Name: Angel/ Also popularly known as Crow
Team Title: Ante Mortem (Translated to "Before Death")
Official Title: Blood draped Angel, Silver Reaper
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be in his early to mid 30s
Position: Asylum
Specialty: Sniffer (Though from his combat style one would assume him to be a silencer)
Alchemic Style: Vocem (Primary); Motem (Secondary)
Code: XIII, Vertically spread out on his left forearm
Alch-Speciality: Psychokinesis (Includes, telekinesis, telepathy, mind manipulation, clairvoyance etc)
Cerberus: A custom made 12 inch revolver, a dark bulk of black and a name befitting it’s bite. Its structure, unlike ordinary revolvers which possess a single barrel and cylinder, has three cylinders holding a total of eighteen bullets. The bullets utilized for Cerberus are often custom made and modified to fire 40 caliber rounds. Each cylinder has a different variation of the 40 caliber, one fires anti-alchemic rounds, another contains explosive rounds and finally armor piercing rounds. Along the barrel the words ‘Sanity for the foolish’ are etched in crimson ink. A testament to the irony Asylums face.
Pandora: A strange item for a strange fellow. It is a bulky six foot metal coffin. Decorated with silver Gothic carvings over a black palette, this reaper's casket represents a work of art that is reserved for those who will call it their final abode. As unorthodox as it maybe Angel has often exploited the coffin's bulk to his favor, weaponizing it when the need arrives. It also contains a compartment housing Daedalus, the compartment extends outwards when Angel requires it. (Angel summons his coffin using the charms and usually keeps it safe in one of his personal bunkers)
Aegis: One of Angel's greatest treasures, his one of a kind combat garb culminated from years of research in science and alchemy. It is a mesh of nano molecular fibers which responds to a specific frequency in molecular vibration, as such only Angel is able to manipulate it using his psychokinesis. When in a dormant state its appearance is a kin to liquid and upon activation changes its structural compound to a more fabric like appearance, achieving symbiosis with Angel. Once latched on to his body the garb takes on an appearance of a gunmetal grey overcoat. Angel is shown to only don this garb when in combat and utilizes it both defensively and offensively. Daedalus acts as body armor reducing the impact of projectiles as well as a weapon which can change its structure according to it's wearer's will. In it's dormant state Angel stores Aegis in a compartment within his coffin.
Angel stands at a towering height of six feet five inches and while not excessively muscular, he possesses a lean and well defined body. However due to his lanky appearance his foes often have the unfortunate habit of underestimating him. Angel has a fair complexion and coupled with his mysterious persona, it tends to gives him an attractive albeit devilish charm. His long hair is usually left uncombed and he always appears to have a light stubble, his untidy style a reflection of his laid back attitude. The roman numerical “XIII” is tattooed and spread across his entire left arm. As far as apparel goes Angel is rather infamous in his wears, a trademark look consisting of a pair of glasses, spectacles tinted in heavy silver that shimmer in the dimmest of lighting. His second most noticeable feature would be a crude crescent like scar spread over his right eye.
He is mostly seen wearing a crimson vest with black gemstones as buttons. Angel has always been particular in the quality of his clothing as such only the highest quality fabrics are used to tailor his wear. Underneath his meticulous vest he usually wears stripped shirts, while the colors vary his favorite is a black shirt with thin red stripes. It is worth to note despite his refined taste in clothing; Angel has a dislike of ties and business coats, albeit will wear them if the situation calls. His choice of trousers are usually matched with his shirt, usually black or grey, fastened by a silver buckled leather belt. Finally for footwear Angel has a variety of custom made dress shoes and rarely wears the same one twice, mainly due to the fact that they are ruined due to the nature of his work. As far as accessories are concerned, the Silver Reaper is usually seen wearing a silver watch and a gold ring that adorns his index finger. It is only in combat that Angel dons his signature gunmetal grey overcoat known as Aegis, the quality almost as ostentatious as his vest, which is always kept unbuttoned.
The Lost Number is always seen maintaining a faint smile on his face, the expression of a gentle and weary soul but then again at a distance anything may appear deceiving. Once his glasses shimmer in an eerie silver and his smile warps into a fiendish smirk, only then is his true nature revealed and the only thing that would dare glance back, would be torment personified. Yet regardless of situation and regardless of which mask he chooses to charade in; it almost always reflects his careless, carefree and lazy attitude which again tends to mislead his foes.
