RP will follow a chapter system and if someone wishes to quit or join they should wait till the next chapter – bonus brownie points for those who abide by this rule!
Rule 4: We wish to stick to an 6 player cap per chapter, but we may allow additional players to join. This is a strictly case by case basis. Please check the players list further down to see if you have been accepted.
Rule 5: These rules are reviewed regularly, but they are more or less absolute!
Credit to Mikael (@Rumplestiltskin) for layout
Name: ...your name!
Official Title: Either a title that you are famous by and has its own story, or a nickname your fellow asylums can call you. You don't have to have one.
Team Title: All asylum teams can have titles if they are skilled/well respected enough by other asylum teams. Having a title also means that other asylum teams have heard of you.*
Gender: Male or Female
Age: Your choice, but must be between 21 and under 40.
Position: Asylum or Unlinked
Specialty: Sniffer, Hunter, Hybrid, or Silencer -- the four main asylum soldier divisions.*
Alchemic Style: Vocem, Sigillum, Motem. You have to choose a combination of two!
Asylum Code: All asylums have a Roman Numeral code tattooed somewhere on their body -- it is their number and nobody else can have it. This means that your character sheets can be rejected because it wants a number someone already has. Write the Roman Numeral you desire along with the translated number in (parenthesis). Then write where it is located on the body. Your number cannot be zero or 1 through 12, as those are for the 12 Chrono Asylums. So, for example, LXXI (71). Located on the back of the skull. If you need help with the Roman Numerals, use this site: novaroma.org/via_romana/numbers.html
Weapons: You may have only 3 weapons. While A.M.R.O's technology is a hundred years ahead, try to be creative with your weapons. If you need help, post your questions in the OOC thread. There is one other element in Weapons that you could consider: AMRO's Anti-Alchemy substance. This substance, when inside an alchemist's body, disrupts their alchemy power. The typical way to use anti Alchemy is to put them in your bullets, so that if one bullet hits an alchemist, it'll set you up for a killing shot. If you have more questions on this, please post them in the OOC thread, as it is a very interesting subject that many people trying to join have misunderstood.
Alchemy Specialization: Also known as Alch-Specs. But first, let me make something perfectly clear: all asylums can use all kinds of alchemy, but every asylum has his or her own specialization, which is basically just a kind of alchemy that they excel at. Although there are thousands of asylums working for AMRO that have the same alch-spec, for story purposes, all the players' asylums must have different alch-specs. This means that your character sheets can be rejected because it wants an alch-spec that someone already has. If you need help picking an alch-spec, don't be shy to ask for help in the OOC thread.
Appearance: Describe your character's physique, appearance, and clothing, in at least 2 paragraphs.
Personality: Describe your character's personality with at least 2 paragraphs.
History: Writing your character's backstory is not necessary at the time of character sheet submission. But later on, it would be a good idea to create one and show it in the story. You also don't have to show your character's entire backstory here if you prefer.
Other: Any additional information.
Official Title: Either a title that you are famous by and has its own story, or a nickname your fellow asylums can call you. You don't have to have one.
Team Title: All asylum teams can have titles if they are skilled/well respected enough by other asylum teams. Having a title also means that other asylum teams have heard of you.*
Gender: Male or Female
Age: Your choice, but must be between 21 and under 40.
Position: Asylum or Unlinked
Specialty: Sniffer, Hunter, Hybrid, or Silencer -- the four main asylum soldier divisions.*
Alchemic Style: Vocem, Sigillum, Motem. You have to choose a combination of two!
Asylum Code: All asylums have a Roman Numeral code tattooed somewhere on their body -- it is their number and nobody else can have it. This means that your character sheets can be rejected because it wants a number someone already has. Write the Roman Numeral you desire along with the translated number in (parenthesis). Then write where it is located on the body. Your number cannot be zero or 1 through 12, as those are for the 12 Chrono Asylums. So, for example, LXXI (71). Located on the back of the skull. If you need help with the Roman Numerals, use this site: novaroma.org/via_romana/numbers.html
Weapons: You may have only 3 weapons. While A.M.R.O's technology is a hundred years ahead, try to be creative with your weapons. If you need help, post your questions in the OOC thread. There is one other element in Weapons that you could consider: AMRO's Anti-Alchemy substance. This substance, when inside an alchemist's body, disrupts their alchemy power. The typical way to use anti Alchemy is to put them in your bullets, so that if one bullet hits an alchemist, it'll set you up for a killing shot. If you have more questions on this, please post them in the OOC thread, as it is a very interesting subject that many people trying to join have misunderstood.
