Avatar of Celaira
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Celaira
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 765 (0.19 / day)
  • VMs: 19
  • Username history
    1. Celaira 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Thank you to whoever sent me a candy cane <3
4 yrs ago
That moment when you realize one of your friends changed their username. Hello, again!
4 yrs ago
pls we don't need more lolis
4 yrs ago
While I'm thinking about it, I just want to openly apologize to anyone I've ghosted in the past if you're still active on the site. I know some people don't care, but I am sorry, fam.
4 yrs ago
Advanced RPs are usually way slower than casual ones, if that's a concern for you, casual regardless of post length is a good spot for you for sure! That's what I've noticed anyway.


how to be dynamo frokane: a guide.
step 1; randomly tag people and bait them into arguing
step 2; once someone takes the bait, make a poorly made observation about them
step 3; never stop repeating this observation
step 4; ignore any valid points they make, because losing against people who have more brain cells than you have chromosomes is for losers.
step 5; rinse and repeat daily
bonus step; if they start to ignore you, constantly tag them in the hopes they'll give your attention whoring ass some more of that loving attention.

- by Grim

Most Recent Posts

*waves at Fallen* Welcome, welcome! Can't wait to see your character!
Oh, yay, thank you Szayeis <3
*coughs and steps into the Demon Lord thing* Okay. Wind, Mika. As you said, Hell is 9,000 years old, who's to say that four--I'm sorry, no, it's five powerful demons, why couldn't they dominate the regions of Hell? Moreover, who's to say that there weren't more kingdoms, but they got taken over by the cardinal directions. Maybe there are demon lord level demons who want to overthrow the kingdoms. Also, we have no idea how big Hell is. We don't have a map, we don't have scaling, and it has never been discussed.

Maybe there's another continent to Hell that's like twice the size. We. Don't. Know.

So, while I have no issue with more demon lords, I do have an issue with Lords that were not previously established and trying to take places from one of the new people that wants a lord.

Oh, and let's not forget that adding a surplus of Lords to the already established kingdoms would break continuity.

Also, it's also probably a very rare practice to share a kingdom considering that most demons are selfish. Why would they share something with someone who could possibly become more powerful than they? *points to previous rebellion point and other continent* Explore that avenue.

EDIT: When I say level, I mean the power of the demon, not necessarily their status in Hell.


Name: Lisara Kasio
Age: 11 Months

Personality: Lisara is a very dutiful creature. In her realm she was tasked with her highness' protection, being a guard is all she really knows. Any order she is given, she will obey without question if it is given to her by her mistress. However, if any other were to give her an order or try to command her to do anything she would set them ablaze in an instant. That isn't to say she doesn't have a fun side. On the contrary, she loves to make mischief, though her form of mischief would likely get someone killed.

Generally, she comes off as extremely snarky and sarcastic, but she is always very aware of her surroundings and does her utmost to keep anyone in her charge as safe as possible. Note: This is just a brief summary, more evolved Personality will be shown IC.


Species: Hellhound
Sub-genus: Rinceoir dóiteáin (Fire Dancer)

General Information on Fire Dancers

Fire dancers are a special breed of hellhound found only in the southern most region of Hell, their characteristic traits being that their tails are half flame and they usually have some sort of flaming appendage over their bodies (in Lisara's case, small wings). All of the flames on their body are eternal and will not stop burning even in death. However, their flames do not do harm unless the beast wishes them to, and thus, cannot harm anything when they die. This species of hellhound is able to telepathically communicate with the one who raised them, and anyone that shares blood relation with that being.

Fire dancers are also well known for how fast they grow. In six months they are generally fully grown and capable of coherent thought. Their flames bud up at around 2 months, and the size of the flame--at least on the tail--grows with the hellhound's age. When they are fully grown they are about 7 feet from shoulder to paw. They generally live around a thousand (1,000) years.

Note: The flames on the legs only grow with the body, whereas the flame on the tail will lengthen with age in years.


This breed of Hellhound has one heart between its ribs like a normal dog would, and a smaller heart located in the upper part of their back, generally where their markings would be. This area of their body is harder to pierce as it is more like bone covered in fur than it is like skin. Females have a secondary lining along the inside of their throat that, when they inhale takes in some of the oxygen. As they exhale the oxygen leaves that “pocket” causing the chemicals to ignite and allowing for fire to leave their mouth or nose. The males, while still able to breathe fire, are more likely to bite an opponent as they are poisonous. They have poison sacks located in the lower part of their throat that feeds venom into their teeth when they bite. Because of this trait, their flaming breath is generally a lot weaker than their counterpart’s.


