Avatar of Celaira
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Celaira
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 765 (0.19 / day)
  • VMs: 19
  • Username history
    1. Celaira 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Thank you to whoever sent me a candy cane <3
4 yrs ago
That moment when you realize one of your friends changed their username. Hello, again!
4 yrs ago
pls we don't need more lolis
4 yrs ago
While I'm thinking about it, I just want to openly apologize to anyone I've ghosted in the past if you're still active on the site. I know some people don't care, but I am sorry, fam.
4 yrs ago
Advanced RPs are usually way slower than casual ones, if that's a concern for you, casual regardless of post length is a good spot for you for sure! That's what I've noticed anyway.


how to be dynamo frokane: a guide.
step 1; randomly tag people and bait them into arguing
step 2; once someone takes the bait, make a poorly made observation about them
step 3; never stop repeating this observation
step 4; ignore any valid points they make, because losing against people who have more brain cells than you have chromosomes is for losers.
step 5; rinse and repeat daily
bonus step; if they start to ignore you, constantly tag them in the hopes they'll give your attention whoring ass some more of that loving attention.

- by Grim

Most Recent Posts

@HaleyTheRandom *whispers back* Thank you :)
OP Updated!

Origins for Vampires and Therianthropes have been added to the OP!
@ViolentViolet ohaider :D
Yay! :D


OP Updated

A brief outline was posted above the premise while I work on things, I also have back stories on two of the races written, and am working on the other two as I type this. If y'all would like that to be posted just gimme a shout and I'll post 'em up in the OP!
@hivekiller I don't know what it is, but the images for it are amazing.
I like the premise, but I would need to see more to get myself invested.

Plus, is this free, casual, or advanced?

It's probably around mid to high casual, maybe lower advanced. Right now I have a couple races fleshed out lore-wise that I could give you to chew on, but I'm still working on the other two as they're separated into two to three categories each. That, and I need to write the descriptions for locations and then rewrite the premise. All in all it shouldn't take me too long to do all of this. Maybe a few days, a week and a half at maximum.
Introducing Whyspe, a neutral yet not neutral party! :D
Whispers. Soft, gentle, caressing whispers wound their way along the walls of the simple white room until they reached the body that lay in the center. A long, lithe body rested against the cool stone floor, shimmering white tresses splayed out about the head. It seemed it was time to wake up.

With that realization, The Weaver's eyes opened. Where she found herself, however, wasn't what she expected. Indeed, she was still surrounded by beautiful, serene white, but it wasn't her white. No, it was different. Cold, wet, crystallized. Of course, Snow. Her thoughts finally registered the substance that her body was laid in, and she found herself laughing softly. How interesting.

Whyspe looked around for a moment, but all she saw was a cloudy sky, and what seemed to be an endless snow field. She smiled, her body rising from the snow. In her hands, she grasped her tome, and about her neck rested her famed spindle. It was time to take a walk among the Humans again. She had so much knowledge to acquaint herself with, she was certain of it.

As she trekked through the snow the whispers of choices and changes in paths resounded in her ears in a sort of low thrumming. Absently, she wove her hands through the air. Anyone who saw her would think her strange, but only because they could not see the web of time itself sprawled out before them as she could. To her, the timelines of people's choices was a vast and sprawling network. A network that she was able to interact with, and readily did so if she thought it necessary.

Unlike many of her kin, Whyspe had seen the coming of the great war, and had chosen not to take part in it. She didn't even tell her siblings, or children that it was coming. What was the point in that? No one would learn anything that way. And, how pitiful would Humanity be if they were forever trapped under a pantheon's rule? They'd never grow. Without their growth, Whyspe herself would stagnate. And she just couldn't have that, now could she?
@Zoghor Is it wrong that my goddess won't really pick a fight with anyone? She's more the observation and reaction type.

And, can I post? Or should I wait?

Oh, this is gonna be funnnn~ :D
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