Tatsua Aiisen said
Diamond Blizzard, this is the second time I've seen you around, making things that probably shouldn't exist.
Your sig is cute though, so I forgive you.
Too bad I'm not so forgiving.
Diamond Blizzard said
Well, I don't mind losing the Mental Gekirinken so much, but I would really like to keep the first Gekirinken. Also yes, excuse me for not posting the time limit in which it has to be activated, there are two scenarios in which it can be activated and thus go into auto-hits, also perhaps the Taijutsu/Physical Gekirinken could do more damage depending on the hit of the technique? Example: a Tsunade punch would be suicidal where a normal kick would just hurt a bit.
Scenario 1
-I activate Gekirinken
-Opponent attacks me anyway-
-I go into Gekirinken, trapping them into an auto-hit combo.
Scenario 2
-Opponent Attacks me
-I activate Gekirinken
-Opponent chooses if Gekirinken hits or not or attacks me again anyway
-Goes into Gekirinken auto-hit combos
For Forbidden Gekirinken the same scenarios apply. Also I think a prep time of (one post) would be great IF the lengths of the jutsu activation were to be extended, but I don't get it, I expected Forbidden Gekirinken to be denied and normal Gekirinken accepted xD. So my technique would counter all jutsu minus S-rank jutsu if I keep feeding my barrier chakra.
Also, for my weapons and custom techniques; let's get it out of the way before we go into any arguments.

The Fire Dragon Gauntlets were forged to the southwest of the Narutoverse in a small barely visible strait of islands at the southwest of the map named the Talis Strait. No one knows who forged them but they posses great defensive abilities and can be obtained by anyone.
- Can Absorb ANY Fire technique (Not counting Amaterasu) thrown to the user and can be converted into chakra for the user.
- Can unleash blasts of fire from the gauntlets as a security measure.
- Can Seal ANY Fire Technique (Not counting Amaterasu) into the "orbs" on the palms of the gauntlets and can be sent back at the opponent.
[B-Rank] Gauntlet Technique: Dragon's Laser - Concentrating Chakra at the palm of the gauntlets, the user unleashes a huge laser towards the opponent imbued with Fire Chakra, it is a big ray with sizes ranging from half the user's height to ten feet.
[C-Rank] Gauntlet Technique: Inexperienced Dragon Baby's Laser - Concentrating Chakra at the palm of the gauntlets, the user unleashes a laser the size of their palm towards their opponent imbued with Fire Chakra, it is a small sized laser which will be no bigger than twice the size of their palm.
[D-Rank] Firebending: In unison with the user's punches and kicks depending on the nature and intesity of the attack, fire will always follow the attack; allowing punches to be set with daggers of literal fire or shoot small fireballs at the opponent.
[D-Rank] Gauntlet Technique: The Fire Dragon's Hidden Blades: Using chakra and the gauntlets, the user makes a transparent blade of fire to make a hidden or hookblade below the wrist. Doing so, it can be used for assassinations.
[D-Rank] Gauntlet Technique: Fiery Blacksmith - Using the chakra and the gauntlets, the user can materalize any weapon they wish made out of fire.

Sukochi, also known as the Scorching Sword was a powerful sword forged in the Talis Strait, after the katana was forged. Bandits ransacked the village and stole the sword with it, unknown how to activate it the katana mysteriously made its way back to the Talis strait, which will be found by an unsuspecting young ninja.
-The blade of the katana can be lit on fire and can NOT be extinguished by ANYTHING. Except for the user.
-The hilt of the katana is a security measure which will give a nasty burn to anyone who attempts to steal the katana. The user must "allow" the sword to be held by someone else.
- Fire sent from the blade may be put out(like a fireball), though contact with the blade will result in one of four scenarios: the object/person will melt, the object/person will be set on fire, the object/person will begin to literally burn away, the sword on contact with anything will release a steam sound and be as hot as a blade in a furnace; the weakest "form" of the blade.
[A-Rank] Kenjutsu: Change of Tempature - Upon the user striking the opponent, the user continues to slash at the opponent with the blade of the katana constantly & automatically changing tempature which will ALWAYS be at LEAST as hot as a hot spring, dealing damage to the nervous system along with the usual flesh wound. Due to the sudden changes of tempature in the body, the nervous system has barely enough time to react to the pain and will eventually implode, along with the body's cooling system. By doing so, if the opponent is left alive it's only a matter of time until they die due to their body tempature rising too high.
