Eric could be seen sitting against a tree, still trying to comprehend the situation laid out in front of him. He began to zone out as he stared off into the distance. Apparently the small bat-like creature that called itself DemiDevimon did not like this at all as it landed on Eric's head and payed no mind to the sharp claws slightly poking its new master's head.
"Hey knucklehead!" The small creature shouted at him. "You falling asleep or something? You haven't said a single thing since I told you about all this."
"That's the problem," Eric finally spoke to the creature. "I don't really get any of this. I'm just supposed to believe some demon creature that woke me up in the middle of nowhere and told me I'm in the 'digital world'?"
"Fine, don't believe me then." DemiDevimon flapped it's wings and flew in front of the young teen. "Whether you choose to or not. my offer still stands. I can help you! I'm a master of trickery and mischief that not even you and your envious rampage can compare to." It held out one of it's clawed feet which it uses like hands. "Come on... master."
A evil grin began forming across Eric's face. He instantly held his hand out and shook the digimon's claw. "What are you talking about? I'm just a poor, weak little teenager..." He used an obviously fake voice that sounded pitiful in the most sarcastic way. The little creature only muttered a phrase in a response, "more like a wolf in sheep's clothing," which it followed up with a mischievous snicker.