Alchemy Specialization: Also known as Alch-Specs. But first, let me make something perfectly clear: all asylums can use all kinds of alchemy, but every asylum has his or her own specialization, which is basically just a kind of alchemy that they excel at. Although there are thousands of asylums working for AMRO that have the same alch-spec, for story purposes, all the players' asylums must have different alch-specs. This means that your character sheets can be rejected because it wants an alch-spec that someone already has. If you need help picking an alch-spec, don't be shy to ask for help in the OOC thread.
Appearance: Describe your character's physique, appearance, and clothing, in at least 2 paragraphs.
Personality: Describe your character's personality with at least 2 paragraphs.
History: Writing your character's backstory is not necessary at the time of character sheet submission. But later on, it would be a good idea to create one and show it in the story. You also don't have to show your character's entire backstory here if you prefer.
Other: Any additional information.
Official Title:
Position: Linked or Unlinked
Alch-Specs: Get power approved by GM first
Status: Dead or Alive
Intro Chapter:
Creator: Type [followed by @Your Name then ]
Official Title:
Position: Linked or Unlinked
Alch-Specs: Get power approved by GM first
Status: Dead or Alive
Intro Chapter:
Creator: Type [followed by @Your Name then ]
- Thought Projection
- Instant Regeneration
- Space and Time*
- Nova/cosmic
- Molecular*
- Molecular Level Deconstruction and Reconstruction
- Ability Mimicking
Reserved Alchemic Specialties
- Darkness Manipulation (reserved for @xodus)
- Ice/cold Manipulation (reserved for @xodus)
- Lightening/Electricity Manipulation (reserved by @Fallenreaper
- Fire/Water/Combustion Manipulation (reserved for @Ryver et Rhine)
Active Characters
- Psychokinesis (Angel by @xodus)
- Gravity Manipulation (Reri by @xodus)
- Momentum Manipulation (Samad by @Fallenreaper)
- Ice Manipulation (Elsa by @Fallenreaper)
- Metal Manipulation (Bella by [@Kirra])
- Physical Enhancement (Zane by [@Kirra])
Selecting an Asylum Code
- Do not take any number listed below because they belong to someone's character
- Partners should not have consecutive numbers, because that is ultra rare
- Even NPC Asylums should have their own unique Asylum Code
- Use this site to help you craft your number, if needed
0-XII (Reserved for GM):
IV (4): Reri by @xodus
XIII (13): Angel by @xodus
LIV (54): Bella by [@Kirra]
LIX (59): Zane by [@Kirra]
CC (200): Reserved by @Ryver et Rhine
MI (1001): Reserved by @Ryver et Rhine
XIX (19): Reserved by @Ryver et Rhine
L (50): Samad by @Fallenreaper
XXX (30): Elsa by @Fallenreaper
CLXXV (175): Cade by @Fallenreaper
Players & Their Characters
Submitted Applications
The Chrono Asylum Dictionary & Lore
An ancient art that defies the laws set by nature and man. Throughout the centuries it has been called Magic, Sorcery, Voodoo. A.M.R.O calls this mystic force alchemy due to the essence of this power, which is to bring about change.
Alchemic Drive
It is the phenomenon of one channeling alchemy which exudes a powerful aura, this experience has been called 'ki'/'chi' by Taoists, 'spiritual energy' by monks. The quality and intensity of it often indicates one's control over alchemy and mastery over it has multiple benefits. One can even decipher a type of alchemic attack based on their ability of understanding the opponents' alchemic drive.
This is the alchemy an Asylum is best adept at, while it is true Alchemists can use multiple forms of alchemy an alchemic specialization is the type that, said Asylum has shown prowess in wielding.
Alchemic Potential
The degree of potential one has in regards to the raw alchemic power they can channel
Alchemic Prowess
The actual ability and limitation in using and channeling alchemy
Anti-Alchemy Poison
A liquid like substance developed recently by A.M.R.O that is able to neutralize alchemic capabilities to a degree when injected into the bloodstream. It prevents the use of complicated forms of alchemy such as, self healing, teleportation etc.
An organization whose sole purpose is to monitor and control alchemists around the world in order to prevent the spread of insannadiction and chaos.
AMRO Online (aka A-O)
A.M.R.O's online portal, only accessible from it's headquarters or bunkers, offering knowledge on various subjects that are alchemy related.
The soldiers of A.M.R.O that are trained to be an unstoppable force.
Asylum Code
The digits imprinted on an Asylum's skin that denotes his allegiance to the organization. This code also acts as an access code allowing Asylums into A.M.R.O headquarters and bunkers.
This is referred to those rare families that have sired multiple generations of alchemists. The older the Bloodline the more potent their alchemy. After the 18th century there have been no cases of new Bloodlines that have survived past a few generations.