In comparison to his somewhat intimidating appearance, Angel’s personality is quite strange. If stereotyped one would imagine him as the silent, deranged, cold and threatening fellow but his personality is not as simple or restrictive. Angel’s personality is often contradictory to the situation and at times he may act in ways that puts his intimidating reputation to shame. Amusing examples include being extremely careless in certain aspects, being forgetful, lazy, socially daft etc. He also has a tendency to ignore norms and deviate from what is considered normal.
However it would be important to note while Angel's personality may appear cheerful, light hearted and clownish it is usually never directed at anyone other than his partner; the only person he genuinely shows a sense of care, his adopted sister. When it comes to directly dealing with others, he may maintains his lazy persona but that comes along with a tinge of superiority and cold arrogance coupled with sarcasm and indifference. Though when it comes to Reri they are as normal as normal gets, bickering and squabbling which ends up destroying the stereotypical attitude that people assume of the dangerous Ante Mortem. Another characteristic of XIII is his uncanny ability to maintain a lazy sense of calm even when death may seem eminent, the only time he openly shows his fury is when his partner his hurt or put in harm’s way.
In reality, Angel is but a collection of well formulated facades and he is not afraid to shed them when the situation calls it. At certain moments he may seem cheerful and careless but under certain situations another side of him awakens. He can be a sociopath with an attitude of indifference towards all around him with the exception of his partner. His calculative mind is always result oriented and as such his greatest trait is his uncanny knowledge in the dark arts and his ability to manipulate and deceive. In fact it is due to this very reason they are called “Ante Mortem” for to have any connections with them would be the last thing a person does before their untimely demise.
History: Will unfold later
The Ante Mortem are often treated as outcasts in A.M.R.O as very few people tend to trust them.
Angel has 0 % Tolerance for Alcohol taking even a sip will knock him out, yet still he ends up drinking.
Very few people have ever seen his eyes.
Reri and him also have the habit of leaving or ignoring the battle in the middle of the fight and leaving their comrades to handle the rest.
The name Angel became widely popular within A.M.R.O mainly due to the fact that, that was the name which the Chrono addressed him with.
Team Title: Ante Mortem (Translated to "Before Death")
Official Title: Blood draped Angel, Silver Reaper
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be in his early to mid 30s
Position: Asylum
Specialty: Sniffer (Though from his combat style one would assume him to be a silencer)
Alchemic Style: Vocem (Primary); Motem (Secondary)
Code: XIII, Vertically spread out on his left forearm
Alch-Speciality: Psychokinesis (Includes, telekinesis, telepathy, mind manipulation, clairvoyance etc)
Cerberus: A custom made 12 inch revolver, a dark bulk of black and a name befitting it’s bite. Its structure, unlike ordinary revolvers which possess a single barrel and cylinder, has three cylinders holding a total of eighteen bullets. The bullets utilized for Cerberus are often custom made and modified to fire 40 caliber rounds. Each cylinder has a different variation of the 40 caliber, one fires anti-alchemic rounds, another contains explosive rounds and finally armor piercing rounds. Along the barrel the words ‘Sanity for the foolish’ are etched in crimson ink. A testament to the irony Asylums face.
Pandora: A strange item for a strange fellow. It is a bulky six foot metal coffin. Decorated with silver Gothic carvings over a black palette, this reaper's casket represents a work of art that is reserved for those who will call it their final abode. As unorthodox as it maybe Angel has often exploited the coffin's bulk to his favor, weaponizing it when the need arrives. It also contains a compartment housing Daedalus, the compartment extends outwards when Angel requires it. (Angel summons his coffin using the charms and usually keeps it safe in one of his personal bunkers)
Aegis: One of Angel's greatest treasures, his one of a kind combat garb culminated from years of research in science and alchemy. It is a mesh of nano molecular fibers which responds to a specific frequency in molecular vibration, as such only Angel is able to manipulate it using his psychokinesis. When in a dormant state its appearance is a kin to liquid and upon activation changes its structural compound to a more fabric like appearance, achieving symbiosis with Angel. Once latched on to his body the garb takes on an appearance of a gunmetal grey overcoat. Angel is shown to only don this garb when in combat and utilizes it both defensively and offensively. Daedalus acts as body armor reducing the impact of projectiles as well as a weapon which can change its structure according to it's wearer's will. In it's dormant state Angel stores Aegis in a compartment within his coffin.
