@KiltmanBagz Alright, so aside from figuring out a name for your race, and a few things to fix in the bio which would be good, the character seems great overall. With a few minor changes it will be character tab ready so consider it accepted.
@DrTwit Hmm well I noticed you spelled [devastating] devistating but aside from the minor grammatical nitpick I don't see anything holding the character from making the jump to the character tab. Accepted.
@NacNak I like majins and don't mind having one, though of course certain limits must be put in place. For example the Power Play rule will be unusable with her candy beam attack. So after reading the bio again, I noticed you ended with her still be imprisoned, was there a reason for that?
@Chev As for you just waiting until you can make those changes before I can decide.
@ChevUniverse 11 wouldn't have Saiyans, at least not Saiyans who were originally there. Definitely not it's own Planet Vegeta. 6 and 7 share a parallel history of sorts due to being twin universes, Universe 11 is twins with Universe 2.
Crap. I'll try and edit it when I get the time. My bad
Personality: Sythis is hot-headed and impulsive when pushed over the edge but normally is a mostly cheerful individual who tries to help out when he can.
Bio: Although he is a Saiyan, Sythis has no knowledge of his home world due to being only a few days after his parents were exiled from this universe's version of Vegeta. His parents often spoke against the Saiyan ruling family who responded by exiling them from Planet Vegeta with the promise that they would be killed if they returned. As such, the family of three were forced to settle on a planet far from Vegeta and Sythis was raised on a jungle world which was filled with various vicious beasts.
Vicious beasts who it seemed were constantly hungry.
As more and more time passed and he became stronger and a bit older, his parents began to tell his stories about the Saiyans and their legends and history but they also told him stories about an organization who fought against Evil and Tyranny all across the stars known as the Pride Troopers. After he was told more about the reason they were thrown off of Planet Vegeta he became more and more determined to one day escape the hell-hole they lived on. His parents encouraged his goal but at the same time they were worried: They knew the types of beings that the Pride Troopers faced and knew their son would have to become much stronger to accomplish his goal. They began to relentlessly train their son so he could become a candidate to become a pride trooper.
Nearly two years of constant training followed until one night, a small ship landed on the jungle planet that was Sythis's home. They were searching for resources but only found a battered and beaten young man who was on the verge of death. As they grabbed the Saiyan and attempted to treat his wounds, they saw the bodies of two other individuals that were nearly burned beyond recognition. Sythis could only say one word over and over as he hovered between life and death.
A few days later as he lay in the ship's medical bay, Sythis saw something that convinced him that he was either hallucinating or somehow he had hit his head really hard. There was someone staring at him floating slightly above the ground. Sythis, being confused tried to see it if was real only to fall to the ground. The figure spoke to him and offered him something that he didn't think he would ever get.
A chance to become stronger. To become strong enough to surpass his wildest expectations. To gain a level of strength even beyond that of the strongest Pride Troopers. Sythis accepted without hesitation
Aura Color: Silver
Preferred Fighting Style: Melee
Signature Combat Techniques:
Bone Breaker Strike: Closes to close range and slams into an opponent at full speed and follows it up with a close range energy blast if they are stunned by the initial attack.
Corona Launcher: Unleashes a massive blast of super-heated energy at a target
Nova Barrage: Sythis unleashes a barrage of super-heated energy blasts at an opponent or multiple opponents. The more that hit, the more damage is done.
"I believe now is the time to make our exit. Our target seems to have taken the opportunity to flee as well." ZD-6R said matter of factly as TIE fighters descended from the clouds and began firing. He was still trying to analyze what had happened and who was shooting down the TIE fighters but that wasn't his concern at the moment. He managed to rise to his feet and activated a flash grenade and held it in his mechanical hands.
"Hope you appreciate this. I could have blown us all up." The droid said simply as the flash grenade detonated and ZD immediately armed his weapons systems as Strakisssh appeared next to him with a squirming human male. ZD analyzed the human male and his ocular sensors flashed blue. "You found him. This was unexpected."
The Trandoshan flashed a toothy grin. "He was knocked out by one of the blasts from the TIE's. We should get going though. I have a feeling it's going to get even worse around here."
The two mercenaries turned and began to run from what was now a war zone. They stopped at the sight of people holding blasters who had the insignia of the Hutt Cartel on them.
ZD spoke up as he re-armed his weapons systems. "It appears that we may have to fight our way out." The lizard man next to him threw the unconscious former Imperial to the floor and grabbed his blaster rifle. "Find us cover and keep the bounty safe. I'll try and buy us some time."
"I would appreciate it if you didn't get yourself killed. There are far too few of us these days."