[B-Rank] Kenjutsu: Acid of Fire - Upon the user slashing at the opponent, the user will feel an acid/burning like wound in the attacked area, getting hotter and hotter as well as digging through the flesh to either the other side of the limb/torso or to the centre of an important organ or limb, this is caused by a small chakra-powered fire which was sent off from the blade.
[C-Rank] Eruption - The user charges an explosion of fire in his blade, raised up in the air waiting to strike down with enough power and momentum for a death strike or to at least send the opponent flying. The moment the blade stores enough power (it can go on endlessly until the user's strength gives out due to the "weight" of the technique) and is sent down to the ground an explosion of fire follows.
[C-Rank] Kenjutsu: Volcano - Using a combination of well-placed slashes, the sword while lit on fire rakes the flesh with fire leaving a "trail" of it, end result being that wherever the slash connected is where the fire is on-going.
[D-Rank] Kenjutsu: Ripture - The opponent jumps both into the air while sending Sukochi into a deadly uppercut into the opponent, sending both the user and the opponent into the air; the moment the blade connects it will feel like a jagged burning blade ripping through your flesh. May be used in a slightly weaker form without the jump and momentum.
[S-Rank] Banishment of Hades: The user concentrates the entire blade to an extremly undescribable amount of heat, the moment any part of the blade connects to the body the person literally disappears into nothingness. The technique is so hot and so strong that not even ashes remain of the person.
[S-Rank] Internal Burning: The user immediately sends a slash or some sort of attack towards the body of the opponent to allow the fire to enter the body (Chakra Strings also work). After doing so a small fire is lit inside the person's body, beginning to roast their insides, due to the nature of the technique, it can be used for instantly killing an opponent to torture or to even pure discomfort.
[A-Rank] Fire Pillar Fortress: The user erects huge pillars of fire around the battlefield to entrap anyone from getting out. The technique serves both as a defensive AND offensive technique, no one is able to break in or get out in the area designated for the technique. Any opponents inside the "fortress" will have the pillars shoot semi-homing blasts of fire at them, making it a tough technique to deal with.
[B-Rank] Fire Pillar: The user errects a fire pillar of about his or her height. Afterwards the pillar locks on to the opponent and will endlessly hunt down the opponent to the ends of the earth, if he is in the line of sight or the user is constantly tracking down the opponent of course. The technique is unaffected by Water Techniques of a lower or same rank but a water jutsu of a higher rank (A or S) will put out the jutsu. The pillar will caese until chakra reserves are low or until the user wishes it to be so.
[B-Rank] Hundred-Thousand Degree Armor: The user "wraps" themselves in an armor of literal heat which is not even viewable to the opponent. The most that could be noticed is constant sweating of the user and perhaps a hazy "aura" around them. Any technique sent at the user will evaporate or melt when in contact with the user or an inch outwards.
[C-Rank] Heat Inhalation Technique: A counter for all fire-based techniques. The user uses their chakra to "suck" the heat out of the technique making even the strongest fire jutsu into something useless. Afterwards, all that remains is the cosmetic view of the jutsu, but will do nothing.
[C-Rank] Melting Shoes Technique: The user disperses their chakra over the battlefield, superheating it and coating the area in a very HOT chakra. It is not possible to stand on ANYTHING when affected by it minus the user. This can be used for the ground only and even up to the mountain-tops and trees, water will boil when affected with this technique.
*Note* Many of these techniques were invented by my friend and I give him full credit for the creation of these techniques. Some techniques such as the Internal Burning technique is of my own creation. I will be adding on to this if I come up with new ideas.
Custom Kenjutsu Techniques
[B-Rank] Kenjutsu: Sunlight/Moonlight Dance: The user raises their sword up into the air to absorb the light of the sun or moon into the blade, if the moon is out the blade is a light glowing blue color, if the sun is out, the blade is yellow and blinding like the sun. The user then performs elegant and powerful blows in in a combination of finesse strikes. Sunlight = Blinding and yellow. Moonlight = Glowing Light Blue
(Think Dancing Blade from Super Smash Bros. (Marth) but a more elegant manner and different combinations)
Scenarios Response: Wait, so when someone hits the barrier, the damage they'd inflict is reversed and strikes back at them? I mean, the barrier could absorb the force of the blow and then send a pulse or something, or augment your own hit, but you'd still have to land your hits for that to work. If you mean anything except for that, I am going to outright say no.