Angel stands at a towering height of six feet five inches and while not excessively muscular, he possesses a lean and well defined body. However due to his lanky appearance his foes often have the unfortunate habit of underestimating him. Angel has a fair complexion and coupled with his mysterious persona, it tends to gives him an attractive albeit devilish charm. His long hair is usually left uncombed and he always appears to have a light stubble, his untidy style a reflection of his laid back attitude. The roman numerical “XIII” is tattooed and spread across his entire left arm. As far as apparel goes Angel is rather infamous in his wears, a trademark look consisting of a pair of glasses, spectacles tinted in heavy silver that shimmer in the dimmest of lighting. His second most noticeable feature would be a crude crescent like scar spread over his right eye.
He is mostly seen wearing a crimson vest with black gemstones as buttons. Angel has always been particular in the quality of his clothing as such only the highest quality fabrics are used to tailor his wear. Underneath his meticulous vest he usually wears stripped shirts, while the colors vary his favorite is a black shirt with thin red stripes. It is worth to note despite his refined taste in clothing; Angel has a dislike of ties and business coats, albeit will wear them if the situation calls. His choice of trousers are usually matched with his shirt, usually black or grey, fastened by a silver buckled leather belt. Finally for footwear Angel has a variety of custom made dress shoes and rarely wears the same one twice, mainly due to the fact that they are ruined due to the nature of his work. As far as accessories are concerned, the Silver Reaper is usually seen wearing a silver watch and a gold ring that adorns his index finger. It is only in combat that Angel dons his signature gunmetal grey overcoat known as Aegis, the quality almost as ostentatious as his vest, which is always kept unbuttoned.
The Lost Number is always seen maintaining a faint smile on his face, the expression of a gentle and weary soul but then again at a distance anything may appear deceiving. Once his glasses shimmer in an eerie silver and his smile warps into a fiendish smirk, only then is his true nature revealed and the only thing that would dare glance back, would be torment personified. Yet regardless of situation and regardless of which mask he chooses to charade in; it almost always reflects his careless, carefree and lazy attitude which again tends to mislead his foes.
In comparison to his somewhat intimidating appearance, Angel’s personality is quite strange. If stereotyped one would imagine him as the silent, deranged, cold and threatening fellow but his personality is not as simple or restrictive. Angel’s personality is often contradictory to the situation and at times he may act in ways that puts his intimidating reputation to shame. Amusing examples include being extremely careless in certain aspects, being forgetful, lazy, socially daft etc. He also has a tendency to ignore norms and deviate from what is considered normal.
However it would be important to note while Angel's personality may appear cheerful, light hearted and clownish it is usually never directed at anyone other than his partner; the only person he genuinely shows a sense of care, his adopted sister. When it comes to directly dealing with others, he may maintains his lazy persona but that comes along with a tinge of superiority and cold arrogance coupled with sarcasm and indifference. Though when it comes to Reri they are as normal as normal gets, bickering and squabbling which ends up destroying the stereotypical attitude that people assume of the dangerous Ante Mortem. Another characteristic of XIII is his uncanny ability to maintain a lazy sense of calm even when death may seem eminent, the only time he openly shows his fury is when his partner his hurt or put in harm’s way.
In reality, Angel is but a collection of well formulated facades and he is not afraid to shed them when the situation calls it. At certain moments he may seem cheerful and careless but under certain situations another side of him awakens. He can be a sociopath with an attitude of indifference towards all around him with the exception of his partner. His calculative mind is always result oriented and as such his greatest trait is his uncanny knowledge in the dark arts and his ability to manipulate and deceive. In fact it is due to this very reason they are called “Ante Mortem” for to have any connections with them would be the last thing a person does before their untimely demise.
History: Will unfold later
The Ante Mortem are often treated as outcasts in A.M.R.O as very few people tend to trust them.
Angel has 0 % Tolerance for Alcohol taking even a sip will knock him out, yet still he ends up drinking.
Very few people have ever seen his eyes.
Reri and him also have the habit of leaving or ignoring the battle in the middle of the fight and leaving their comrades to handle the rest.
