11.26.2014: Three Bingo Book Entries were added to the
Bingo Book, a new clan was added to the Clan statistics, the link to which you can find in the post below this one. You can also find the clan
here! All the Jutsu for the characters with Bingo Books on the site will be added later today.
11.25.2014: Blank Clan sheet was added to the Clans page. When someone submits a clan to Yoshua, and they are accepted, I will put all the information in that sheet and create a page for your clan. The clan will then be added to the Statistics table on the documentation page!
11.25.2014: Added a Clan stats table to the
Documentation page. Added three clans that
I know for sure are going to be in the RP. When I see other clan descriptions and the like, I'll add them to the table! For ease of use the colors equate to gender. Blue for Males, and an off pink for females.
11.25.2014: Added the text banner, disclaimer, and plot/history to the
portal. Also updated the links OUT OF CHARACTER and IN CHARACTER to link to their respective threads here!