Name: Malik Akier
Age: Eleven
Gender: Boy
Personality: Malik is a stubborn, competitive Trainer, he loves a competition and will battle almost anyone. Once he sets his mind to something he will never give up, even when it seems hopeless. Beyond that he is cold to most people, but can be nice and caring to his friends and rivals.
History : Malik was born in the Kanto region and grew up in Cerulean City. Misty was a family friend of his, and he got early battle tips from her. Sometimes she would let him battle her using some of her spare Pokémon. When he was nine, his family moved to the Kalos Region to get a change of pace. As a parting gift Misty gave him a Staryu. He adjusted quickly to life in Kalos and was impressed by the number of pokemon he had never seen. That was when he decided he wanted to catch every Pokémon there was.
Preferred Partner:
Dream: To become a Pokémon Master! Gotta catch 'em all, down to the last!
Age: Eleven
Gender: Boy

Personality: Malik is a stubborn, competitive Trainer, he loves a competition and will battle almost anyone. Once he sets his mind to something he will never give up, even when it seems hopeless. Beyond that he is cold to most people, but can be nice and caring to his friends and rivals.
History : Malik was born in the Kanto region and grew up in Cerulean City. Misty was a family friend of his, and he got early battle tips from her. Sometimes she would let him battle her using some of her spare Pokémon. When he was nine, his family moved to the Kalos Region to get a change of pace. As a parting gift Misty gave him a Staryu. He adjusted quickly to life in Kalos and was impressed by the number of pokemon he had never seen. That was when he decided he wanted to catch every Pokémon there was.
Preferred Partner:

Dream: To become a Pokémon Master! Gotta catch 'em all, down to the last!
1. Staryu
Level: 6
Moves: Water Gun, Tackle, Harden
Level: 6
Moves: Water Gun, Tackle, Harden