FireBringer said
I'm well aware of the Lorem Ipsum, butMight I suggest this lovely 700 x 300 image I found/made to be the banner? Thought I might help out a bit. It's even got the map sized correctly
FireBringer said
Question: Considering that the first mockup you had, had a spot for an image that was 700 by 300 and the map link is an svg file, would it not be possible to scale the pic to be the map? Perhaps even a zoom in feature? but that might be too complicated as we may need a google map like APIAlso since I know how web design goes, I feel I must play the role of Ignorant client. Why do you have that latin stuff? I mean it looks nice but this is a site about Naruto not some latin thing? :3
FireBringer said
Well I do see the need for a Jutsu/technique repository, just so we can all collect them somewhere.Ones for Ninjutsu, Medical Jutsu, Sealing, Summoning, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu (Weapons), and like where the summoning contracts are.Also in terms of heading fonts I like the second, but a thought... How about this font? Also maybe putting the map somewhere as a point of reference for future stuff?