Aeris Naera Kasio

Theme (also something she sings quiet often now) | Theme

Name: Aeris Kasio
Alias: N/A
Nicknames: Airy, Ris
Age: 20
Race: Human
Relations: Brother: Mairyell Kasio
Guardian Angel: Caeldrin/ The Aurist (She is unaware that this has changed).

Social Status: N/A
General Activity: Spending time with Szayeis, or taking care of Lisara. Maybe, on occasion talking with Daiyrisa. For the time being she is in Hell, she will, however, be returning to Surface soon.
Equipment: A small dagger, and a lighter.

Aeris has short (about shoulder length), dark brown hair that frames her face. Her eyes are that of an amber color, but have a tendency to change to darker brown variants. She's rather short, only reaching 5'0" in height and weighing around 110lbs. Her skin is a pale porcelain color, and she is easily sunburnt because of its fair nature. She can usually be found wearing darker and more baggy clothes. She prefers long sleeves and pants to protect her skin, and often has a hoodie on with the hood up. Her favorite outfit, however, is a baggy black hoodie with a black and red scythe on the back of it, dark blue jeans, and a pair of black and white converse. The hoodie itself is far too big for her, a lot of people think she snagged it from her brother as it reaches the middle of her thighs in length and the sleeves fall over her hands. The pants are a tighter fit, forming to her legs quite nicely, while still baggy around her calves. The black and white converse have hearts drawn on either ankle the left shoe has a heart with horns on it, and the right a heart with wings.

Her hair has grown out to the middle of her back, while still framing her face in the way that she likes it. She has taken a fondness for more feminine-style clothing (tighter fitting than her S1 attire, shows off more curves).

Aeris is shy, quiet, and often very childish. Even though she is very shy, it's not hard to get her out of her shell. All you really have to do is talk to her and she'll hardly ever shut up. Because of this, she's often on the phone for hours, simply talking to anyone who happens to call her and causing them to have to listen to her blabber on about nothing in particular. When she gets too excited, she ends up talking extremely loud without even realizing it, and that usually gets her either weird looks, or random people asking her to shut up.

You'd think that with the way she acts, that she's all sunshine, all the time. This is not the case. Aeris has a very dark demeanor to her if she's ever left completely by herself. Her need for people stems from this, because when she's left alone she believes herself to be useless or worthless. She cannot stand herself. This is something she tries desperately to hide through a facade of smiles and laughter. She fears that one day her facade is going to break, though... What will she do then?

Even though she can't see them, she does have some very redeeming qualities to her. She is very clever, and can often figure out a solution to any type of situation that befalls her. Along with this, she is very caring and empathetic toward people's emotions. She doesn't want anyone to be as sad as she feels, and so she'll always try her hardest to bring a smile to the faces of those around her.

To be shown IC

The Kasio Korp was a rich company that thrived on selling highly valuable potions and drugs, herbs, and their seeds to the highest bidder. Maurice Kasio, the CEO, was such a powerful tycoon that he even had his own private army and assassins. His late wife, Layna, also gave birth to two siblings: a son named Mairyell, whom he attempted to groom for taking over the company, and later a daughter named Aeris. Their mother died when Aeris was a young child, and it was public knowledge that the cause was cancer. From the start, the Kasio siblings had always been a little wayward, which was reason for their father to worry. Mr. Kasio, ever the busy man, hired lackeys to keep an eye on his children and stop them from ruining his image.

It was not generally known that Mairyell contracted a demonic disease from his mother while she was pregnant. Nobody knew where this influence came from, but when it came time to address the seriousness of the situation, Mr. Kasio's true colors were shown. His human greed for power had warped his mind and caused him to avoid pouring funds into finding a cure for his wife's illness. After all, it was far more profitable for a company to treat symptoms of a patient than to cure diseases--if word got out that there was a cure for a new disease, the media would be all over over it. He had weaved a lie for his children, but his son sensed that there was deception in this. Mairyell doesn't, however, tell Aeris the truth about Mama's demise, but he always told her bed time stories about Mama whenever she asked him.

