Kari & Sigrun Haaken

"We won't go Gentle" "Our light never dies"
Name: Kari & Sigrun Haaken
Gender Female
Age: 23
Alignment: Dark Shadow
Rank within Organisation: Member
Location of Birthmark: Middle of the back, just below the neck on both of them
Magical Abilities: Necromancy - A sinister and forbidden art often thought of hand-in-hand with death, yet life and death have always been two sides of the same coin and the twins magic functions on the manipulation of what they refer to as life "sparks", what many other may refer to as a soul, and the energy around them. They can manipulate this energy in others and themselves, either nurturing it to speed up the healing process or invigorating it to improve ones physical capabilities. The more sinister side of this magic and what makes it forbidden is that they can also take this energy from someone, leeching it to improve the effects of their manipulation on others or for the simple act of killing the target. The sparks of magi are often difficult to snuff in such a way, ranging from extremely difficult to nigh-impossible. This is due to the magic that touches these sparks, making them refuse to go out yet easier to fuel and strengthen. Nonmagi on the other hand have no such resistance, and can be snuffed or fueled with extreme ease.
The twins have also found that not only can these sparks be manipulated and snuffed, but they can also be relit and even transplanted, allowing for resurrection.
The Twin-link: Due the deep connection the twins share their magic is amplified on one another, and allows for some unique effects.
-Danse Macabre: So long as both are alive they can amplify each others reflexes, healing, and physique much more than they could in any others. Becoming essentially superhuman.
-Hidden deaths: A spell unique to them and recently perfected. They've hidden the "trigger" for their deaths in each others sparks so no matter the distance between them so long as one remains alive the other will return from death. This has also stopped the slow deaths of their bodies, halting their ageing and rendering them effectively immortal.
Place of Birth: Copenhagen, Denmark
Currently Residing: DS Headquarters, New York
Personality: Partially due to their magic they have largely sociopathic tendencies and often view others as little more than sparks. They can be distant and slow to trust due to their past but those that get close can enjoy their kindness and loyalty, along with actually being viewed as a fellow living being. Their general demeanor is tomboyish and callous. They rarely take combat seriously and often make a sport or game out of killing their opponents.
The two are completely inseparable and seem to share a strange synchronous, often speaking together or in alternating sentences somehow always seeming to think alike as if they shared a mind. The discomfort this sometimes causes in others is something they find greatly amusing.
History: Most would say the Haaken twins were born with a curse, touched with forbidden magic as they were. Ulric Haaken, their father and captain with the Scandinavian branch of the guild, knew what this would mean for them but, loving his daughters so, he did everything in his power to hide them away. Private tutors were hired and other illegal mages were "overlooked" if they could help the twins with their powers. His efforts paid off for quite some time, seeing the twins through some 16 years before things inevitably fell apart.
One of their "tutors" was recaptured by the guild and in return for the lesser sentence of muting rather than execution they gave up the names of Ulric and his daughters. The mage was executed anyway of course, the gravity of Guild mages harboring forbidden magic being too much to call for anything less. The news reached Ulric before the guild did and he did not waste that warning. He turned to another mage that owed him a favor for letting him go, A blood mage by the name of Luka who was sympathetic to the man's plight despite his debt. Luka had connections in the underworld and could smuggle the young twins out of the country. Ulric himself stayed behind to face the guild, the twins mother insisting on remaining by his side. By the time the fighting had stopped and the twins' parents dead 12 guild agents had been killed and the twins were long gone.
From then the twins moved around a lot, Luka kept looking after them for another year or so before they split ways. They had some money, enough to get by for awhile, but they'd eventually need a way to get more. Naturally, they became mercenaries. The decision for two young girls to go down that line of work may seem strange to most but it was a practical decision for them, life as a hired gun would let them move around easily and the combat experience would help them if they ever had to fight guild agents despite it being mostly against mundanes, additionally their quick uptake on training, excellent coordination, and magical abilities that could be used in front of mundanes without being discovered make them quite effective at their work.
While they resented the Guild for what happened to their family they never really sought vengeance, survival being more important to them. However in late 2014 they heard of the organization Dark Shadow. Seeing them as a good chance for both they sought them out and joined.