These are specialized sigils that are made by master crafters. It looks like a small square box, roughly the shape of a six headed dice. Each side has intricate sigils etched onto it and the substance is made of glass. Once the charm is infused with alchemic energy it shatters and the alchemist is able to summon an object from anywhere regardless of distance. Asylums often use this in order to summon weapons that cannot be concealed.
The process and or action of using alchemy
The Code
This is A.M.R.O's greatest and most important creation, the details of the Code are known only to a select few. It is the metaphysical core, to which all links are connected to. This is the very heart of A.M.R.O
Alchemists who are not part of a Bloodline but have sworn allegiance to it, are referred to as the crested,
Director (AMRO)
The man in charge of A.M.R.O, known as Mason.
Fish tanks
A regenerative chamber developed by A.M.R.O to heal severe wounds inflicted. Multiple fish tanks are present throughout A.M.R.O bunkers and can heal near fatal injuries through rapid stem cell regeneration process.
Final Exam (related to training)
The notorious exam all to-be Asylums must pass in order to dawn the mantle, not many are said to survive this vetting process.
Asylums who focus on tracking and trapping.
Asylums who combine elements from the other three specializations. Jack of all trades and master of none.
The training ground where Alchemists become Asylums.
The state where one loses their very identity and humanity, becoming an empty husk fueled by a base desire for destruction and chaos. This is the curse inflicted upon all who chose to use alchemy.
They are the human agents of A.M.R.O, while they are not capable of utilizing alchemy, they are trained in various fields necessary to assist Asylums. They are often responsible for keeping the media and public under control.
A metaphysical connection that exists between Asylums, this process joins their sanity hence curbing the adverse effects of insannadiction.
A style of casting alchemy that is reliant on movement,
New Bloods
The Bloodlines that were conceived in the 18th century and rose to prominence.
A process where two Asylums merge their alchemic drives, the synchronization creating a form of alchemic adrenaline boost which enhances all aspects for a short duration.
Little is known about them aside from the fact that this is a new organization that has come up to oppose A.M.R.O.
A fabled element said to have the power to enhance alchemy and even prolong life itself.
Old Bloods
The Bloodlines that have existed for over a millennium. All but one have perished, the Laofengs.
A specialized division of alchemists responsible for teleporting others over vast distances.
A derogatory term for ordinary alchemists, used by A.M.R.O.
The process of casting alchemy through signs and wordings.
A type of Asylum who is specialized in the art of killing, an assassin.
Error: This information is classified
A type of Asylum who is specialized in the art of manipulation and strategy.
A phenomenon that all Alchemists experience the very first time they, either accidentally or intentionally, use alchemy. It is a sudden outburst of power that usually takes the form of an explosive force. Surges usually tend to happen between the ages of 2 and 17. While rare, it is also possible for someone to surge from the period of 17 till 21. After the age of 21 however it is near impossible for someone to surge and those that do, experience retardation in their alchemist abilities, most of them tend to perish at the moment of surges and those that survive don't live for long.
An Asylum is trained to be either a silencer, sniffer, hunter or a hybrid. These four are known as Specializations.
The representation of an Asylum's very identity, his humanity or his soul.
Those Asylums who have been analyzed as having great potential but unable to have their mind's linked to others. They are often looked down upon by Asylums as they are considered unpredictable and dangerous as they have a greater probability of going insane. Unlinked also go through a form of brainwashing/ institutionalization due to which they tend to be fiercely loyal to A.M.R.O and it's cause.
A form of casting alchemy through using your voice and or giving commands.
An ethereal plane of existence which is the pathway between all minds, some call it the Astral plane.
VF-S (VF-Seeker) --- standard issue tracker
There is a tracker planted under the imprint of the code.
Zero Numbers
Asylums who have gone rogue and or abandoned their duties
An ancient art that defies the laws set by nature and man. Throughout the centuries it has been called Magic, Sorcery, Voodoo. A.M.R.O calls this mystic force alchemy due to the essence of this power, which is to bring about change.
Alchemic Drive
It is the phenomenon of one channeling alchemy which exudes a powerful aura, this experience has been called 'ki'/'chi' by Taoists, 'spiritual energy' by monks. The quality and intensity of it often indicates one's control over alchemy and mastery over it has multiple benefits. One can even decipher a type of alchemic attack based on their ability of understanding the opponents' alchemic drive.
This is the alchemy an Asylum is best adept at, while it is true Alchemists can use multiple forms of alchemy an alchemic specialization is the type that, said Asylum has shown prowess in wielding.
Alchemic Potential
The degree of potential one has in regards to the raw alchemic power they can channel
Alchemic Prowess
The actual ability and limitation in using and channeling alchemy
Anti-Alchemy Poison
A liquid like substance developed recently by A.M.R.O that is able to neutralize alchemic capabilities to a degree when injected into the bloodstream. It prevents the use of complicated forms of alchemy such as, self healing, teleportation etc.