Sanity became scarce as their father started to fear them, especially Mairyell. The boy was showing symptoms similar to his mother, but instead of weakening him, it only made the boy stronger. Sedation became his father's favorite method to control him and suppress the demonic symptoms. He still had some twisted dream of making his son inherit his legacy, but the mutations were getting faster and harsher. It was too much. Soon, sedation doesn't work so Mr. Kasio locked up his own son. Unfortunately, he was not able to hide the truth from his daughter. When she found out, the very same demonic influence inspired her to burn down the Kasio Korp HQ. She did some damage, but ultimately failed. But her father was furious for she had managed to release Mairyell from his prison. Their father then disowned them and cast them away to another continent entirely. Unfortunately, Mairyell didn't have any medicine to control himself, so he would routinely freak out on Aeris. This was a problem that would not go away.

Despite the risks, Aeris and her brother began to continuously steal from their father's company warehouses, for medicine to control and sate Mairyell's vampiric metabolism. Not only did this cut into profits, but word spread that Kasio Korp was collapsing due to civil strife. Rivals began to push in on Mr. Kasio, both legally and not. It was during this time that Maurice began to increase the security of his warehouses, as well as sending in more and more assassins to seek out his 'dear' children. During one of the duo's raids, they found themselves unable to procure the medication they needed to sedate his strange urges. Because of their failed attempt, Mairyell went into a frenzy, attacking Aeris. During the attack he bit her, getting his first taste of her blood. Unlike any of the other blood he had had up to that point, Aeris' blood almost immediately satiated him. Though he regretted the act later, and tried desperately to keep from doing again afterward, he found himself unable to care during the 'meal.' A strange thing happened while her brother fed on her: the puncture wounds, while present, had not hurt her. Not one bit, and immediately after Mairyell stopped, the wounds closed soon after.

They were interrupted. Three human assassins dropped in on Mairyell and Aeris. The two of them were immediately ensnared with an acid-etched steel net, and rendered helpless. Mairyell, despite his strength, couldn't break the nets apart. It would seem the Kasio siblings would meet their fate then, but before their father's hit-men could kill them, a large winged being ambushed them, instantly killing one assassin with a large rock dropped from above. The next two assassins found themselves beheaded (and scorched) as Rinyl the Bulwark brandished his flaming sword. Melting the nets carefully, he freed the Kasios and explained that he was Aeris's guardian angel, sent to protect her at all costs for she would soon do great deeds. He added that their father had actually sent several teams before, but they were dispatched quietly. Rin then apologized for being late as a 'demon from the west' had intercepted him at night and demonstrated 'strange foreknowledge' of his assignment. It was noticed that Rin had puncture wounds on his neck, even though the assassins hadn't attacked him.

In reaction to the angel's appearance, Mairyell would at first be skeptical, and would likely remain as such throughout the majority of the two's interactions. Nonetheless, the vampire would accept Rinyl's assistance from then on, grateful for its help in rescuing them, but unsure of how he felt regarding the angel protecting his sister. After all, he did not know the fellow, and merely being of a certain caste among the angelic hierarchy did not warrant trust from the ever cautious Mairyell.

Aeris regarded the strange angel with caution, shielding her eyes from the bright flames licking across his sword. Her throat had dried as she witnessed him kill their ambushers. When it was all over, she looked up at him--worry seizing her face--but then realized that he was there to guard her, much to her confusion. Their first handful of exchanges were awkward, as she couldn't read his emotions, nor figure out his motives. It was all so very weird and alien to her, for she was only used to her big brother being her sole protector and guardian.

It became routine that during their travels, Rinyl would advise Aeris by scouting ahead where they wished to go. He was forced to trust Mairyell to protect his sister during this time. After months, the two began to accept Rinyl as a constant presence in their life. Though Mairyell kept his distance, Aeris began to show her gratitude towards Rinyl, mostly by trying to be friends with him and learn about him. The angel indulged her, somewhat reluctantly, but soon became, well, rather enamored with her. He kept those feelings to himself, however, as he knew what happened to angels who fell. He kept his mind on his mission, for the trio could rarely relax in one place before something else happened. It would seem that a curse followed their every footsteps.

