@Irisity With the changes you've made, your sheet will be fine. Note that horse riding, while a great skill to have for an overland campaign, may not come up as often in the dungeon. I'm not saying it won't come up, because chances are
it will, especially since lingering in Blackmire Keep rather than heading back to the surface poses dangers of its own. You may consider reducing your riding skill to 1 and spending the remaining 2 points on whatever other 1 point skills interest you. It also might make more sense as while Westerlings are well known for their horsemanship, peasants don't have easy access to horses. Still, things look good.
Your proficiencies and traits and flaws all make sense to me. I think your character is in good shape overall. Her skill with swords and with horses befits someone from Abagon, and her father being a poacher explains the rest of her abilities. Her personality works well.
One last thought occurred to me: leather armor is definitely a thing that existed. However, it's also harder to maintain than a simple gambeson, and a gambeson offers better protection. You can still use leather armor, but padded cloth may suit your character better while also being easier to repair. If you take my earlier advice and reduce your horse riding skill to 1, you can take Repair again and one other skill of your choice or making, and your character will be able to keep her own gear in decent shape.
I'd check for spelling errors or for typos ("shirt ride"), but honestly your sheet is just in good shape. Everything I have listed here is a mere suggestion.