The name Angel became widely popular within A.M.R.O mainly due to the fact that, that was the name which the Chrono addressed him with.
Name: Rena/Rin. Reri (WHEN SAYING RERI I AM REFERRING TO BOTH RENA AND RIN. I will use their separate names when addressing them on an individual bases but when I am addressing both, Reri can be used to decrease the confusion. )
Team Title: Ante Mortem
Official Title: A.M.R.O's little princess, The Prodigy, Little Chrono
Gender: Female
Age: Age would be close to 16
Position: Chrono
Specialty: Silencer
Alchemic Style:
Rena: Vocem (Primary); Motem (Secondary)
Rin: Vocem (Primary); Sigilum (Secondary)
Code: IV, Located on the left side of her neck
Alch-Specs: Gravity manipulation (Includes manipulating gravity to affect the weight of any object, crushing things through sheer mass, creating a shield by influencing gravity and to a certain degree effecting space via gravity distortion etc)
Angel Killers: This is the name given to her custom made dual pistols, each around 10 inches long, a beautiful masterpiece. Both pistols are decorated in different colors, each symbolizing an aspect of its wielder. One of her pistols is dark pink with black gems outlining the magazine. Near the middle of the barrel the word ‘Rena’ is carved in bright golden. Her second pistol is black in color and has golden gems grafted along its magazine and the word 'Rin' located on the barrel, engraved in ruby red. It utilizes special anti alchemic bullets with accuracy and range far superior to the mundane weapons of her time. The recoil is also controllable compared to the burst. Her pistols are sheathed beside her boots so as not to arouse any more suspicion then she usually does. When her pistols are attached to her boots, she has a special mechanism built in her them that allow her to fire her pistols. This gives her a very unique fighting style.
Thermal Dagger "Glacier": This ingenious device is created by A.M.R.O's scientific department. The dagger possesses jagged ends that vibrate at extremely high frequencies, so much so that the edges heat up exponentially while the blade itself is made of a special alloy that won't melt from the high thermal output.
She stands at a height of five feet and appears to be around the age of sixteen. Her youth quite captivating and this coupled with her innocent and elegant appearance often ends up attracting unwanted attention, a fact she dislikes with a passion and her guardian even more so. Her hair is bright golden which is almost always tied into two very long twin tails which fall near her waist, while several short bangs frame her face; this also adds an element of cuteness in her which often leads her foes in underestimating her capabilities. Her skin tone is fair and the roman numerical ‘VI’ is tattooed on the left side of her neck. Yet even this tattoo fails to impress when compared to her eyes, often been described as breathe taking. She possesses heterochromatic irises; her left iris is dark red in color while her right is icy blue. This can even be thought as an ironic representation of her split personalities.

A black and red Lace Corset, an enchanting red petticoat with a black streak running in its middle with a layer of frills. The corset itself has a darker shade of red while the laces are all black along with the sleeves of this dress. The only aspect that deviates from her Victorian theme is the inclusion of a pair of finger-less gauntlets that adorns her arms. These gauntlets are only worn by the Chrono when in combat and outside of it are stored within Angel's coffin.
Another interesting alteration to the usual “Victorian dress” is the inclusion of combat boots which the Chrono prefers to wear over heels which she finds atrocious and uncomfortable. Unlike usual boots, these are specifically customized by A.M.R.O in order to include a special mechanism that allows her to fire her pistols while they remain bolstered.
As far as expressions go it is not too hard to differentiate Rena from Rin, their looks tell them apart. Rena is a bundle of joy always wearing her heart on her sleeves with endless and uncontrollable energy. Rin on the other hand rarely shows any emotion with a blank canvas for an expression. She is renowned to greet any situation with the same stoic expression. However both personalities share a common intimidating factor, a vibe of innocence that tends to set you a stray and instill a sense of unease.
Due to a troubled past the personality or rather personalities of Reri have been rather complex and the only person who has been able to truly understand her is Angel. Reri has a strange case of split personality disorder which has divided her personalities in to two, namely Rena and Rin. This tends to make her extremely unpredictable often giving her an edge as her behavior and thinking patterns are erratic and cannot be perceived. Though it is interesting to note that both Rena and Rin are aware of each other’s existence and are even able to switch personalities at will and at times can even work this to their advantage by switching excessively hence working in a paradoxical harmony.
