Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yoshu, I really think for 9000 years of continuous existence Hell ought to have more than 4 demon lords. Europe and America also can be roughly divided in 4 but you still have a multitude of countries/states inside. Besides it's a bit unfair to new people who might want to have a Lord to tell them all the veterans already took them all cuz Hell 's only big enough for 4. It doesn't seem right to me. If anything there will always be powerful demons to challenge the existing lords.

Februari,Ii think you should go to skype or a shared document site and discuss your ideas at length with the GMs. I also had the idea of spirit communication but we decided it was too problematic to implement. As nice as it is to have a vast universe it's also very easy for things to turn chaotic if you ignore the most fundamental and basic principles of how the world functions. If you are playing a human and want temporary possession we can discuss a plot idea I have with the GMs and work together as my character might find a way to pull it off.
And the reason why spirits ate problematic is because of the whole Essence thing we base everything on. Essence is both the energy and soul of a creature and it's the reason why demons possess humans - to consume it and grow (or to control it). A demonic essence (or soul) in any body would try to consume the other essence. An angelic essence is usually too strong for a human body (hence grows out of it). And any death results in either the vanishing or break down of the essence/soul or its return to the void, which no one has control over (because it's basically as near as a godly power and would be too OP to know how to control it).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mikael


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'd have to agree with Wind on the Demon Lord region thing. I'm sure we can be more accommodating to new mates wanting to play such royal roles.

And aye, Wind's spot on with the Essence bit. I'm sure we can come up with a plot point that unlocks more useful stuff, but we gotta collaborate on that. We're all mates here, trying to engender a wonderful story to read.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vinsanity

Vinsanity Gunbladeslingin' Mad Man

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Tristan Locke
Age: 26

Social Status: Surface Demon
Relations: Kyle Fraye (Best Friend)

General Activity: Works for a Graphic Design company


Soul Eater: Tristan does not know he can do this yet, in order to pull it off however he must get close to his victim. Once he is close, he then must kiss the victim, once the lips lock the soul of his victim will then begin slipping from its body and swallowed by Tristan. All the memories of his victim will be released into Tristan's mind.

Telekinesis: Tristan can only perform this as of now when under huge amounts of emotional pressure.

Enhanced Capabilities: Being that Tristan is a vampire, he has physical capabilities that are far superior than that to even the strongest of men.

(These abilities will change over time)


Tristan carries nothing exciting as of now except for a cellphone.


There will be a lot going on in the beginning of his first transformation into a vampire, so personality is subject to change drastically as time moves forward.


Born in Loom to a middle-class human family bearing the life of a middle-class kid who received good grades, participated in after school sports, and even joined a local self-defense gym that he attended religiously from the age of 14 - 18. Tristan through out his years from 10 - 18 would enjoy drawing, this exercise would continue even after heading off to college at 18. Tristan would graduate with a bachelors degree in art and graphic design.

Upon graduating he received a job in Kenan that would support him and allow him to do what he loved. He was 23 when he started his job and two years would go by where Tristan knew nothing but work, bars, and late night swings. It was not until he was 25 when the world was rocked by Loom's recent events and not even a few months later Tristan on his 26th birthday, after leaving the bar with a female, would find himself waking up in the back alley of that same bar.

This is where his story begins...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dharc


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Reserve spot for CS!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Potato


Member Offline since relaunch

Is it possible for me to join in on this?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Of course it is. :3
That avatar seems suspiciously familiar, do I know you by any chance? =D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mikael


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Potato said
Is it possible for me to join in on this?

Just mind the OOC's first post stuff and pay attention to Celaira's post (the 3rd one in the OOC). She has tons of helpy things. Like our off-site website that shows all the lore. Feast your eyes on it~

Hey Dharc! Welcome =) I see you got my PM? ( I think )
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Hopefully there's still room for more Players as I'm currently working on a Human character who I'm hoping would be able to have a bit of magic. Still trying to determine everything, got most the lore and history read, and have a firm idea for a PC who's not a Saint despite his reasons being what most might consider right.

Right now I'm have a bit of problem with two things: His history that I intend involves a NPC which is younger then 16, the reasons I will PM the to both of the GMs as stated in the rules. (It's nothing bad but rather a key motivator and weakness for my PC) The second bit is magic as I intend to make his magic have a theme by having his own essence able to manipulate the related essence used in the matter. Like for example, being able to affect any Earth like elements around- within a reason means- by using his own essence to do it. (not quite sure if that's possible or how magic works in this world other then essence is the key and seems to be apart of everything... XD)

Also, Rtron once I get the sheet made and my stuff answered then likely I'll have you look over the magic bit. Mainly to ensure it's not OP... *shudders*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

*coughs and steps into the Demon Lord thing* Okay. Wind, Mika. As you said, Hell is 9,000 years old, who's to say that four--I'm sorry, no, it's five powerful demons, why couldn't they dominate the regions of Hell? Moreover, who's to say that there weren't more kingdoms, but they got taken over by the cardinal directions. Maybe there are demon lord level demons who want to overthrow the kingdoms. Also, we have no idea how big Hell is. We don't have a map, we don't have scaling, and it has never been discussed.

Maybe there's another continent to Hell that's like twice the size. We. Don't. Know.

So, while I have no issue with more demon lords, I do have an issue with Lords that were not previously established and trying to take places from one of the new people that wants a lord.

Oh, and let's not forget that adding a surplus of Lords to the already established kingdoms would break continuity.

