[ ◈ ] N A M E
Danielle Steel
[ ◈ ] A L I A S E S
[ ◈ ] A G E
[ ◈ ] B I R T H P L A C E
Central City
[ ◈ ] A L L E G I A N C E
Herself but seriously considering the Legion of Doom
[ ◈ ] P O S I T I O N
Mission Support
[ ◈ ] A P P E A R A N C E
Danielle is a 5'6 female with blue eyes and brownish hair. She has an average build and when not in her Velocity outfit she tends to wear a black shirt with dark blue jeans.
[ ◈ ] A B I L I T I E S // S K I L L S // E Q U I P M E N T
Ability to tap into the Speed Force and achieve Super Speed
Heightened Agility, reflexes and Stamina
Can create an airless vortex around a target to cut off oxygen by running around the target at high speed.
Heightened Agility, reflexes and Stamina
Can create an airless vortex around a target to cut off oxygen by running around the target at high speed.
[ ◈ ] L I M I T A T I O N S // W E A K N E S S E S
Although Danielle's top speed hasn't been measured yet, the faster she goes the quicker her stamina depletes. Once her Stamina is depleted her body begins to shut down so she believes it best to tap into the higher limits of the speed force only when absolutely necessary. Her intangibility and phasing abilities are somewhat limited and he hasn't had much experience with using the intangibility ability but she has used the phasing ability a number of times. Although she can use the speed force to avoid bullets and the suit is designed to be able to shrug off small caliber weaponry such as pistols, she is vulnerable to heavier weaponry such as Semi-automatic weaponry and assault rifles
[ ◈ ] B I O G R A P H Y
Danielle Steel's early life was uneventful. She was born and raised in a small town near Central City and moved there when she was twenty three years old. Her life was forever changed when she visited the Flash museum on a rainy day in November. A few hours into her visit, a battle erupted between the current Flash and the Rogues. During the battle, the flash was forced to tap into the Speed Force while fighting Captain Cold who was using new weaponry, Despite many of the people being evacuated from the Museum, Danielle was unable to escape and was stuck on one of the upper floors. As the battle raged between the Flash and his enemies, she tried to avoid getting caught in the crossfire but one of Captain Boomerang's explosive boomerang's took out a section of the floor she was standing on and she was sent flying through the air and slammed into the Scarlet Speedster. The Flash was knocked off course and the Rogues ended up escaping the battle during the confusion. Danielle was wounded and her heart was damaged during the fall. The Flash was able to get her to a hospital but somehow during the ten seconds it took for Danielle to get to the Hospital she flat-lined.
The Flash jump started her heart by using his ability to phase through objects and somehow Danielle was able to absorb a tiny fraction of the energy that made up the Speed Force from him, enough that he didn't even notice at first. The Doctors working on her first noticed that she was healing unusually quick at noon of the first day. By midnight of the same day, Danielle was completely healthy. Her parents were finally able to visit her shortly after midnight after a delay in being notified. She expected her parents to show her love and support and understanding.
She was wrong.
Her parents, after seeing a few involuntary displays of power such as her arms briefly phasing through the hospital bed informed her that she was no longer welcome in their home. Danielle's eyes widened in shock and horror as her "Loving" parents began screaming and yelling at her, calling her a freak and an abomination among other things before leaving her alone in the hospital room. Danielle buried her head in her pillow and began screaming into it as tears built in her eyes. The shock and disappointment was replaced with a fury she had never felt before. A few minutes later, the Hospital shook violently and when the nurses and doctors began to check each of the rooms to make sure everyone was safe. After reaching Danielle's room they stopped and stared in shock as they saw a rather large hole in the wall. Her room was four stories above the ground floor. Not knowing what to expect when they looked out the damaged wall, they were shocked to see a quick moving blur tearing across the city. Despite the Hospital notifying Star Labs and a number of people associated with the Justice League, so far Danielle hasn't been seen since the incident despite attempts by notable members of the League including the current Flash himself to locate her.
Danielle used to have a very bright and cheerful personality. She felt loved and respected by her friends and family, at one point she was in a loving relationship and had a somewhat decent job. After the incident at the Flash Museum, she has become very cold and quiet, that's not to say she is deliberately cruel and mean to people, but there was a definite personality change after what happened with her parents.
The Flash jump started her heart by using his ability to phase through objects and somehow Danielle was able to absorb a tiny fraction of the energy that made up the Speed Force from him, enough that he didn't even notice at first. The Doctors working on her first noticed that she was healing unusually quick at noon of the first day. By midnight of the same day, Danielle was completely healthy. Her parents were finally able to visit her shortly after midnight after a delay in being notified. She expected her parents to show her love and support and understanding.
She was wrong.
Her parents, after seeing a few involuntary displays of power such as her arms briefly phasing through the hospital bed informed her that she was no longer welcome in their home. Danielle's eyes widened in shock and horror as her "Loving" parents began screaming and yelling at her, calling her a freak and an abomination among other things before leaving her alone in the hospital room. Danielle buried her head in her pillow and began screaming into it as tears built in her eyes. The shock and disappointment was replaced with a fury she had never felt before. A few minutes later, the Hospital shook violently and when the nurses and doctors began to check each of the rooms to make sure everyone was safe. After reaching Danielle's room they stopped and stared in shock as they saw a rather large hole in the wall. Her room was four stories above the ground floor. Not knowing what to expect when they looked out the damaged wall, they were shocked to see a quick moving blur tearing across the city. Despite the Hospital notifying Star Labs and a number of people associated with the Justice League, so far Danielle hasn't been seen since the incident despite attempts by notable members of the League including the current Flash himself to locate her.
Danielle used to have a very bright and cheerful personality. She felt loved and respected by her friends and family, at one point she was in a loving relationship and had a somewhat decent job. After the incident at the Flash Museum, she has become very cold and quiet, that's not to say she is deliberately cruel and mean to people, but there was a definite personality change after what happened with her parents.
[ ◈ ] N O T E S
[ ◈ ] S O U R C E