You can't simply reverse attacks like that, because (as I said for Mental Gekirinken) it does not make sense. You have to understand that I am coming from a place where I have a
very strong understanding of how the mechanics of naruto function. Literally the only manner in which this ability would work is if it was augmented into an item of some sort, and even if that were the case that item would be OP as all hell and I'd have to outright deny it.
So basically what I'm saying, is either you can have the physical and forbidden Gekirinken be defensive techniques, or you can have them not at all. That is
not debatable, because the nature of the techniques are OP, and that's not okay. End of story.
We use
time as a measure here, not post count. The amount of time that transpires in a given post is relative, so using a post as a charge up, cool down, or use time is inconsistent and illogical. Sorry. I hope no one else has a problem with that, if so I can at the very least
show you how using time as the counter works. It's actually pretty simple.
Basically all you have to do is figure out how long your movements and techniques would realistically take.
Such as a punch taking Half a second to 2 seconds to execute, or less depending on the speed of the punch and the distance the fist is traveling (both of which you do not have to calculate with any HARD numbers. Just approximate really). Things like "How long would it take my fireball jutsu to reach my opponent over the distance between myself and him/her". Simple things. Very straightforward. Moving on.
Fire Dragon GauntletsThey can absorb and seal any fire jutsu, and then release blasts of flame offensively. No, they cannot. Want to know why? It's a logical thing. Unless they have an infinite pocket dimension inside them, or an infinite amount of seal space (newsflash, they do not), they can't do that. Chakra takes up space just like matter does, just less of it because it is energy. The amount of chakra that any given thing can absorb has to be limited or it is OP, because it has no limitation and thus can be abused with extreme ease.
While I don't mind it being able to seal several jutsu and then basically regurgitate the jutsu, I do mind the absorption aspect. You are trying to put way too many different things onto your character and at the moment it would be beyond OP. This is without considering the jutsu that can be utilized with the gauntlets or any of your scorch techniques, or the techniques of your blade.
So yeah, these laser techniques are a no, since lasers are composed of
light not fire, and are also sort of the domain of a special affinity (Water+lightning). The firebending would be fine, that's pretty basic. The hidden blades and weapon materialization work too, but keep in mind these fireweapons wouldn't be
solid since fire isn't solid. Unless they are composed of hardened chakra that happens to be on fire, which would be fine as well.
SukochiThe fire will be capable of being extinguished. The rest is fine as it is basically running chakra through the blade using Chakra Flow and fire affinity, which superheats it.
Chance of temperature; That's not how the body works. At most the blade would cut flesh easier and would instantly cauterize the wound. Only the immediately effected area would change heat.
Acid of Fire: No.
Eruption: Has a larger chakra cost the longer it is charged. This also means it gains power with time.
Kenjutsu: Volcano: This is fine, but keep in mind the fire can be put out via normal means.
Kenjutsu: Ripture: This seems more like a genjutsu.
Custom Scorch Release JutsuBanishment of Hades: No. Just...no.
Internal Burning: No. OP due to being uncounterable for the most part.
Fire Pillar Fortress: Extremely chakra taxing. This would be S rank, not A rank. It'd also need to have a continuous cost per homing fireball, in addition ot the initial high cost of creating the fire pillars.
Fire Pillar: Would be effected by water techniques of equal rank as well as higher rank. Could be weakened by C rank water jutsu as well.
Hundred-Thousand Degree Armor: Newsflash, the armor cannot be that hot, it's ridiculous. people who can sense or see chakra can detect its use, but otherwise that's accurate. Also earth, lightning, and wind affinity techniques are unaffected. Earth, when melted, becomes lava which is more dangerous to your character...soo. Wind would just be heated. Lightning would be totally immune to the technique.
Heat Inhalation Technique: No. I already established why absorption is kinda ridiculous.
Melting Shoes Technique: Sure you can heat the ground, but this is at least B rank depending on the area of effect.
Kenjutsu: Sunlight/Moonlight Dance: Um...no.
@Celaira: I'm really loving how the site's gonna look hon :) Good job *thumbs up*
J2 said
Arggh, stupid autocorrect. Meant dojutsu
Yes, yes you can make a custom doujutsu/Kekkei genkai. Though it being descendent of the Uchiha might not make sense at the moment since the Uchiha still exist in the current timeline and would not be terribly old. Nonetheless, it's possible that the offshot clan/kekkei genkai is relatively new/small. That'd work :)