An organization whose sole purpose is to monitor and control alchemists around the world in order to prevent the spread of insannadiction and chaos.
AMRO Online (aka A-O)
A.M.R.O's online portal, only accessible from it's headquarters or bunkers, offering knowledge on various subjects that are alchemy related.
The soldiers of A.M.R.O that are trained to be an unstoppable force.
Asylum Code
The digits imprinted on an Asylum's skin that denotes his allegiance to the organization. This code also acts as an access code allowing Asylums into A.M.R.O headquarters and bunkers.
This is referred to those rare families that have sired multiple generations of alchemists. The older the Bloodline the more potent their alchemy. After the 18th century there have been no cases of new Bloodlines that have survived past a few generations.
These are specialized sigils that are made by master crafters. It looks like a small square box, roughly the shape of a six headed dice. Each side has intricate sigils etched onto it and the substance is made of glass. Once the charm is infused with alchemic energy it shatters and the alchemist is able to summon an object from anywhere regardless of distance. Asylums often use this in order to summon weapons that cannot be concealed.
The process and or action of using alchemy
The Code
This is A.M.R.O's greatest and most important creation, the details of the Code are known only to a select few. It is the metaphysical core, to which all links are connected to. This is the very heart of A.M.R.O
Alchemists who are not part of a Bloodline but have sworn allegiance to it, are referred to as the crested,
Director (AMRO)
The man in charge of A.M.R.O, known as Mason.
Fish tanks
A regenerative chamber developed by A.M.R.O to heal severe wounds inflicted. Multiple fish tanks are present throughout A.M.R.O bunkers and can heal near fatal injuries through rapid stem cell regeneration process.
Final Exam (related to training)
The notorious exam all to-be Asylums must pass in order to dawn the mantle, not many are said to survive this vetting process.
Asylums who focus on tracking and trapping.
Asylums who combine elements from the other three specializations. Jack of all trades and master of none.
The training ground where Alchemists become Asylums.
The state where one loses their very identity and humanity, becoming an empty husk fueled by a base desire for destruction and chaos. This is the curse inflicted upon all who chose to use alchemy.
They are the human agents of A.M.R.O, while they are not capable of utilizing alchemy, they are trained in various fields necessary to assist Asylums. They are often responsible for keeping the media and public under control.
A metaphysical connection that exists between Asylums, this process joins their sanity hence curbing the adverse effects of insannadiction.
A style of casting alchemy that is reliant on movement,
New Bloods
The Bloodlines that were conceived in the 18th century and rose to prominence.
A process where two Asylums merge their alchemic drives, the synchronization creating a form of alchemic adrenaline boost which enhances all aspects for a short duration.
Little is known about them aside from the fact that this is a new organization that has come up to oppose A.M.R.O.
A fabled element said to have the power to enhance alchemy and even prolong life itself.
Old Bloods
The Bloodlines that have existed for over a millennium. All but one have perished, the Laofengs.
A specialized division of alchemists responsible for teleporting others over vast distances.
A derogatory term for ordinary alchemists, used by A.M.R.O.
The process of casting alchemy through signs and wordings.
A type of Asylum who is specialized in the art of killing, an assassin.
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A type of Asylum who is specialized in the art of manipulation and strategy.
A phenomenon that all Alchemists experience the very first time they, either accidentally or intentionally, use alchemy. It is a sudden outburst of power that usually takes the form of an explosive force. Surges usually tend to happen between the ages of 2 and 17. While rare, it is also possible for someone to surge from the period of 17 till 21. After the age of 21 however it is near impossible for someone to surge and those that do, experience retardation in their alchemist abilities, most of them tend to perish at the moment of surges and those that survive don't live for long.
An Asylum is trained to be either a silencer, sniffer, hunter or a hybrid. These four are known as Specializations.
The representation of an Asylum's very identity, his humanity or his soul.
Those Asylums who have been analyzed as having great potential but unable to have their mind's linked to others. They are often looked down upon by Asylums as they are considered unpredictable and dangerous as they have a greater probability of going insane. Unlinked also go through a form of brainwashing/ institutionalization due to which they tend to be fiercely loyal to A.M.R.O and it's cause.
A form of casting alchemy through using your voice and or giving commands.
An ethereal plane of existence which is the pathway between all minds, some call it the Astral plane.
VF-S (VF-Seeker) --- standard issue tracker
There is a tracker planted under the imprint of the code.
Zero Numbers
Asylums who have gone rogue and or abandoned their duties
Current Announcement: Spots are open and everyone is welcome!
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