Also, it's also probably a very rare practice to share a kingdom considering that most demons are selfish. Why would they share something with someone who could possibly become more powerful than they? *points to previous rebellion point and other continent* Explore that avenue.

EDIT: When I say level, I mean the power of the demon, not necessarily their status in Hell.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

So, in order to remove my own personal bias from this situation, Szayeis will be speaking instead. Enjoy.

"So what's this about other lords who existed in the past? That simply makes no sense. For, you see dear Over-goddess and creator of our universe, there have been other beings of considerable power, they have and have not succeeded in establishing their own kingdoms. It just so happens that their kingdoms were overtaken by ours, or that they themselves ascended one of the four thrones to rule in their predecessor's stead. Additionally, you forget that while Hell has existed for 9,000 years, demons take a good while to become as powerful as the first of their ilk, who were the first creations of true demons by Aaurus and Lucy herself. As such, those five original demons took land, conquered others, and made treaties with many demons. Afterall, where do you think wardens came from?" The lord swirls his cup of crimson bloodwine and takes a sip before glancing at a certain Celaira's response, "Now there's a idea, afterall, I may or may not recall a time in which lords from lands unknown to us attempted to infringe upon our lands. I don't know, the memory is faint and quite vague, it's hard to know if it truly happened at all."

Smiling lightly at the pleasant aftertaste of his wine, the lord stands from his place and drifts as a humanoid shadow through the strange realm called the 'OOC'. "Of course, I mean no offense dearest...Wind? Yes, Wind, that would be your moniker in this realm. I only mean to say it would make little sense and would certainly break time no matter how hard you tried to keep it stable. It is simply too dangerous to alter the events of the past. It is better to change what is in the present for the sake of the future...Don't you think?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh, yay, thank you Szayeis <3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Hehehe, I thought It'd be a bit more tasteful than one of my rants ^^;
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Synthorian
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

yoshua171 said
So, in order to remove my own personal bias from this situation, Szayeis will be speaking instead.

That was awesome, and has given me an idea...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Why thank you good sir :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mikael


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sounds good to me, Celaira. Let's get Wind and Slade (and other veterans) in on this discussion and see what they say.
Fallenreaper: We certainly have a lot of roleplayers, sir, but by no means are we cutting things off. As for getting up to speed on lore, I encourage you and all new mates to not get too stressed out over it, but I certainly want you to try and draw it in, and ask any questions if you're confused. As for your young NPC, well, send Slade and I a group PM and we'll discuss it. And... hmm... elemental magic? Sounds good. Nothing wrong with having it, but it is good to know your PC's source of doing it. For a human, that is using essence in inanimate objects and as much as their own essence as they can. That's a starting point.

Request: Would someone kindly look at what I just said to Fallen and make sure I didn't lead him wrong? >.<
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Mikael said
We certainly have a lot of roleplayers, sir, but by no means are we cutting things off. As for getting up to speed on lore, I encourage you and all new mates to not get too stressed out over it, but I certainly want you to try and draw it in, and ask questions if you're confused. As for your young NPC, well, send Slade and I a group PM and we'll discuss it. And... hmm... elemental magic? Sounds good. Nothing wrong with having it, but it is good to know your PC's source of doing it. For a human, that is using essence in inanimate objects and as much as their own essence as they can. That's a starting point.

Request: Would someone kindly look at what I just said to Fallen and make sure I didn't lead him wrong? >.<

I figured it keep simple for me and allows limitations I draw upon to make it seem less OP, not to mention give him a slight uniqueness to his magic. Now is there anything I need to know like rules that differ from demons, I know Angels can't use magic but they have skills similar to it or that's how I read it, like he has use an item or something in order to cast? I'm just making sure before I get to that bit.

As for the NPC, aim to do what you say once I get online later tonight and on a computer.

One last thing and you had no way of knowing this so there's no rudeness intended with this reply but I'm female. :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

*waves at Fallen* Welcome, welcome! Can't wait to see your character!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mikael


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Fallenreaper said
Now is there anything I need to know like rules that differ from demons, I know Angels can't use magic but they have skills similar to it or that's how I read it, like he has use an item or something in order to cast?

I'm not really sure what you mean. Demons manipulate essence in themselves and outside very well in order to cast various spells, including elemental ones. They can't create matter or energy. In contrast, all abilities of angels, while they may seem like magic, are just very souped up biological functions. A guardian angel gets damaged transferred from his charge to him no matter the distance. A weather angel -is- the kind of weather she/he becomes: volcano, storm, hurricane. They do not require essence to fuel these abilities: just stamina.

Fallenreaper said
One last thing and you had no way of knowing this so there's no rudeness intended with this reply but I'm female. :P

Oh! Well then, yes, my lady. I will serve you humbly. A GM who cannot provide this much dedication isn't worth his salt!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Since you asked and bold and italic statements annoy me, I'll be blunt. I think all "veterans" trying to restr players for no valid reason is selfish and unjust. All I can gather is that some people had certain ideas in their heads that they claim were set facts but, may I point out, we're never discussed with the actual GM at the time, ME. I allowed players maximum freedom which never meant to create lore behind my back and you now restricting other players with those "facts" is petty.

Whatever, I passed on the touch and won't correct any inaccuracies or restrict people unless asked an opinion. However I do call for Slade and Mika to act like leaders and resolve things like that sternly as you guys DID choose THEM to be leaders. Follow them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Weather Angels control all weather in a given area, actually. *talked to Wind about this a while ago when she wanted to make one.*
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