One night, as another of Mairyell's manic episodes ensured, Rinyl fought Mairyell as he seemed, for some reason, meaner and more hostile than before. It worried Rin, and his honed instincts kicked in--the warriors ignored Aeris as they battled each other in a contest of wits and strength; however, they were both weakened from the fight. Having more experience and stamina, the guardian angel managed to whisk Aeris away and they disappeared into a sanctuary in which he had longed to shelter her, and train her to fight and protect herself. He never got that chance, though. When Mairyell found her again a couple days later, Rinyl was dead and Aeris was being consoled (in vain) by the sanctuary monks. He wasn't sure what had happened, but soon began to think himself to blame. Before they left, they attempted to bury Rin's body, but were denied. A squad of four pure angels emerged and while two of them wrapped Rinyl's body and picked him up, the other two brandished grimaces and scimitars at the Kasios. The angels uttered not a word as they left them behind.

The Council, however, were not done with the Kasio siblings' fate: they sent another angel, a specially trained one known as the Aurist...

Over the twelve month timeskip, Aeris has been taken care of by both Szayeis and Daiyrisa. She had developed a rather... Strange attachment to the Western Lord, and very often spent time with him. He taught her a lot of things while she was with him, including how to control her levitation better, as well as how to use her Brisn (while not actually teaching her techniques to use it with).


Ventriloquism (Voice Throwing): Aeris is a very developed Ventriloquist. What this means is that she can throw her voice around an entire small room, making it seem like she could be anywhere within. She loves doing this to play tricks on her brother, as well as anyone else who happens to be looking for her.


Levitation: Aeris' magic is that of Levitation, meaning she can levitate either herself or an object. She can "fly," or levitate herself for about a mile and can only lift herself about 20-30ft into the air. While she is lifting herself, she cannot lift any other person or object. The maximum weight of objects she can lift is about that of a mini-fridge in a hotel room.

Brisn: A magic inherited from her late mother, This magic is capable of manifesting a water-blue energy with properties reminiscent of its elemental color. This magic has one simple ability, and that is the ability to absorb other energies. However, it is capable of effecting only living beings and elemental energies, thus it is weaker against non-elemental varieties of magic. Its effects on both living beings and elements is essentially absorption, but in two very different manners. When applied to a living being, this absorption will occur on any wounds, essentially 'absorbing' them from the body and thus healing them. When effecting elemental energies it will pull them into itself, amplify them slightly, and retain some of the properties. After which, the Brisn can be utilized to blast back the element, though both this and the healing does cost the user magical energies, as all magic should.
Season 2 Site

Any extra info you may need can be found here, if you have any questions or suggestions about content, send me a PM and I will talk it over with the GM's

Site Layout & Comprehension

All right, so Just in case you don't understand how the layout of my site works, I will list the pages that link off-site.

I would like to state--before I get started--that even though you can hover over certain things and a dropdown appears, you can still click on the button which you are hovering over, it is still a page.

Pages that link off-site:

Lore: This links to the S1 iteration of the Essence Site. However, this page also has pages in a menu to its right as you are hovering over it that are on the site.
Timeline: This links to the established timeline that you can find in the first post by slade.
Interest Check: This links to the interest check here on RPG.
OOC: This links right here to the good ole OOC.
Accepted Character & Player Roster

This will be updated on the site as well! :3

  • Player

  • character

Location & Character Whereabouts

This will be updated on the site as well! :3

  • Location Name

  • Character there
    Character there
    Character there

  • Location Name

  • Character there
    Character there
    Character there
Crab: One of the other new players in the Skype group decided to make Werewolf Lore. I think their name is Tempest on the guild, but I'm not sure.
Crabmeat: Think stereotypical werewolf: Walks on two legs, massive, and furry. No one has really fleshed them out. You're pretty good to go with just about anything, really.

Ichthys: Yes, pretty much xD
Crabmeat said
Awesome site, Celaira. I'm more than happy for you to back up my IC posts :)

Thanks Crabmeat <3 I'll be glad to do so once the IC is up :D
So, guys, I have a question for you. The site is pretty much up and running and once again here's the link. I plan to back up IC posts on the site in case the guild ever goes down again (*knocks on wood*), is it okay with everyone who has shown interest that I do that?

Also, there's some updated information regarding demonic hierarchy, as well as a timeline on the site, so give it a look :3
Well, considering that the main city called Loom is pretty damaged, I think a vagabond angel would be okay. Don't take my word for it though.
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