When Rena has the dominant personality she is bursting with energy and her hyper and bubbly attitude is much akin to a small child. She is also very curious and once it is triggered she can’t find solace until her curiosity is quenched. Another amusing trait is that no matter what the situation she will always retain a positive and cheerful attitude, possessing the ability to brighten a situation regardless of how grim it may appear. Another unique feature is she is extremely fond of annoying her partner, albeit in a cute childish manner, even utilizing her innocence to her advantage. Rena is also extremely attached to her partner to the point of unease when Angel is away. She is often seen as quite emotional and can get easily upset if teased. However one should not mistake her as frail as she has shown to use her innocence to her advantage, misleading her foes to their slaughter. Like her partner she too lacks a moral conscience when it comes to killing, in fact the pair tend to treat it as a game, a competition between them as to who slaughters how many. Her most dominant characteristic however is her love for her brother thus results in her being very protective of him and can get easily angered if someone insults and or hurts him.
Rin is the second of the two personalities and when she is dominant it seems a completely different person has entered the fray. Unlike Rena who is jolly and cheerful Rin is cold and unforgiving. She is also the most mature of the lot, all her actions and thinking being quite rational and calculative, almost mechanical. To her results are what matters and how efficiently they can be accomplished. Unlike Rena she is not emotional in the least, believing it to be a weakness. She is usually seen behaving indifferent to almost everything and like her partner enjoys mocking and berating others. Rin is rather clever and like Rena she too utilizes her innocent and cute appearance to deceive others. Out of the two personalities she is the most sadistic and even though she doesn't consider killing a game she does seem to enjoy frightening her prey before ending them in a vicious manner. Also like her partner, Rin possesses an arrogance that could rival a God but with the grace and elegance of a swan. Like Rena, she doesn't trust anyone other than her partner and towards everyone beside him she is openly antagonistic. Her strangest characteristic is the fact she considers Angel to be the only person she both loves and hates. At times being quite protective while at other times behaving hostile, though for some reason her partner doesn't seem to mind and shows a sense of genuine affection and care, a fact that tends to irk the Poker faced Chrono. Rin has the habit of being straight forward and always addresses others by their last names or code, Angel is the only person whom she calls by name.
History: Revealed later
Rin has an obsession with pandas.
Reri is considered to be the youngest person to ever become a Chrono
Team Title: Ante Mortem
Official Title: A.M.R.O's little princess, The Prodigy, Little Chrono
Gender: Female
Age: Age would be close to 16
Position: Chrono
Specialty: Silencer
Alchemic Style:
Rena: Vocem (Primary); Motem (Secondary)
Rin: Vocem (Primary); Sigilum (Secondary)
Code: IV, Located on the left side of her neck
Alch-Specs: Gravity manipulation (Includes manipulating gravity to affect the weight of any object, crushing things through sheer mass, creating a shield by influencing gravity and to a certain degree effecting space via gravity distortion etc)
Angel Killers: This is the name given to her custom made dual pistols, each around 10 inches long, a beautiful masterpiece. Both pistols are decorated in different colors, each symbolizing an aspect of its wielder. One of her pistols is dark pink with black gems outlining the magazine. Near the middle of the barrel the word ‘Rena’ is carved in bright golden. Her second pistol is black in color and has golden gems grafted along its magazine and the word 'Rin' located on the barrel, engraved in ruby red. It utilizes special anti alchemic bullets with accuracy and range far superior to the mundane weapons of her time. The recoil is also controllable compared to the burst. Her pistols are sheathed beside her boots so as not to arouse any more suspicion then she usually does. When her pistols are attached to her boots, she has a special mechanism built in her them that allow her to fire her pistols. This gives her a very unique fighting style.
Thermal Dagger "Glacier": This ingenious device is created by A.M.R.O's scientific department. The dagger possesses jagged ends that vibrate at extremely high frequencies, so much so that the edges heat up exponentially while the blade itself is made of a special alloy that won't melt from the high thermal output.
