Sure thing. As said earlier, take your time. This coming Friday is the last day (7/6/2018).
<Snipped quote by Chicken>
Oh dear, I must have overlooked that. I see, well I'll fix that ASAP. I actually wanted to go by the standard rules. I'm just used to putting '5's for normal and '6-7's for above average. Thank you for bringing that up. I sometime overlook things when I'm in haste to post.
@Chicken I was considering developing a toxicology proficiency for this character of mine, so, some more questions if that's alright.
While I'm sure there are flora and fauna within your world that also exist within ours, are there plants and animals present in your game that would be otherworldly to us, but seem mundane to those populating the Aldaric Sea region and beyond? And either way, what is the dispersion of these organisms like across the world?
<Snipped quote by Chicken>
Okay, the thing about Araby is I think they would just be lumped in with our band of order rogues instead of an actual faction.
Alright, I play on making a powerful Chaos character for this if we need a leader.
@Chicken So I've been hashing and rehashing character concepts for a little while, and for the past few days I've been chipping away at the one I want to go with. I did have confusion regarding certain proficiencies, however, specifically the medical ones.
Now I'm just a bit confused here as to how these proficiencies are technically unique from one another. There's just a great deal of overlap between all four. It makes me wonder, if someone proficient in anatomy, medicine, and herbalism, is useless if he isn't proficient in healing. Alternatively, is someone with the healing proficiency unable to make use of that skill without an understanding of herbalism or medicine or anatomy?