The Trandoshan smiled and pulled two grenades off his belt as the droid grabbed the out cold human and began to head for cover.
A former Admiral who fought against the Rebellion at the Battle of Endor, Admiral Velen Garja witnessed the Destruction of the Death Star at Endor and immediately took command of a small number of ships and fled the battle zone which his fellow Admirals thought was a wise idea. They were under the impression he was simply consolidating his forces and would attempt to either set himself up as a Warlord or attempt to join up with another Imperial faction and merge his forces with theirs to plan a counterattack against the Rebellion.
They were wrong.
A few days after the small force disappeared, a transmission was detected on Imperial channels across the Galaxy. The message spoke of the wrongs that the Imperial War Machine had committed in the years since the Empire had come to power and the corruption that seemed to be present everywhere. Now calling himself Grand Admiral Garja, he declared that his small task force would be a haven for Imperials who disagreed with what the Empire had done and would no longer follow Imperial Law. Deserters, Former Prisoners, anyone who despised the old Empire were welcome to join.
Of course, this made him an immediate target for loyal Imperials who made killing him and either destroying or capturing his ships a high priority. After a number of battles in which his fleet took heavy losses which included two Star Destroyers and a number of solders and crew members, his fleet was able to lay low for quite a while before they managed to repair the damage as best they could using what resources they had. As of now, his fleet in en route to Nar Shaddaa.
Captain Alianas Belina:
A former member of the Imperial navy who was forced to work in the kitchens due to Imperial discrimination, Belina deserted the Empire when the StarRiders sent their message across the stars and was barely noticed. It was after she joined up with the StarRiders and was able to show the Grand Admiral how much of a prodigy she was with battle tactics that she was given the opportunity to command one of the Grand Admiral's few remaining ships: The Victory class Star Destroyer Hope. Belina toke the opportunity with great enthusiasm and with her new ship along with a number of experienced officers, was able to raid an Imperial Shipyard in the chaos after the Battle of Endor and was able to steal four dreadnought class heavy cruisers along with an assault cruiser that was undergoing repairs. She is Garja's right hand and one of his closest friends.
Captain Alran Haltres:
A man of mystery who has been with Garja from the beginning, Captain Alran Haltres commands the Victory class Star Destroyer Judgement and is the one who can be credited with the StarRiders being able to stay ahead of the Imperial Navy for as long as it has. He is an expert when it comes to using his current environment against the enemy and is well respected among his peers for his innovative use of technology against enemy forces. He was able to save the lives of his crew members when fleeing from Imperial forces and was able to disable two Star Destroyers by using asteroids in the area as weapons by upping the power on the tractor beams and pretty much using them as projectiles which bought him the time he needed to escape.
Faction Assets: One Imperial MKII Star Destroyer: Redemption ((Undermanned and in need to repairs)) Four Dreadnought class heavy cruisers((In somewhat better shape but is mostly manned by droids and in need of some repairs)) Two Victory Class Star Destroyers: Hope and Judgement ((Both are in need to repairs)) One MKII assault frigate. ((Nearly unmanned and in need of repairs due to being under repair when stolen by Captain Belina.)) Eighty TIE Fighters Forty TIE bombers Thirty TIE Interceptors Fourteen cargo shuttles
No Strongholds
Manpower: Nine thousand former Imperial supporters who man various stations and attempt to keep the ships running. Forty thousand various droids for use on the heavy cruisers.
Credits: Due to the nature of this faction and the sheer amount of supplies needed, the amount of credits available at this time is around two million total and dropping rapidly
Access to Weaponry: Usually the StarRiders need to scavenge what they can.
Faction History:
A former Imperial Faction led by Grand Admiral Garja that is simply trying to avoid the Empire and Survive in a Galaxy that pretty much shoots Imperial vessels and personal on sight. The StarRiders are attempting to try and gather allies as they try to bring the fight to those who oppress others as well as fighting their former comrades from when they fought alongside the Empire. Time and Time again, they have managed to get out of nearly impossible situations by the skin of their teeth. They are perfectly willing to ally with a faction that supports their beliefs.
Strakisssh cautiously approached the Sith and shook his head. "We know nothing of whoever or whatever that is. We are simply mercenaries who wish to complete our assignment." He turned to look at the droid. "You managed to get a shot off that hit him in the leg. We should resume the chase, if our Sith friend here agrees to let us resume the chase." Despite the fact that it had been Imperials that had wiped out their organization this one had assisted them, so therefor they wouldn't try to fight their way out of this situation. ZD trained his sensors on the Sith and his senors flashed once as he picked up some sort of change in the local environment. "Is anyone else sensing that?" He asked carefully.