She stands at a height of five feet and appears to be around the age of sixteen. Her youth quite captivating and this coupled with her innocent and elegant appearance often ends up attracting unwanted attention, a fact she dislikes with a passion and her guardian even more so. Her hair is bright golden which is almost always tied into two very long twin tails which fall near her waist, while several short bangs frame her face; this also adds an element of cuteness in her which often leads her foes in underestimating her capabilities. Her skin tone is fair and the roman numerical ‘VI’ is tattooed on the left side of her neck. Yet even this tattoo fails to impress when compared to her eyes, often been described as breathe taking. She possesses heterochromatic irises; her left iris is dark red in color while her right is icy blue. This can even be thought as an ironic representation of her split personalities.

A black and red Lace Corset, an enchanting red petticoat with a black streak running in its middle with a layer of frills. The corset itself has a darker shade of red while the laces are all black along with the sleeves of this dress. The only aspect that deviates from her Victorian theme is the inclusion of a pair of finger-less gauntlets that adorns her arms. These gauntlets are only worn by the Chrono when in combat and outside of it are stored within Angel's coffin.
Another interesting alteration to the usual “Victorian dress” is the inclusion of combat boots which the Chrono prefers to wear over heels which she finds atrocious and uncomfortable. Unlike usual boots, these are specifically customized by A.M.R.O in order to include a special mechanism that allows her to fire her pistols while they remain bolstered.
As far as expressions go it is not too hard to differentiate Rena from Rin, their looks tell them apart. Rena is a bundle of joy always wearing her heart on her sleeves with endless and uncontrollable energy. Rin on the other hand rarely shows any emotion with a blank canvas for an expression. She is renowned to greet any situation with the same stoic expression. However both personalities share a common intimidating factor, a vibe of innocence that tends to set you a stray and instill a sense of unease.
Due to a troubled past the personality or rather personalities of Reri have been rather complex and the only person who has been able to truly understand her is Angel. Reri has a strange case of split personality disorder which has divided her personalities in to two, namely Rena and Rin. This tends to make her extremely unpredictable often giving her an edge as her behavior and thinking patterns are erratic and cannot be perceived. Though it is interesting to note that both Rena and Rin are aware of each other’s existence and are even able to switch personalities at will and at times can even work this to their advantage by switching excessively hence working in a paradoxical harmony.
When Rena has the dominant personality she is bursting with energy and her hyper and bubbly attitude is much akin to a small child. She is also very curious and once it is triggered she can’t find solace until her curiosity is quenched. Another amusing trait is that no matter what the situation she will always retain a positive and cheerful attitude, possessing the ability to brighten a situation regardless of how grim it may appear. Another unique feature is she is extremely fond of annoying her partner, albeit in a cute childish manner, even utilizing her innocence to her advantage. Rena is also extremely attached to her partner to the point of unease when Angel is away. She is often seen as quite emotional and can get easily upset if teased. However one should not mistake her as frail as she has shown to use her innocence to her advantage, misleading her foes to their slaughter. Like her partner she too lacks a moral conscience when it comes to killing, in fact the pair tend to treat it as a game, a competition between them as to who slaughters how many. Her most dominant characteristic however is her love for her brother thus results in her being very protective of him and can get easily angered if someone insults and or hurts him.
Rin is the second of the two personalities and when she is dominant it seems a completely different person has entered the fray. Unlike Rena who is jolly and cheerful Rin is cold and unforgiving. She is also the most mature of the lot, all her actions and thinking being quite rational and calculative, almost mechanical. To her results are what matters and how efficiently they can be accomplished. Unlike Rena she is not emotional in the least, believing it to be a weakness. She is usually seen behaving indifferent to almost everything and like her partner enjoys mocking and berating others. Rin is rather clever and like Rena she too utilizes her innocent and cute appearance to deceive others. Out of the two personalities she is the most sadistic and even though she doesn't consider killing a game she does seem to enjoy frightening her prey before ending them in a vicious manner. Also like her partner, Rin possesses an arrogance that could rival a God but with the grace and elegance of a swan. Like Rena, she doesn't trust anyone other than her partner and towards everyone beside him she is openly antagonistic. Her strangest characteristic is the fact she considers Angel to be the only person she both loves and hates. At times being quite protective while at other times behaving hostile, though for some reason her partner doesn't seem to mind and shows a sense of genuine affection and care, a fact that tends to irk the Poker faced Chrono. Rin has the habit of being straight forward and always addresses others by their last names or code, Angel is the only person whom she calls by name.
History: Revealed later
Rin has an obsession with pandas.
Reri is considered to be the youngest person to ever become a Chrono